The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1392
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Takino, Haruo (items)
- [illustration(s)] (with Takuro Kamiya, Yu Kasamatsu, Natsuo Noma, Junichi Ohka, Yoshihisa Sadamatsu & Ichiro Tsuruta), (il) Omni February 1981
- [illustration(s)] (with Takuro Kamiya, Yu Kasamatsu, Natsuo Noma, Junichi Ohka, Yoshihisa Sadamatsu & Ichiro Tsuruta), (il) Omni (UK) v3 #5, 1981
Talabi, Wole; [born Oluwole Talabi] (1986- ) (about) (items)
- Crocodile Ark, (ss) Omenana #1, December 2014
- Eye, (ss) Liquid Imagination #24, February 2015
- A Short History of Migration in Five Fragments of You, (ss) Omenana #3, June 2015
- Why Africa Needs to Create More Science Fiction, (ar) Omenana #6, March 2016
- Wednesday’s Story, (ss) Lightspeed #72, May 2016
- If They Can Learn, (ss) Futuristica: Volume 1 ed. Chester Hoster & Kathryn Stauber, Metasagas Press, 2016
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, (ss) Imagine Africa 500 ed. Billy Kahora, Pan African Publishers, 2016
- I, Shidigi, (ss) Abyss & Apex #60, 4th Quarter 2016
- The Last Lagosian, (ss) Omenana #8, November 2016
- The Regression Test, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2017
- Home Is Where My Mother’s Heart Is Buried, (ss) Fiyah #2, Spring 2017
- Book Reviews, (rc) Omenana #9, April 2017
- Nneoma, (ss) Space and Time #129, Summer 2017
- The Harmonic Resonance of Ejiro Anaborhi, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018
- When We Dream We Are Our God, (ss) Apex Magazine #120, May 2019
- Abeokuta52, (ss) Omenana #14, October 2019
- Comments on Your Provisional Patent Application for an Eternal Spirit Core, (ss) Clarkesworld #174, March 2021
- An Arc of Electric Skin, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2021
- Saturday’s Song, (nv) Lightspeed #156, May 2023
- Blowout, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2023
- Tribute: Nick Wood (1961-2023), (ob) Omenana #26, July 2023 [Ref. Nick Wood]
- Motherland Dreaming: Notes on African Speculative Fiction from Past to Present, (ar) Clarkesworld #215, August 2024
Talbot, Bryan (1952- ) (items)
- FireFrost (with James Brunton), (ar) Imagine #14, May 1984
- FireFrost Briefing (with James Brunton), (ar) Imagine #14, May 1984
- The Fire Opal Set (with James Brunton), (ar) Imagine #14, May 1984
- [front cover], (cv) Imagine #14, May 1984
- Techno-Claws, (pi) Kimota #1, Winter 1994/1995
- Last Refuge (with Graeme Hurry), (cs) Kimota #2, Summer 1995
- The Nativity on Ice (with Alan Moore), (cs) Kimota #3, Winter 1995, as by Bryan Talbot & Kurt Vile
- [front cover], (cv) Kimota #3, Winter 1995
- [front cover], (cv) Kimota #5, Winter 1996/1997
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #169, July 2001
- [illustration(s)], (il) Pantechnicon #5, 2007
Taliaferro, Merle (items)
- Dawn at Last, (pm) Owlflight #3, 1982
- Orbiting Colonies, (pm) Owlflight #3, 1982
- The Dust of Guinea Pigs, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Seven ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1999
- New Home World, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Ten ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2001
Talisman (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Technobabble World, (pm) Nth Degree #1, Winter 2002
- Come Out and Play (Federation Style), (pm) Nth Degree #2, Winter 2002
- Teach Your Robots Well, (pm) Nth Degree #4, December 2002
- Always a Goth Chick, (pm) Nth Degree #5, April 2003
- Fifty Ways to Leave Your Planet, (sg) Nth Degree #8, December 2003
- Sympathy for George Lucas, (pm) Nth Degree #10, June 2004
Tall, Stephen; pseudonym of Compton N. Crook (1908-1981) (about) (items)
- The Lights on Precipice Peak, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1955
- Seventy Light-Years from Sol [Stardust], (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1966
- Allison, Carmichael and Tattersall, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1970
- The Angry Mountain, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1970
- “Talk with the Animals—”, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1970
- The Mad Scientist and the FBI, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1970
- This Is My Country, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1971
- The Bear with the Knot on His Tail [Stardust], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1971
- Birds Fly South in Winter [Stardust], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction November/December 1971
- Gods on Olympus [Stardust], (na) Worlds of If September/October 1972
- The Invaders [Stardust], (nv) Worlds of If July/August 1973
- Space Bounce, (ss) Worlds of If September/October 1973
- Mushroom World [Stardust], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1974
- Chlorophyll, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1976
- The Rock and the Pool, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1976
- The Man Who Saved the Sun, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1977
- The King Is Dead: Long Live the Queen!, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1978
- Home Is the Hunter, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1979
- The Hot and Cold Running Waterfall, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1980
- The Merry Men of Methane [Stardust], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1980
Tallent, Dennis (fl. 1990s) (items)
- The Interrogation, (ss) Aphelion #6, July 1997
- Flyers, (ss) Aphelion #7, August 1997
- Trigeminus, (sl) Aphelion #8, September 1997, etc.
