The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 247
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Eberhart, Mignon G(ood) (1899-1996) (chron.)
- * Bermuda Grapevine, (na) The American Magazine October 1938
- * The Black Bag, (na) The Dragnet Magazine February 1929
- * The Bride Cried Murder [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week September 28 1958
- * The Calico Dog [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator September 1934
- * The Case of the Calico Cat [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator September 1934, as "The Calico Dog"
- * The Claret Stick [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator July 1934
- * The Dangerous Widows [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week January 18 1953
- * The Dark Corridor, (nv) Flynn’s December 5 1925
- * Date to Die [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week October 17 1954
- * Easter Devil [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator June 1934
- * The Empty Inn [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery March 1934
- * The E-String, (nv) Flynn’s March 27 1926
- * The E-String Murder, (nv) Flynn’s March 27 1926, as "The E-String"
- * Express to Danger [Susan Dare], (na) The American Magazine February 1939
- * Final Entry, (ss) Suspense (UK) October 1959
- * The Flowering Face [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator May 1935
- * The Hound of the Wellingtons [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week February 6 1955, as "Murder by Night"
- * Hussy!, (ss) Mystery May 1934
- * The Man Who Was Missing [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator August 1934
- * Marked for Death [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery November 1933
- * Miss Dare in Danger [Susan Dare], (na) Mystery Book Magazine February 1946
- * Mr. Wickwire Adds and Subtracts [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week September 28 1958, as "The Bride Cried Murder"
- * Murder at the Dog Show, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1958
- * Murder by Night [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week February 6 1955
- * Murder in the Rain [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week June 7 1953, as "The Rain Dripped Death"
- * Murder on St. Valentine’s Day [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week April 4 1954, as "The Valentine Murder"
- * Murder on the Wall [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery January 1934
- * The Murders in Federie Manor, (sl) Startling Detective Adventures #25 Jun, #26 Jul 1930
- * The Night Watch Mystery [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery August 1933
- * No Cry of Murder [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week June 29 1952
- * The Old Man’s Diamond [Sarah Keate], (ss) Mystery February 1934
- * Postiche [Susan Dare], (nv) The Delineator August 1935
- * The Rain Dripped Death [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week June 7 1953
- * The Valentine Murder [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week April 4 1954
- * The Wagstaff Pearls [James Wickwire], (ss) This Week September 21 1952
- * When the Clock Struck Seven, (ts) Suspense (UK) February 1959
Eccles, Marjorie (1927- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Egyptian Garden, (ss) Crime in the City ed. Martin Edwards, The Do-Not Press, 2002
- * Find and Replace, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2017
- * Murder in a Time of Siege, (ss) Past Crimes ed. Martin Edwards, Severn House, 1998
- * The Painter’s Wife, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2018
- * Rearrangements, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2009
- * Remembering Kazarian, (ss) Whydunit? ed. Martin Edwards, Severn House, 1997
- * The Search for Otto Wagner, (ss) Missing Persons ed. Martin Edwards, Constable, 1999
Echols, Allan K(rech) (1896-1953); used pseudonym Bruce McAlester (about) (chron.)
- * Aces Obey Orders, (ss) RAF Aces Winter 1942, as by Bruce McAlester
- * All Is Not Lettuce That’s Green, (ss) Triple Detective Spring 1948
- * The Banding Murder Case, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1933
- * Benny Sees Red, (ss) Black Book Detective Summer 1943
- * Be Sure They’re Dead, (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1944
- * Blind Doom, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1935
- * Brides for the Damned, (nv) Mystery Tales September 1939
- * Cattymount Gets a Grubstake, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western April 1946
- * Claws of Murder, (na) Thrilling Detective June 1934
- * The Color of Blood, (ss) Detective Short Stories March 1939
- * Curse of the Jeweled Siva, (ss) All Detective Magazine January 1934
- * Danse Anaconda, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951
- * Death in Oklahoma, (nv) Thrilling Detective August 1943
- * Death in Transit, (ss) Famous Detective Stories November 1951
- * The Desert Ghost, (ss) Western Aces August 1938
- * Die for a Smoke, (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1945
- * Doctor—Die for Me!, (nv) Crack Detective Stories December 1947
- * Doctor Guillotine, (ss) Thrilling Mystery October 1935
- * Dollars to Doughnuts, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine December 1940
- * Double-Crossed, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 12 1930
- * Fair Game, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1939
- * Fixing the Fence, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine January 1936
- * Forty Thousand in Twenties, (ss) Clues All Star Detective Stories February 1933
- * The Frame-Up, (ss) Thrilling Detective March 1933
- * G-Monkeys, (vi) Black Book Detective Magazine March 1936
- * Good Money, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1939
- * Guns of Gangland, (ss) The Underworld Magazine September 1930
- * Horror’s Hallowed Handmaids, (nv) Mystery Tales December 1939
- * Hot Ice Means Homicide, (ss) Detective Short Stories June 1939
- * The House of the Living Corpse, (na) Thrilling Detective November 1933
- * I’d Rather Call the Cops, (ss) Top-Notch Detective March 1939
- * King’s Pawn, (nv) Thrilling Detective January 1945
- * Lead Poisoning, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1941
- * The Little Things, (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1943
- * Marc of the Beast, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1947
- * Mr. Meriwether’s Badge, (ss) Black Book Detective Spring 1946
- * Mr. Witherspoon Breaks a Law, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine November 1945
- * Monkey Business, (ss)
- * Mrs. Moncrief’s Flats, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine Fall 1945
- * Murder Hotel, (nv) Thrilling Detective November 1932
- * Murder in Oils, (vi) Popular Detective July 1936
- * The Murder Trail, (ss) Thrilling Detective August 1933
- * Murder Without Crime, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine December 1944
- * My Life Belongs to Lust, (ss) Mystery Tales March 1940
- * No Lease on Life, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1948
- * The Parasite, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1939
- * Parasites Lost, (ss) Famous Detective Stories May 1951
- * Quail’s Way, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1943
- * The Reunion, (ss) Black Book Detective March 1941
- * St. Louis Blues, (ss) Popular Detective April 1946
- * Say It with Flowers, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1942
- * The Skull-Brides Beckon, (ss) Mystery Tales May 1939
- * The Sole and the Heel, (ss) The Phantom Detective June 1942
- * Souls for Sale, (ss) Mystery Tales June 1940 (unpublished)
- * Strip Queen, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1937
- * Suspicion, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Fall 1943
- * The Svengali Death, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine June 1937
- * Sweet and Hot, (ss) Private Detective Stories June 1937
- * Sweet Proposition, (ss) Thrilling Detective January 1943
- * Thieves’ Vacation, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1937
- * To Be a Cop’s Wife, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine April 1946
- * Too Many Guns, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine August 1937
- * Voice of the Dead, (ss) The Phantom Detective February 1942
- * While the Iron Is Hot, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine June 1946
- * The Yegg and I, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories June 1951
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