The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 131
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Dangerfield, Clinton; pseudonym of Ella Howard Bryan (1872-1954) (about) (chron.)
- * Arena Queen, (na) Rodeo Romances Winter 1942
- * Ash Acts Alone, (ss) Range Riders Western Fall 1942
- * Attempt in Hell, (ss) Thrilling Western October 1939
- * Auralie of Silver Spurs, (na) Rodeo Romances Spring 1944
- * Battle by Moonlight, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st October 1936
- * Battle on the Butte, (nv) Popular Western February 1937
- * Black Thunder, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1935
- * Bloody Web, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1939
- * By Courage Alone, (na) Rodeo Romances October 1947
- * Calico Sheriff, (ss) Western Romances #63, August 1936
- * Canyon Refuge, (nv) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1936
- * Challenge to Courage, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1943
- * Challenge to Fame, (na) Rodeo Romances February 1949
- * Coiled Peril, (ss) Far West Stories April 1929
- * Conquering Love, (nv) Rodeo Romances Summer 1944
- * Cowboy Express, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1937
- * Crest of Courage, (na) Rodeo Romances Fall 1945
- * Cupid on the Trail, (ss) Western Story Magazine May 18 1929
- * Death Hour Bargain, (ss) Masked Rider Western November 1943
- * Devil at His Elbow, (na) Rodeo Romances Summer 1950
- * The Devil of Tranquilo, (nv) Rodeo Romances October 1948
- * Devil’s Best Bait, (ss) Range Riders Western Winter 1944
- * The Devil’s Bowl, (na) Rodeo Romances Summer 1943
- * Devil’s Detour, (ss) Exciting Western Fall 1941
- * Don Valiant, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st December 1936
- * Double Justice, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st October 1932
- * Faithless Cowboy, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1937
- * Fire in His Heel, (ss) West March 1943
- * Flowing Silver, (na) Thrilling Western November 1937
- * Galloping Gold, (nv) Thrilling Western March 1936
- * Ghost Town Girl, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1938
- * Haidee’s Revenge, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1931
- * Hard Walkin’, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 8 1928
- * The Hate Barrier, (ss) Romance Round-Up January 1937
- * Hazard Trail, (nv) Rodeo Romances February 1942
- * Hearts Contending, (nv) Rodeo Romances February 1947
- * Heart’s Desire, (nv) Rodeo Romances Winter 1945
- * Hearts in the Arena, (na) Rodeo Romances Spring 1945
- * Her Mystery Man, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1937
- * Hidden Hearts, (na) Rodeo Romances July 1946
- * Homesick for the Range, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1939
- * If the Heart’s Valiant, (nv) Rodeo Romances December 1946
- * In the Teeth of Danger, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * Iron Men, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 11 1930
- * Kidnapped Cowboy, (na) Western Story Magazine August 3 1929
- * Land of Wild Horses, (na) Rodeo Romances June 1947
- * Last Refuge, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1938
- * A Leap in the Dark, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 27 1929
- * Let Strangers Alone!, (ss) Western Story Magazine July 6 1929
- * Lone Hand for Liberty, (ss) Masked Rider Western January 1944
- * Lost Treasure, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories November 1936
- * Love Is Where You Find It, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1934
- * Love Rides the Rodeo, (na) Rodeo Romances Fall 1944
- * Master of Destiny, (n.) Western Novel Magazine January 1930
- * Miss Wyoming, (nv)
- * Molly of Sealed Valley, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1940
- * Money Magnet, (ss) Ace-High Magazine April 1922
- * Montana Slim, (na) Rodeo Romances October 1949
- * None but the Ardent Heart, (na) Rodeo Romances May 1946
- * Out of Hell—by Satan, (ss) Buck Jones Western Stories November 1936
- * The Peril Trail, (ss) Popular Western July 1940
- * Playing for Life, (ss) Western Story Magazine February 23 1929
- * Range of Hate, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1936
- * Range Rivals, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1941
- * Roan River Rides, (ss) Thrilling Western June 1939
- * Rodeo Gold, (ss) Rodeo Romances Winter 1944
- * Rodeo Hearts, (na) Rodeo Romances Fall 1943
- * Rodeo Lover, (na) Rodeo Romances March 1946
- * Rosemary of the Rodeo, (nv) Rodeo Romances Spring 1943
- * Rose of the Ranch, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1940
- * Rosetta, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st May 1935
- * The Saga of Don Star, (na) Rodeo Romances June 1949
- * Salt and Water, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 1 1929
- * Saved by a Song, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 27 1928
- * Senor Handsome, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1939
- * Senor Wyoming, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories November 1935
- * Showdown in Cougar Canyon, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1936
- * The Silver Saddle, (na) Western Rodeo Romances Winter 1951
- * Sinister Coils, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 26 1929
- * Sinister Guest, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1936
- * Six-Gun Friendship, (ss) Far West Stories December 1928
- * Spirit of the West, (na) Western Rodeo Romances Fall 1950
- * Stagecoach to Romance, (na) Western Rodeo Romances Spring 1951
- * Storm King Hits the Trail, (ss) Western Story Magazine September 22 1928
- * A Strange Trail, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1933
- * Tex Turner, Champ, (nv) Rodeo Romances August 1942
- * That Outlaw Trap, (ss) Masked Rider Western November 1942
- * They Call Him Wyoming, (nv) Rodeo Romances Spring 1950
- * This—Great Snakes!, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 12 1929
- * The Threat, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1936
- * Too Much Rescue, (ss) Popular Western March 1943
- * Torches of Death, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1939
- * Trouble at Snake-Head, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1937
- * Under Terror’s Grip, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1940
- * Venture in Valor, (na) Rodeo Romances June 1948
- * Wagon Wheels, (nv) Popular Western August 1936
- * Where Mystery Rode, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st February 1934
- * Where Their Trails Crossed, (vi) The Golden West Magazine December 1927
- * White Flame of the Range, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1939
