The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1158
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Reeds, F. Anton (fl. 1940s-1950s); used pseudonym Anthony Riker (items)
- Pin the Medals on Poe, (ss) Astonishing Stories September 1941
- Forever Is Not So Long, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1942
- The Wee Bonnie Poupon, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950
- Future Man, (pm) The Nekromantikon v1 #4, 1950/51
- Death Wish, (pm) The Nekromantikon #5, 1951
- Old Man of the Moors (with Charles Newton Briggs), (ss) The Nekromantikon #5, 1951
- Sunset for Pawns, (ss) Vortex Science Fiction v1 #1, 1953
- The Time Contraption, (ss) Vortex Science Fiction v1 #1, 1953, as by Anthony Riker
- Aunt Else’s Stairway, (ss) Orbit v1 #5, 1954, as by Anthony Riker
Rees, Melanie (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Ephemeral Love, (ss) The Future Fire #15, 2009
- Story, (vi) Twisted Tongue #15, April 2010
- Holding, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #48, 2010
- Silence Broken, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2012
- Two to the Power of One, (ss) Penumbra (online) April 2013
- Sentience Is Watching a Sunset, (pm) Apex Magazine #62, July 2014
- Navigate, (ss) Perihelion August 12 2014
- The Long Shadow, (ss) Aurealis #76, November 2014
- Night-Time Visitor, (pm) Apex Magazine #67, December 2014
- The Monster Under the Bed, (ss) Aurealis #79, April 2015
- A Letter to Santa, (vi) Apex Magazine #79, December 2015
- Harmless, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #63, March 2016
- Late Bloom, (ss) Cirsova Spring 2016
- #WhatIsHendersonsCurse, (ss) Aurealis #88, March 2016
- Timely Drop, (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #26, 2016
- The Desert of Eternity, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2016
- How to Bake a Child, (pm) Spirit’s Tincture #2, November 2016
- Elementability, (ss) Aurealis #97, February 2017
- Ash Upon the Starry Night, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #68, September 2017
- Tidal Waves, (ss) The Future Fire #42, 2017
- Traditions, (vi) The Martian Wave 2017
- Apocalypse, (pm) Space and Time #131, Spring 2018
- Socks Soaked with Time, (ss) LampLight March 2018
- Bloodletting, (ss) Unnerving Magazine #6, April 2018
- The Red Goddess, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #3, October 2018
- Remembrance, (vi) Nature #7730, November 8 2018
Reese (fl. 1960s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1968
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) If January 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) If April 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) If May 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1969
- [illustration(s)], (il) If July 1969
Reese, Bentley A(llen) (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- The Listener, (ss) Encounters Magazine #5, 2012
- Suicide Bots, (ss) Shimmer #31, May 2016
- Corpse Eater, (ss) Aurealis #92, July 2016
- Superdrug, (ss) Not One of Us #57, April 2017
- We Clean Everything but Souls, (ss) Bourbon Penn #14, September 2017
- We Are New(s), (ss) Apex Magazine #106, March 2018
- The Other Side of the Glass, (ss) Albedo One #49, 2020
Reese, Jenn (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Winged, (ss) Strange Horizons March 3 2003
- The Dream Factory, (ss) Strange Horizons November 10 2003
- Spidergirl, (ss) Flytrap #1, November 2003
- Born of Bones, (ss) Flytrap #2, May 2004
- Memree, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 4 ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2004
- Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: Monkey, (vi) Strange Horizons January 17 2005
- Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: Rooster, (vi) Strange Horizons February 21 2005
- Dog, (vi) Strange Horizons March 21 2005
- Pig, (vi) Strange Horizons April 18 2005
- Rat, (vi) Strange Horizons May 16 2005
- Ox, (vi) Strange Horizons June 20 2005
- Tiger, (vi) Strange Horizons July 18 2005
- Rabbit, (vi) Strange Horizons August 15 2005
- Dragon, (vi) Strange Horizons September 19 2005
- Snake, (vi) Strange Horizons October 17 2005
- Horse, (vi) Strange Horizons November 21 2005
- Goat, (vi) Strange Horizons December 19 2005
- Strange Pageantry, (pm) Lone Star Stories #13, February 2006
- Angst in D Minor, (ss) Lone Star Stories #16, August 2006
- The View from the Fishbowl, (pm) Lone Star Stories #17, October 2006
- Chimaeras, (ss) Lone Star Stories #19, February 2007
- Monstrous Love, (ss) Flytrap #9, June 2008
- How to Masquerade as a Human Before the Invasion, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2015
- Media Reviews, (rc) Lightspeed #100, September 2018
- The Right Number of Cats, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2019
- Symphony for the Space Between the Stars, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Winter 2019
- A Mindreader’s Guide to Surviving Your First Year at the All-Girls Superhero Academy, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #31, November/December 2019
- A Stone’s Throw from You, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2020
- The World Ends in Salty Fingers and Sugared Lips, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #35, July/August 2020
- A Little Knife Music, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2021
- It Begins with RAVEN, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #111, December 2022
- Four Words Written on My Skin, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #54, September/October 2023
Reeser, Julie (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Eat Me, Drink Me, Set Me Free, (ss) GrendelSong #2, April 2016
