The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 517
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McCulley, Johnston (chron.) (continued)
- * Murder Under Guard [Jim Bodney], (na) Detective Novels Magazine February 1940
- * The Murgot Mob, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 23 1932
- * Mysterious Doctor Toke, (nv) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1921
- * The Mystery in Suite 40 [Speed Sparke], (nv) Detective Story Magazine March 7 1925
- * The Mystery Lighthouse, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1929
- * The Mystery of the Private Dining Room, (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 26 1920
- * The Mystery’s Key, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * New Year’s Duty, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Winter 1948
- * New Year’s Eve Test, (ss) The Phantom Detective February 1946
- * New Year’s Pardon, (ss) Popular Detective March 1948
- * New Year’s Pitfall, (ss) Popular Detective January 1949
- * New Year’s Trap, (ss) G-Men Detective February 1946
- * New York—Big Oil Town!, (nv) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories January 1933
- * Nick Carter Corners Doctor Quartz [Nick Carter; Doctor Quartz], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926, as by Nick Carter
- * Nick Carter’s Danger Trail [Nick Carter; Doctor Quartz], (nv) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1927, as by Nick Carter
- * Noggins Gets His Man [Peter Noggins], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 19 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Noggins Sees It Through [Peter Noggins], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 24 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Noggins Shows His Nerve [Peter Noggins], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Noggins’ Souvenir [Peter Noggins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 8 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Noggins Uses His Brains [Peter Noggins], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 29 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Nosed Out, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1937, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Obvious Clew, (nv) Detective Story Magazine May 28 1921, as by Harrington Strong
- * Old Lady Fate, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 1 1936
- * On Flimsy Paper, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 4 1922
- * The Only Way, (nv) Detective Story Magazine April 1 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * On the Brink of Oblivion, (sl) Detective Story Magazine May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28, Jun 4 1918, as by Harrington Strong
- * Open House for a Killer, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1947
- * Pardon by Force, (nv) Detective Story Magazine July 27 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Peanut Pete [Peanut Pete], (ss) Clues May 1932
- * Peanut Pete Leaves a Trail [Peanut Pete], (ss) Clues June 1932
- * Peanut Pete’s Change of Diet [Peanut Pete], (ss) Clues All Star Detective Stories December 1932
- * Pearls of Great Price [The Avenging Twins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 10 1923
- * The Perfect Crime [Terry Trimble], (na) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- * The Perfect Hiding Place, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Perfume Trail, (nv) Flynn’s January 9 1926
- * Picked Up and Brought In, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 9 1924
- * Plain Harness Bull, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 3/February 17 1920
- * Poddin’s Mistake, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1919
- * Poisoned Minds, (nv) Detective Story Magazine August 16 1924
- * Pores, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1921
- * Profit for the Mongoose [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 25 1933
- * Push-Over, (ss) Gang World March 1934
- * Quade’s Mistake, (vi) Detective Story Magazine September 7 1920, as by Walter Pierson
- * Quiet Christmas Morning, (ss) The Phantom Detective January 1948
- * Ransom for Vengeance [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 26 1932
- * Rat Eat Rat, (ss) Gang World February 1934
- * The Return of Thubway Tham [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1937
- * Richard Hughes—Railroad Detective, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine 1908
- * Richard Hughes—Railroad Detective, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine 1908
- * Richard Hughes—Railroad Detective, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine 1908
- * Riley Saves a Man, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 28 1920
- * Road to Jeopardy, (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine February 1934
- * Rogue for a Day [Black Star], (nv) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- * Rogues Retreat, (nv) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1928
- * The Rollicking Rogue [James Peters (The Rollicking Rogue)], (nv) The Corner Magazine June 1923
- * The Rollicking Rogue’s Second Deal [James Peters (The Rollicking Rogue)], (nv) All Star Detective Stories December 1930
- * Run to Ground, (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Santa Claus Precinct, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1950
- * Santa Thumbs a Ride, (ss) Popular Detective January 1948
- * The Satchel’s Secret, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921, as by Walter Pierson
- * Saved by Sorcery, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 22 1932
- * “Say It with Flowers”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 19 1921, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Scarlet Scourge, (n.) Chelsea House, 1925
- * The Scarlet Scourge, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Apr 27, May 4, May 11, May 18 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Scornful Waters, (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Sealed House, (sl) Clues Jul, Aug 1931
- * Seven Circles [Terry Trimble], (na) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1917
- * The Shadow on the Shade, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 2 1925
