The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1214
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Russell, Curt D. (fl. 1990s) (items)
- The Caller, (pm) Amazing Experiences December 1990
- Neighborhood Grandpa, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- Bing’s Tale, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #6, 1991
- A Tiger Mountain Tale, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #6, 1991
- Death of a Hero, Birth of a Demon, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #7, 1993
- Jackson’s Fate, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #7, 1993
- Namen Field, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #7, 1993
Russell, Daniel I. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- The Blood Pit, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #1, January 2008
- Living Haunts, (ss) Midnight Echo #3, September 2009
- By the Banks of the Nabarra, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #43, 2009
- Editor’s Crypt, (ed) Necrotic Tissue #12, October 2010
- Parting Words, (ms) Necrotic Tissue #12, October 2010
- Creeper, (ss) SQ Mag #2, May 2012
- Nobody Messes with Venus, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #56, 2012
- Entities of Modern Evil, (ar) Apex Magazine #98, July 2017
- Entertaining Demons, (ex) Apex Book Company, 2017
- Restless, (ss) Midnight Echo #17, August 2022
Russell, Doug (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- The Sorcerer’s Remains, (ss) Weirdbook #27, Spring 1992
- Singin’ Man, (ss) Space and Time #90, Fall 1999
- The Hours of Her Death, (ss) Space and Time #102, Winter 2008
- Last Breath, (ss) Cover of Darkness #10, March 2012
- Push, (ss) Trysts of Fate #5, February 2016
- The Friend Zone, (ss) Disturbed Digest #22, September 2018
- Oh Here Is Love and Here Is Truth, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine December 2019
Russell, Eric Frank (1905-1978); used pseudonyms Webster Craig, Duncan H. Munro, Naille Wilde & Niall Wilde (about) (items)
- The Saga of Pelican West, (nv) Astounding Stories February 1937
- [letter from Orrell, Liverpool 20, England], (lt) Astounding Stories March 1937, etc.
- The Great Radio Peril, (ss) Astounding Stories April 1937
- The Prr-r-eet, (nv) Tales of Wonder #1, 1937
- This Cosmic Science Is the Bunk!, (ar) Scientifiction June 1937
- Seeker of To-morrow (with Leslie J. Johnson), (na) Astounding Stories July 1937
- Mana, (ss) Astounding Stories December 1937
- The World’s Eighth Wonder, (nv) Tales of Wonder #3, Summer 1938
- Egyptian Episode, (ss) The Master Thriller Series #21, 1938
- Impulse, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1938
- Shadow-Man, (ss) Fantasy #1, 1938
- Sinister Barrier, (na) Unknown March 1939
- Murder Without Motive, (ss) The Master Thriller Series #25, 1939
- Over the Border, (ar) Unknown September 1939
- Mightier Yet, (ss) Fantasy #3, 1939
- Vampire from the Void, (nv) Fantasy #2, 1939
- [letter from Liverpool, England], (lt) Unknown January 1940, etc.
- Me and My Shadow, (ss) Strange Stories February 1940
- [letter], (lt) Sweetness and Light Spring 1940, etc.
- Spontaneous Frogation, (ar) Unknown July 1940
- I, Spy!, (nv) Tales of Wonder #12, Autumn 1940
- The Mechanical Mice, (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction January 1941, as by Maurice G. Hugi
- Jay Score [Jay Score], (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1941
- Seat of Oblivion, (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction November 1941
- Homo Saps, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction December 1941, as by Webster Craig
- “With a Blunt Instrument”, (ss) Unknown Worlds December 1941
- Mechanistria [Jay Score], (na) Astounding Science-Fiction January 1942
- Mr. Wisel’s Secret, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1942
- Describe a Circle, (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1942
- The Kid from Kalamazoo, (nv) Fantastic Adventures August 1942
- Symbiotica [Jay Score], (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction October 1943
- Controller, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction March 1944
- Resonance, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction July 1945
- Metamorphosite, (na) Astounding Science Fiction December 1946
- The Timid Tiger, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction February 1947
- Relic, (nv) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction April 1947
- “Hobbyist”, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction September 1947
- Dreadful Sanctuary, (n.) Astounding Science Fiction June 1948, etc.
