The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1431
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Travis, Julie (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Jump from a Speeding Car, (vi) R.E.M #2, November 1992
- The Guinea Worm, (ss) The Third Alternative #5, Winter 1994/1995
- The Fourth World, (ss) Psychotrope #3, October 1995
- God’s Favourite Creatures, (ss) Kimota #6, Summer 1997
- Perpetual Motion, (ss) Kimota #16, Spring 2002
- Darkworlds, (ss) Premonitions #6, 2008
- The World Beneath, (ss) Cover of Darkness #7, May 2011
- Blue, (ss) Kzine #1, September 2011
- Cross Bound, (nv) Aphelion #155, September 2011
- Tartan, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #72, 2022
Travis, Tia V. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Number Five in Whiskey Dog, (ss) Guignoir and Other Furies ed. George Hatch, Horror's Head Press, 1991
- A Date with the Hangman’s Daughter, (ss) Chills #7, Winter 1993
- The Kiss, (nv) Subterranean Gallery ed. Richard T. Chizmar & William K. Schafer, Subterranean Press, 1999
- A Gift with Hollow Spaces, (ss) The Spook #5, December 2001
- No Need of Wings, (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2008
- Down Here in the Garden, (ss) Horror Garage #1, 2000
Traviss, Karen (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Death, Taxes, and Mackerel, (ss) On Spec Spring 2002
- A Slice at a Time, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2002
- Chocolate Kings, (ss) On Spec Fall 2002
- Return Stories, (ss) Realms of Fantasy February 2003
- Suitable for the Orient, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2003
- The Man Who Did Nothing, (ss) Realms of Fantasy June 2003
- Does He Take Blood?, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2003
- The Final Demand of the Sun, (vi) Scheherazade #25, 2003
- Strings, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2003
- A Game of Three Halves, (vi) Scheherazade #26, 2003
- An Open Prison, (ss) On Spec Winter 2003
- View of a Remote Country, (ss) On Spec Spring 2004
- Agent of God, (vi) Scheherazade #28, 2005
- The World Before [Wess’har Wars], (ex) Eos, 2005
- Star Wars: Republic Commando: Triple Zero, (ex) Del Rey LucasBooks, 2006
- Defying Gravity: The Science Fiction of Zero-G (with Ian McDonald, Jody Lynn Nye, Corey Ostman & Vanessa Rose Phin), (ar) Strange Horizons August 24 2015
Treasure, Rebecca E. (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Interview with Author Pamela Rentz, (iv) Apex Magazine #126, 2021 [Ref. Pamela Rentz]
- Interview with Author Nina Munteanu, (iv) Apex Magazine #128, 2021 [Ref. Nina Munteanu]
- Interview with Author Bianca Sayan, (iv) Apex Magazine #129, 2022 [Ref. Bianca Sayan]
- Harold’s Hook, (ss) Zooscape #14, April 15 2022
- Little Tom’s Reality, (ss) Etherea Magazine #15, October 2022
- Moon and Sky, Feather and Stone, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #62, May 2023
- Everything, Nothing at All, and All That’s in Between, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #25, Blight, January 2024
- Get Bored, (ar) Apex Magazine #144, 2024
- The Frog Wife, (ss) Zooscape #21, August 15 2024
Treby, Ivor C. F. (1933-2012) (about) (items)
- A Gap in Nature, (pm) Sweet Dreams, Baby! #1, May 1990
- A Holy Roman First, (pm) Sweet Dreams, Baby! #1, May 1990
- Gone, (pm) Mind’s Eye #1, July 1990
- Where Music Ends, (pm) Mind’s Eye #1, July 1990
- Blanch Wears Her Little Red Number, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1992
Tredinnick, William, Jr. (1946- ); used pseudonyms Sol Kanemann & Carmuth Tarokath (items)
- Destination, (vi) Weirdbook #4, 1971, as by Carmuth Tarokath
- A Devil in Time Makes, (vi) Moonbroth #8, 1972, as by Sol Kanemann
- …I’ll Conserve You, (vi) Moonbroth #8, 1972, as by Sol Kanemann
- Legend of the Vampire, (ar) Moonbroth #8, 1972
- The Shape-Changers, (ar) Moonbroth #7, 1972, etc.
- Pre-Islamic Evil Jinn, (ar) Moonbroth #10, 1973
- Searching for Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #9, 1973, as by Sol Kanemann
- Waiting for Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #9, 1973, as by Sol Kanemann
- Alone with Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #14, 1974, as by Sol Kanemann
- Faces of Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #17, 1974, as by Sol Kanemann
- Fate Levels, (vi) Moonbroth #14, 1974, as by Sol Kanemann
- The Shape of Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #17, 1974, as by Sol Kanemann
- Capo Mafioso’s Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #20, 1975, as by Sol Kanemann
- Dragons, Snakes and Wiverns, (ar) Toadstool Wine ed. W. Paul Ganley, A.S.P., 1975
- Filet, (pm) Moonbroth #21, 1975, as by Sol Kanemann
- It Will End Here, (ss) Moonbroth #20, 1975, as by Sol Kanemann
- There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Mound Tonight, (pm) Moonbroth #20, 1975, as by Sol Kanemann
- A Foolish/Ghoulish Mistake, (pm) Wyrd #6, Winter 1976/1977, as by Sol Kanemann
- Fate’s Send-Off, (vi) Moonbroth #24, 1976, as by Sol Kanemann
- For All the Pre-1950 Igors, (pm) Moonbroth #25, 1976, as by Sol Kanemann
- You Can’t Make a Silk Bed Out of a Sow’s Ear, (pm) Moonbroth #28, 1976, as by Sol Kanemann
- Fate Dines Out (with William Tredinnick, Jr.), (vi) Weirdbook #12, 1977, as by Sol Kanemann & William Tredinnick, Jr.
