The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1037
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Nikolaidou, Dimitra (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Any Old Disease, (ss) Metaphorosis March 2018
- Horns of Gold and Hands of Silver, (ss) Curiosities #4, Autumn 2018
- Blindness, (ss) See the Elephant #4, 2018
- The Honey of the World and the Queen of Crows, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #304, May 21 2020
- The Scar at the End of the World, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #83, June 2021
- A Short History of Science Fiction in Greece, (ar) InterNova Online #2, November 2022
Nikolaisen, Shirley (fl. 1970s-1980s); used pseudonym Sam Nicholson (items)
- Magma Wave, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1975, as by Sam Nicholson
- Get the Lead Out [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1976, as by Sam Nicholson
- A Rat of Any Psize [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1977, as by Sam Nicholson
- The Fourth-Stage Polygraph [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1977, as by Sam Nicholson
- Griggs and the Einstein Fallacy [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1977, as by Sam Nicholson
- Now You See Her [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1977, as by Sam Nicholson
- Actions Speak Louder [Capt. Schuster], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1978, as by Sam Nicholson
- Starships in Whose Future? [Vardos Vayan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1978, as by Sam Nicholson
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1978, as by Sam Nicholson
- Triad [Vardos Vayan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1979, as by Sam Nicholson
- Minding the Business [Vardos Vayan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1979, as by Sam Nicholson
- Oil Is Not Gold [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Omni April 1979, as by Sam Nicholson
- The Landed Interests [Vardos Vayan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1979, as by Sam Nicholson
- Scrooge in Space [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1980, as by Sam Nicholson
- The Hunting of Hewlish, (ss) Omni December 1980, as by Sam Nicholson
- Shake It All the Time [Capt. Schuster], (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 29 1982, as by Sam Nicholson
- Last Word, (fa) Omni July 1982, as by Sam Nicholson
- He Who Fights and Runs Away, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact mid September 1982, as by Sam Nicholson
- What Was the Name Again?, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1985, as by Sam Nicholson
Nikolopoulos, George (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Razor Bill vs Pistol Anne, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2016
- A Human’s Life, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #22, September 2016
- Prisoner in Stone, (ss) Helios Quarterly Magazine December 2016
- You Can Always Change the Past, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #25, March 2017
- Getting to Know You, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #26, May 2017
- Night Games, (vi) Helios Quarterly Magazine December 2017
- Frozen Moments, Stolen Out of Time, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #30, January 2018
- High in the Sky, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2018
- The Sin of Envy, (vi) Galaxy’s Edge #31, March 2018
- Memoirs of a One-Time Dragon-Slayer’s Apprentice, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #1, April 2018
- Going Back for Hitler, (vi) Nature #7710, June 21 2018
- Pandora Rising, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #33, July 2018
- The Horn of Amalthea, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #34, September 2018
- The Lady Who Would Not Die, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #37, March 2019
- An Android’s Guide to Deciphering Emotions, (ss) Factor Four Magazine #6, July 2019
- Blue Crystal Shards, (ss) On Spec #111, 2019
- The Sacred Order of the Guardians of the Last Door, (ss) On Spec #111, 2019
- To Our New Home in the Stars, (ss) DreamForge #3, September 2019
- A Letter to Peter Jefferson from His Son, Peter Jefferson, (vi) Galaxy’s Edge #41, November 2019
- I Am Salvador, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #43, March 2020
- The Real World, (ss) Sci Phi Journal Winter 2020
- I Am Not a Robot, (vi) New Myths #68, Fall 2024
Ning, Leah (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Static, (nv) Cossmass Infinities #3, September 2020
- Witchbreaker, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #359, June 30 2022
- Drown, Degrade, Dissent, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #10, July/August 2022
- You, But Only Sometimes, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #14, August 2022
- Nothing That Bleeds, (ss) Apex Magazine #133, 2022
- Love Sharp Enough to Rend, (ss) The Dark #92, January 2023
- Wet, Dry, Bitter, (vi) Apex Magazine #141, 2023
- The Ferns and the Fiddleheads, (ss) Apex Magazine #143, 2024
- On the Temporary Nature of Thunderstorms, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2024
- Rakesfall, (br) Apex Magazine #144, 2024 [Ref. Vajra Chandrasekera]
- It’s Only a Game, (br) Apex Magazine #145, 2024 [Ref. Kelsea Yu]
- Rosewater, Clinging to the Tongue, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #27, Anachronism, July 2024
- Someone You Can Build a Nest In, (br) Apex Magazine #146, 2024 [Ref. John Wiswell]
- Asunder, (br) Apex Magazine #147, 2024 [Ref. Kerstin Hall]
- Really Shockingly Bad Things and Other Stories, (br) Apex Magazine #148, 2025 [Ref. Sam Asher]
- The Serpent Called Mercy, (br) Apex Magazine #148, 2025 [Ref. Roanne Lau]
Niro, R. F. (fl. 2000s) (items)
- The Target That Eludes Me [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v14 #1, 2001
- Spine [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v15 #11, 2002
- Touching Ol [Dargon] (with Victor M. Cardoso), (ss) DargonZine v17 #1, 2004
- Echoes off the Stone [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v18 #8, 2005
- Out of the Rubble [Dargon] (with Pam Atchley & Dave Fallon), (sl) DargonZine v18 #8, 2005, etc.
