The FictionMags Index
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Tuckerman, (1827-1896) (about) (items)
- The Lost Lamb, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1864, uncredited.
- The Sword of Damocles, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1866, uncredited.
- Looking under the Bed, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1866, uncredited.
- “The Great Idea”, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education June 1872
- White Slavery in Turkey, (ar) The New Review #26, July 1891
- Concerning Missionaries and the Troubles in China, (ar) The New Review #30, November 1891
- Anecdotes of Spurgeon, (ar) [Ref. Charles Haddon Spurgeon]
Tuckerman, Henry T(heodore) (1813-1871) (about) (items)
- The Rose Colored Packet, (ss) The New-England Magazine September 1835, as by The Author of “The Italian Sketch-Book”
- Time, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine July 1843
- To the Lady Isabella, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine August 1843
- Lord Byron at Venice, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine October 1843
- It Is Sad, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine March 1844
- To “Ye Ken Who”, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine June 1844
- The Hero of Lake Erie, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1853
- The Birthday of Robert Burns, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1861
- At Syracuse, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly November 1862, uncredited.
- To William Cullen Bryant. On His Seventieth Birthday, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly November 1864, uncredited.
- Lake Champlain, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly September 1866, uncredited.
- Reminiscences of Fitz Greene Halleck, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education February 1868
- Leathern Men, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education August 1868
- To C.S., (pm) The Atlantic Monthly August 1868, uncredited.
- On a Photograph of Athens, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1870
- Nathaniel Hawthorne, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education May 1870 [Ref. Nathaniel Hawthorne]
- The Elms of Old Trinity, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly September 1871
Tuckey, Bill (1936-2016); used pseudonym Romsey Quints (about) (items)
- Keep Your Big Paws Offa My Ferrari!, (ar) Man July 1966, as by Romsey Quints
- Ferrari: The Man Is the Car, (ar) Man June 1967, as by Romsey Quints
- Sport: The Tasman Cup Gets Serious, (ar) Man January 1968, as by Romsey Quints
- Where Have all the Big Wheels Gone, (ar) Man May 1969, as by Romsey Quints
- Rallycross Takes off!, (ar) Man April 1972
- It’s Gotta Be Trinkets, (iv) Man June 1972
Tudor, C. J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (books) (items)
- The Chalk Man, (Subterranean Press, April 2019, n.)
- The Hiding Place, (Subterranean Press, August 2019, n.)
- Final Course, (nv) Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy 3 ed. William Schafer, Subterranean Press, 2020
- Butterfly Island, (ss) After Sundown ed. Mark Morris, Flame Tree Press, 2020
- The Other People, (Subterranean Press, October 2020, n.)
- The Burning Girls, (Subterranean Press, September 2021, n.)
- A Sliver of Darkness, (Michael Joseph, September 2022, oc)
- The Block, (nv) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- The Completion, (nv) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- The Copy Shop, (ss) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- Dust, (ss) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- End of the Liner, (na) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- Gloria, (ss) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- I’m Not Ted, (ss) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- Introduction, (in) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- The Lion at the Gate, (ss) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- Runaway Blues, (nv) A Sliver of Darkness, Michael Joseph, 2022
- The Drift, (Subterranean Press, September 2024, n.)