- Fate’s Private Viewing (with William Tredinnick, Jr.), (vi) Weirdbook #11, 1977, as by Sol Kanemann & William Tredinnick, Jr.
- The Lamp of Fate (with William Tredinnick, Jr.), (vi) Weirdbook #11, 1977, as by Sol Kanemann & William Tredinnick, Jr.
- Last Anniversary, (vi) Moonbroth #29/30, 1977
- One Night with Fate, (vi) Moonbroth #29/30, 1977, as by Sol Kanemann
- When Fate Summons, (vi) Moonbroth #29/30, 1977, as by Sol Kanemann
- Eternal Fate (with William Tredinnick, Jr.), (ss) Weirdbook #13, 1978, as by Sol Kanemann & William Tredinnick, Jr.
- The Fate of Enoch Whately (with William Tredinnick, Jr.), (vi) Weirdbook #15, 1981, as by Sol Kanemann & William Tredinnick, Jr.
- The Fate That Money Can Buy (with Diane Knapich), (ss) Eerie Country #5, 1981
Tredowski, Adam (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #220, February 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #221, April 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #222, June 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #223, July/August 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #224, September/October 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Interzone #225, November/December 2009
Tremaine, F(rederick) Orlin (1899-1956); used pseudonym Orlin Frederick (about) (items)
- The Throwback, (vi) Weird Tales October 1926, as by Orlin Frederick
- Thought Variant, (ms) Astounding Stories December 1933
- Next Month, (ms) Astounding Stories January 1934, etc.
- Coming Up?, (ed) Astounding Stories February 1934
- Listen!, (ed) Astounding Stories March 1934
- Super-Science, (ed) Astounding Stories April 1934
- Stepping Along!, (ed) Astounding Stories May 1934
- The Skylark!, (ed) Astounding Stories June 1934
- More Stories—More Words, (ed) Astounding Stories July 1934
- As to Discussions, (ed) Astounding Stories August 1934
- Still Crowding!, (ed) Astounding Stories September 1934
- And Now Campbell!, (ed) Astounding Stories October 1934
- If Your Letters-!, (ed) Astounding Stories November 1934
- Still Hitting Hard!, (ed) Astounding Stories December 1934
- Into 1935, (ed) Astounding Stories January 1935
- In Our Stride, (ed) Astounding Stories February 1935
- Accelerating, (ed) Astounding Stories March 1935
- Impressions, (ed) Astounding Stories April 1935
- Continued—, (ed) Astounding Stories May 1935
- 9 Complete Stories!, (ed) Astounding Stories June 1935
- Fellow Travelers—, (ed) Astounding Stories July 1935
- This Month and Next, (ed) Astounding Stories August 1935
- The Upper Level Road, (ss) Astounding Stories August 1935, as by Warner van Lorne
- Two Years!, (ed) Astounding Stories September 1935
- How Criticism Helps, (ed) Astounding Stories October 1935
- The Mail Bag, (ed) Astounding Stories November 1935
- All Right! All Right!, (ed) Astounding Stories December 1935
- Pointed Paragraphs, (ed) Astounding Stories January 1936
- Trimmed Edges, (ed) Astounding Stories February 1936
- Star Dust, (ed) Astounding Stories March 1936
- Science-Fiction To-Day, (ed) Astounding Stories April 1936
- Checking Up, (ed) Astounding Stories May 1936
- About Articles and Us, (ed) Astounding Stories June 1936
- Looking Ahead, (ed) Astounding Stories July 1936
- Blazing New Trails, (ed) Astounding Stories August 1936
- Ad Astra, (ed) Astounding Stories September 1936
- About Brass Tacks, (ed) Astounding Stories October 1936
- Science Discussions, (ed) Astounding Stories November 1936, etc.
- You’d Be Surprised, (ed) Astounding Stories January 1937
- An Open Letter to You, (ed) Astounding Stories February 1937
- The Growing Consciousness, (ed) Astounding Stories March 1937
- What Is Interest?, (ed) Astounding Stories April 1937
- Letter to Editor, (ar) Tesseract May 1937
- Step by Step, (ed) Astounding Stories May 1937
- Planetariums, (ed) Astounding Stories June 1937
- Galactic Patrol, (ed) Astounding Stories July 1937
- This and That, (ed) Astounding Stories September 1937
- Into the Future, (ed) Astounding Stories October 1937
- We Grow, (ed) Astounding Stories November 1937
- The Unseen Mass, (ed) Astounding Stories December 1937
- Golden Girl of Kalendar [Jalu], (na) Fantastic Adventures September 1939
- True Confession, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1940
- Jalu of Radiant Valley [Jalu], (nv) Fantastic Adventures March 1940
- The “Comet” Is Here, (ed) Comet December 1940
- In Tune with the Infinite, (ed) Comet January 1941
- Signposts in Space, (ed) Comet March 1941
- New to Science Fiction, (ed) Comet May 1941
- The Door to Tomorrow, (ed) Comet July 1941
- A Leader for Korcin, (nv) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1942
- World on a Pogo Stick, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1948
- From Peas to Horses to Men, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1949
- The Man of the Future, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1949
- Son of the Stars, (ss) Super Science Stories April 1949
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