Niswander, Frank James (1946-2012); used pseudonym Adam Niswander (items)
- The Sad Saga of Mad Jake Roberts, (ex) Integra Press, 1994, as by Adam Niswander
- The Cost of the Cure, (vi) Midnight Shambler #9, 1998, as by Adam Niswander
- The Book of the Overseer, (ss) The Black Book #2, 2002, as by Adam Niswander
- The 2004 World Horror Convention, (ar) H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror Fall 2004, as by Adam Niswander
Nitkey, Spencer (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Bootstraps, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms May/June 2020
- Calling Me Home, (ss) Metaphorosis August 2020
- Winter’s Song, (ss) Fusion Fragment #5, March 2021
- Nine Theories of Time, (ss) Apex Magazine #130, 2022
- The Women at the Edge of the Universe, (ss) Etherea Magazine #11, June 2022
- Tomorrow’s Agony, (ss) The Vanishing Point #6, Winter 2023
- The Song, Its Singers, and the End of the World, (ss) Fusion Fragment #16, April 2023
- The Painted Boy, (ss) Weird Horror #7, Fall 2023
- At the End of Everything, (ss) Not One of Us #78, 2024
- The Art the Owls Can’t Swallow, (ss) Apex Magazine #144, 2024
- Eternal Recurrence, (ss) Diabolical Plots #113, July 2024
- Within the Dead Whale, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #133, October 2024
Niveau, Thana (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Bruised Fruit, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #14, April 2011
- The Curtain, (ss) From Hell to Eternity by Thana Niveau, Gray Friar Press, 2012
- The Calling of Night’s Ocean, (ss) Interzone #255, November/December 2014
- Going to the Sun Mountain, (ss) Black Static #49, November/December 2015
- Wasps, (ss) Shock Totem #10, 2016
- White Mare, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Halloween Stories ed. Stephen Jones, Skyhorse Publishing, 2018
- A Tribute to Charles Black, (sy) Phantasmagoria Magazine #22, Spring 2023 [Ref. Charles Black]
Niven, Larry; [i.e., Laurence van Cott Niven] (1938- ) (about) (items)
- The Coldest Place [Known Space], (ss) If December 1964
- World of Ptavvs [Known Space], (na) Worlds of Tomorrow March 1965
- Wrong-Way Street, (ss) Galaxy Magazine April 1965
- One Face, (nv) Galaxy Magazine June 1965
- Becalmed in Hell [Known Space], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1965
- Eye of an Octopus [Known Space], (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1966
- The Warriors [Man-Kzin Wars], (ss) If February 1966
- Bordered in Black, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1966
- By Mind Alone, (ss) If June 1966
- How the Heroes Die [Known Space], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1966
- Neutron Star [Beowulf Shaeffer], (nv) If October 1966
- At the Core [Beowulf Shaeffer], (nv) If November 1966
- At the Bottom of a Hole [Known Space], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1966
- A Relic of the Empire [Known Space], (nv) If December 1966
- The Soft Weapon [Known Space], (nv) If February 1967
- Flatlander [Beowulf Shaeffer], (nv) If March 1967
- The Long Night, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1967
- The Ethics of Madness [Known Space], (nv) If April 1967
- Safe at Any Speed [Known Space], (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1967
- The Adults [Known Space], (na) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1967
- Handicap [Known Space], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1967
- Slowboat Cargo [Known Space], (n.) If February 1968, etc.
