The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Plank, Tony (1940-2018) (items)
- The Pit, (ss) Daarke Worlde #3, June/July 1993
- Slippery Shadows, (ss) Daarke Worlde #4, October/November 1993
- Gotcha, (ss) Daarke Worlde #5, February/March 1994
- The Keeper of the Eddystone Light, (ss) EOD #9, 1994
- Submitting on the Internet, (ar) Aurealis #15, 1995
- The Name of the Game, (ss) Keen Science Fiction! November 1996
- The Last Timekeeper, (ss) Harbinger #1, 1999
- Oomphalie’s Songs, (ss) Redsine (online) #3, December 2000
- The Jonah Transit, (ar) Fables and Reflections #5, August 2003
- Omphalie’s Songs, (ss) Aurealis #38/39, December 2007
- Nine Weeks a King, (ss) Aurealis #104, September 2017
Plante, Brian (1956- ) (items)
- Off and On, (ss) Manifest Destiny #1, Winter 1993
- Choppers, (ss) Manifest Destiny #2, Winter 1994
- The Good Ten Percent, (vi) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #126, January 1995
- Computer Personal, (ss) Plot #4, Fall 1995
- How I Got My Big Head, (ss) Space & Time #86, Fall 1995
- Male Bonding with Corey and Dad, (ss) Into the Darkness #3, 1995
- Forever, (ss) Pirate Writings #10, 1996
- Pride, (ss) Keen Science Fiction! July 1996
- Daddy’s Home, (vi) Pirate Writings #11, 1996
- High Five, (ss) Absolute Magnitude #5, Fall 1996
- Milking Belle, (ss) Pirate Writings #12, 1996
- Cheater, (ss) Fantastic Worlds v1 #1, 1996
- True Blue, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1997
- Blind Frog, (ss) White Knuckles Winter/Spring 1997
- Already in Heaven, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 1997
- Climbers, (ss) Aberrations #40, August 1997
- Drawn Words, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 1998
- Do or Die, (ss) Pirate Writings #17, 1999
- Moondance, (ss) Amazing Stories Summer 1999
- Natural Causes, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #13, Summer 1999
- Seen One Human, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1999
- I Wish You Dead, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 2000
- Lavender’s Blues, (ss) Dark Regions #15, 2001
- Fresh Air, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 2001
- The Upgrade, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2001
- The Thrill of a Lifetime, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2001
- Magic 101, (ss) Realms of Fantasy February 2002
- Wolf’s Cure, (ss) Future Orbits #3, February/March 2002
- Best Friends, (ss) Future Orbits #4, April/May 2002
- Something Meaningful, (ss) Future Orbits #5, June/July 2002
- It’s Only Human, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2002
- Lavender in Love, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 2003
- Halloweentown, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 2003
- Irrational Space, (ss) Space and Time #98, Spring 2004
- Dibs, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2004
- Letters of Transit, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2005
- In the Loop, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2005
- The Software Soul, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2006
- The Astronaut, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2007
- Commentary, (cl) Manifest Destiny, etc.
Platt, Charles (Michael) (1945- ) (about) (items)
- One of Those Days, (ss) Science Fantasy #68, December 1964/January 1965
- Diary of a Schizoid Hypochondriac, (rc) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965
- Earthworks, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- Lone Zone, (na) New Worlds SF #152, July 1965
- Cultural Invasion, (ss) New Worlds SF #156, November 1965
- The Failures, (nv) New Worlds SF #158, January 1966
- The Disaster Story, (vi) New Worlds SF #160, March 1966
- The Rodent Laboratory, (ss) New Worlds SF #165, August 1966
- A Taste of the Afterlife (with Barrington J. Bayley), (ss) New Worlds SF #166, 1966
- The Garbage World, (na) New Worlds SF #167, 1966, etc.
