The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Moorcock, Michael (John) (1939- ); used pseudonyms William Barclay, Michael Barrington, Oswald Bastable?, Edward P. Bradbury, J. B. Colvin, James Colvin & Warwick Colvin, Jr. (about) (chron.)
- * The Affair of the Bassin Les Hivers [Sir Sexton Begg (The Metatemporal Detective)], (nv) Interzone #211, July/August 2007
- * The Affair of the Seven Virgins [Sir Sexton Begg (The Metatemporal Detective)], (nv) The Time Centre Times v3 #2, 1994
- * After Doomsday, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965 [Ref. Poul Anderson], as by James Colvin
- * Afterword, (aw) New Worlds #5 ed. Michael Moorcock & Charles Platt, Avon Equinox, 1974
- * Afterword, (aw) New Worlds 3 ed. David Garnett, Gollancz, 1993
- * Ancient Shadows [End of Time], (na) New Worlds 9 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1975
- * Aspects of Fantasy:
* ___ 1. Introduction, (ar) Science Fantasy #61, 1963
* ___ 2. The Floodgates of the Unconscious, (ar) Science Fantasy #62, 1963
* ___ 3. Figures of Faust, (ar) Science Fantasy #63, February 1964
* ___ 4. Conclusion, (ar) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964
- * Atlas Shrugged, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Ayn Rand], as by James Colvin
- * Ballard: The Voice, (ed) New Worlds SF #167, 1966 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * Barbarella and the Anxious Frenchman (with Charles Platt), (ar) New Worlds #179, February 1968
- * Behold the Man [Karl Glogauer], (na) New Worlds SF #166, 1966
- * Best SF Four, (br) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965 [Ref. Edmund Crispin], as by James Colvin
- * Birthday Wishes and Greetings, (ms) Farmerphile #11, January 2008
- * Black Petals [Elric], (na) Weird Tales March/April 2008
- * Black Sword’s Brothers [Elric], (na) Science Fantasy #61, 1963
- * The Blood Red Game [Asquiol], (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #32, 1963
- * Books for the Kid?, (br) New Worlds SF #146, January 1965, as by James Colvin
- * Books:
* ___ An Outstanding Space Story, (rc) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965, as by James Colvin
* ___ Recommended Paperbacks, (cl) New Worlds SF #150, May 1965, as by James Colvin
- * British Jews Face Dole Queues, (fa) Frendz #4, 1971, as by James Colvin
- * British Science Fiction Convention—1964, (ed) New Worlds SF #143, July/August 1964
- * Broadening the Scope, (ed) New Worlds SF #149, April 1965
- * The Brothel in Rosenstrasse, (ex) New English Library, 1982
- * The Camus Referendum [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) The Time Centre Times v4 #4, 2000; originally published in France in Gare du Nord, 1997.
- * Cascadia!! [Corsairs of the Second Ether], (sl) The Time Centre Times v5 #3, 2009
- * Changes Coming, (ed) New Worlds SF #171, 1967
- * Cheering for the Rockets [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Interzone #137, November 1998
- * The City in the Autumn Stars [von Bek family], (ex) The Time Centre Times v1 #1, 1985
- * Club Together: A Review of Science Fiction at Large, (br) The New Statesman April 15 1977 [Ref. Peter Nicholls]
- * Colour, (nv) New Worlds 1 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1991
- * The Comic Spirit, (ar) Dark Horizons #17, Summer 1977
- * Conclusion, (ar) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964
- * Constant Fire [End of Time], (na) New Worlds 10 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1976
- * Consuming Passion, (ss) New Worlds SF #161, April 1966
- * Conventions and Conventions, (ed) New Worlds SF #157, December 1965
- * Corsairs of the Second Ether, (nv) New Worlds 2 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1992, as by Warwick Colvin, Jr.