- Barfly [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #18, November 1998
- The Light Inside the Dark, (ss) Aphelion #18, November 1998
- Anatomy Lesson [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #21, February 1999
- The Challenge [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #29, October 1999
Tallerman, David (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- New Skin for the Old Ceremony, (ss) Hub Magazine #17, July 27 2007
- My Friend Fishfinger, by Daisy, Age 7, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #30, 2007
- The Gate in the Jungle, (ss) The Willows September 2007
- The Other Ten Thousand, (vi) OG’s Speculative Fiction #9, November 2007
- The Facts in the Case of Algernon Whisper’s Karma, (ss) The Willows January 2008
- The Desert Cold, (vi) Flash Fiction Online March 2008
- Exodus, (ss) Hub Magazine #57, July 8 2008
- Doppelganger, (pm) ChiZine #37, July/September 2008
- The Space Beneath the Church, (ss) The Willows July/August 2008
- Strive to Be Happy, (vi) Flash Fiction Online July 2008
- The Burden of Kings, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss September 2008
- The Ascension of DeepRED, (ss) OG’s Speculative Fiction #15, November 2008
- The Tyranny of Thangrind the Cruel, (ss) Dark Horizons #53, 2008
- Imaginary Prisons, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #29, Summer 2009
- In the Service of the Guns, (ss) Space and Time #107, Summer 2009
- Peachy, (ss) Murky Depths #8, June 2009
- Friendly, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #31, Winter 2009
- The Painted City, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #43, 2009
- Caretaker in the Garden of Dreams, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #9, January 2010
- Feeler, (ss) Shelter of Daylight #3, Spring 2010
- WunderKind, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2010
- Today the War Ended, Tonight the Sky Burned, (ss) OG’s Speculative Fiction #24, May 2010
- Glass Houses, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #34, Autumn 2010
- Some Theories Regarding the Current Crisis, (ss) Encounters Magazine November/December 2010
- The Burning Room, (ss) Bull Spec #4, Winter 2010/2011
- Jenny’s Sick, (ss) Lightspeed #7, December 2010
- Devilry at the Hanging Tree Inn, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #37, Summer 2011
- Passive Resistance, (ss) Redstone Science Fiction #18, November 2011
- Dancing in the Winter Rooms, (ss) Electric Velocipede #23, Winter 2011
- A Stare from the Darkness, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2012
- Fall from Grace, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2012
- Sheathing the Bright Sword, (ar) BFS Journal Winter 2012/2013
- A Twist Too Far, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #56, 2012
- For Life, (vi) Flash Fiction Online March 2013
- The Sign in the Moonlight, (ss) Nightmare #6, March 2013
- Across the Terminator, (ss) Clarkesworld #82, July 2013
- Ill-Met at Midnight, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #128, August 22 2013
- Too Regular, (ss) LampLight September 2013
- Bad Times to Be in the Wrong Place, (ss) Interzone #250, January/February 2014
- The House That Cordone Built, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015
- A Killer of Dead Men, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #189, December 24 2015
- Team Invasion, (ss) Liminal Stories #1, Spring/Summer 2016
- Great Black Wave, (ss) Nightmare #45, June 2016
- Knock, Knock, (ss) Pantheon Magazine #9, Summer 2016
- Children of Deadways, (ss) Space and Time #128, Spring 2017
- Casualty of Peace, (ss) Horror Library: Volume 6 ed. Eric J. Guignard, Cutting Block, 2017
- The Only Way Out Lies Farther In, (ss) The Dark #42, November 2018
- Glamorous Corpses, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms January/February 2019
- Life Without Possibility, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms November/December 2019
- Parasite Art, (ss) Interzone #284, November/December 2019
- Ghost Drive, (ss) Hybrid Fiction February 2020
- Not Us, (ss) Nightmare #97, October 2020
- A Cold Yesterday in Late July, (ss) The Dark #70, March 2021
- Fall to Rise, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #344, December 2 2021
- Compassion Fatigue, (ss) On Spec #122, 2022
Tallman, Bret (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Blackheath, (ss) Forgotten Worlds #2, June 2006
- Sleepless, Nameless, (ss) Hub Magazine #31, November 3 2007
- The Tab, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #17, April 2008
- Red Engine, (ss) Dark Worlds #1, Summer 2008
- All Out of Forward, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss March 2009
- Into the Silence Flies a Moth, (ss) The Martian Wave 2010
- Wax and Mountains, (ss) Black Ink Horror #6, 2010
- The Far Bank, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #21, September 2011
Talman, Wilfred Blanch (1905?-1986) (items)
- Two Black Bottles (with H. P. Lovecraft), (ss) Weird Tales August 1927
- Haunted Island, (pm) Weird Tales January 1928
- The Curse of Alabad and Ghinu and Aratza, (ss) Weird Tales February 1928
- [letter from Brooklyn, NY], (lt) Weird Tales October 1931
- Doom Around the Corner, (ss) Weird Tales November 1931
- Death, (pm) Weird Tales March 1932
- [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Weird Tales May 1932
- [letter from Spring Valley, NY], (lt) Weird Tales October 1932, etc.
- Ballade of Creatures Abroad by Night, (pm) Weird Tales September 1933
- A Horror in Profile, (ss) Marvel Tales July/August 1934
- Lovecraft Psychoanalyzed, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1990 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
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