The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 673
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Ritter, Simpson M(eyer) (1914-1950); used pseudonym Ray P. Shotwell (about) (chron.)
- * A Chance for Youth, (ms) The Phantom Detective Fall 1951
- * City of Crime, (ms) New Detective Magazine September 1948
- * A Crime Camera That Doesn’t Lie, (ms) G-Men Detective Fall 1950
- * The First Vigilance Committee, (ms) The Phantom Detective March 1949
- * From the Annals of Crime, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine 2nd Spring 1949
- * From the Annals of Crime, (cl) Thrilling Detective February 1950
- * From the Case Files, (ms) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1950
- * The Literary Criminal, (ts) Triple Detective Winter 1949
- * The Locked Room Mystery, (ms) Thrilling Detective August 1949
- * Man Into Bloodhound, (ar) Triple Detective Summer 1949
- * The Path of Death, (ts) 5 Detective Novels Magazine November 1949
- * Pere Du Crime, (ts) Triple Detective Spring 1950
- * The Pitfalls of Forgery, (ts) Triple Detective Fall 1949
- * Screaming Death, (ts) Triple Detective Winter 1950
- * The Strange Confession, (ms) Thrilling Detective February 1949
- * The Tell-Tale Turkey, (ts) Triple Detective Fall 1948
- * Those Little White Lies, (ss) 2 Detective Mystery Novels Magazine Spring 1950
Ritterspak, Brian; pseudonym of Barry Forshaw (1948- ) (chron.)
- * Andrew Klavan, (iv) Crime Time v3 #1, 2000 [Ref. Andrew Klavan]
- * Audiocrime, (rv) Crime Time #22, #23, #25 2001
- * Audiocrime (with Adrian Muller), (rv) Crime Time #21, 2000
- * Bloody Tribulation and Horrid Sights: The Ancient Mysteries of Paul Doherty, (iv) Crime Time v2 #4, 1999 [Ref. Paul Doherty]
- * Colin Dexter interviewed by Brian Ritterspak, (iv) Crime Time #23, 2001 [Ref. Colin Dexter]
- * Crime from Canongate, (iv) Crime Time #20, 2000 [Ref. Douglas Winter]
- * The Gates of Janus, (br) Crime Time #26, 2002
- * Jeffrey Robinson, (iv) Crime Time v2 #5, 1999 [Ref. Jeffrey Robinson]
- * Kem Nunn, (iv) Crime Time v2 #2, 1998 [Ref. Kem Nunn]
- * Midsummer Madness: Caroline Graham, (iv) Crime Time v2 #4, 1999 [Ref. Caroline Graham]
- * Pick of the Publishers, (ar) Crime Time #25, 2001
- * A Quick Chat with Lawrence Block, (iv) Crime Time v2 #2, 1998 [Ref. Lawrence Block]
- * Surviving: Mike Ripley, (ar) Crime Time #49, 2006 [Ref. Mike Ripley]
- * Three from Granta, (br) Crime Time #37, 2004
- * The Trio (with Barry Forshaw & Judith Gray), (br) Crime Time #20, 2000, as by Eve Tan Gee, Judith Gray & Brian Ritterspak
- * Writing for the Maverick Reader: Alan Furst (with Woody Haut), (iv) Crime Time #23, 2001 [Ref. Alan Furst]
Rivett, Edith Caroline (1894-1958); used pseudonym E. C. R. Lorac (about) (chron.)
- * A Bit of Wire-Pulling, (ss) The Evening Standard October 11 1950, as "Death at the Bridge Table", by E. C. R. Lorac
- * Chance Is a Great Thing, (ss) The Evening Standard August 8 1950, as by E. C. R. Lorac
- * Death at the Bridge Table, (ss) The Evening Standard October 11 1950, as by E. C. R. Lorac
- * Permanent Policeman, (ss) The Evening Standard June 18 1951, as by E. C. R. Lorac
- * Remember to Ring Twice [Robert Macdonald], (ss) The Evening Standard June 7 1950, as by E. C. R. Lorac
- * A Screen for Murder, (n.) Doubleday, 1948, as by E. C. R. Lorac
_____, [ref.]
Roan, Tom; [i.e., Thomas B. Roan] (1894-1958) (about) (chron.)