Tudor, Carmen (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Grace Notes, (ss) The First Book of Classical Horror Stories ed. D. F. Lewis, Megazanthus Press, 2012
- Impasse, (ss) Noir Nation #3, October 2013
- Asrai, (ss) Miseria’s Chorale ed. David Nell, Forgotten Tomb Press, 2013
- Sand and Teeth, (ss) Fantasy for Good ed. Jordan Ellinger & Richard Salter, Nightscape Press, 2014
- Alone with the Muttonbird’s Call, (ss) Spirit’s Tincture #2, November 2016
Tudor, Russ (fl. 1980s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #20, Summer 1987
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #25, September/October 1988
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #26, November/December 1988
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
Tudury, (Rudolph) Moran (Rafael) (1901-1954); used pseudonym Alan Hyde (items)
- Three Black Candles, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1924
- The Swamp Fighter, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1924
- Time Out!, (ss) Sport Story Magazine October 8 1924
- Eleven-Six—or Better, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 8 1924
- The Razz, (ss) Sport Story Magazine December 22 1924
- The Boomerang Stroke, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 8 1925
- Monkey Business, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 22 1925
- The Champ Maker, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 22 1925
- The Anchor Man, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 22 1925
- Pulled Punches, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1925
- Kill the Umpire!, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1925
- The Crazy Guy, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 8 1925
- The Grand-Stand Player, (nv) Sport Story Magazine August 8 1925
- The Bozo, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1925
- Goliath’s Return Engagement, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1925
- In the Pink, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 8 1925
- Christmas Day in the Morning, (ss) Complete Story Magazine December 25 1925
- The Fire-Eater, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 8 1926
- The False Alarm, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 22 1926
- The Ringer, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 22 1926
- The Iron Man, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1926
- The Injun Sign, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1926
- Rooky, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 8 1926
- Call Me Bill, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 8 1926
- Champion, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 22 1926
- The Net, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 8 1926
- Colonel Jinx, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1926
- The Duffer, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 22 1926
- The Everglass Ghost, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 8 1926
- The Wise-Cracker, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 22 1926
- Second Best, (ss) Sport Story Magazine December 8 1926
- Cock of the Walk, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 22 1927
- Compliments of the Season, (ss) Complete Stories January 1927
- The Tailor-Made Champion, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 8 1927
- Ordeal by Soccer, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1927
- Brains and Brawn, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 8 1927
- The Forty Beat, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1927
- The Black Sheep, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 22 1927
- Touch!, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 8 1927
- Simple Simon, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1927
- The Has-Been, (nv) Sport Story Magazine July 8 1927
- The Third Man, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1927
- The Green Lantern, (na) Sport Story Magazine September 22 1927
- The Thirteenth Jump, (ss) Sport Story Magazine October 22 1927
- The Loud Speaker, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 22 1927
- The Lightning Pilot, (ss) The Popular Stories December 10 1927
- Soft Soap, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 8 1928
- The Gentlemen’s Race, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 28 1928
- Trial by Ice, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 8 1928
- Silence, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 10 1928
- Blinkers, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1928
- The Silver Spoon, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1928
- Swell Head, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 22 1928
- The Hero, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 2 1928
- The Buckaroo, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1928
- The Bull Gang, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 23 1928
- The Sword of Roses, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1928
- High Hat, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 8 1928
- The Silent Pilot, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1928
- Shiftless, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1928
- Tiger River, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st November 1928
- Just for Fun, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd November 1928
- Height, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1929
- Four Eyes, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1929
- Pardner, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st February 1929
- The Laughing Hazard, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd May 1929
- The Dumb-Bell Punch, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st June 1929
- The Return of Slattery, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1929
- They Never Come Back, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st July 1929
- The Bar, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd July 1929
- The Champ’s Number, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1929
- Timber Wolf, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd August 1929
- Line of Battle, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st October 1929
- The Short Skimpson, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st November 1929
- The Haunted Hurdle, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd November 1929
- Safe Ice, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1930
- Snowed Under, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st February 1930
- The Big Jump, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st March 1930
- Pug, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1930
- The Fifth Runner, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st July 1930
- Handy Man, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1930
- The Fighting Goldfish, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1930
- Hitter’s Alley, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st September 1930
- The Lost-Cause Gordons, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd October 1930
- The Sword of Mercy, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1930
- Glory Heels, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1930
- Tommy Hitchcock, (ar) Aces March 1931
- Aces Up!, (cl) Aces April 1931
- Desert Devil, (ss) Action Stories June 1931
- The Gravy Train, (ss) War Stories #96, July 1931
- Nothing to Report, (ss) War Stories #97, August 1931
- Captured as a Spy, (ts) War Stories #102, January 1932
- George Gipp, (ar) College Humor #99, March 1932
- Ace in the Hole, (ss) War Birds #53, April 1932
- Death’s Darlings, (ts) War Stories #105, April 1932
- Saddles at Sun-up, (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1932
- Nothing to Write Home About, (ts) War Birds #55, June 1932
- The Aces’s Ace, (ts) War Birds #58, December 1932
- Garros, King of the Air, (ts) War Birds #62, May 1933
- Dorme, the Impenetrable, (ts) War Birds #64, July 1933
- The Great Garrity, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine November 1935
- Glory Road, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine December 1935
- Match Race, (ss) Dime Adventure Magazine January 1936
- One-Man Team, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1936
- Plug-Horse, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine April 1936
- Jumping Jack, (ss) Complete Stories May 1936
- Pacemaker, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine May 1936
- Rough Water, (ss) Complete Stories June 1936
- The Third Yen, (ss) Dr. Yen Sin July/August 1936
- Clean-Up Man, (ss) Complete Stories September 1936
- The Fifth Ballet, (ss) Ace-High Detective Magazine October 1936
- Fighter’s Heart, (ss) Knockout Magazine January/February 1937
- Triple Threat, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine January 1937
- Dead-Eye Detail, (ss) Detective Action Stories April/May 1937
- Jump-Off, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1937
- One Mile from Home, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April/May 1937
- Battle Boat, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine May 1937
- Sailor Beware, (ss) Knockout Magazine May/June 1937
- Village of the Drowned, (ss) Horror Stories June/July 1937, as by Alan Hyde
- Hurricane Honeymoon, (ss) Romance August/September 1937
- The Maverick Sheriff, (ss) Western Aces August 1937
- The Kinlocks Drive for Nobody, (ss) .44 Western Magazine September 1937
- The Web, (cl) The Spider September 1937, etc.
