The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 356
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MacDonald, John D(ann) (1916-1986); used pseudonyms John Farrell, Robert Henry, John Lane, Scott O’Hara, Peter Reed & Henry Rieser (about) (items)
- Cash on the Coffin!, (ss) Detective Tales May 1946
- A Handful of Death, (ss) Doc Savage June 1946, as by Peter Reed
- Bury the Pieces!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1946
- The Dry Mouth of Danger, (nv) Doc Savage August 1946
- The Dead Dream, (ss) The Shadow September 1946
- Female of the Specie, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine October 1946
- Get Dressed for Death, (ss) Mammoth Mystery October 1946
- Justice in the Sun, (ss) Doc Savage October 1946
- The Little People, (ss) Doc Savage November 1946
- The Scarred Hand, (ss) Doc Savage November 1946, as by John Farrell
- The Startled Face of Death, (ss) Doc Savage November 1946, as by Scott O’Hara
- The Whispering Knives, (ss) The Shadow November 1946
- A Bat in the Hall, (ss) The Shadow December 1946
- I Ain’t So Dumb, (ss) The Shadow December 1946, as by Robert Henry
- Private War [Benton Walters], (ss) Doc Savage December 1946
- Redheads Won’t Wait, (ss) The Shadow December 1946, as by Peter Reed
- The Bright Flash of Vengeance, (ss) The Shadow January 1947, as by Peter Reed
- Eight Dozen Agents [Benton Walters], (ss) Doc Savage January 1947
- The Fixed Smile of Death, (ss) The Shadow January 1947, as by Robert Henry
- The Hands of an Artist, (ss) The Shadow January 1947
- The Anonymous Letter, (ss) Shadow Mystery February/March 1947
- Backlash, (ss) Shadow Mystery February/March 1947, as by Peter Reed
- Bonded in Death, (ss) Doc Savage February 1947, as by Henry Rieser
- The Deadly Game of Darts, (ss) Doc Savage February 1947
- Dead to the World, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1947
- Nor Iron Bars, (ss) Doc Savage March/April 1947
- You’ve Got to Be Cold, (nv) Shadow Mystery April/May 1947
- Suicidal Journey, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1947
- They Let Me Live, (na) Doc Savage July/August 1947
- To Cut the Cards, (ss) Doc Savage July/August 1947, as by Peter Reed
- Never Marry Murder, (na) Shadow Mystery August/September 1947, as by Peter Reed
- The Chinese Pit, (na) Doc Savage September/October 1947
- Design for Dying, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1947
- Manhattan Horse Opera, (ss) Black Mask September 1947
- Oh, Give Me a Hearse!, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1947
- My Mission Is Murder, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1947
- Second Visitor, (ss) Doc Savage November/December 1947, as by Peter Reed
- Worse Than Murder, (ss) Doc Savage November/December 1947, as by Henry Rieser
- When You Got a Pigeon, (nv) Shadow Mystery December 1947/January 1948
- Come Die with Me!, (na) New Detective Magazine January 1948
- Even Up the Odds, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1948
- Murder in Mind, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948
- High Walls of Hate, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine February 1948
- Her Black Wings, (ss) Shock March 1948
- One Vote for Murder, (ss) New Detective Magazine March 1948
- With Soul So Dead, (na) Dime Detective Magazine March 1948
- High Dive to Oblivion, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1948
- Blood of the Vixen, (nv) Shock May 1948
- Death Sleeps Here!, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1948
- Satan’s Angel, (nv) Shock May 1948, as by Scott O’Hara
- Call Your Murder Signals!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine June 1948
- Homicidal Hiccup, (ss) Detective Tales June 1948
- Sepulchre of the Living, (ss) Shock July 1948, as by Scott O’Hara
- Venomous Lady, (nv) Shock July 1948
- Cavaliers Make Good Corpses, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1948
- The Case of the Carved Model, (ss) Black Mask September 1948
- Fatal Accident, (ss) The Shadow Fall 1948
- Just a Kill in the Dark…, (na) New Detective Magazine September 1948
- Red-Headed Bait, (nv) Detective Tales September 1948
- Scene of the Crime, (ss) Detective Tales September 1948, as by Scott O’Hara
- Trial by Fury, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1948, as by Scott O’Hara
- Tune in on Station Homicide, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1948, as by Peter Reed
- Death Is the Answer, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1948
- Fatal Accident, (ss) The Shadow Fall 1948
- My Husband Dies Slowly, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1948
- Blonde Bait for the Murder Master, (nv) Crack Detective Stories November 1948
- No Grave Has My Love, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1948
- Damsels of the Deep, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 1949
- Hot-Seat on the Aisle, (ss) Detective Tales January 1949
- Three’s a Shroud, (nv) New Detective Magazine January 1949
- Blackmail Breeds Bullets, (nv) All-Story Detective February 1949
- A Coffin a Day, (na) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1949
- A Corpse in His Dreams, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Spring 1949
- Killer’s Nest, (ss) Detective Tales February 1949
- Danger—Death Ahead, (na) New Detective Magazine March 1949
- I’ll Drown You in My Dreams, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1949
- Killing All Men!, (na) Black Mask March 1949
- Kiss the Corpse Good-By, (ss) Black Mask March 1949, as by Scott O’Hara
- The Corpse Belongs to Daddy, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1949
- His Own Funeral, (ss) Detective Tales April 1949, as by John Lane
- Loot for the Unlucky Lady, (nv) F.B.I. Detective Stories April 1949
- The Widow Wouldn’t Weep, (na) All-Story Detective April 1949
- Get Out of Town, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1949
- Murder in One Syllable, (nv) Black Mask May 1949
- You’ll Never Escape, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 1949
- You Remember Jeanie, (ss) Crack Detective Stories May 1949
- Make Mine Murder!, (nv) F.B.I. Detective Stories June 1949
