The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 47

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    Best Stories of All Time [v1 #5, October 1925] (Clever Truths Publishing Company, Inc., 25¢, 96pp+, bedsheet, cover by Doris Lane)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 6 · Peter God · James Oliver Curwood · ss Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914
    • 14 · Love · William Shakespeare · pm (r)
    • 15 · The Spectacles · Edgar Allan Poe · ss Dollar Newspaper March 27 1844
    • 24 · The Avenger · Mary Roberts Rinehart · ss The Popular Magazine November 1908
    • 28 · The Sirens’ Song · William Browne · pm from The Inner Temple Masque, The Works of William Browne by William Browne, T. Davies, 1772
    • 29 · Miss Claiborne Foster, Success · The Inquirer · iv
    • 32 · Among the College Humorists · [uncredited] · hu
    • 34 · The Scarlet Letter [Part 2 of 3] · Nathaniel Hawthorne · n. Ticknor & Fields, 1850; abridged.
    • 50 · The Grand Marriage · Ludovic Halévy · nv (r)
    • 58 · What the Bullet Sang · Bret Harte · pm Harper’s Weekly August 26 1876
    • 59 · Lost by a Laugh · Honoré de Balzac · ss Shorter Stories from Balzac by Honoré de Balzac, Walter Scott, 1890
      translated from the French (Autre Étude de Femme, Conard, 1842).
    • 61 · Phillida and Coridon · Nicholas Breton · pm Englands Helicon ed. John Flasket, 1600
    • 62 · What They Laugh At in Europe · Various · hu
    • 64 · The Love Quarrel · Agnes Strickland · ss (r)
    • 71 · To His Coy Love · Michael Drayton · pm Poems by Michael Drayton, 1619
    • 72 · The Wedding of Jenny Distaff · Richard Steele · vi (r)
    • 73 · Margarite Sofori · William Ernest Henley · pm (r)
    • 74 · The Item Wasn’t Worth While · Ed Mott · vi (r)
    • 75 · What Three Men Say of Three Women · Various · ms
    • 76 · She [Part 4 of 6; Ayesha] · H. Rider Haggard · n. Harper, 1886; abridged.
    • 91 · Last Days of a Condemned Man · Victor Hugo · ex (r)
    • 96 · Clever Truths · [uncredited] · ms

    Best Stories of All Time [v2 #1, December 1925] (Clever Truths Publishing Company, Inc., 25¢, 96pp+, bedsheet, cover by Doris Lane)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 6 · Tess of the d’Urbervilles [Part 1 of 8] · Thomas Hardy · n. James R. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891; abridged.
    • 23 · The Real Santa Claus · Peter B. Kyne · ss Collier’s December 25 1915
    • 31 · Forty-Seven Girls and Sally · Earl Derr Biggers · ss The Red Book Magazine May 1913
    • 36 · How Anson Purdy Got His Start · Roy K. Moulton · vi (r)
    • 37 · The Adoring Ones · Pardo Bazán · vi (r)
    • 38 · The Bargain · Sir Philip Sidney · pm from The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, 1593
    • 39 · What They Laugh At in Europe · Various · hu
    • 40 · The Jelly-Bean · F. Scott Fitzgerald · ss Metropolitan October 1920
    • 47 · The Wolf · Guy de Maupassant · ss The Scrap Book December 1907; given as by dé Maupassant in the Table of Contents.
      translated from the French (“Le Loup”, Le Gaulois, November 14, 1882).
    • 49 · She [Part 6 of 6; Ayesha] · H. Rider Haggard · n. Harper, 1886; abridged.
    • 62 · Among the College Humorists · [uncredited] · hu
    • 64 · A Christmas Carol [Christmas Carol] · Charles Dickens · ex Chapman & Hall, December 19 1843
    • 71 · The Unfading Beauty · Thomas Carew · pm Poems by Thomas Carew, 1640
    • 72 · Dorathea · Mrs. Gore · ss (r)
    • 75 · The Vendean Marriage · Jules Janin; translated by Jane G. Cooke · ss Short Stories October 1899
      translated from the French.
    • 79 · Cavalleria Rusticana · Giovanni Verga · ss (r)
      translated from the Italian (Vita dei Campi, 1880).
    • 82 · Addison Spriggs in Pursuit of Happiness · S. E. Kiser · vi (r)
    • 83 · A Scandal in Bohemia [Sherlock Holmes] · Sir Arthur Conan Doyle · nv The Strand Magazine July 1891
    • 91 · Sepestia’s Lullaby · Robert Greene · pm (r)
    • 92 · Boum-Boum · Jules Claretie; translated by E. H. Du Bois · ss The Scrap Book June 1907
      translated from the French.
    • 94 · Beauty Bathing · Anthony Munday · pm Englands Helicon ed. John Flasket, 1600, as by Shepherd Tony
    • 95 · Clever Truths · [uncredited] · ms