- * The Cosmic Satirist, (br) New Worlds SF #147, February 1965 [Ref. William Burroughs], as by James Colvin
- * Count Brass [Dorian Hawkmoon], (n.) Mayflower, 1973
- * The Counterfeit Man, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Alan E. Nourse], as by James Colvin
- * Cowboy Lights Out, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #6, 1986
- * The Crack, (vi) The Edge #2, 1999
- * A Cure for Cancer [Jerry Cornelius], (n.) New Worlds #188 Mar, #189 Apr, #190 May, #191 Jun 1969
- * The Curse of Man, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #1, June 1984
- * The Daily Telegraph, April 20, 1948, (fa) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978, uncredited.; a spoof newspaper front page.
- * The Dark Rider, (ss) Eldritch Dreamquest November 1960
- * Dead God’s Homecoming [Elric], (na) Science Fantasy #59, 1963
- * Dear Nomads, (cl) The Time Centre Times v2 #1, v2 #2, v2 #3 1993, v2 #4, v3 #1, v3 #2, v3 #3 1994, v5 #2 2005, v5 #3 2009, v5 #4 2010, v6 #1 2011
- * Death by Hero-Worship, (br) The Irish Press January 26 1978 [Ref. Elvis Presley]
- * Death of Cordwainer Smith (with Langdon Jones), (ed) New Worlds SF #169, 1966
- * The Deep Fix, (na) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964, as by James Colvin
- * The Delhi Division [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds #185, December 1968
- * Discourse with a Beast Who Mourns the Golden Age, (ex) from The City in the Autumn Stars, Pocket, 1984
- * A Dish of Dobsons, (rc) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964, as by James Colvin
- * Does Space Still Come Naturally?, (ed) New Worlds SF #152, July 1965
- * Doomed Lord’s Passing [Elric], (na) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964
- * The Dreamers, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Roger Manvell], as by James Colvin
- * The Dreaming City [Elric], (nv) Science Fantasy #47, 1961
- * The Dreamthief’s Daughter, Book One, (ex) Black Gate Spring 2001
- * The Drought, (br) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965 [Ref. J. G. Ballard], as by James Colvin
- * The Drowned World, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965 [Ref. J. G. Ballard], as by James Colvin
- * Dude’s Dream, (pm) The New World’s Fair, United Artists UAG 29732, 1975
- * The Dying Castles: I, (vi) New Worlds #200, April 1970
- * Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon (with Mike Brunton), (gm) Imagine #22, January 1985
- * Editorial, (ed) New Worlds #224, September 2024
- * Editorial, (ed) Frendz #4, 1971, uncredited.
- * An Effective Use of Space, (ed) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965
- * Elric [Elric], (lt) Niekas March 1964, as "[letter]"
- * Elric: A Dragon Wakes [Elric], (ss) Interzone #46, April 1991; extract from The Revenge of the Rose (Grafton, August 1991).
- * The End of All Songs [End of Time], (n.) Harper & Row, 1976
- * Epic Pooh, (ar) BFS Booklet #4, 1978
- * Erosion of Liberalism, (ar) Time Out August 8 1982
- * Escape from Evening [Time Dweller], (nv) New Worlds SF #148, March 1965
- * The Eternal Champion [Eternal Champion], (na) Science Fantasy #53, 1962
- * An Evening at Home, (ex)
- * Fads and Fallacies (in the Name of Science), (br) New Worlds SF #150, May 1965 [Ref. Martin Gardner], as by James Colvin
- * The Falcon, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #4, July 1985
- * Fancy and Imagination, (br) New Worlds SF #146, January 1965 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss & Charles L. Harness]
- * Feu Pierrot, (is) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978 [Ref. Jules Laforgue], uncredited.
- * The “Fictionmags” Rants, (ar) Interzone #151, January 2000
- * Figures of Faust, (ar) Science Fantasy #63, February 1964
- * The Final Word, (aw) New Worlds 4 ed. David Garnett, Gollancz, 1994
- * The Flame Bringers [Elric], (nv) Science Fantasy #55, 1962
- * The Flight from Singapore [Oswald Bastable], (ss) New Worlds #216, September 1979
- * The Floodgates of the Unconscious, (ar) Science Fantasy #62, 1963
- * Flux (with Barrington J. Bayley), (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #132, July 1963
- * The Folk of the Forest [Elric], (ss) New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine Fall 2023
- * Food for the Victors from Famished Friend and Foe, (cs) Frendz #4, 1971, uncredited.
