The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 97
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Charteris, Leslie (items) (continued)
- The Prodigal Miser [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1963
- The Hopeless Heiress [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1963
- As Others See Us—II (with Dean W. Dickensheet), (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine August 1963
- The Russian Prisoner [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine October 1963
- Vendetta for the Saint [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (n.) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1964, etc. (ghost written by Harry Harrison)
- Instead of the Saint—I, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1964
- Instead of the Saint—II, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1964
- Instead of the Saint—III, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine October 1964
- Instead of the Saint—IV, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1965
- Instead of the Saint—V, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1965
- As Others See Us—III, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1965
- Instead of the Saint—VI, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1965
- The Saint on Television, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine August 1965
- Instead of the Saint—VII, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine September 1965
- Instead of the Saint—VIII, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) November 1965
- The James Bond Phenomenon, (ar) Diplomat December 1965
- Instead of the Saint—IX, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) January 1966
- Instead of the Saint—X, (ar) The Saint Magazine May 1966
- Instead of the Saint—XI, (ar) The Saint Magazine July 1966
- As Others See Us—IV, (ar) The Saint Magazine August 1966
- Instead of the Saint—XII, (ar) The Saint Magazine September 1966
- Recommending the Two-Carr Library, (ar) The Saint Magazine (UK) #153, November 1966
- Instead of the Saint—XIII, (ar) The Saint Magazine December 1966
- Instead of the Saint—XIV, (ar) The Saint Magazine March 1967
- Editorial, (ed) The Saint Magazine June 1984
- The Prince of Robbers [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv)
Chase, Borden; pseudonym of Frank G. Fowler (1900-1971) (items)
- Gorgeous Baby, (ss) Real Detective March 1934
- Another Man’s “Out”, (ss) Real Detective May 1934
- Excursion, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 11 1936
- Smart—Too Smart, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 14 1936
- Doctor Broadway [Timothy Kane (Doctor Broadway)], (na) Double Detective June 1939
- Calling Doctor Broadway [Timothy Kane (Doctor Broadway)], (na) Double Detective December 1939
- Death—Across the Board, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1940, etc.
- Dark of the Dawn, (sl) Detective Fiction September 3 1941, etc.
Chase, Joslyn (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- The Wolf and Lamb, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2020
- Cromwell’s Echo, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #5, 2021
- Still in the Family, (ss) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #6, 2021
- Death Makes a Dinner Date, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2021
- The Javelin in Her Hand, (ss) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #7, 2021
- Chamber of Vengeance, (ss) Mystery Magazine October 2021
- Broken, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #8, 2021
- Beyond the Horizon, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #10, 2022
- Facing the Diamond Hard Truth, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #11, 2022
- Cold Hands, Warm Heart, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #12, 2022
- The Devil’s Trumpet, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #13, 2023
- Miscarriage of Justice, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #14, 2023
- Because of Louisa, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #15, 2023
- Silver Secrets, Crimson Ties, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #16, 2023
- Mall Cop Christmas Parade, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2024
- Something Like Happiness, (ss) Mystery Magazine January 2024
- Colder Than Gazpacho, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #17, 2024
- Always Gonna Happen, (ss) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #18, 2024
- A Killer View, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #149, 2024
- Delivering the Egg MacGuffin, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2024
- The Flavor of Deceit, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #19, 2024
- Fastpitch, (nv) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #20, 2024
- Santa’s Eyes, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2025
Chekhov, Anton (Pavlovich) (1860-1904) (items)
- A Work of Art, (ss) Short Stories January 1906; translated by Archibald J. Wolfe
- Vengeance, (ss) The Stratford Journal January 1918
- A Malefactor, (ss) The Witch and Other Stories by Anton Chekhov & Constance Garnett, Macmillan, 1918; translated by Constance Garnett
- Sleepy, (ss) Cook’s Wedding and Other Stories by Anton Tchehov, tr. Constance Garnett, Chatto & Windus, 1922; translated by Constance Garnett
- The Avenger, (ss)
- The Revolver, (ss)
- The Safety Match, (nv)
Chen, Sarah M. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- The Donut Dealer, (ss) All Due Respect #6, May 2015
- Sensible Sleaze, (ss) Betty Fedora #2, 2015
- A Summer Drive, (ss) Crime Factory v2 #18, 2016
- Grateful Touring, (ss) Windward ed. Verena Rose, Kimberly Gray, Harriette Sackler & Shawn Reilly Simmons, Level Best Books, 2016
- Influencers, (ss) Switchblade Stiletto Heeled 2019
Chenicek, Albert (fl. 1920s-1940s) (items)
- The Crook’s Last Shot, (ss) Mystery Magazine #110, June 1 1922
- Bitter Sweets, (ss) Mystery Magazine #115, August 15 1922
- The Limit, (ss) Mystery Magazine #136, July 15 1923