- Displaced Person, (vi) Weird Tales September 1948
- Muten, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction October 1948, as by Duncan H. Munro
- The Ponderer, (ss) Weird Tales November 1948
- Late Night Final, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction December 1948
- Sinister Barrier, (n.) Fantasy Press, 1948
- The Big Shot, (ss) Weird Tales January 1949
- A Present from Joe, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction February 1949
- The Glass Eye, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction March 1949
- The Undecided, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction April 1949
- U-Turn, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction April 1950, as by Duncan H. Munro
- Dear Devil, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories May 1950
- Exposure, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction July 1950
- The Rhythm of the Rats, (ss) Weird Tales July 1950
- First Person Singular, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1950
- Follower, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction November 1950
- MacHinery, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1950
- Test Piece, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1951
- Afternoon of a Fahn, (ss) Imagination April 1951
- …And Then There Were None, (na) Astounding Science Fiction June 1951
- The Witness, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories September 1951
- Ultima Thule, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction October 1951
- The Illusionaries, (ss) Planet Stories November 1951
- The Star Watchers, (n.) Startling Stories November 1951
- Treasured Moments, (ms) Slant #6, Winter 1951/1952
- [letter from Hooton, England], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction February 1952
- I’m a Stranger Here Myself, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1952
- Fast Falls the Eventide, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction May 1952
- Take a Seat, (vi) Startling Stories May 1952
- Hell’s Bells, (ss) Weird Tales July 1952, as by Duncan H. Munro
- I Am Nothing, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction July 1952
- The Sin of Hyacinth Peuch, (nv) Fantastic Fall 1952
- A Little Oil…, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1952
- Last Blast, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction November 1952
- The Timeless Ones, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1952
- Design for Great-Day, (na) Planet Stories January 1953
- Eric Frank Russell, (bg) Other Worlds January 1953
- Somewhere a Voice, (na) Other Worlds January 1953
- It’s in the Blood, (ss) Fantastic Universe June/July 1953
- A Great Deal of Power, (ss) Fantastic Universe August/September 1953
- This One’s on Me, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #4, Autumn 1953
- Postscript, (ss) Science-Fiction Plus October 1953
- Bitter End, (ss) Science-Fiction Plus December 1953
- Sustained Pressure, (nv) Nebula Science Fiction #6, 1953
- Appointment at Noon, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1954
- The Door, (ss) Universe Science Fiction #4, March 1954
- Anything to Declare?, (ss) Fantastic April 1954, as by Naille Wilde
- Fly Away Peter, (nv) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954
- Weak Spot, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction May 1954
- The Courtship of 53 SHOTL 9 G, (nv) Fantastic December 1954, as by Niall Wilde
- I Hear You Calling, (ss) Science Fantasy #11, 1954
- Nothing New, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction January 1955
- Diabologic, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction March 1955
- On ’Religion and Sex’, (lt) New Worlds Science Fiction #33, March 1955
- Allamagoosa, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction May 1955
- Asstronomy, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #37, July 1955
- Proof, (ss) Fantastic Universe July 1955
- Saraband in C Sharp Major, (ss) Science Fiction Stories July 1955
- Tieline, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction July 1955, as by Duncan H. Munro
- The Waitabits, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction July 1955
- Call Him Dead, (n.) Astounding Science Fiction August 1955, etc.
- Down, Rover, Down, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #14, 1955
- Heart’s Desire, (ss) Science Fantasy #16, 1955, as by Niall Wilde
- Down, Rover, Down, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #14, 1955
- Heart’s Desire, (ss) Science Fantasy #16, 1955, as by Niall Wilde
- Minor Ingredient, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction March 1956
- Legwork, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction April 1956
- Sole Solution, (vi) Fantastic Universe April 1956
- Plus X, (na) Astounding Science Fiction June 1956
- Storm Warning, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #17, 1956
- Top Secret, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction August 1956
- Quiz Game, (ss) Fantastic Universe September 1956
- Fall Guy, (ss) Fantastic Universe November 1956
- Heav’n, Heav’n, (ss) Future Science Fiction #30, 1956
- Nuisance Value, (na) Astounding Science Fiction January 1957
- And Still It Moves, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction June 1957
- Love Story, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction August 1957
- Into Your Tent I’ll Creep, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction September 1957
- Early Bird, (nv) Science Fiction Stories November 1957
- The Creeping Coffins of Barbados, (ar) Dobson, 1957
- The Riddle of Levitation, (ar) Dobson, 1957
- Satan’s Footprints, (ar) Dobson, 1957
- The Ship That Vanished, (ar) Dobson, 1957
- Wasp, (n.) Avalon, 1957
- Brute Farce, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction February 1958
- Basic Right, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction April 1958
- There’s Always Tomorrow, (ss) Fantastic Universe June 1958
- Stargazers, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1959
- Study in Still Life, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction January 1959
- Now Inhale, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction April 1959
- The Army Comes to Venus, (nv) Fantastic Universe May 1959
- …And Who the Pot?, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories June 1959
- A Many Legged Thing, (ar) Fantastic Universe November 1959
- Panic Button, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction November 1959
- A Trench and Two Holes, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #100, November 1960
- Meeting on Kangshan, (ss) If March 1965
- Eternal Rediffusion (with Leslie J. Johnson), (ss) Harbottle Fantasy Booklet #3, 1973
- Who’s That Knocking?, (ar) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #45, 2010
Russell, Gary (James) (1963- ) (about) (items)
- Nebulous, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine #1, 2002
- Broken [Torchwood], (cs) Torchwood #15, May/June 2009, etc.
- Overture [Torchwood], (cs) Torchwood #25, January/February 2011
- The Expert [Star Trek], (ss) Star Trek Explorer v1 #5, 2022
- The Guardian [Star Trek], (ss) Star Trek Explorer v1 #5, 2022
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