The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2049
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Welker, Gaylord (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Astounding Science Fiction December 1952
- * [front cover], (cv) Amazing Stories August/September 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Amazing Stories (UK) v1 #1, 1953
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Astounding Science Fiction Jan, Mar, Jun, Sep, Nov 1951, Jun, Sep 1952
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) Mar, Jul, Nov 1952
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amazing Stories September 1952
_____, after.
Wellart, Carol (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Metaphorosis May, Nov 2017, Jul, Sep 2018, Feb, May 2020, Jul, Dec 2021, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2022
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 2023, Fll 2024
- * [front cover], (cv) Lackington’s #18, Fall 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Leading Edge #74, April 2019
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Gathering Storm Magazine #3, June 2017
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Leading Edge #74, April 2019
Wellartová, Karolína (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #36 2018, #40 2019, #43, #44 2020, #47, #49 2021, #51, #52 2022, #56, #57 2023
Wellen, Edward (Paul) [né Levy] (1919-2011) (about) (chron.)
- * Androids Don’t Cry, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1973
- * Apocryphal Fragment, (vi) Amazing Stories September 1962
- * Army Without Banners, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1957
- * Barbarossa, (vi) Vertex June 1973
- * Bearings, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1978
- * The Big Cheese, (ss) Imagination May 1953
- * The Book of Elijah, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1964
- * Buffoon, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1964
- * Call Me Proteus, (nv) Worlds of If March/April 1973
- * Chalk Talk, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1973
- * Checkmate, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1980
- * Cool Cat, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1990
- * The Cryonauts, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1973
- * Deadly Game, (ss) If May 1962
- * Deadpan, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1975
- * Dr. Vickers’ Car, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction October 1957
- * The Engrammar Age, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction February 1957
- * Errata Slip, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September/October 1978
- * Errata Slip Nubmer Two, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November/December 1978
- * Film Buff, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1973
- * Finger of Fate, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1980
- * Flashback, (nv) Amazing Stories April 1962
- * Further Deponent Sayeth Not, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1977
- * Godsend, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1973
- * Goldbrick, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1978
- * Hear a Pin Drop, (ss) Fantastic April 1959
- * Heroic Measures, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 5 1981
- * Hijack, (n.) Venture Science Fiction May 1970
- * Hotline, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1981
- * IOU, (nv) If March 1961
- * The Message, (nv) Fantastic Stories of Imagination May 1963
- * Mouthpiece, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1974
- * No Other Gods, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1972
- * Note for a Time Capsule, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction March 1958
- * Old Hat, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1958
- * One Per Cent Inspiration, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction November 1957
- * Origins of Galactic Advice to the Lovelorn, (fa) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1955
- * Origins of Galactic Etiquette, (fa) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1953
- * Origins of Galactic Fruit Salad, (fa) Galaxy Magazine February 1962
- * Origins of Galactic Law, (fa) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1953
- * Origins of Galactic Medicine, (fa) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1953
- * Origins of Galactic Philosophy, (fa) Galaxy Magazine June 1962
- * Origins of Galactic Slang, (fa) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1952
- * Origins of the Galactic Short-Snorter, (fa) Galaxy Magazine October 1960
- * Pattern, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1984
- * The People Who Write Science Stories, (bg) Science Stories #2, December 1953
- * Ransom, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Root of Evil, (ss) Science Stories #2, December 1953
- * Sanity Clause, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1975
- * The Second Fall, or Anthony Comstock’s Final Victory, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1974
- * Seven Day’s Wonder, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1963
- * Shapes to Come, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1969
- * Spur the Nightmare, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1983
- * The Superstition-Seeders, (na) Infinity Science Fiction December 1956
- * Sweet Dreams, (nv) Infinity Science Fiction July 1957
- * Tar Baby, (nv) Worlds of If March/April 1974
- * Thataway, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1974
- * Utter Silence, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction February 1957
- * The Voices, (vi) Universe Science Fiction #4, March 1954
- * Waswolf, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1987
- * While-You-Wait, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1979
- * With Ah! Bright Wings, (ss) Venture Science Fiction August 1969
- * The World in the Juke Box, (nv) Infinity Science Fiction August 1956
- * [letter], (lt) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1952
Weller, AnnaLinden (1985- ); used pseudonym Arkady Martine (about) (chron.)