- * Shanghaied, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * The Shekel of Shame [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 23 1918
- * The Shrouded House Murder, (sl) Clues 1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 2nd Sep 1930
- * Six Sacks of Gold [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 4 1933
- * Slave of Mystery, (na) Detective Story Magazine March 25 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * Sleuth of the Rail, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919, as by Walter Pierson
- * Slippery Joe’s Yuletide Surprise, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1927, as by Harrington Strong
- * Smoke of Vengeance [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 3 1932
- * Snatch Thief, (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1948
- * Sneaky Pete’s Christmas Eve, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1948
- * Sneaky’s Christmas Pearls, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 3 1931
- * Speed Sparke [Speed Sparke], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1924
- * The Spider’s Command [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 17 1918
- * The Spider’s Debt [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1918
- * The Spider’s Den [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1918
- * The Spider’s Reward [The Spider], (na) Detective Story Magazine April 29 1919
- * The Spider’s Sign [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 21 1918
- * The Spider Strain [The Spider], (na) Detective Story Magazine April 8 1919
- * The Spider’s Venom [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1918
- * The Spider’s Wrath [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 22 1918
- * The Stolen Story, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1919
- * The Stool Pigeon, (nv) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1928
- * Streaks of Fire, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 18 1919
- * Swift Revenge [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1934
- * Terror, (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 24 1919
- * Terry Trimble and the Hidden Tube [Terry Trimble], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1919
- * Terry Trimble and the Impostor [Terry Trimble], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 18 1917
- * Terry Trimble’s Fox Hunt [Terry Trimble], (na) Detective Story Magazine September 2 1919
- * Three Tips to Trackadore, (nv) All Star Detective Stories October 1929
- * The Thrill of Suspense, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine October 1928
- * Thubway Tham [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1918
- * Thubway Tham and Cupid [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 6 1921
- * Thubway Tham and Elevated Elmer [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 4 1919
- * Thubway Tham and Mr. Clackworthy [Mr. Clackworthy; Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * Thubway Tham and Nira [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 10 1933
- * Thubway Tham and Simon Trapp [Thubway Tham; Simon Trapp], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 27 1925, as "Thubway Tham and Simon Trapp’s Trap"
- * Thubway Tham and Simon Trapp’s Trap [Thubway Tham; Simon Trapp], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 27 1925
- * Thubway Tham and the Con Man [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 13 1926
- * Thubway Tham and the Rube [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * Thubway Tham, and the Stars [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1938
- * Thubway Tham, Apprentithe [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1922, as "Thubway Tham’th Apprentithe"
- * Thubway Tham, April Fool [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 1 1922
- * Thubway Tham at the Danthe [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 25 1934
- * Thubway Tham Back Again [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 25 1933
- * Thubway Tham Begins the Year [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective January 1949
- * Thubway Tham Buys Buttons [Thubway Tham], (ss) Clues Detective Stories December 1937
- * Thubway Tham Consults a Doctor [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 26 1924
- * Thubway Tham, Delegate [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1921
- * Thubway Tham Dons a Dinner Jacket [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 27 1923
- * Thubway Tham, Eye Witness [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Summer 1950
- * Thubway Tham, Fashion Plate [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919
- * Thubway Tham—Framed [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 9 1931
- * Thubway Tham—Gangthter [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 10 1934
- * Thubway Tham Gets a Mud Pack [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 8 1924
- * Thubway Tham Getth Bail [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 12 1921
- * Thubway Tham Goes Highbrow [Thubway Tham], (ss) Clues Detective Stories February 1938
- * Thubway Tham Goeth to the Ratheth [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1921
- * Thubway Tham, Good Thamaritan [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * Thubway Tham, Hero [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 1 1924
- * Thubway Tham in the Movies [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1920
- * Thubway Tham Ith Raided [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Fall 1950
- * Thubway Tham—Kidnaper [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 22 1930
- * Thubway Tham Loveth Dogth [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 27 1930
- * Thubway Tham Meets a Racket [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 29 1937
- * Thubway Tham Meets the Crimson Clown [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown); Thubway Tham], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Nov 24, Dec 1, Dec 8, Dec 15, Dec 22 1928
- * Thubway Tham Meetth a Girl [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 18 1921
- * Thubway Tham Meetth Elevated Elmer [Thubway Tham], (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 13 1925
- * Thubway Tham—Model [Thubway Tham], (ss) Clues Detective Stories November 1937
