The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1346
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Stableford, Brian (Michael) (items) (continued)
- Writers on David Pringle (with Jay Caselberg, David Langford & Liz Williams), (ms) Interzone #194, September/October 2004 [Ref. David Pringle]
- The Elixir of Youth, (nv) Weird Tales August/September 2006
- The Plurality of Worlds [Queen Jane], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2006
- An Oasis of Horror, (ss) infinity plus September 2006
- The Problems of Matter Transmission, (ar) Hub Magazine #2, Winter 2007
- Doctor Muffet’s Island [Queen Jane], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2007
- 25 IZ, (ms) Interzone #210, June 2007
- The Trial, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2007
- Danny’s Inferno, (ss) Albedo One #32, 2007
- Following the Pharmers, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2008
- The Best of Both Worlds, (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- The Philosopher’s Stone [Queen Jane], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2008
- The Great Armada, (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2009
- Some Like It Hot, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2009
- The Fertile Imagination, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #41, 2009
- A Further Experiment in the Effects of Mesmerism, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #5, Fall 2014
Stacey, Joseph C.; [working name of Joseph Chester Stasulewicz] (1918-1981) (items)
- Out of This World, (qz) If April 1954, etc.
- Do You Know Your Scientific Experts?, (pz) Future Science Fiction #39, October 1958, etc.
- Do You Know Your Physicists?, (qz) Science Fiction Stories November 1958
- Missile, Missile, Who’s Got the Missile?, (pz) Science Fiction Stories November 1959
- Do You Know Your Elements?, (qz) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1963
- Quiz: Scientific Experts, (qz) Venture Science Fiction August 1969
- Metallic or Nonmetallic?, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1972
- Do You Know Your Chemestry Terms?, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1974
- Do You Know Your Meters?, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1976
- Atomic Terms, (qz) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1977
Stackpole, Michael A(ustin) (1957- ) (items)
- The God of Thieves, (ss) Oracle v1 #1, 1982
- The Final Gift, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1990
- Absolutely Charming, (ss) Amazing Stories July 1991
- Shepherd [Talion], (nv) Dark Regions v1 #4, 1991
- The Lazarus Murder, (ss) Amazing Stories Summer 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Star Wars Gamer #8, February/March 2002
- The Krells of Tancras Moor, (nv) Dragon August 2003
- Write Before Rewriting, (ar) Deep Magic #33, February 2005
- Fix, (ss) Fiction River #3, Time Streams, August 2013
- If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot… [BattleTech], (sl) Shrapnel #1, 2020, etc.
- Dust to Dust [BattleTech], (ss) Shrapnel #15, 2023
Stadt, Jeffrey A. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- The Dark Man’s Children, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #6, Fall 1992
- Battle of the Lost, (ss) Spellbound #1, Summer 1993
- Closed Casket, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #4, 1993
- Stalking Ione, (ss) Crossroads July 1993
- Jackal’s Concubine, (ss) Gaslight August 1993
- Perversion #65, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #5, 1994
- A Whisper Between Breaths, (ss) Terminal Fright #4, May/June 1994
- Tremors of the Soul, (vi) Shadow Sword #4, November 1994
- Night of the Hammer Vampires, (ss) Gaslight Winter 1995
- Desire of Earth and Sky, (ss) Into the Darkness #3, 1995
- Shadow Surfer, (pm) Bare Bone #1, 2001
- Woe, (pm) Bare Bone #2, 2002
- The Beauty of Sin, (ss) Bare Bone #3, 2002
- A Blistered Sun, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- Crawlspace Dream, (pm) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- Against the Sun, (ss) Bare Bone #5, 2004
- A Dead Night’s Ride, (ss) Bare Bone #6, 2004
- The Limp Node, (pm) Bare Bone #8, 2005
- Succummed, (pm) Bare Bone #7, 2005
- The Price of Shoes, (pm) Bare Bone #9, 2006
- As a King Weeps, (pm) Bare Bone #10, 2007
- Dance of the Harlequin, (ss) Bare Bone #11, 2009
- Glory Hole, (ss)
Stadt, Kevin (Edwin) (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- In the Shadow of the Hive, (ss) Nebula Rift v4 #10, 2016