- * Forebearing Planet, (ss) Forbidden Planets ed. Peter Crowther, DAW, 2006
- * The Fortress of the Pearl [Elric], (ex) The Megaflow Manifesto May 1989
- * Free States, (na) The Time Centre Times v2 #1, v2 #2 1993
- * From Other Worlds, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. August Derleth], as by James Colvin
- * The Frozen Cardinal, (ss) The Time Centre Times v1 #2, 1985
- * Furniture, (vi) Interzone #151, January 2000; originally broadcast, in slightly different form, on BBC Radio 4 on Book at Bedtime, 24 March 1999.
- * The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Affair of the Texan’s Honour, (ss)
- * Further Information [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds SF #157, December 1965
- * The Future of Science Fiction, (ed) Fantastic Metropolis Christmas 2002
- * Genseric’s Fifth-Born Son:
* ___ Chapter 5: The Nemedians, (rr) Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977
- * The Ghost Warriors [Sir Sexton Begg (The Metatemporal Detective)], (nv) Tales from the Texas Woods by Michael Moorcock, Mojo Press, 1997
- * God in a Spacesuit, (ar) Tangent #2, September 1965
- * Going Home, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #25, 1962
- * The Golden Barge, (ss) New Worlds SF #155, October 1965, as by William Barclay
- * Goodbye, Miranda, (vi) New Worlds SF #143, July/August 1964
- * The Good Craftsman at Work, (cl) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965, as by James Colvin
- * Gormenghast, (ms) New Worlds #186, January 1969 [Ref. Mervyn Peake]
- * The Greater Conqueror, (nv) Science Fantasy #58, 1963
- * Greetings Fellow Nomads, (ms) The Megaflow Manifesto May 1992
- * Greybeard, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- * “Hendrix Wanted Something Better”, (ms) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978, uncredited.
- * Here’s Your Chance…, (ed) New Worlds SF #163, June 1966
- * The Heroes in Heroic Fantasy, (ar) Dragonfields #3, Summer 1980
- * The House of Loss, (pm) The Scanner #10, 1990
- * Howdy Pards, (cl) The Time Centre Times v4 #1 1995, v4 #2 1996, v4 #3 1999, v4 #4 2000, v5 #1 2003
- * Howdy Pards & Fellow Nomads, (cl) The Time Centre Times v3 #4, 1995
- * The Ice Schooner, (n.) sf Impulse Nov, Dec 1966, Jan 1967
- * The Image and the Actuality, (ed) New Worlds SF #161, April 1966
- * Into the Media Web, (ar) New Worlds #183, October 1968
- * Introduction, (ar) Science Fantasy #61, 1963
- * Introduction, (in) New Worlds Quarterly 1971, New Worlds Quarterly 3 1972, New Worlds 1 1991, New Worlds No. 221 1996
- * Introduction to ‘Dune Limbo’, (is) New Worlds SF #148, March 1965
- * Introduction to “The Dreaming City”, (is) Unearth Winter 1979
- * Islands, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #134, September 1963, as "Not by Mind Alone"
- * Izvestia International Edition, (ms) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978, uncredited.
- * Jingle Cap, (pm) 1962
- * John Dee’s Song, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #7, 1987
- * Kabul, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2019
- * The Kassandra Peninsula [Jerry Cornelius], (nv) Vortex #0, June 1976
- * Keeping Perspective, (in) New Worlds Quarterly 2 ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere, 1971
- * The King of the City [Dennis Dover; Rosie Beck], (ex) The Time Centre Times v4 #3, 1999
- * Kings in Darkness [Elric] (with James Cawthorn), (nv) Science Fantasy #54, 1962
- * The Last Call, (vi) Fantasy Tales #17, Summer 1987
- * The Last Enchantment [Elric], (ss) Ariel, The Book of Fantasy v3, 1978
- * Last Vigil, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow August 1970
- * The Last Word, (aw) New Worlds 2 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1992
- * Late Letter from England, (lt) Thrust #10, Spring 1978
- * Lead-In, (ed) New Worlds #179, February 1968, as by [The Publisher(s)]
- * The Lessons of the Future, (ar) New Worlds #173, July 1967
- * Literary Supplement: Accidia Tribunals, (fa) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978, uncredited.