- Racketeer Royalty, (ss) The Underworld Magazine March 1929
- The Pineapple, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 6 1929
- Wired for Death, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 23 1934
- Snap Trap, (ss) All Detective Magazine July 1934
Cherry, Samuel (Joseph) (1903-1975) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Dime Detective Magazine November 1942
- [front cover], (cv) Exciting Detective Winter 1942
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales December 1944
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales March 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales April 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales May 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective July 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales August 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective September 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales October 1945
- [front cover], (cv) The Phantom Detective October 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Popular Detective October 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Dime Detective Magazine November 1945
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales January 1946
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales February 1946
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales April 1946
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales March 1947
- [front cover], (cv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1947
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Tales November 1947
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective February 1948
- [front cover], (cv) Detective Novel Magazine Fall 1948
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective August 1950
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective December 1950
- [front cover], (cv) Black Book Detective Winter 1951
- [front cover], (cv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Winter 1951
- [front cover], (cv) G-Men Detective Winter 1951
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective February 1951
- [front cover], (cv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Summer 1951
- [front cover], (cv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1951
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective October 1951
- [front cover], (cv) Black Book Detective Winter 1952
- [front cover], (cv) The Phantom Detective Winter 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Popular Detective March 1952
- [front cover], (cv) The Phantom Detective Spring 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective June 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Popular Detective November 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Top Detective Annual 1952
- [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Detective February 1953
- [front cover], (cv) Mobsters June 1953 (unpublished)
- [front cover], (cv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Summer 1953
- [front cover], (cv) Nero Wolfe Mystery Magazine June 1954
Chesbro, George C(lark) (1940-2008) (about) (items)
- Snake in the Tower, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1969
- Strange Prey, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1970
- Tourist Trap, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 1970
- Firefight of the Mind, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1970
- The Paper War, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1971
- The Shadow in the Mirror, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1971
- The Drop [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1971
- Short Circuit, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 1971
- High Wire [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1972
- Broken Pattern, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1972
- Rage [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1973
- Country for Sale [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1973
- Dark Hole on a Silent Planet [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1973
- The Club of Venice, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1974
- Night Flight, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1974
- The Healer [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1974
- Four Knights Game, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1974
- Falling Star [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1974
- King’s Indian Defense, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1974
- Dreams, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1975
- Book of Shadows [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1975
- The Dragon Variation, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1975
- Tiger in the Snow [Dr. Robert Frederickson (Mongo)], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1976
- House of Rain, (ss) Mystery Monthly November 1976
- The Finest of Families, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1977
- Priests, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1991
- First Strike [Garth Frederickson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1991
- The White Bear [Garth Frederickson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1992
- Lone Wolf [Garth Frederickson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1993
- Haunts [Garth Frederickson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1993
- Tomb, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 1993
- Forced Moves [Garth Frederickson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1993
- The Lazarus Gate [Veil Kendry], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 1996
- The Problem with the Pigs [Garth Frederickson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1997
- Unmarked Graves [Veil Kendry], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 1997
- Home Inversion [Garth Frederickson], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2009
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