The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1604
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Riverside, Dawn (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * By Candlelight, (br) After Hours Sum, Aut 1990, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Aut 1991, Wtr, Spr, Aut 1992, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Aut 1993
Wtr, Spr, Sum, Aut 1994
Rivkins, Carol (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * After the Battle, (vi) Amazing Experiences December 1990
- * After the Battle II (The Human), (vi) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- * Night Conditioning, (ss) Amazing Experiences December 1990
- * A Psalm for the 23rd Century, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- * Putting the Science Back in Science Fiction, (ar) Midnight Zoo v2 #1, 1992
- * Putting the Science Back Into Science Fiction, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #6, 1991
- * Rainmaker, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- * Reel Review, (mr) Midnight Zoo v1 #3, 1991
- * Reel Reviews, (mr) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, v1 #2, v1 #5 1991
- * Retrospective: The Old “Dark Shadows”, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
Rixon, Joanne (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Big Easy, (ss) Strange Horizons June 17 2024
- * The Cliff of Hands, (ss) Diabolical Plots: Year Five ed. David Steffen, Diabolical Plots, 2019
- * The Complaint of All Living Things, (ss) Reckoning #2, 2018
- * Elegy for the Green Earthrise, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #31, July 2015
- * Fireskin, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #249, April 12 2018
- * The Heart Seed, (ss) Liminal Stories #4, Fall/Winter 2017
- * I Stayed Up All Night Waiting for the Election Results and Then, (pm) GlitterShip Spring 2017
- * Like We Practiced, (ss) Aurealis #138, March 2021
- * On a Smoke-Blackened Wing, (ss) Diabolical Plots #102, August 2023
- * Petals, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Summer 2019
- * Wires from the Same Spool, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #43, June 2021
_____, [ref.]
Ro, Janet C. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Alien Rhymes, (gp) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Angelic and Animated—Rhyme Sets, (gp) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * An Angel’s Weakness, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * As He Sees Her, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Back to Heaven, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * Dark Angel, (pm) Black Petals (online) #63, Spring 2013
- * The Day Beginnings Ended, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Farewell, My Isobel, (pm) Black Petals (online) #68, Summer 2014
- * Fat Cat’s Fate, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * A First Promenade, (pm) Black Petals (online) #63, Spring 2013
- * Forced Feast, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Ghost Lover, (pm) Black Petals (online) #76, Summer 2016
- * Greedy Lion, Sacrificial Lamb, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * How I See Angels, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * I’m Thorough, (pm) Black Petals (online) #63, Spring 2013
- * The Kingdom of Lions and Lambs, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * King Lion’s Diet, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * Lamb’s Diet, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * Lotus and Ted, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Lotus and the Crowd, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Lotus Beginning, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Lotus Goes Home, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Lotus’ Honesty, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Lotus’ Lament, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Lotus, Lost and Found, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * A Monster’s Way, (pm) Black Petals (online) #63, Spring 2013
- * Monstrous, (pm) Black Petals (online) #67, Spring 2014
- * My Walk to Emberly Park, (pm) Black Petals (online) #76, Summer 2016
- * A New Home, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * Of Lion and Lamb, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * On Two Feet, (pm) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * Rose and Gold, (ss) Black Petals (online) #65, Fall 2013
- * The Scientist, (pm) Black Petals (online) #67, Spring 2014
- * The Statue, (pm) Black Petals (online) #81, Autumn 2017
- * Theodore Lost, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Thorough Rhymes, (gp) Black Petals (online) #63, Spring 2013
- * Wallie’s Reflection, (ss) Black Petals (online) #82, Winter 2018
- * Winter’s Gnome, (pm) Black Petals (online) #86, Winter 2019
- * The Witch and the Rock, (ss) Black Petals (online) #73, Fall 2015
Roanhorse, Rebecca (1971- ) (about) (chron.)
- * A Brief Lesson in Native American Astronomy, (ss) The Mythic Dream ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2019
- * Decolonizing Science Fiction and Imagining Futures: An Indigenous Futurisms Roundtable (with Darcie Little Badger, Johnnie Jae & Elizabeth LaPensee), (ar) Strange Horizons January 30 2017
- * Harvest, (ss) New Suns ed. Nisi Shawl, Solaris, 2019
- * Postcards from the Apocalypse, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018
- * “Water Is Life”: A Roundtable about Coasts and Rivers Affected by Climate Change (with Joyce Chng, Ishki Ricard & Holley Rubinsky), (ar) Strange Horizons October 24 2016, as by Joyce Chng, Kate Elliot, Ishki Ricard & Rebecca Roanhorse
- * Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™, (ss) Apex Magazine #99, August 2017
_____, [ref.]
- * Black Sun by Sheree R. Thomas, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
- * Black Sun by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2022
- * Feature Interview: Rebecca Roanhorse by Christian A. Coleman, (iv) Lightspeed #107, April 2019
- * Fevered Star by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2023
- * Interview: Rebecca Roanhorse by Arley Sorg, (iv) Fantasy Magazine #77, March 2022
- * Living Raw and Out Loud: A Conversation with Rebecca Roanhorse by Arley Sorg, (iv) Clarkesworld #169, October 2020
- * Mirrored Heavens by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2025
- * Storm of Locusts by Charles Coleman Finlay, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2020
- * Storm of Locusts by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #286, March/April 2020
- * Trail of Lightning by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #286, March/April 2020
Roark, Byron L. (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * Editorial, (ed) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #2 Sum, #3 Fll 1975, #4 Spr 1976
- * An Experiment in Exploitation: Donald M. Grant’s Conan, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #1, Spring 1976
- * Heroes of REH: Solomon Kane, (ar) The Howard Review #5, November 1976
- * Interview: C.L. Moore Talks to Chacal, (iv) Chacal v1 #1, 1976 [Ref. C. L. Moore]
- * Musings (with Arnold M. Fenner), (ed) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #1, Spring 1975
- * REH Editors-Publishers Roundtable Discussion (with Jonathan Bacon, Arnold M. Fenner, George T. Hamilton, Dennis McHaney, Damon C. Sasser, George H. Scithers & Wayne Warfield), (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #9 Aug 1976, #10/11 Mar 1977
- * REH: Prose to Graphic, (ar) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #1, Spring 1975
- * Ridin’ the Range with Robert E. Howard, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #4, Summer 1977
- * Three-Bladed Doom [El Borak] (with Robert E. Howard), (nv) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #4, Spring 1976; heavily edited by Roark from the short version of the story of the same name (El Borak and Other Desert Adventures, Del Rey, 2010). originally published in a somewhat different version as “The Flame Knife” in Tales of Conan, Gnome Press, 1955.
- * Vultures Over Cross Plains, (ar) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3, Fall 1975
_____, ed.
Roark, Sheila B. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Alone in a Strange World, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2008
- * Enchanted Land, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fourteen ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2002
- * His Voices, (pm) Penny Dreadful #4, 1997
- * Mystical Realm, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fifteen ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2002
- * The Piece of Silver, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2006
- * Rescued, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v1 #2, 2005
- * Riding Through the Silence, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XX ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2004
- * The Thunder of the Clock, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2006
- * White to Pink, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fifteen ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2002
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