The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2163
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Lucia, (ss) (by Paul Evenblij) Nemonymous #3, 2003
- * Lucien’s Menagerie, (ss) (by David M. Fitzpatrick) Nemonymous #10, 2010
- * Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #51, November 15 1954 [Ref. Paul French]
- * Luke Cage, (mr) Genesis Science Fiction Magazine #9, Winter 2017
- * Lullaby, (sg) (by Tani Jantsang) Cthulhu Cultus #1, 1995
- * Lunacon 1967, (ms) Seldon Seen #2, July/August 1967
- * A Lunar Romance, (br) Nature January 9 1902 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * Lunar Ship, (il) If November 1952
- * Machine Gun Bandits, (ms) Amazing Detective Stories February 1931
- * Machines to Win Coal, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #63, November 15 1955
- * Machines Which Seem to Think, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #55, March 15 1955 [Ref. Marie Neurath]
- * Machinist’s Nightmare, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1942
- * Mach One, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #66, February 15 1956 [Ref. Mike Lithgow]
- * Madame Jade—Gothic Fetish Model Extraordinare!, (pi) Red Scream #0, April/May 2005
- * Madam, Your Carriage (2055 Model) Awaits, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #55, March 15 1955
- * Madness of Flowers, (br) Weird Tales Fall 2009 [Ref. Jay Lake]
- * The Maestro, (iv) Fear #35, November 2015 [Ref. Jack Ketchum]
- * Magazine & Books Received, (ms) Probe #155, March 2013
- * Magazines, (cl) Encounters Magazine July/August 1991
- * Magazines About Spaceflight, (ms) New Worlds Science Fiction #54, December 1956
- * Magazines and Books Received, (ms) Probe #170 Dec 2016, #177 Sep 2018, #197 Sep, #198 Dec 2023, #199 Mar, #200 Jun, #201 Sep 2024
- * Magazines Books Received: April 1990, (ms) Interzone #38, August 1990
- * Magazines Books Received: June 1990, (ms) Interzone #40, October 1990
- * Magazines Received, (ms) Probe #47 Feb, #48 May, #49 Aug 1981, #50 Feb, #52 Aug, #53 Nov 1982, #54 Feb, #55 May, #56 Aug 1983, #59 May, #60 Nov 1984,
#137 Jun, #139 Dec 2008
#140 Mar, #141 Jun, #142 Sep 2009, #143 Mar, #146 Nov 2010, #147 Mar 2011, #153 Sep 2012, #159 Mar, #160 Jun, #161 Sep, #162 Dec 2014
#163 Mar, #164 Jun, #165 Sep 2015, #167 Mar, #169 Sep 2016, #171 Mar, #172 Jun, #173 Sep, #174 Dec 2017, #175 Mar, #176 Jun, #178 Dec 2018
#179 Mar, #181 Sep, #182 Dec 2019, #183 Mar, #184 Jun, #185 Sep, #186 Dec 2020, #187 Mar, #188 Jun, #189 Sep, #190 Dec 2021
#191 Mar, #192 Jun, #193 Sep, #194 Dec 2022, #195 Mar, #196 Jun 2023, #202 Dec 2024
- * Magazines Received and Books Received, (ms) Probe #150, November 2011
- * Magazines Received April-May 1989, (ms) Interzone #31, September/October 1989
- * Magazines Received August 1990, (ms) Interzone #42, December 1990
- * Magazines Received August-September 1989, (ms) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- * Magazines Received & Books Received, (ms) Probe #144, June 2010
- * Magazines Received December 1989-January 1990, (ms) Interzone #35, May 1990
- * Magazines Received February 1990, (ms) Interzone #36, June 1990
- * Magazines Received February-March 1989, (ms) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- * Magazines Received July 1990, (ms) Interzone #41, November 1990
- * Magazines Received June-July 1989, (ms) Interzone #32, November/December 1989
- * Magazines Received March 1990, (ms) Interzone #37, July 1990
- * Magazines Received May 1990, (ms) Interzone #39, September 1990
- * Magazines Received October-November 1989, (ms) Interzone #34, March/April 1990
- * MageSign, (br) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2009 [Ref. Alan Baxter]
- * The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam, (br) Weird Tales July/August 2008 [Ref. Ann Marie Fleming]
- * The Magic Art of Scene-Painting, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * The Magic Box: An Interview with Fantasy Author Scott Thrower, (iv) Speculative North #2, August 2020 [Ref. Scott Thrower]
- * Magician of Death, (cs) Monster Parade December 1958
- * Magic of the Book of Psalms, (ar) Mind Magic; Jun-Sep 31.
