The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1626
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Rogers, Stephen D. (fl. 1980s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * According to Their Kind, (vi) GateWay S-F Magazine Spring 2001
- * After-Action Report, (pm) Beyond Centauri April 2005
- * Amateur Astronomer, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2007
- * And Keep It Holy, (vi) GateWay S-F Magazine Winter 2000
- * And Money Is Time, (pm) Beyond Centauri April 2004
- * Dear Reader, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #3, Spring 2003
- * Death, Too, Is a Journey, (ss) EOTU Ezine February 2001
- * Food for the Soul, (ss) GateWay S-F Magazine Fall 2001
- * Fractical, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2004
- * Fringe Elements, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2005
- * The Future Is Now, (ss) Zahir #2, Winter 2003
- * High Tide, (ss) EOTU Ezine October 2002
- * Indiscriminate, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine June 2004
- * Intermittent, (ss) Khimairal Ink January 2007
- * The Last of the Chime Trees, (ss) Beyond Centauri January 2005
- * The Magician’s Mantra, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2003
- * A Matter of Perspective/Recapture, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #3, October 2002
- * Merlin’s Razor, (pm) Fables Summer 2001
- * Milking the Dragon, (ss) Fables Summer 2001
- * New Genes for Old Purposes, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #2, August 2002
- * Over and Out, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2007
- * Periodic Maintenance, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2006
- * Perversity, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #92, 2012
- * Picture a World, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #15, 2003
- * The Price of Peace, (pm) Fables Summer 2001
- * Report Follows, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2006
- * Requiem for a Planet, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2003
- * Return to Sender, (ss) Beyond Centauri October 2004
- * Sams’n, (vi) GateWay S-F Magazine Spring 2002
- * Seeds, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss March 2007
- * Sewer Jocks, (ss) The Horror Show Summer 1984
- * Soul Proprietor, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2004
- * Starry Messenger, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2001
- * There Are Many Materials with Which to Build Walls, (ss) Beyond Centauri January 2004
- * There Goes the Neighborhood, (vi) Spellbound Fall 2001
- * There Is No We, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2004
- * Time Tells Nothing, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XXI ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2005
- * Time Travel Expenses, (ss) EOTU Ezine August 2000
- * Trick Candles, (ss) Wicked Hollow #4, October 2002
Rogers, Wayne; pseudonym of A. H. Bittner (1897-1966) (about) (chron.)
- * Beast-Women Stalk at Night, (nv) Horror Stories August/September 1937
- * Born of the Beast, (nv) Horror Stories November 1935
- * Brides for the Damned, (nv) Terror Tales September/October 1936
- * Brides for the Frankensteins, (nv) Terror Tales January/February 1940
- * The Bus Death Drove, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1937
- * Cobra’s Mate, (ss) Horror Stories December 1935
- * The Dead Hate the Living, (na) Horror Stories December 1936/January 1937
- * Death Is a Woman, (nv) Terror Tales July/August 1938
- * Death on Display, (nv) Terror Tales March 1936
- * Death Rocks the Cradle, (nv) Horror Stories February/March 1937
- * The Devil’s Ambassador, (nv) Horror Stories August 1940
- * The Devil’s Playground, (nv) Terror Tales November/December 1936
- * The Devil’s Prize Ring, (ss) Terror Tales January/February 1937
- * The Devil’s Step-Daughters, (nv) Terror Tales February 1936
- * Dracula’s Brides, (nv) Horror Stories February 1941
- * The Fire Bride, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1937
- * Hell’s Burlesque, (ss) Terror Tales September/October 1937
- * Hell Welcomes Lonely Wives!, (nv) Terror Tales March/April 1937
- * Her Lover from the Grave, (ss) Terror Tales November 1935
- * I Am a Frankenstein!, (nv) Terror Tales September 1940
- * Maids for the Hill Devils, (nv) Horror Stories February/March 1938
- * The Man Who Painted Pain, (ss) Terror Tales July 1935