- * Editor (with Danika Dinsmore): Reckoning #4, 2020, as by Danika Dinsmore & Arkady Martine
- * Abandon Normal Instruments, (pm) Mithila Review #2, April 2016, as by Arkady Martine
- * Adjuva, (ss) Lakeside Circus Spring 2015, as by Arkady Martine
- * All the Colors You Thought Were Kings, (ss) Shimmer #31, May 2016, as by Arkady Martine
- * A Being Together Amongst Strangers, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #34, May/June 2020, as by Arkady Martine
- * City of Salt, (ss) Strange Horizons March 16 2015, as by Arkady Martine
- * Cloud Wall, (pm) Strange Horizons October 20 2014, as by Arkady Martine
- * “Contra Gravitatem (Vita Genevievis)”, (ss) Lackington’s #9, Winter 2016, as by Arkady Martine
- * A Desolation Called Peace [Teixcalaan], (ex) Tor, March 2021, as by Arkady Martine
- * Everyone’s World Is Ending All the Time: Notes on Becoming a Climate Resilience Planner at the Edge of the Anthropocene, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #28, May/June 2019, as by Arkady Martine
- * “Fear Death by Water”, (ss) Unlikely Story #12.5, June 2016, as by Arkady Martine
- * From the Editors:
* ___ Holding On When All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, (ed) Reckoning #4, 2020, as by Arkady Martine
- * Holding On When All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, (ed) Reckoning #4, 2020, as by Arkady Martine
- * How the God Auzh-Aravik Brought Order to the World Outside the World, (ss) Strange Horizons January 18 2016, as by Arkady Martine
- * The Hydraulic Emperor, (nv) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018, as by Arkady Martine
- * Just a Fire, (ss) Metaphorosis August 2018, as by Arkady Martine
- * Lace Downstairs, (nv) Abyss & Apex #44, 4th Quarter 2012, as by Arkady Martine
- * Life and a Day, (ss) LampLight December 2018, as by Arkady Martine
- * A Memory Called Empire [Teixcalaan], (ex) Tor, March 2019, as by Arkady Martine
- * Nothing Must Be Wasted, (ss) Ideomancer September 2014, as by Arkady Martine
- * Object-Oriented, (vi) Fireside Magazine #53, March 2018, as by Arkady Martine
- * Ruin Marble, (ss) Mithila Review #8, April/June 2017, as by Arkady Martine
- * Three Faces of a Beheading, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #58, May/June 2024, as by Arkady Martine
- * When the Fall Is All That’s Left, (ss) Apex Magazine #77, October 2015, as by Arkady Martine
_____, [ref.]
- * Arkady Martine Interview by Salik Shah, (iv) Mithila Review #2, April 2016
- * Byzantium, New York, and Rose Petals: A Conversation with Arkady Martine by Chris Urie, (iv) Clarkesworld #154, July 2019
- * Interview: Arkady Martine by Caroline M. Yoachim, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #58, May/June 2024
- * An Interview with Arkady Martine by Vanessa Rose Phin, (iv) Strange Horizons February 25 2019
- * A Memory Called Empire by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #280, March/April 2019
Welles, Harvey (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Abigail & Chang (with Philip Raines), (ss) Challenging Destiny #24, August 2007
- * Alice & Bob (with Philip Raines), (ss) Albedo One #34, 2008
- * All the Things She Wanted (with Philip Raines), (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #17, November 2005
- * The Bad Magician (with Philip Raines), (ss) Albedo One #28, 2004
- * The Cruel Ship’s Captain (with Philip Raines), (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #26, December 2010
- * Discovering America (with Philip Raines), (ss) Albedo One #22, 2000
- * The Fishie (with Philip Raines), (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #12, June 2003
- * In Search of the Cowboy Saints (with Philip Raines), (nv) New Genre Summer 2002
- * Last of the Greyhound Kings (with Philip Raines), (nv) The Leading Edge #46, October 2003
- * The Olivia Reunion Party (with Philip Raines), (ss) Albedo One #25, 2002
- * Plastic Stars in Heaven (with Philip Raines), (ss) On Spec Winter 2003
- * Red Shoes (with Philip Raines), (ss) Aurealis #33/34/35, 2005
- * Shelf-Life (with Philip Raines), (ss) The Fractal #8, Winter 1998
- * The Sight of God (with Philip Raines), (ss) Territories #4, Summer 1994
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