The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1865
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Stout, William H. (fl. 1970s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Cinematic Response, (mr) Amra v2 #71, 1982
- * Dark Bay [Cthulhu], (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- * Equal Share, (vi) Space and Time #23, March 1974
- * Heaven’s Rival, (ss) Space and Time #31, July 1975
- * Keeper of the Window, (ss) The Diversifier January 1976
- * Music of the Void, (ss) Eerie Country #8, 1982
- * Paradise, (vi) The Diversifier December 1974
- * Preview: Conan (with Ron Cobb), (pi) Questar June 1980
- * The Stone That Fell from the Sky, (ss) Wyrd #2, Fall 1973
- * The Thing in the Museum, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #2, 1983
- * The Whispering Thing, (ss) The Diversifier August 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #71, 1982
_____, [ref.]
Stover, Leon E(ugene) (1929-2006) (about) (chron.)
- * Apeman, Spaceman—or, 2001’s Answer to the World’s Riddle, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1969
- * Dogs, Dolphins and Human Speech, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1968
- * Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, (ss) Fantastic Stories August 1971
- * Killer Apes—Not Guilty!, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1968
- * Lies and the Evolution of Language, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1969
- * Naked Ape or Hairless Monkey, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1968
- * Neanderthals, Rickets and Modern Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1968
- * The Pendant Spectator, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1969
- * Race-Zoology and Politics, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1969
- * Science of Man:
* ___ Apeman, Spaceman—or, 2001’s Answer to the World’s Riddle, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1969
* ___ Dogs, Dolphins and Human Speech, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1968
* ___ Killer Apes—Not Guilty!, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1968
* ___ Lies and the Evolution of Language, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1969
* ___ Naked Ape or Hairless Monkey, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1968
* ___ Neanderthals, Rickets and Modern Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1968
* ___ The Pendant Spectator, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1969
* ___ Race-Zoology and Politics, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1969
* ___ Wanted—A New Myth for Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1969
* ___ War Is Peace, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1968
- * Visit, (ss) Fantastic April 1969
- * Wanted—A New Myth for Technology, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1969
- * War Is Peace, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1968
Stoy, William Kingston (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * [letter from Jamaica, NY], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction May, Jun, Sep, Oct 1941, Mar, Jul, Nov 1942, Mar, Jul 1943, May 1946
- * [letter from Jamaica, NY], (lt) Future Combined with Science Fiction February 1942
- * [letter from New York State], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Feb 1941, Sep 1942, Dec 1943, Mar 1945
Straczynski, J(oseph) Michael (1954- ) (chron.)
- * The Darkness Between the Stars, (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #7, Fall 2005
- * From the Fifth Dimension: The Twilight Zone Returns! (with Susan Ellison), (iv) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1988
- * Genus Loci [Babylon 5], (ss) Amazing Stories Winter 2000
- * Illuminations: Inside the Zone, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine October 1988
- * OtherSyde, (ex) Dutton, 1990
- * Return of the Twilight Zone, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1988
- * Return of the Zone: Chapter Three, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine February 1989
- * Return of the Zone: Part Four, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1989
- * Return of the Zone: Part Five, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine June 1989
- * Rod Serling’s ‘Night Gallery’ (with Kathryn M. Drennan), (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1985
- * Say Hello, Mister Quigley, (nv) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine September/October 1992
- * The Shadow of His Thoughts [Babylon 5], (ss) Amazing Stories Summer 1999
- * A Show-by-Show Guide to Rod Serling’s ‘Night Gallery’ (with Kathryn M. Drennan), (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Oct, Dec 1985, Feb, Apr 1986, Feb, Apr, Jun 1989
- * Space, Time, and the Incurable Romantic [Babylon 5], (ss) Amazing Stories Summer 2000
- * Your Move, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1985
_____, [ref.]
- * Becoming Superman: My Journey from Poverty to Hollywood by Charles de Lint, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2019
- * Demon Night by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #39, September 1990
- * Interview: J. Michael Straczynski by David Barr Kirtley, (iv) Lightspeed #68, January 2016
- * An Interview with J. Michael Straczynski by Beth Tabler, (iv) Grimdark Magazine #40, 2024
- * The Last Dangerous Visions (with Harlan Ellison) by Nick Mamatas, (br) Interzone #300, August 2024
- * Othersyde by Andrew Andrews, (br) Quantum #38, Fall 1990/Winter 1991
- * Straczynski Speaks Out by Sue Weinlein Cook, (ms) Amazing Stories Winter 2000
- * Together We Will Go by Odin Halvorson, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2022
Strahan, Jonathan (1964- ) (chron.)
- * 1991—The Year of the Morning After, (ed) Eidolon Summer 1992
- * The Best of Times the Worst of Times, (ar) Eidolon Autumn 1990
- * A Brief Treatise on the Purpose of Reviewing and a Shameless Attempt to Sell You Some Books, (ed) Eidolon Winter 1994
- * Burning the Motherhood Statements (with Jeremy G. Byrne), (iv) Eidolon Summer 1993 [Ref. Greg Egan], as "The Eidolon Interview"
- * Editorial, (ed) Eidolon Sum, Aut 1993, Aut 1994
* ___ Eidol-what?, (ed) Eidolon Summer 1996
* ___ A Good Friend Moves On…, (ed) Eidolon Summer 1995
* ___ Instalment #27: Sarah Gets Married, (ed) Eidolon Autumn 1998
* ___ Permafrost Dreams, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1995
* ___ The Pure Product, (ed) Eidolon Autumn 1996
* ___ Records, Achievements and Damn Statistics!, (ed) Eidolon Winter 1995
* ___ Selling in the UK, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1996
* ___ A Valediction Forbidding Mourning, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1997
- * The Eidolon Interview (with Jeremy G. Byrne), (iv) Eidolon Summer 1993 [Ref. Greg Egan]
- * Eidol-what?, (ed) Eidolon Summer 1996
- * A Good Friend Moves On…, (ed) Eidolon Summer 1995
- * In Print, (bi) Eidolon Win 1991, Sum 1992
- * In Print: Australian Science Fiction, (bi) Eidolon Spring 1990
- * Instalment #27: Sarah Gets Married, (ed) Eidolon Autumn 1998
- * Permafrost Dreams, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1995
- * The Pure Product, (ed) Eidolon Autumn 1996
- * Records, Achievements and Damn Statistics!, (ed) Eidolon Winter 1995
- * Selling in the UK, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1996
- * A Valediction Forbidding Mourning, (ed) Eidolon Spring 1997
- * Wherein Questions Are Asked Regarding Women Editing Science Fiction, and a Brief Note Is Provided About the Absenting of the Editors to Foreign Climes, (ed) Eidolon Winter 1993
_____, ed.
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- * The Book of Dragons by Malrubius, (br) Grimdark Magazine #23, 2020
- * Engineering Infinity by Jack Deighton, (br) Interzone #233, March/April 2011
- * Expanding on Traditions: A Conversation with Jonathan Strahan by Arley Sorg, (iv) Clarkesworld #215, August 2024
- * Fearsome Journeys: The New Solaris Book of Fantasy by Jo L. Walton, (br) Interzone #248, September/October 2013
- * Infinity’s End by John Howard, (br) Interzone #277, September/October 2018
- * Mission Critical: A Conversation with Jonathan Strahan by Neil Clarke, (iv) Clarkesworld #155, August 2019
- * The New Space Opera (with Gardner R. Dozois) by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, (br) Ray Gun Revival #55, 2009
- * The New Space Opera 2 (with Gardner R. Dozois) by Ian Sales, (br) Interzone #226, January/February 2010
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