- * Big Business, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 19 1934
- * Blood and Sand, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly November 3 1934
- * Blood Money, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 21 1934
- * Death Warrant, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly January 12 1935
- * The Devil Rides the Death Watch, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories May 1949
- * Devil’s Luck, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 9 1937
- * Doomed Men of Hell Hole [Heck Kilada], (na) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1936
- * Dupe, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 26 1934
- * Fiddler’s Bill, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 29 1934
- * Fiddle Yawberry—Fighting Man!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine April 1940
- * G-Man Justice, (nv) Gold Seal Detective January 1936
- * Goats to Gold, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 5 1934
- * God of Dreams, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly October 13 1934
- * Greek Meets Greek, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 25 1935
- * Hell on Wheels, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 29 1934
- * Hoss Laugh, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 28 1934
- * Hush Money, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 2 1934
- * Judas at the Bar, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 30 1934
- * The Knockout of Slasher Dan, (nv) The Underworld Magazine February 1930
- * Loot Island, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 19 1936
- * Lotus Blossom, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 8 1935
- * Midnight Rendezvous, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 1 1936
- * Open Up Those Boothill Gates!, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1947
- * Parole for the Dead, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories November/December 1936
- * Satan Covers the Waterfront, (na) Detective Tales December 1936
- * Sea Loot, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 9 1934
- * Service Free, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 23 1934
- * Shadows of the Crimson Tong, (nv) Ten Detective Aces January 1938
- * Shanghaied, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly November 17 1934
- * Swamp Lice, (ss) Justice May 1955
- * The Tattooed Lovely, (nv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Winter 1953
- * Tong Torture, (nv) Complete Underworld Novelettes Winter 1932
- * Twelve O’Clock, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 25 1936
- * Whip Saw, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 12 1934
- * Whiskey, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 16 1934
- * Yellow Guns, (sl) The Underworld Magazine Oct, Nov 1929
Robbins, Jhan (1919-1996); used pseudonym Jimmy Nichols (about) (chron.)
- * Blind Man’s Bluff, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Captain Murder, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Case of the Fiddling Firebug, (ts) Dime Detective Magazine October 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Case of the Jigsaw Corpse, (ts) Detective Tales August 1945
- * Clothes Make the Mug, (ar) Dime Detective Magazine June 1947
- * Cops Are Born, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Corpse Comes Home, (ar) Super-Detective January 1947
- * Crime Goes to Class, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine July 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Criminal’s Cop, (ar) Dime Detective Magazine February 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Cut-Throat’s Carnival, (ts) Detective Tales March 1949, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Dead Heads on Display, (ar) Detective Tales November 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Dearly Departed, (ar) Detective Tales January 1949, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Devil Shares a Body, (ar) Speed Detective October 1946
- * Frontier Oddities (with Waggener), (ia) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1947, as by Jhan Robbins & Waggener
- * Gaslight Romeo, (ar) Dime Detective Magazine April 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Genius at Work!, (ar) Detective Tales September 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Heel Was Nailed, (ar) All-Story Detective February 1949, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * It Slays to Advertise!, (ar) Detective Tales June 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Just Looting!, (ts) Dime Detective Magazine January 1950, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Lethal Old Ladies, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1948
- * Murder Masquerade, (ar) Detective Tales August 1946, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Please Pass the Poison, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1946
- * Queen of the Numbers, (ar) Detective Tales December 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Reunion in Hell, (ar) Super-Detective September 1946
- * $200,000 Mistake, (ar) Detective Tales March 1948
- * The Waxwork Wake, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1947
- * “We Supply the Bodies!”, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
Robbins, Ormond (Orlea) (1910-1984); used pseudonym Dane Gregory (about) (chron.)
