The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1899

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    Strange Stories   (about)
    Letters compiled by Tom Cockcroft.

    • Publishers:
      • Better Publications, Inc.; New York: Strange Stories.

    Strange Stories [v1 #3, June 1939] (15¢, 132pp, pulp)
    Details supplied by John Boston.
    • · The Black Arts · Lucifer · cl
    • · [letter] · John V. Baltadonis · lt
    • · [letter] · Charles S. Carew · lt
    • · [letter] · Eddie Clever · lt
    • · [letter] · Mrs. A. J. Murphy · lt
    • 13 · For Fear of Little Men · Manly Wade Wellman · ss; “David Return, Descendant of the Sioux, Combats the Pukwitches, Haters of Hiawatha! (A Complete Novelet of Tribal Wraiths)”.
    • 29 · Double Ring · Will Garth (by Norman A. Daniels) · ss; “Whom God Hath Joined, Let No Man Put Asunder—Even in Death!”.
    • 37 · Chameleon Eyes · John Clemons · ss; “Fathomless Orbs Hold in their Depths the Anguish of a Lost Soul”.
    • 47 · The Toad God · David H. Keller · ss; “A Living Batrachian Hung from the Scarlet Nails of a Lovely Medusa”.
    • 54 · The Man Who Was Death · Norman A. Daniels · nv; “Bram Sanson, Suddenly Called Upon to Play Destiny’s Role, Learns the Grim Reaper’s Loneliness and Mercy”.
    • 72 · Bride of the Antarctic · Mordred Weir · ss; “Coffins Whisper Mysteriously in the Polar World”.
    • 77 · Man in the Dark · August W. Derleth · ss; “Past and Future Fuse in Dread to Answer a Burning Question”.
    • 81 · The Flying Head · A. Hyatt Verrill · ss; “The Outraged Tomb of an Egyptian Mummy Exacts Horrible Revenge”.
    • 88 · Unheavenly Twin · Robert Bloch · ss; “Human Flesh Rebels Against Its Ghastly Heritage!”.
    • 93 · The Hunt · Henry Kuttner · ss; “Iod, Merciless Scourge of Damned Souls, Pays an Earthly Visit”.
    • 102 · The Seal of the Satyr · Tarleton Fiske · ss; “The Taunt of a Wood Nymph Leads Talquist to the Brink of Madness”.
    • 110 · The Great Release · Maria Moravsky · ss; “Himalayan Zephyrs Waft through a New York Theatre, Whispering…”.
    • 116 · The Body and the Brain · Keith Hammond (with Robert Bloch) · ss; “Woe Betide the Man Who Makes Head and Hand Live Apart!”.

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