- * Magic Pictorial, (pi) Tales of Magic and Mystery Feb, Mar, Apr 1928
- * Magic Realisms: Definitions, (ar) Magic Realism Winter 1995
- * Magnetic Beauty, (pm) The Late Late Show #3, Summer 2002
- * The Magnetic Monster, (mr)
- * Magnetic Plane Destroyer, (ar)
- * Mail Orders, (ms) Tales of the Unanticipated #27 Aut 2006, #28 Sum 2007, #31 2014
- * Make-Believe Spaceships?, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #67, March 15 1956
- * “The Maker of Gargoyles” by Clark Ashton Smith, (pm) Balthus #2, 1971
- * Make Yourselves Uncomfortable, (ms) Cold Print #3, 2000
- * Making a Modern Map, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * Making and Using a Telescope, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #70, June 15 1956 [Ref. H. P. Wilkins, F.R.A.S. & Patrick Moore, F.R.A.S.]
- * Making Maps of Unreality, (ri) Weird Tales November/December 2007
- * The Making of King Kong, (ar) Science Fiction Digest April 1933
- * The Making of the Bomb, (ex) from The Smyth Report, as by Henry DeWolf Smyth, Princeton University Press, 1945, as by Henry DeWolf Smyth
- * Making of the Movie “Lucan: The Defender”, (ar) Werewolf Magazine #9, 2009
- * Making of the Razar DVD Trailer, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * Making Sense of Absurd, All-Encompassing, Terrifying Super-Capitalism, (iv) Mithila Review #12, December 2019 [Ref. Dennis Mombauer]
- * Making the Unbelievable Believable, (iv) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2009 [Ref. Virginia G. McMorrow]
- * Maledict Michela, (ss) (by Brendan Connell) Nemonymous #4, 2004
- * A Mammoth Interview, (iv) Spiral Words #4, 1999 [Ref. Garry Kilworth]; published as an information poster by Mammoth Books in 1998.
- * Man Against Nature, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #67, March 15 1956 [Ref. Charles Neider]
- * The Managing Editor, (bg) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1952 [Ref. Beatrice Mahaffey]
- * Managing the Scorching Mess of Social Media, (iv) Mithila Review #12, December 2019 [Ref. May Chong]
- * The Manana Boys, (hu) Midnight Graffiti #1, June 1988
- * Man and Energy, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #63, November 15 1955 [Ref. Professor A. R. Ubbelohde, F.R.S.]
- * Man and the Planets, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54 Feb 15, #61 Sep 15 1955 [Ref. Robert S. Richardson]
- * Man and the Vertebrates, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. A. S. Romer]
- * Man Captures Lion, Barehanded, (ms) Weird Tales May 1923
- * Mandy, (pm) Abyss & Apex #40, 4th Quarter 2011
- * Man in Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #42, February 15 1954 [Ref. Heinz Haber]
- * Man Is Tried for Thirty-Three Murders, (ms) Weird Tales July/August 1923
- * Mankind vs. Progress, (ar) Science Fiction Digest November 1933
- * Manly Banister: Editor of Nekromantikon, (bg) Slant #4, Autumn 1950 [Ref. Manly Banister]
- * Man-Made Falls Develop 100,000 H.P., (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * A Man Not a Mouse, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #1, 2000
- * Mann’s World, (iv) Aphotic Realm #1, June/July 2017 [Ref. Roland Mann]
- * Man of 1000 Faces, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #26, Spring 2005
- * Man of Steel, (vi) Nature #7223, December 11 2008
- * Man on the Moon, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #41, January 15 1954
- * Man on the Schiz, (pm) Nexus #3, Spring 1993
- * Man’s First Move Toward the Stars! Stage 2: The Blast-Off!, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #36, August 15 1953
- * The Mansions of the Moon (A Cautionary Tale), (ss) (by Jeff VanderMeer) Nemonymous #1, November 2001
- * Man…The Real Space Probe, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction April 1962
- * The Man Who Could Work Miracles, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #38, October 15 1953 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * The Man Who Died Twice, (ss) Ghost Stories August 1927, as "Between Two Worlds", by Harold Standish Corbin
- * The Man Who Imagined Death, (vi) Fantasy Magazine September 1934
- * The Man Who Is Carnacki!, (iv) Occult Detective Quarterly #2, Spring 2017 [Ref. Dan Starkey]
- * The Man Who Made the Yellow God, (ss) (by Mark Valentine) Nemonymous #10, 2010