- The Deceivers [Known Space], (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1968
- Dry Run, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1968
- For a Foggy Night, (ss) Decal July 1968
- There Is a Tide [Louis Wu], (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1968
- Like Banquo’s Ghost, (ss) If September 1968
- All the Myriad Ways, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1968
- The Meddler, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1968
- The Organleggers [Gil Hamilton], (na) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1969
- The Theory and Practice of Teleportation, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1969
- Not Long Before the End [Mana], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1969
- Passerby, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1969
- Get a Horse! [Hanville Svetz], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1969
- Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex, (hu) Knight December 1969
- Down in Flames [Known Space], (uw) Trumpet #10, 1969
- [response to “Someday You’ll Be Rich!”], (ms) Science Fiction Review #37, April 1970
- The Misspelled Magician (with Jerrold David Friedman), (na) If May/June 1970, etc., as by David Gerrold & Larry Niven
- Bird in the Hand [Hanville Svetz], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1970
- Unfinished Story [Mana], (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1970
- No Exit (with Jean Marie Stine), (ss) Fantastic Stories June 1971, as by Larry Niven & Hank Stine
- The Theory and Practice of Time Travel, (ar) All the Myriad Ways by Larry Niven, Ballantine, 1971
- There’s a Wolf in My Time Machine [Hanville Svetz], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1971
- Rammer [Jerome Corbell], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction November/December 1971
- In the Cellar, (vi) Groggily #10, 1971
- Cloak of Anarchy [Known Space], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1972
- What Good Is a Glass Dagger? [Mana], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1972
- [transcript of discussion following Pohl’s speech at Chessmancon], (sy) Speculation Autumn 1972
- The Alibi Machine, (ss) Vertex June 1973
- All the Bridges Rusting, (nv) Vertex August 1973
- The Hole Man, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1974
- Bigger Than Worlds, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1974
- A Kind of Murder, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1974
- Plaything, (ss) Worlds of If July/August 1974
- Night on Mispek Moor, (ss) Vertex August 1974
- The Nonesuch, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1974
- The Notebooks of Mack Sikes, (hu) SFWA Forum 1974
- The Borderland of Sol [Beowulf Shaeffer], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1975
- Inferno (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1975, etc.
- Building the Mote in God’s Eye (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1976
- Down and Out [Jerome Corbell], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1976
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1976, etc.
- The Magic Goes Away [Mana], (na) Odyssey Summer 1976
- The Children of the State [Jerome Corbell], (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1976, etc.
- Flight of the Horse, (cs) Starstream #2, 1976; adapted by Allan Moniz
- Cruel and Unusual [Draco Tavern], (vi) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- Grammar Lesson [Draco Tavern], (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- The Subject Is Closed [Draco Tavern], (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation, (vi) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1977
- Transfer of Power, (ss) Ariel, The Book of Fantasy v3, 1978
- Involution Ocean, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978 [Ref. Bruce Sterling]
- The Ophiuchi Hotline, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978 [Ref. John Varley]
- Somerset Dreams, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
- Cautionary Tales, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July/August 1978
- Assimilating Our Culture, That’s What They’re Doing [Draco Tavern], (ss) Destinies v1 #1, 1978
- Flare Time [Medea], (nv) Andromeda 3 ed. Peter Weston, Futura, 1978
- The Schumann Computer [Draco Tavern], (ss) Destinies v1 #2, 1979
- “Shall We Indulge in Rishathra?”, (ms) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979
- Spirals (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (na) Destinies v1 #3, 1979
- The Locusts (with Steven Barnes), (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1979
- The Ringworld Engineers [Louis Wu; Ringworld], (n.) Galileo July 1979, etc.
- The Green Marauder [Draco Tavern], (ss) Destinies v2 #1, 1980
- Last Word, (fa) Omni July 1980
- Retrospective (with Steven Barnes), (ss) Destinies v2 #3, 1980
- On the Marching Morons (with Isaac Asimov), (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 19 1981
- The Alien Invasion, (ar) Science Fiction Review #38, Spring 1981
- Limits [Draco Tavern], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 28 1981
- Talisman [Mana] (with Dian Girard), (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1981
- Oath of Fealty (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (ex) Pocket, 1981
- The Lion in His Attic [Mana], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1982
- The Real Thing [Draco Tavern], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1982
- Commentary, (ms) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1982
- The Descent of Anansi (with Steven Barnes), (ex) Tor, 1982
- A Teardrop Falls [Berserker], (ss) Omni June 1983
- The Integral Trees [Sharls Davis Kendy], (n.) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1983, etc.
- Folk Tale [Draco Tavern], (ss) Niven’s Laws by Larry Niven, PSFS, 1984
- Staying Rich, (ar) Niven’s Laws by Larry Niven, PSFS, 1984
- Contact, (br) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986 [Ref. Carl Sagan]
- The Smoke Ring [Sharls Davis Kendy], (n.) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1987, etc.
- The Tale of the Jinni and the Sisters, (ss) Argos #1, Winter 1988
- Brenda [Haven], (na) New Destinies, Vol. III ed. Jim Baen, Baen, 1988
- Criticism, (ar) New Destinies, Vol. VII ed. Jim Baen, Baen, 1989
- The Wishing Game, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1989
- The Portrait of Daryanree the King, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1989
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