- Donkeyskin, (vi) Mirror Dance #40, Winter 2017
- 40, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #66, May 2018
- Patrolman Pip, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #21, August 2018
- Sewing by the Stars, (pp) Dreams and Nightmares #114, January 2020
- The Third Angel Poured, (ss) The Future Fire #52, 2020
- Temple of the Endlings, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2020
- A Plea Before the Ibis, Twice Great, (ss) Frozen Wavelets #6, Winter/Spring 2021
- How About a Smile?, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #120, January 2022
- Singing the Wheel Round, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2022
- Ten Thousand Cranes, (ss) Bourbon Penn #29, March 2023
- Between Gasp and Ground, I See, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #387, July 27 2023
- Symbiosis, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #29, November 2023
Rees-Thomas, David (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Interview: Mari Ness, Featured Poet, (iv) Ideomancer March 2011 [Ref. Mari Ness]
- The Big Bang (with Darryl Knickrehm), (ed) Waylines #1, January 2013
- Take Two (with Darryl Knickrehm), (ed) Waylines #2, March 2013
- Third Time’s the Charm (with Darryl Knickrehm), (ed) Waylines #3, May 2013
- Summer Blast (with Darryl Knickrehm), (ed) Waylines #4, July 2013
- Fall Creeps (with Darryl Knickrehm), (ed) Waylines #5, September 2013
- One Year Old (with Darryl Knickrehm), (ed) Waylines #6, November 2013
- Signal for Meirion, (ss) Liquid Imagination #35, November 2017
- Bleeding Through the Shadows, (ss) Shimmer #44, July 2018
Reeve, Arthur B(enjamin) (1880-1936) (about) (items)
- The Case of Helen Bond [Craig Kennedy], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1910
- The Bacteriological Detective [Craig Kennedy], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1911
- The Seismograph Adventure [Craig Kennedy], (nv) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1911
- The Diamond Maker [Craig Kennedy], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1911
- The Azure Ring [Craig Kennedy], (nv) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1911
- “Spontaneous Combustion” [Craig Kennedy], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine July 1911
- The Terror in the Air [Craig Kennedy], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine August 1911
- The Artificial Paradise [Craig Kennedy], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1911
- The White Slave [Craig Kennedy], (nv) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1912
- What Are the Great Detective Stories and Why?, (ar) Scientific Detective Monthly January 1930
- The Death Cry [Craig Kennedy], (nv) Weird Tales May 1935
- The Mystery of the Bulawayo Diamond [Craig Kennedy], (nv)
Reeve, Mark (David) (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Portfolio, No. 1: Mark Reeve, (pi) The Time Centre Times v2 #1, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) The Time Centre Times v2 #1, 1993
- Shot Two (with Jill Riches Calvert & Richard Glyn Jones), (pi) The Time Centre Times v3 #3, 1994/95
- [front cover], (cv) The Time Centre Times v4 #3, 1999
- [front cover], (cv) New Worlds #224, September 2024
- [illustration(s)] (with John Coulthart & Allan Kausch), (il) New Worlds #224, September 2024
Reeve, Richard E. (?-2001) (items)
- Twisting Fear, (pm) Not One of Us #18, September 1997
- An Eternity of Boredom, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- Strange Times, (ss) Weird Stories #15, December 1997
- Snowman, (vi) Weird Stories #18, March 1998
- Spacers, (ss) Zest #3, Summer 1998
- Charlie’s Surprise, (vi) Weird Stories #20, May 1998
- Ponto, (vi) Startling Science Stories #10, May 1998
- Falling Star, (pm) Zest #4, Autumn 1998
- Trashmen, (vi) Zest #4, Autumn 1998
- Fantasy and Fiction, (ar) Masque Noir #1, September 1998
- Photo, (vi) Weird Stories #24, September 1998
- Rerun, (vi) Zest #5, Winter 1998
- Local Rag, (ss) Startling Science Stories #17, December 1998
- Willy’s Tiger, (vi) The Dream Zone #1, January 1999
- Time, (ss) Sci-Fright #1, February/March 1999
- A Duo of Spy Masters, (ar) Masque Noir #2, March 1999 [Ref. Ian Fleming & John le Carré]
- Mean Streets, (ar) Masque Noir #2, March 1999 [Ref. Raymond Chandler]
- The Old Home, (vi) Sci-Fright #2, April/May 1999
- Realisation, (ss) Roadworks #4, Spring 1999
- Choices, (ss) Dead Things Magazine #1, July/September 1999
- Slimes, (ss) Startling Science Stories #24, July 1999
- It’s Tommy This and Tommy That, (vi) Unhinged #3, 1999
- No Big Thing, (ss) Masque Noir #3, September 1999
- Pirate, (vi) Startling Science Stories #26, September 1999
- Corrosion, (vi) Enigmatic Tales #7, Winter 1999
- Dodgy Photos, (ss) Unhinged #4, 1999
- Solomon, (vi) Startling Science Stories #29, December 1999
- Trashman, (vi) Startling Science Stories #30, January 2000
- A Breeding Pair, (vi) Startling Science Stories #31, February 2000
- Killing Time, (vi) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000
- The Presence, (ss) Alien Worlds #1, April 2000
- All Was Silent Then, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #5, 2000
- A Short Walk, (vi) Parsec Summer 2000
- The Visitors, (ss) Roadworks #9, Summer 2000
- Laws of Nature, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Ten ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2001
- When the Lion Roars No More, (pm) Masque Noir #6, October 2001
- The More Things Change, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Nine ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2000
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