- * March of the Homeless Corpse, (nv) Terror Tales March 1941
- * Satan’s Corpse Factory, (nv) Horror Stories June/July 1937
- * Satan’s Love Bazaar, (nv) Terror Tales July/August 1937
- * Satan’s Masterpiece, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1936
- * Satan’s Seamstress, (nv) Horror Stories May 1940
- * Satan Stole My Face!, (nv) Horror Stories February/March 1936
- * Sleep with Me—and Death, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1938
- * Spawn of the Flames, (nv) Terror Tales June 1936
- * Touch Me and Die!, (ss) Horror Stories October 1940
- * Welcome, Brothers, to Hell!, (nv) Horror Stories March 1940
- * When the Banshee Calls—, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1938
- * Where Dwell the Living Dead, (nv) Terror Tales May 1940
Rogerson, J. (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Awaiting the Dead, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- * Closed Eyes, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #10, Winter 1996
- * Doing Hard Time on the Planet Nothing, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #11, Spring 1997
- * Empty Necromancy, (pm) Outer Darkness #12, Summer 1997
- * A Ghost of the Future, (vi) Terror Tales #4, 1998
- * Let There Be Light the Ship of Speed, (pm) Zest #6, Spring 1999
- * The Lover, (vi) Kimota #10, Winter 1999
- * Memories of a God Called Sun, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #9, Autumn 1996
- * The Moon Is Lonely and It Is Cold, (pm) Zest #6, Spring 1999
- * Neptune Approached Venus, (pm) Zest #6, Spring 1999
- * Vampyre by the Sea, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7, 1998
Rognan, Lloyd N. (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Imaginative Tales Nov 1955, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1956, May, Sep, Nov 1957, Jan, Mar 1958
- * [front cover], (cv) Imagination Dec 1955, Feb, Oct, Dec 1956, Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct 1957
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Imaginative Tales Sep, Nov 1955, Jan 1956
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Imagination Dec 1955, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug 1956
Rogoff, Robert E. (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Almost Fired, (vi) Galaxy November/December 1994
- * Burning Down the Key Lime, (vi) Aberrations #29, May 1995
- * Coke Bottle Lenses, (vi) Galaxy January/February 1995
- * Dessert, (vi) Galaxy March/April 1995
- * Down by the Riverside, (vi) Alternate Hilarities #6, 1994
- * I’m Dying Out Here, (ss) Galaxy March/April 1995
- * Knockout, (vi) Galaxy March/April 1995
- * Yellow Sport Coats, (vi) Crank! #6, Winter 1996
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #14, Spring 1996
Rogow, Roberta (Winston) (1942- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Behind Beyond (with Shirley Winston), (ed) Beyond; #1-21.
- * Behind Beyond (with Shirley Winston), (ed) Beyond #20, 1991
- * Editorial Communique: A Taste of Taste, (ed) Beyond #3, January 1986
- * fact/fiction, (sg) Beyond #2, September 1985
- * I’ll See You in My Dreams, (ss) Not One of Us #2, July 1987
- * One for the Gippers, (ss) Shadows Of… #6, Spring 1982
- * Small Press Review, (br) Beyond; #2, 4, 5, 7-9.
- * The Sweet Smell of Excess, (ss) Beyond #1, 1985
- * Where the Heart Is, (ss) Beyond #5, September 1986
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Rohan, Michael Scott (1951-2018); used pseudonym Michael Scot (about) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * The Anvil of Ice by Alex Stewart, (br) Interzone #16, Summer 1986
- * The Castle of the Winds by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone #144, June 1999
- * Chase the Morning by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Chase the Morning by Norman E. Hartman, (br) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991
- * Cloud Castles by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #81, March 1994
- * The Forge in the Forest by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- * The Gates of Noon by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #65, November 1992
- * The Ice King (with Allan Scott) by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- * Maxie’s Demon by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #119, May 1997
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