    Best Stories of All Time [v2 #3, February 1926] (Clever Truths Publishing Company, Inc., 25¢, 96pp+, bedsheet, cover by Mara Malliczky)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 1 · St. Valentine’s Day · Charles Lamb · es (r)
    • 6 · The Ladies’ Dictionary · [uncredited] · ms; given as “The Ladies’ Calendar” in the Table of Contents.
    • 8 · The Dummy-Chucker · Arthur Somers Roche · ss Cosmopolitan June 1920
    • 13 · Sweet-and-Twenty · William Shakespeare · pm from Twelfth Night, Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies by William Shakespeare, Edward Blount and William and Isaac Jaggard, 1623
    • 14 · A Regimental Valentine · John Strange Winter · ss Army Tales by John Strange Winter, Lovell, Coryell, 1892
    • 19 · Malva · Maxim Gorky · ss (r)
    • 29 · Rosaline · Thomas Lodge · pm (r)
    • 30 · Vanity Fair [Part 2 of 9] · William M. Thackeray · n. Bradbury & Evans, 1848; abridged.
    • 47 · A Dream · —R · pm (r)
    • 48 · A Gentleman Finds a Watch · Georges Courteline · vi (r)
    • 50 · Among the College Humorists · [uncredited] · hu
    • 52 · Two Little Soldiers · Guy de Maupassant · ss Allouma and Other Tales by Guy de Maupassant, Holland Pub. Co., 1895
      translated from the French (“Petit Soldat”, Le Figaro April 13, 1885).
    • 54 · Cards and Kisses · John Lyly · pm (r)
    • 55 · The Cruise of the “Scandal” · Victor Bridges · ss Ainslee’s May 1913
    • 61 · The Stolen Letter · Wilkie Collins · ss Household Words Christmas 1854, as “The Fourth Poor Traveller”, uncredited.
    • 68 · Meg May’s Valentine · [uncredited] · pm (r)
    • 69 · The Student’s Bride · Washington Irving · vi (r)
    • 71 · Song · John Cutts · pm (r)
    • 72 · The Fur Coat · Ludwig Fulda · ss The Masses January 1911
    • 75 · St. Valentine’s Magic Wand · William Waterfield · pm (r)
    • 76 · What They Laugh At in Europe · Various · hu
    • 78 · Tess of the d’Urbervilles [Part 3 of 8] · Thomas Hardy · n. James R. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891; abridged.
    • 95 · Clever Truths · [uncredited] · ms

    Best Stories of All Time [v2 #4, March 1926] (Clever Truths Publishing Company, Inc., 25¢, 96pp+, bedsheet, cover by W. T. Benda)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 1 · March · William Morris · pm The Earthly Paradise by William Morris, F.S. Ellis, 1868
    • 6 · The Ladies’ Dictionary · [uncredited] · ms
    • 8 · Fables of Man · [uncredited] · ms
    • 9 · The Marquise · George Sand · ss (r)
      translated from the French (“La Marquise”, La Revue de Paris, 1832).
    • 18 · The Question · Percy Bysshe Shelley · pm (r)
    • 19 · Two Hearts That Beat As One [3 Black Crows] · Frank Norris · ss Ainslee’s Magazine January 1903
    • 23 · Sun and Rain · [uncredited] · pm (r)
    • 25 · Love on a Raft · Maxim Gorky · ss (r)
    • 30 · Woman’s Will · [uncredited] · pm (r)
    • 31 · A Perfect Love Story · Ludovic Halévy · ss (r)
    • 40 · A Village Kiss · [uncredited] · vi (r)
    • 41 · Gifts · James Thomson · pm from “Sunday Up the River”, The City of Dreadful Night and Other Poems by James Thomson, Reeves and Turner, 1880
    • 42 · Vanity Fair [Part 3 of 9] · William M. Thackeray · n. Bradbury & Evans, 1848; abridged.
    • 52 · Foreign Humor · [uncredited] · hu
    • 54 · What Would You Do? · Meredith Nicholson · ss McClure’s Magazine January 1921
    • 61 · When Lovely Woman · Phoebe Cary · pm (r)
    • 62 · An Easy Life · [uncredited] · ct
    • 63 · The Telegraph Operator · Alphonse Allais · vi (r)
    • 64 · The Fury · Paul Heyse · ss Four Phases of Love by Paul Heyse, G. Routledge and Co., 1857, as “The Rabbiata”
      translated from the German (“L’Arrabiata”, 1853).
    • 71 · Do You Remember? · Thomas Haynes Bayly · pm (r)
    • 72 · Home Brew · Sophie Kerr · ss Metropolitan June 1921
    • 78 · The Proposal · Etincelle; translated by Edith Duff · ss Romance July 1893
    • 81 · Song in March · William Gilmore Simms · pm (r)
    • 82 · Tess of the d’Urbervilles [Part 4 of 8] · Thomas Hardy · n. James R. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891; abridged.

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