- * The Whittling Kid, (ss) Masked Rider Western March 1943
- * Wild Hazard, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1937
- * With Dragging Reins, (ss) Far West Stories May 1929
_____, [ref.]
Daniels, Norman (Arthur) [born Norman Arthur Danberg] (1905-1995); previously known as Norman A. Danberg; used pseudonyms Peggy Anderson, John L. Benton, Milton Burns, Isabel Cory, Will Garth, Charles Alan Gregory, Frank Johnson, Lew Martin, Max Neilson, Tom Parsons, Peter Reed, C. K. M. Scanlon, Rex Sherrick & Jud Tally (about) (chron.)
- * Accent on Courage, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1941
- * Almost Like an Outlaw, (ss) Western Romances September 1957
- * Apache Sundown, (ss) Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine June 1949, as by Jud Tally
- * Badman’s Girl, (ss) Rangeland Romances July 1954
- * Beauty vs. Bullets [Wilma West], (cs) Leading Western January 1949
- * The Big Hater, (ss) Real Western Stories October 1955
- * Big Talk, (ss) Western Short Stories June 1956
- * Bride by a Landslide, (ss) Rangeland Romances October 1950, as by Peggy Anderson
- * Catalogue Bride, (nv) Rangeland Romances November 1954, as by Isabel Cory
- * Come, Be My Gunman, (ss) Rangeland Romances March 1955
- * Corpse Canyon [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western August 1949, as by Jud Tally
- * Death-Tagged Peace Bond, (ss) Western Trails February 1949
- * Don’t Fool with a Gambler, (ss) Real Western Romances May 1955
- * Ghost Town Janey, (ss) Real Western Romances November 1955
- * Golden Girl, (ss) Real Western Romances March 1958
- * Gunman’s Gal, (ss) Fifteen Range Romances June 1954
- * Gun Your Man Down!, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories June 1954
- * High Stakes, (ss) Famous Western October 1956
- * Holdout, (ss) Real Western Romances May 1956
- * Hondo Man, (na) Real Western Stories June 1954
- * The Jackass Man, (ss) West November 1949, as by Jud Tally
- * The Lady Dealt Hearts, (ss) Rangeland Romances September 1954
- * Lady Vigilante, (ss) Real Western Romances January 1955
- * Lady with a Gun, (ss) Real Western Romances January 1956
- * The Last Bullet, (nv) Western Ace High Stories September 1954
- * The Long Trail [Steve Reese], (na) Range Riders Western September 1949, as by Charles Alan Gregory
- * A Man for the Schoolmarm, (ss) 2-Gun Western August 1955
- * Manproof, (ss) Rangeland Romances January 1955, as by Isabel Cory
- * Murder Fist, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Summer 1944
- * Nobody to Fool With, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine September 1956
- * No Sixes for Sale, (nv) Western Trails April 1949
- * The Peg or Two, (ss) Double Action Western July 1955
- * The Purification of Two-Bit, (ss) Masked Rider Western Summer 1950, as by Jud Tally
- * Queen for a Tinhorn Jack, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories September 1954
- * Secret of the Ambush Hills, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories July 1955
- * Senorita Winchester, (nv) Fifteen Range Romances September 1954
- * The Sheriff’s Gun, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories January 1956
- * Silver Handles Make Boot Hill Bait, (ss) Western Aces May 1949
- * Strong Man’s Spread, (ss) Rangeland Romances November 1954
- * Sugar’s Close Shave, (ss) Rangeland Romances November 1950, as by Peggy Anderson
- * Swing the Lariat High, (ss) Western Aces March 1949
- * Top-Hand at Lovin’, (ss) Rangeland Romances May 1954
- * Two-Gun Romeo, (ss) Rangeland Romances January 1955
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