- The Total Experience Kick, (ss) New Worlds SF #169, 1966
- Expressing the Abstract, (ar) New Worlds #173, July 1967 [Ref. M. C. Escher]
- The City Dwellers, (nv) New Worlds #176, October 1967
- [front cover] (with Christopher Finch), (cv) New Worlds #178, December 1967/January 1968
- Barbarella and the Anxious Frenchman (with Michael Moorcock), (ar) New Worlds #179, February 1968
- Fun Palace, Not a Freakout, (ms) New Worlds #180, March 1968
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #29, January 1969, etc.
- I D, (ss) New Worlds #188, March 1969
- The Responsive Environment, (ar) New Worlds #190, May 1969
- New Worlds (and After), (ar) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1969
- [front cover], (cv) New Worlds #193, August 1969
- Last Year’s Truth, (br) New Worlds #196, December 1969
- [front cover], (cv) New Worlds #199, March 1970
- An Editor’s Day, (ar) Science Fiction Review #39, August 1970
- A Cleansing of the System, (ss) New Worlds Quarterly 3 ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere, 1972
- Attack-Escape, (ar) New Worlds Quarterly 4 ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere, 1972
- Family Literature, (ar) New Worlds Quarterly 5 ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere, 1973
- Motivation Chart, (ms) New Worlds Quarterly 5 ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere, 1973
- The Coldness, (ss) New Worlds 6 ed. Michael Moorcock & Charles Platt, Sphere, 1973
- Introduction, (in) New Worlds #5 ed. Michael Moorcock & Charles Platt, Avon Equinox, 1974, etc.
- More Rain on My Male Chauvinist Parade, (lt) The Alien Critic #9, May 1974
- Sense of Duty, (br) Science Fiction Review #22, August 1977 [Ref. Algis Budrys]
- Writing, (ar) Unearth Spring 1978
- A Visit with Isaac Asimov, (ar) Ariel, The Book of Fantasy v4, 1978
- Government Study Confirms Science Fiction Is a Cause of Cancer, (fa) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978, uncredited.
- Sci-Fi Born-Again, (ms) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978, uncredited.
- Swan Songs, (fa) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978, uncredited.
- We Test the Robinski B-20 Magnetic Module, (fa) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978, uncredited.
- [front cover], (cv) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978
- Love Thy Publisher: The Asimov Method, (ar) Science Fiction Review #29, January/February 1979 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- An Interview with Norman Spinrad, (iv) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979 [Ref. Norman Spinrad]
- The Ideos Cosmos of Philip K. Dick, (ar) Ad Astra #6, 1979 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- Primitive Behavior, (rv) New Worlds #216, September 1979 [Ref. David Drake]
- What Is Harlan Ellison Really Like?, (ar) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- Reality in Drag: A Profile of Philip K. Dick, (bg) Science Fiction Review #36, August 1980 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- Old Worlds, (ss) Something Else #2, Winter 1980
- [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact December 7 1981
- The Arts: Books, (cl) Omni December 1981, etc.
- Starhaven (with Shawna McCarthy), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1982
- Alvin Toffler, (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1982 [Ref. Alvin Toffler]
- Harry Harrison, (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1982 [Ref. Harry Harrison]
- The Arts: Computer Books, (ar) Omni September 1982
- William Burroughs, (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1982 [Ref. William S. Burroughs]
- Jerry Pournelle, (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1982 [Ref. Jerry E. Pournelle]
- 2081, (br) Omni December 1982
- The Arts: Books, (rc) Omni December 1982, etc.
- Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of the Planets, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. G. A. Briggs & Frederick W. Taylor]
- Cartoon History of the Universe, Book One, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Larry Gonick]
- Critical Path, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. R. Buckminster Fuller]
- Encounters with the Future, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Marvin Cetron & Thomas O’Toole]
- Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- Extragalactic Adventure, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Jean Heidmann]
- The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Kenneth Gatland]
- Infinity and the Mind, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Rudy Rucker]
- Journey to the Planets, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Patricia Lauber]
- Keith Laumer: A Profile, (bg) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982 [Ref. