The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 150
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Biehl, Hilary (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * After the Faeries, (pm) Liminality #19, Spring 2019
- * And the White Breast of the Dim Sea, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #30, June 2017
- * Infiltrations of Light, (ss) Expanded Horizons #56, August 2017
- * Misplaced, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2023
- * Tea Leaves, (pm) Abyss & Apex #66, 2nd Quarter 2018
- * The Woman Whose Face Turned Into a Bicycle, (pm) Phantom Drift #9, 2020
- * The Woman Who Went On Cleaning Anyway, (pm) Phantom Drift #9, 2020
Bielski, Alison (chron.)
- * Abduction, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #6, Winter 1995
- * Conversation Piece, Brittainy 1900, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #12, Summer 1997
- * Double Revenge, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries #5, Autumn 1995
- * Lockstride Ghost, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #12, Summer 1997
- * Suspension of Belief, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #8, Summer 1996
- * Vampire Chair, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #7, Spring 1996
- * Wargames, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #9, Autumn 1996
Bierce, Ambrose (Gwinnett) (1842-1914?) (about) (chron.)
- * The Ancient City of Grimaulquin: A Record of Industrial Discontent, (vi) The Wasp April 24 1886
- * Another Way, (pm) San Francisco Examiner November 20 1887
- * A Bivouac of the Dead, (ss) New York American November 22 1903
- * The Boarded Window, (ss) San Francisco Examiner April 12 1891
- * A Bottomless Grave, (ss) San Francisco Examiner February 26 1888
- * Cool Correspondence, (ss) Fun September 5 1874
- * The Damned Thing, (ss) Tales from New York Town Topics December 7 1893
- * The Death of Halpin Frayser, (ss) The Wave December 19 1891
- * A Diagnosis of Death, (ss) New York Journal December 8 1901
- * A Dreadful Classic:
* ___ The Stranger, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1909
- * The Failure of Hope and Wandel, (ss) Fun September 5 1874, as "Cool Correspondence"
- * Ghost, (pm) The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, Boni, 1911
- * A Holy Terror, (ss) The Wasp December 23 1882
- * The Ingenious Patriot, (vi) San Francisco Examiner October 30 1891
- * An Inhabitant of Carcosa, (ss) San Francisco Newsletter December 25 1886
- * John Bartine’s Watch, (ss) San Francisco Examiner January 22 1893
- * John Mortonson’s Funeral, (vi) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1906
- * The Man and the Snake, (ss) San Francisco Examiner June 29 1890
- * The Middle Toe of the Right Foot, (ss) San Francisco Examiner August 17 1890
- * My Favorite Murder, (ss) San Francisco Examiner September 16 1888
- * My Shipwreck, (ss) The Argonaut May 24 1879
- * An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, (ss) San Francisco Examiner July 13 1890
- * One Summer Night, (vi) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1906
- * A Psychological Shipwreck, (ss) The Argonaut May 24 1879, as "My Shipwreck"
- * A Revolt of the Gods, (vi) The Wasp April 24 1886, as "The Ancient City of Grimaulquin: A Record of Industrial Discontent"
- * The Secret of Macarger’s Gulch, (ss) The Wave April 25 1891
- * The Stranger, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1909
- * A Tough Tussle, (ss) San Francisco Examiner September 30 1888
- * Visions of the Night, (ar) San Francisco Examiner July 24 1887
_____, [ref.]
- * Ambrose Bierce 1842-1914 by Colin Westney, (bg) Supernatural Tales #17, Summer 2010
- * Ambrose Bierce: A Literary Analysis by Alan D. Gullette, (ar) Ambrosia #1, June 1972
- * Ambrose Bierce: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary Sources (with S. T. Joshi & David E. Schultz) by Mike Ashley, (br) Interzone #151, January 2000
- * Ambrose in Black Clothes by Les Daniels, (ar) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991
- * Can Such Things Be? by Norman E. Hartman, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990
- * The Dark God-Kings of Belletristic Samsara: Part 2: The Legacy of Ambrose Bierce by Michael Lohr, (ar) Midnight Street #12, Spring 2009
- * The Mockingbird by Pat Calhoun, (pm) Skelos Winter 2017
- * A Note on Ambrose Bierce by Frank Belknap Long, (ar) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991
- * Profile: Ambrose Bierce by Thomas E. Sanders, (Nippawanock), (bg) Night Cry Summer 1987
- * Some Newly Unearthed Works by Ambrose Bierce by J.-M. Rajala, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #7, Fall 2016
- * The Stories and Fables of Ambrose Bierce by Stephen T. Miller, (br) Thrust #11, Fall 1978
- * A Vision of Doom by Neal Wilgus, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982
Bigelow, Susan Jane (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Best Little Cleaning Robot in All of Faerie, (ss) Apex Magazine #69, February 2015
- * The Day After the Red Warlock of Skull Top Mountain Turned Everyone in Beane County Into Pigs, (ss) Fireside Magazine #56, June 2018
- * Die, Sophie, Die, (ss) Lightspeed #61, June 2015
- * The Eyes of the Flood, (ss) Lightspeed #92, January 2018
- * The Heart’s Cartography, (ss) Lightspeed #84, May 2017
- * A Memory of Wind, (ss) Out for a Hero ed. Amanda Ching, Storm Moon Press, 2016
- * Mercy, (ss) GlitterShip Spring 2017
- * My Plastic Heart, My Metal Hand, (na) The Future Fire #50, 2019
- * Sarah’s Child, (ss) Strange Horizons May 19 2014
- * Traffic Circles of Old Connecticut, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #24, December 2015