- * A Literature of Acceptance, (ar) New Worlds #178, December 1967/January 1968, as by James Colvin
- * London Bone, (nv) New Worlds ed. David Garnett, White Wolf, 1997
- * London, My Life! or, The Sedentary Jew, (ex) Interzone #211, July/August 2007
- * London Twist, (ss) The Edge #1, 1998
- * Love: A Memoir of Mervyn and Maeve Peake, (in) The Time Centre Times v5 #2, 2005
- * Lovers: A Memoir of Mervyn & Maeve Peake, (ex) Interzone #211, July/August 2007 [Ref. Mervyn & Maeve Peake]
- * Making It Better, (ed) New Worlds SF #160, March 1966
- * Making the Transition, (ed) New Worlds SF #155, October 1965
- * Mal Dean, (ob) New Worlds 8 ed. Hilary Bailey, Sphere, 1975 [Ref. Malcolm Dean]
- * Man and His Mind, (ed) New Worlds SF #162, May 1966
- * The March of the Whiteshirts, (ed) Interzone #211, July/August 2007
- * Mars, (ss) The Megaflow Manifesto October 1988
- * The Martian Way, (br) New Worlds SF #145 Nov/Dec 1964, #151 Jun 1965 [Ref. Isaac Asimov], as by James Colvin
- * The Masked Buckaroo in Return of the White Wolf!! (with Ed Dukeshire & Vatche Mavlian), (cs) The Time Centre Times v5 #1, 2003
- * Master of Chaos [Earl Aubec], (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination May 1964
- * Mathews and Mars, (vi) Tarzan Adventures January 18 1958
- * Mervyn Peake, (ob) New Worlds #187, February 1969 [Ref. Mervyn Peake]
- * Mervyn Peake: An Appreciation, (ar) Science Fantasy #60, 1963 [Ref. Mervyn Peake]
- * A Million Betrayals, (ar) The Daily Telegraph January 7 2006
- * The Mirror; or, Harlequin Everywhere, (ex) from The Condition of Muzak, Allison & Busby, 1977
- * Moorcock on Ellison, (ar) New Worlds #215, Spring 1979 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- * Mother London [Dennis Dover; Rosie Beck], (ex) Secker & Warburg, 1988
- * The Mountain, (ss) Boys’ World June 15 1963, uncredited.
- * The Museum of the Future, (ss) The Daily Telegraph August 17 1990
- * My Ten Favourite Books, (ar) 1989/90 Waterstone’s Catalogue, Waterstone's, 1989
- * The Nature of the Catastrophe [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds #197, January 1970
- * The Nemedians, (rr) Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977
- * A New Literature for the Space Age, (ed) New Worlds SF #142, May/June 1964
- * The New Prism, (ed) New Worlds SF #158, January 1966
- * New Writings in SF 3, (br) New Worlds SF #151 Jun, #154 Sep 1965 [Ref. John Carnell], as by James Colvin
- * New Writings in SF 4, (br) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965 [Ref. John Carnell], as by James Colvin
- * No New Is Good New, (br) New Worlds #196, December 1969 [Ref. Chris Booker]
- * Non-Stop, (br) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss], as by James Colvin
- * Not by Mind Alone, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #134, September 1963
- * Notes from the Time Centre, (ar) The Megaflow Manifesto October 1988
- * Obituary for James Colvin, (ob) New Worlds #197, January 1970 [Ref. James Colvin], as by William Barclay
- * The Old Die Rich, (br) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965 [Ref. Horace L. Gold], as by James Colvin
- * On Barsoom, (lt) Amra v2 #25, 1963
- * Onward, Ever Onward…, (ed) New Worlds SF #159, February 1966
- * An Outstanding Space Story, (rc) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965, as by James Colvin
- * Pale Roses [End of Time], (nv) New Worlds 7 ed. Hilary Bailey & Charles Platt, Sphere, 1974
- * Paperbacks (with Hilary Bailey), (br) New Worlds SF #156, November 1965, as by Hilary Bailey & James Colvin
- * The Patsy, (br) New Worlds #186, January 1969 [Ref. Jack Trevor Story], as by William Barclay
- * Peace on Earth (with Barrington J. Bayley), (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #89, December 1959, as by Michael Barrington
- * Phase Three [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds SF #160, March 1966
- * Pierrot on the Moon, (pm) The Entropy Tango by Michael Moorcock, NEL, 1981
- * Play with Feeling, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #129, April 1963
- * The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius [von Bek family], (ss) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965, as by James Colvin
- * A Portrait in Ivory [Elric], (ss) Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories ed. John Klima, Bantam Spectra, 2007
- * Pravda (with Jill Riches), (ms) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978, uncredited.
