The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 727
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Bogert, Edmund A. (1892-1975) (items)
- The Outlaw Balloon, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #23, July 1929
- Sky Lanes of Death, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #24, August 1929
- Flying Hellions, (nv) Sky Birds November 1929
- Flight of the Kiwi, (ss) Sky Birds January 1930
- Medal Flight, (ss) Sky Birds April 1930
- Falling Angels, (ss) Air Stories February 1931
- Save Everything, (ss) Flying Aces June 1931
- “The Helpmate”, (ss) Manhunt May 1965
- A Body for Betrayal, (ss) Tonight v7 #1, 1968
Boggess, Ace (1971- ) (items)
- Stitchwork, (pm) Gaslight August 1992
- Enchanter, (pm) Haunts #24, Fall/Winter 1992
- Unlocked, (pm) Forbidden Lines #13, Winter 1993
- The Be-all, End-all, Book of Fear, (ss) Eulogy Spring 1993
- Protest, (pm) Gaslight April 1993
- Mental Scribblings, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #2, 1993
- Bad Bargains, (pm) Figment #14, Summer 1993
- Free-flight, (pm) The Leading Edge #27, June 1993
- Ghost Writer’s Fantasy Romance, (vi) Forbidden Lines #14, Summer 1993
- Shadow’s Army, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #6, 1993
- In the Mirror, (pm) Gaslight August 1993
- Luck, (pm) Haunts #26, Fall/Winter 1993
- Notes, After Seeing the Child, (pm) Random Realities #4, Fall 1993
- Shadows, (pm) Random Realities #4, Fall 1993
- Ballad of a Would-Be Hero, (pm) Not One of Us #11, November 1993
- Shadow’s Lust, (pm) Aberrations #15, 1993
- Shadow’s Pain, (pm) Thin Ice #13, 1993
- Prophecy, (pm) Haunts #27, Spring/Summer 1994
- Campfire Tales, (pm) Haunts #31, Spring/Summer 1996
- Scents, (pm) Haunts #32, Winter 1996/Spring 1997
- Heading Into Pittsburgh on the First Day of Summer, (pm) Gamut Magazine #5, May 2017
Boggs, Johnny D. (1962- ) (about) (items)
- The Snoring Man, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1994
- Blue, (ss) Louis L’Amour Western Magazine September 1995
- To See the Elephant, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1997
- Quanah Parker’s Gift, (ss) Western Digest #22, July/August 1998
- A Piano at Dead Man’s Crossing, (ss) American West ed. Loren D. Estleman, Forge, 2001
- The Cody War, (ss) Lost Trails ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, Pinnacle, 2007
- Mr. Kennedy’s Bones, (ss) Ghost Towns ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, Pinnacle, 2010
- The Curse of La Brea [Zorro], (ss) More Tales of Zorro ed. Richard Dean Starr, Moonstone, 2011
Bogg(s), Pete (fl. 1940s-1950s) (items)
- One War Shortage That Is a Blessing, (ar) Mammoth Detective May 1944
- Patriotic Convicts, (ms) Mammoth Detective August 1944
- Crime Oddities, (cl) Mammoth Detective November 1944, etc.
- The Specter of Shintoism, (ar) Amazing Stories December 1944
- Grafters in Togas, (ms) Mammoth Mystery February 1945
- The Deathless Paramecium!, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1945
- The Pleasant Dentist, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1945
- The Living Drill, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1945
- The Mi-Tsi-A-Da-Zi River, (ms) Mammoth Western September 1945
- No Smoking, Night Flyers, (ar) Air Adventures November 1945
- A Ranger’s Daring, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1946
- Soap Bubble Dream, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
- The Fearless Little Wolfe, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1946
- History of the Death Penalty, (ms) Mammoth Mystery June 1946
- The Conquest of Pain, (ar) Fantastic Adventures July 1946
- Nose Dive, (ar) Mammoth Adventure July 1946
- Strange Eclipses, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1946
- New Flying Boat, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1946
- Lock Up the Army!, (ms) Mammoth Detective September 1946
- Moonstone Mystery, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1946
- The Murdered Consul, (ms) Mammoth Detective October 1946
- Photography in Medicine, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1946
- Western High-Finance, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1946
- Female Bluebeard, (ar) Mammoth Adventure November 1946
- Solar Energy, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1946
- Transplanting Animal Hearts, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1946
- Short Circuit, (ms) Mammoth Detective December 1946
- The Sign of the Parrot, (ms) Mammoth Detective December 1946
- Strange Temptation, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1946
- Are Our Prison Methods Outmoded?, (ms) Mammoth Detective January 1947
- Drug of Truth, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1947
- The Golden Touch, (ar) Fantastic Adventures January 1947
- The Puzzle of Extinction, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1947
- Indian Astronomy, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1947
- It’s Never Too Late, (ms) Mammoth Mystery February 1947
- No Job for the Timid, (ms) Mammoth Detective March 1947
- Supernatural Wonderment, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1947
- Broken Homes and Crime, (ms) Mammoth Detective April 1947
- Rodent Jurist, (ms) Mammoth Mystery April 1947
- Animals Know, (ar) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- Bats, (ar) Mammoth Adventure May 1947
- Deep Sea Treasure, (ar) Mammoth Adventure May 1947
- $50.00 Answer, (ar) Mammoth Adventure May 1947
- Hunting Quirks, (ar) Mammoth Adventure May 1947
- The Luck That Failed, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- Bill Tilghman, Last of the Old-Time Sheriffs, (ms) Mammoth Western June 1947
- Pete, the Penman, (ms) Mammoth Mystery June 1947
- Plan for Robbery, (ar) Mammoth Detective June 1947
- The Thieves Were Foiled, (ms) Mammoth Western June 1947
- Bessie, the Smuggler, (ar) Mammoth Adventure July 1947
- Egyptians’ Sacred Animals, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1947
- Masters of Moulage, (ms) Mammoth Detective July 1947
- The Phantom Goes to Church, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1947