- * Warm, (ss) LampLight December 2016
_____, [ref.]
Biggle, Lloyd, Jr. (1923-2002) (about) (chron.)
- * And Madly Teach, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1966
- * The Arts: Media, (ar) Omni January 1980
- * The Botticelli Horror, (nv) Fantastic Science Fiction Stories March 1960
- * Bridle Shower, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1958
- * Cronus of the D.F.C., (ss) If February 1957
- * The Double-Edged Rope, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1967
- * Esidarap ot Pirt Dnuor, (nv) If November 1960
- * First Love, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1959
- * The Frayed String on the Stretched Forefinger of Time, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1971
- * Gypped, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1956
- * Hornets’ Nest, (ss) If September 1959
- * In His Own Image, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1968
- * Isaac Asimov Remembered: A Symposium of Recollections by Science Fiction Celebrities Poul Anderson, Ben Bova, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Martin H. Greenberg, Frederik Pohl, and Stanley Schmidt, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2002
- * Judgment Day, (ss) Fantastic Universe April 1958
- * The King Who Wasn’t [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2001
- * Leading Man, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1957
- * Lesson in Biology, (ss) Fantastic Universe November 1957
- * The Madder They Come, (ss) Fantastic June 1958
- * Male Refuge, (ss) Saturn, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1957
- * The Man Who Wasn’t Home, (na) Fantastic Science Fiction Stories September 1960
- * Mating Instinct, (ss) Super-Science Fiction June 1959
- * Monument, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Fiction June 1961
- * The Morasses of Academe Revisited, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1978
- * Morgan’s Lucky Planet, (ss) Imagination April 1958
- * No Biz Like Show Biz, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1974
- * Of the Zornler, by the Zornler… [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2003
- * …On the Dotted Line, (nv) If June 1957
- * On the Double, (ss) Galaxy Magazine September 1958
- * The Orzu Problem [Chronicles of a Born Loser], (ss) Saturn, Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy March 1958
- * Pariah Planet, (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow March 1965
- * Perchance to Dream [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2002
- * Petty Larceny, (ss) Satellite Science Fiction August 1958
- * The Pristine Planet [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2003
- * The Problem of the Gourmet Planet [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2003
- * Quantum Physics and Reality (with Michael Talbot), (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1976
- * The Rule of the Door, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1958
- * Silence Is Deadly, (na) If October 1957
- * A Slight Case of Limbo, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction April 1963
- * Spare the Rod, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1958
- * Still, Small Voice [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (na) Analog Science Fact—Fiction April 1961
- * A Taste of Fire, (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories August 1959
- * They Live Forever, (ss) Satellite Science Fiction March 1959
- * Traveling Salesman, (ss) Fantastic Universe May 1959
- * The Tunesmith, (nv) If August 1957
- * The Weariest River, (ss) Omni November 1978
- * The Well of the Deep Wish, (ss) If March 1961
- * Whom the Gods Love [Jan Darzek], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1971
- * Who’s on First?, (nv) If August 1958
- * Who Steals My Mind…, (ss) Fantastic October 1958
- * Wings of Song, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1963
- * The World Menders [Interplanetary Relations Bureau], (n.) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Feb, Mar, Apr 1971
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Jul 1974, Oct 1977
_____, [ref.]
- * The Angry Espers by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction July 1961
- * Lloyd Biggle, Jr.: What Is a Musicologist Doing Writing Science Fiction? by Thomas E. Staicar, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic January 1982
- * The Metallic Muse by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction January/February 1973
- * Monument by Paul McGuire, III, (br) Science Fiction Review #28, November/December 1978
- * The Monument of Lloyd Biggle, Jr. by Eric Leif Davin, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2003
- * A Sad Summer for Science Fiction, (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2003
- * This Darkening Universe by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1976
- * The World Menders by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction January/February 1973
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