- * The Man Who Sold the Moon, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #36 Aug 15 1953, #58 Jun 15 1955 [Ref. Robert Heinlein]
- * the man who would be king…, (pm) The Mage #10, Summer 1988
- * The Man with Absolute Motion, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #60, August 15 1955 [Ref. Silas Water]
- * The Man with Only One Head, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #66, February 15 1956 [Ref. Densil Neve Barr]
- * The Many Ways One Becomes a Werewolf, (ar) Werewolf Magazine #6, 2007
- * A Map of Arkham, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #7, Summer 1970 [Ref. Gahan Wilson]
- * March of Science, (cl) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #42 Feb 15, #45, #46 Jun 15, #43 Mar 15, #44 Apr 15, #47 Jul 15, #48 Aug 15, #49 Sep 15, #50 Oct 15, #51 Nov 15, #52 Dec 15 1954
- * The March of Science: Science at the World’s Fair, (ms) Captain Future Winter 1940
- * The March of the Berserks, (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) Scoops May 19 1934
- * The March Wind, (ms) Aeon #14, June 2008
- * Marge Ballif Simon’s Cover Art: Genesis II, (ms) OG’s Speculative Fiction #4, January 2007 [Ref. Marge Ballif Simon]
- * Marge Simon’s Cover Art: G1, (ms) OG’s Speculative Fiction #8, September 2007 [Ref. Marge Simon]
- * Maria’s Crossroads, (ss) Abyss & Apex #39, 3rd Quarter 2011
- * Marie Curie, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #10, 1954
- * Mariner 1977, (ar) Starspeak October 1974
- * Market News, (cl) Star*Line Sep/Oct 1982, Mar/Apr 1989, Win 1991, Jan/Feb, Jul/Aug 1992, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, v18 #6/v19 #1 Nov/Feb 1995, Sep/Oct 1997,
Sep/Oct 1999, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 2000
Jan/Feb, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 2001, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Nov/Dec 2002, Jan/Feb 2003, Sep/Oct 2005, Jan/Feb 2006
- * Market Place, (ms) Star*Line January/February 1990
- * The Market Place, (ms) Scream-4-Me #1, June/July 2005
- * Market Reports, (ms) Star*Line Jan/Feb 1981, Sep/Dec 1988
- * Markets, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1981, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1982, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun,
Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1983
Jan/Feb, May/Jun 1984, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1985, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct,
Nov/Dec 1986
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1987, Jan/Feb 1988, Jan/Feb, Jul/Aug 1989, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1990
Jan/Feb 1991, v15 #7, Nov/Dec 1992, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1993, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug 1994
Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Nov/Dec 1998, Sep/Oct 2002
- * Market Skuttlebutt, (ms) Star*Line January/February 1989
- * Market Update, (ms) Star*Line May/June 1980
- * Mark Garland and Charles McGraw, authors of Star Trek Voyager: Ghost of a Chance, (iv) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #1, Winter/Spring 1997 [Ref. Mark Garland & Charles McGraw]
- * Mark Twain’s Astounding Vision, (ar) Ghost Stories February 1929
- * Marlow, Jane Oz, and Fay Dominie, (ms) The Vampire’s Crypt #2, Summer 1990
- * Marni Scofidio Griffin Bibliography, (bi) Roadworks #10, Autumn 2000 [Ref. Marni Scofidio Griffin]
- * The Marquis of Bambridge’s Warning, (vi) The Royal Magazine December 1903
- * Mars, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1938
- * Mars, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #37, September 15 1953
- * Marshal Ezra Gurney [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Winter 1941
- * Mars McCoy plug, (ms) Planetary Stories June 2007
- * Mars’ Missing Magnetic Field—Was It Destroyed by a Massive Asteroid Impact?, (ar) The Daily Galaxy November 3 2010
- * MARS: News, Views and Commentary, (cl) Black Petals (online) #42 Wtr, #43 Spr, #44 Sum, #45 Fll 2008, #46 Wtr, #47 Spr, #48 Sum 2009
- * Mars, the Crimson Sphere, (vi) Captain Future Winter 1941
- * The Martian, (br) Amazing Stories April 2014 [Ref. Andy Weir]
- * Martian Blue, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #1, 2000
- * Martian Crater Named for John W. Campbell, Jr., (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1975
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