- Crack Miler, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine October 1937
- Kinlocks Despise Sheriffs, (ss) .44 Western Magazine October 1937
- Kinlocks Hunt Gunplay, (ss) .44 Western Magazine November 1937
- Kinlocks Will Always Shoot, (ss) .44 Western Magazine January 1938
- The Tale That Dead Men Told, (ss) Detective Short Stories February 1938, as by Alan Hyde
- Lucifer’s Bride, (ss) Mystery Tales March 1938, as by Alan Hyde
- The Will to Win, (ss) Sports Action March 1938, as by Alan Hyde
- Murder Will Wait, (ss) Captain Satan June 1938
- Outlaw King, (ts) All Western Magazine #77, October 1938
- Dirt Cheap, (ss) Collier’s February 18 1939
- Picture This, (ss) Collier’s May 27 1939
- No Time for Glory, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June/July 1939
- Anybody’s Race, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine August/September 1939
- Blood on the Boards, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine October/November 1939
- Champ for a Day, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine October 1939
- Rose Bowl Goat, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine November 1939
- Mr. X’s Magic Corpse, (ss) The Spider December 1939
- A Mile for the Skipper, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine January 1940
- The Ghost Rides West, (ss) Battle Birds February 1940
- Rose Bowl Outcast, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine February 1940
- You Gotta Slug, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine March 1940
- Army Brat, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1940
- The Sailor from Culkins Creek, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April 1940
- Here Comes the Navy, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine May 1940
- No Gallows Meat in the Blizzard Runaway, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1940
- Navy Boat, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine June 1940
- You Can’t Quit Now!, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June 1940
- Grudge Fight, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine July 1940
- Here Comes the Army!, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine August 1940
- Million Dollar Quarterback, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine September 1940
- The Pigskin Soldier, (ss) All-American Football Magazine Fall 1940
- The Dixie Flyer, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine October 1940
- Army Record, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 1940
- Sucker for a Left, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine November 1940
- Eleven Mule Team, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine December 1940
- Murder Mile, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine December 1940
- Old Army Team, (na) Sports Novels Magazine February 1941
- One-Punch Champ, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine February 1941
- Slug Crazy, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine March 1941
- Million Dollar Legs, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1941
- The 880 Express, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June 1941
- One Mile to Glory, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine August 1941
- The Star-Spangled Bomber, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1941
- Dixie Dynamite, (ss) Football Action Fall 1941
- A Pass to Papa, (ss) Football Stories Fall 1941
- Run from the Gun!, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine October 1941
- Blood on the Bar, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1941
- Blow by Blow, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine December 1941
- Fight for Your Supper, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine December 1941
- Hero for Hire, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 14 1942
- Gamecock from Tennessee, (na) Frontier Stories Spring 1942
- Squeeze Play, (ss) Baseball Stories Spring 1942
- Short and Sweet, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 4 1942
- Meet Me in the War, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1942
- Jump Fighter, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1942
- Wheels of Destiny, (nv) Frontier Stories Summer 1942
- Lone Star Tornado, (nv) Frontier Stories Fall 1942
- Wolf War, (nv) North•West Romances Fall 1942
- The Iron Brigade, (na) Football Action October 1942
- It’s a Date, (ss) The American Magazine October 1942
- Prairie Doctor, (ar) Country Gentleman October 1942
- The Warrior’s Path, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1942
- After You’re Gone, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 2 1943
- Girl of the Golden Avalanche, (nv) North•West Romances February 1943
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