- Us vs. Them: A Hominum Futurus Chronicle, (ss) Phantaxis #7, November 2017
- Stealing the City’s Dark Dream, (ss) Kzine #23, January 2019
- For Love of Lella: A Numenthrall Chronicle, (ss) Outposts of Beyond July 2019
- Defective: A Hominum Futurus Chronicle, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2019
- Demon’s Orbit, (ss) 96th of October Autumn 2021
- Outmatched: A Jagged Steel Creek Chronicle, (ss) 96th of October Winter 2021
Staffin-Wiebe, Abra (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Salvaging Scottwell, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe December 2009
- After Our Bodies Fail, (ar) Apex Magazine #59, April 2014
- Demons of Disease, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v10 #2, 2014
- And Other Definitions of Family, (nv) Unlikely Story #12, October 2015
- Overwintering Habits of the North American Mermaid, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2018
- Fear of a Stuntwoman, (ss) Fireside Magazine #95, September 2021
Stafford, Greg; [i.e., Francis Gregory Stafford] (1948-2018) (about) (items)
- The Disintigration of Snailbrass, (ss) Wyrd #3, Spring 1974
- Translation of an Ogham Stick (with Footnotes), (ss) Wyrd #5, 1975
- The Gifts of a Goddess, (vi) Space and Time #31, July 1975
- Adrift, (vi) Space and Time #35, March 1976
- Manabozho and the Lacrosse Game, (cs) Wyrd #6, Winter 1976/1977
- Near the End of the World, (ss) Space and Time #43, July 1977
- The Other Ark, (ss) Wyrd #7, Fall 1977
- [card], (lt) Science Fiction Review #33, November 1979
Staicar, Thomas E(dward) (1946- ) (items)
- [letter from Ann Arbor, 48104, US], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1977
- A Handful of Darkness, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- The Empire of Time, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, November 1979 [Ref. Crawford Kilian]
- An Interview with Alan Dean Foster, (iv) Amazing Stories February 1980 [Ref. Alan Dean Foster]
- City of the Beast, (br) Science Fiction Review #35, May 1980 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- Destination Moon, (br) Science Fiction Review #35, May 1980 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- Harlan Ellison Interview/Profile, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1980 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- Fantasy for Children: An Annotated Checklist, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980 [Ref. Nadelman Lynn]
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980, etc.
- The House That Stood Still, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, Summer 1981 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- The Jules Verne Companion, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, Summer 1981 [Ref. Peter Haining]
- Fritz Leiber, (br) Science Fiction Review #40, Fall 1981 [Ref. Jeff Frane]
- Joe Haldeman, (br) Science Fiction Review #40, Fall 1981 [Ref. Joan Gordon]
- Philip Jose Farmer, (br) Science Fiction Review #40, Fall 1981 [Ref. Mary T. Brizzi]
- Robert A. Heinlein: America as Science Fiction, (br) Science Fiction Review #40, Fall 1981 [Ref. H. Bruce Franklin]
- The Art of Making Waves, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1981 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- Full of Surprises, (ss) Worlds Lost…Time Forgotten #3, 1981
- Lloyd Biggle, Jr.: What Is a Musicologist Doing Writing Science Fiction?, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic January 1982 [Ref. Lloyd Biggle, Jr.]
- Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982 [Ref. Ben Bova]
- The “Pendex”: An Index of Pen Names and House Names in Fantastic, Thriller, and Series Literature, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982 [Ref. Susannah Bates]
- The Third Grave, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982 [Ref. David Case]
- The Interstellar Connection, (br) Amazing Stories
- Readerscope, (br) Fantastic
Staley, Shane Ryan (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- Caswell, (ss) Outer Darkness #16, Summer 1998
- Road Kill, (ss) Frightmares #3, August 1998
- Scribblings from the Asylum Walls, (ed) Delirium #1, January 2000, etc.
- Dysfunction, (ss) Black Petals Spring 2000
- The Prostitute, (vi) Earwig Flesh Factory Spring 2000
- The Diseased, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #7, 2000
- Chocolate Jesus, (ss) Delirium #3, 2000
- This Is the End, (ss) The Urbanite #12, Spring 2001
- Dead Memories, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #11, 2001
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