- Stories of the Gods, (ar) Mammoth Adventure July 1947
- Weaned on Crime, (ms) Mammoth Detective July 1947
- King of the Range, (ms) Mammoth Western August 1947
- Out of the Night, (ms) Mammoth Detective August 1947
- Ancient Marriage Customs, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- Easter Island, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1947
- Sir John Richardson, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1947
- Boy Emperors of Rome, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1947
- Desert Plant Life, (ar) Mammoth Western October 1947
- A Prophecy That Failed, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1947
- Hypnoanalysis, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1947
- Impossible but True: The Ball of Fire, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1947
- Fencing in the West, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1947
- Modern Fire-Walkers, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1947
- Feast of the Lanterns, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1948
- Not So Static Electricity, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1948
- The-Man-Who-Never-Walked, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1948
- Comanche Revenge, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1948
- Golden Eagle, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1948
- Hindoo Jaundice Cure, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1948
- Rocket Chaser, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1948
- The Equatorial Stratosphere, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1948
- Innocent Victims, (ms) Mammoth Western March 1948
- Redheaded Luck, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1948
- Bells of the Sea, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1948
- An Empire of Logs, (ms) Mammoth Western April 1948
- Sacred Crocodile, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1948
- A Courageous Ride, (ms) Mammoth Western May 1948
- Crocodile Treasure, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1948
- St. Swithin’s Day, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1948
- Animal Weatherman, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1948
- The Chinook Wind, (ms) Mammoth Western June 1948
- Jeweled Cobra, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1948
- Surprise Attack, (ms) Mammoth Western June 1948
- Go Away, Gravity!, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1948
- X-Ray Eyes, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
- Ghosts Along the Trail, (ar) Mammoth Western August 1948
- The Mental Feats of Mollie Fancher, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1948
- Wang: Business Man, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1948
- Get the Answer, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1948
- Tools for Seeing, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1948
- Apocalyptic Number, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1948
- Crazy Horses, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1948
- Atomic Ray Detector, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1948
- Chuck-Wagon Charley, (ms) Mammoth Western November 1948
- Indian Funeral Customs, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1948
- Push-Button World, (ar) Amazing Stories December 1948
- Railroad Fair, (ms) Mammoth Western December 1948
- The Ghostly Fragrance, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1949
- Grow Your Own Tooth Fillings!, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1949
- Medicine Bag, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1949
- Cure for Atom Sickness, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1949
- Record Rock, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1949
- Sacred Crocodile, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1949
- Antarctica—and Our Future, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1949
- The Perilous Trail, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1949
- The Crystal Set Is Coming Back, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1949
- The Snake That Ate Itself, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1949
- Golden Dream, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1949
- Mesozoic Reptiles, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1949
- Lakes of Legend, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1949
- Ancient Astronomy, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1949
- Blood Starvation, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1949
- Cowhand Mechanic!, (ms) Mammoth Western August 1949
- Indian Signals, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1949
- Who Owns What?, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1949
- Radioactive Railroad, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1949
- The Negator, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1949
- Speed Demon, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1949
- Mechanical Maids, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1950
- Oyster-Catcher, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1950
- A Science Paradox, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1950
- Time Travel Atoms, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1951
- Cancer’s Cause…?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1951
- Prognosticator Plus!, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1951
- Ultimate Death, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1951
- Nothing, (vi) Amazing Stories August 1951
- That Sounds Better!, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1952
- Find Your Prime, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1952
- King of the Conductors, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1952
- Of Men and Ice Worms, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1953
- Science Marches On, (ms) Fantastic Adventures
- Science Oddities, (cl) Amazing Stories
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