- * Thubway Tham on the Air [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 6 1930
- * Thubway Tham, Optimitht [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 24 1920
- * Thubway Tham, Patriot [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1928
- * Thubway Tham, Philanthropist [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 1 1919
- * Thubway Tham Plays [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 12 1925
- * Thubway Tham Playth Thanta Clauth [Thubway Tham], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1920
- * Thubway Tham Reformth [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1922
- * Thubway Tham Returns [Thubway Tham], (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1959
- * Thubway Tham Rides in Style [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 6 1920
- * Thubway Tham’s Act of Mercy [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 30 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Baggage Check [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 25 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Bank Account [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Better Thelf [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Summer 1949
- * Thubway Tham’s Birthday [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1920
- * Thubway Tham’s Bomb Scare [Thubway Tham], (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1960
- * Thubway Tham’s Brother in Affliction [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 13 1924
- * Thubway Tham’s Chrithmath [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Chrithmath Tree [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Thubway Tham’s Couthin [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Fall 1949
- * Thubway Tham’s Crisis [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Winter 1951
- * Thubway Tham’s Crothword Puthle [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 29 1925
- * Thubway Tham’s Curiothity [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Thubway Tham’s Darkest Day [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 27 1920
- * Thubway Tham’s Deed of Mercy [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective September 1948
- * Thubway Tham’s Dithilluthionment [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 15 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Dog [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 1 1922
- * Thubway Tham’s Double [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 3 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Double Play [Thubway Tham], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1959
- * Thubway Tham’s Engagement [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Female Petht [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 23 1930
- * Thubway Tham’s Fithing Trip [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 28 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Flivver [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Four Queens [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 25 1920
- * Thubway Tham’s Funny Money [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Winter 1950
- * Thubway Tham’s Gloriouth Fourth [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * Thubway Tham Shakes a Star [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 31 1928
- * Thubway Tham’s Holdup [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 22 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Honethty [Thubway Tham], (ss) Best Detective Magazine August 1932
- * Thubway Tham’s Hoodoo Roll [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Hot Wallet [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1937
- * Thubway Tham’s Ides of March [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1928
- * Thubway Tham’s Ignoble Patht [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * Thubway Tham’s Income Tax [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Inthane Moment [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 19 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Inthult [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Inthuranthe [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 15 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Jealouthy [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 17 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Jewelry Haul [Thubway Tham], (ss) Clues Detective Stories October 1937
- * Thubway Tham’s Labor of Love [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 24 1925
- * Thubway Tham’s Legathy [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Merry Christmas [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Monkey Pal [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 7 1926
- * Thubway Tham’s New Thought [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1928
- * Thubway Tham’s New Thuit [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 28 1928
- * Thubway Tham’s Nithe Old Lady [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective Winter 1952
- * Thubway Tham’s Old Coin [Thubway Tham], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1938
- * Thubway Tham’s Operation [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1921
- * Thubway Tham’s Own Wallet [Thubway Tham], (ss) Clues Detective Stories January 1938
- * Thubway Tham’s Perfect Day [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective November 1948
- * Thubway Tham’s Preth Agent [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1919
- * Thubway Tham’s Pupil [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * Thubway Tham’s Puzzling Leather [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1927
- * Thubway Tham’s Quiz Program [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective March 1949
- * Thubway Tham’s Raffle Ticket [Thubway Tham], (ss) Black Book Detective May 1949
- * Thubway Tham’s Red Wallet [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 17 1926
- * Thubway Tham’s Revenge [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1920
- * Thubway Tham’s Rival [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Romance [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 9 1918
- * Thubway Tham’s Skyrocket [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 3 1926
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