- * All at Once—No Wednesday!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1942, as by Dane Gregory
- * Beware the Crying Dead!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Case of the Golden Girl [Lou Grandon], (nv) Detective Tales April 1942, as "The Mandarin’s Thirty-Third Tooth", by Dane Gregory
- * The Corpse, the Kid, and the Cop, (ss) Detective Tales November 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Dead Men Don’t Need Alibis, (nv) Detective Tales December 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Dead Men Laugh Last, (ss) Detective Tales April 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Death Winds the Clock, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Don’t Die for Me, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories June 1954, as by Dane Gregory
- * Dopes Die Hard, (ss) Detective Tales October 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Footsteps in the Dark, (ss) Detective Tales June 1942, as by Dane Gregory
- * Golden Lady of Death [Rocky Rhodes], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Guilt Is Where You Find It, (ss) Detective Tales February 1944, as by Dane Gregory
- * Happy Birthday from the Corpse, (ss) Detective Tales September 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Hardly Thicker Than Water, (ss) Detective Tales January 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Hear That Mournful Wind, (nv) Detective Tales November 1942, as "Lynchville Had a Barber", by Dane Gregory
- * Her Friend, the Killer, (vi) Strange Detective Mysteries October 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * If Thy Right Hand Offend Thee—, (ss) Detective Tales April 1943, as by Dane Gregory
- * In a Killer’s Shoes, (ss) Detective Tales November 1939, as by Dane Gregory
- * Jackie Won’t Be Home, (ss) Detective Tales June 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Key to the Grave, (ss) Detective Tales August 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Killer’s Love Song, (ss) Detective Tales November 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Lady on the Spot, (ss) Detective Tales June 1951, as by Dane Gregory
- * Last Mile [George Cameron], (ss) Detective Tales February 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Little Men from Hell, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Lynchville Had a Barber, (nv) Detective Tales November 1942, as by Dane Gregory
- * The Mandarin’s Thirty-Third Tooth [Lou Grandon], (nv) Detective Tales April 1942, as by Dane Gregory
- * The Man in the Murder Mask [Rocky Rhodes], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * The Men Who Came to Dinner, (ss) Detective Tales July 1942, as by Dane Gregory
- * Mr. Nemo’s Crazy Killers [Rocky Rhodes], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1939, as by Dane Gregory
- * Monsters Made for Murder, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Murder Maker [George Cameron], (ss) Detective Tales August 1953, as by Dane Gregory
- * My Fellow Traveler, (ss) Detective Tales February 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * My Night to Kill, (ss) Detective Tales August 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * One Lucky Corpse, (ss) Detective Tales February 1943, as by Dane Gregory
- * The Other Defendant, (ss) Detective Tales May 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Prison-Made Justice, (ss) Detective Tales December 1939, as by Dane Gregory
- * Remember the Blood and the Tears, (nv) Detective Tales January 1942, as by Dane Gregory
- * Save a Grave for Me!, (ss) Detective Tales October 1944, as by Dane Gregory
- * Scalps for the Butcher [Rocky Rhodes], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Sell-Out!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine October 1952, as by Dane Gregory
- * Silent Be My Grave, (ss) Detective Tales April 1943, as "If Thy Right Hand Offend Thee—", by Dane Gregory
- * The Silver Bell of San Gee [Lou Grandon], (ss) Detective Tales December 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Sing a Song of Slaughter, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * Society of Corpses [Rocky Rhodes], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1939, as by Dane Gregory
- * Sow Murder, Reap Murder, (ss) Detective Tales January 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * Tell Her That You Saw Me, (ss) Detective Tales June 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * That Kill-Crazy Cadaver, (ss) Detective Tales June 1943, as by Dane Gregory
- * When the Black Dolls Die, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1939, as by Dane Gregory
- * Why Couldn’t She Stay Dead?, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1941, as by Dane Gregory
- * You Can’t Pinch-Hit for Death, (ss) Detective Tales May 1940, as by Dane Gregory
- * The Zombie Murders, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1939, as by Dane Gregory
- * [unknown story], (ss) , as by Dane Gregory
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