- * Preliminary Data [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965
- * Process of Elimination, (ed) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965
- * Psychic News, (fa) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978, uncredited.
- * Putting a Tag on It, (ar) Amra v2 #15, 1961
- * Quick Reviews, (rc) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965, as by James Colvin
- * Ravenbrand [Elric], (nv) Interzone #151, January 2000; edited extract from the forthcoming The Dreamthief’s Daughter (Earthlight, 2001).
- * Recommended Paperbacks, (ar) New Worlds SF #150, May 1965, as by James Colvin
- * Remember the Night, (pm) New Worlds 9 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1975
- * The Revenge of the Rose [Elric], (ex) The Megaflow Manifesto January 1991
- * The Rise of the Musician-Assassin, (cs) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978
- * The Road to Kirinmoir [Elric], (ex) Weird Tales #366, 2022; from The Citadel of Forgotten Myths, forthcoming from Gollancz & Saga Press (December 2022).
- * The Romanian Question [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) BBR #18, Spring 1991
- * The Ruins, (ss) New Worlds SF #161, April 1966, as by James Colvin
- * The Russian Intelligence [Jerry Cornell], (ex) Something Else #1, Spring 1980
- * Sad Giant’s Shield [Elric], (na) Science Fantasy #63, February 1964
- * The Santa Claus of the Atomic Age, (ed) New Worlds SF #156, November 1965
- * Second Foundation, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Isaac Asimov], as by James Colvin
- * The Secret Life of Elric of Melniboné [Elric], (ar) Camber #14, 1964
- * The Seventh Galaxy Reader, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965 [Ref. Frederik Pohl], as by James Colvin
- * Shield, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965 [Ref. Poul Anderson], as by James Colvin
- * The Shores of Death, (na) New Worlds SF #144 Sep/Oct, #145 Nov/Dec 1964
- * The Siege of Noothar [Dek of Noothar] (with John Wisdom), (ss) Tarzan Adventures June 28 1958, as by John Wisdom
- * Six Scenes in Search of an Illustration (with Richard Harris Eney, Fritz Leiber, Katherine MacLean, John Pocsik & L. Sprague de Camp), (ss) Amra v2 #27, 1963
- * The Sleeping Sorceress [Elric], (nv) Warlocks and Warriors ed. Douglas Hill, Mayflower, 1971
- * A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club [Engelbrecht the Dwarf; Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction ed. Al Sarrantonio, Roc, 2001
- * The Sniff, (vi) The Edge #2, 1999
- * Some Episodes in the Great War [Una Persson], (ss) Other Times v1 #2, 1976
- * Somewhere in the Timestream, (ar) The Megaflow Manifesto May 1989
- * The Spencer Inheritance [Jerry Cornelius], (nv) The Edge #7, May/June 1998
- * The Stealer of Souls [Elric], (nv) Science Fantasy #51, 1962
- * The Stone Thing, (ss) Triode October 1974
- * The Strange Ones [Dek of Noothar] (with John Wisdom), (ss) Tarzan Adventures October 12 1957, as by John Wisdom
- * Sumptuous Dress: A Question of Size at the End of Time [End of Time], (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- * The Sundered Worlds [Asquiol], (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #29, 1962
- * The Sword of Life [Dek of Noothar] (with John Wisdom), (ss) Tarzan Adventures October 5 1957, as by John Wisdom
- * The Tank Trapeze [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds #186, January 1969
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