- Three Strikes—You’re Dead!, (ss) All-Story Detective June 1949
- Too Many Sinners, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1949
- Bedside Murder, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1949
- The Cold, Cold Ground, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1949
- A Corpse-Maker Goes Courting, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine July 1949
- Heritage of Hate, (ss) Black Mask July 1949
- Swing-Time Sucker, (nv) Detective Tales July 1949
- What Makes Sammy Laugh?, (ss) Detective Tales August 1949
- Dead—as in Darling, (na) New Detective Magazine September 1949
- Mad About Murder, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1949, as by Scott O’Hara
- The Miniature, (ss) Super Science Stories September 1949, as by Peter Reed
- Minion of Chaos, (nv) Super Science Stories September 1949
- Murder Run-Around, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 1949
- Poor Little Rich Corpse!, (na) Detective Tales September 1949
- Blue Stars for a Dead Lady, (ss) Detective Tales October 1949
- Last Rendezvous, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1949
- Target for Tonight, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1949
- Warrant for an Old Flame, (nv) F.B.I. Detective Stories October 1949
- The Durable Corpse, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1949
- Half Past Mayhem, (nv) New Detective Magazine November 1949
- Case of the Burning Blonde, (na) Detective Tales December 1949
- Take a Powder, Galahad!, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1949
- Stop, Look—and Die!, (nv) New Detective Magazine January 1950
- Swing and Slay, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 1950
- A Corpse on Me!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine March 1950
- Fall Guy, (ss) New Detective Magazine March 1950
- The Judas Chick, (na) Detective Tales March 1950
- Portrait of a Murderess, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Spring 1950
- Blood on the Midway, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1950, as by Scott O’Hara
- Pigskin Patsy, (nv) 15 Story Detective April 1950
- The Sitting Duck, (na) Detective Tales April 1950
- Breathe No More, My Lovely!, (nv) Detective Tales May 1950
- The Long, Red Night, (ss) Detective Tales May 1950, as by John Lane
- Night Watch, (ss) Detective Tales May 1950, as by Scott O’Hara
- This One Will Kill You, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1950
- Yes, Sir, That’s My Slay-Babe!, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 1950
- College-Cut Kill, (na) Dime Detective Magazine June 1950
- Sir Lancelot’s Crime Wave, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1950, as by Scott O’Hara
- Dead Men Don’t Scare, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine July 1950
- Dead on the Pin, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1950
- Five-Star Fugitive, (na) Dime Detective Magazine July 1950, as by Scott O’Hara
- Jukebox Jungle, (ss) Black Mask Detective July 1950
- Run, Sister, Run!, (nv) Detective Tales July 1950
- His Fatal Fling, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1950
- Exit Smiling, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1950
- The Homesick Buick, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #82, September 1950
- The Lady Is a Corpse!, (nv) Detective Tales September 1950
- Miranda, (nv) 15 Mystery Stories October 1950
- For Murder—or Worse, (na) New Detective Magazine November 1950
- The Paw of the Cat, (na) Detective Tales November 1950
- Tri-Kill Cutie, (na) Dime Detective Magazine November 1950
- Death for the Asking, (ss) Detective Fiction January 1951
- Over My Dead Body!, (na) Detective Tales February 1951
- Case of Nerves, (ss) Detective Tales March 1951
- Get Thee Behind Me, (nv) Detective Fiction March 1951
- The Deadliest Game, (nv) Detective Tales April 1951
- Death Is My Comrade, (nv) New Detective Magazine April 1951
- Violence Inherited, (nv) Detective Fiction May 1951
- Death Takes the High Road, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories July 1951 (unpublished)
- Lay Me Down and Die, (ss) Detective Fiction July 1951
- Crime of Omission, (ss) Detective Tales August 1951
- Dateline—Death, (nv) New Detective Magazine August 1951
- Death Runs in the Family, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine August 1951
- Case of the Gorgeous Gams, (nv) Detective Tales October 1951
- The Girl Who Wanted Money, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1951
- Betrayed, (nv) The American Magazine March 1952
- All That Blood Money Can Buy!, (nv) Detective Tales April 1952
- The Man from Limbo, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1952
- Who’s the Blonde?, (ss) Collier’s August 9 1952
- The Clay Pigeon Shoots Back!, (nv) New Detective Magazine August 1952
- Hit and Run [Walter Post], (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1952
- Trap for a Tigress!, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1952
- Double Harness, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 1952
- Dead on Christmas Street, (nv) Collier’s December 20 1952
- Death’s Eye View, (nv) New Detective Magazine February 1953
- Dead Reckoning!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 1953
- Finders Killers!, (nv) Detective Story Magazine July 1953
- A Coffin in His Dreams, (na) Triple Detective Fall 1953
- I Always Get the Cuties, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1954
- The Killer, (nv) Manhunt January 1955
- In a Small Motel, (nv) Justice July 1955
- Scared Money, (ss) Justice October 1955
- Squealer, (ss) Manhunt May 1956
- The Rabbit Gets a Gun, (ss) Manhunt January 1957
- Black Cat in the Snow, (ss) Manhunt February 1958
- Man in a Trap, (ss) This Week June 15 1958
- Funny the Way Things Work Out, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1963
- He Was Always a Nice Boy, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1971
- Night Ride, (ss) The New Black Mask No.8 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1987
- The Accomplice, (ss) The Strand Magazine #74, 2024
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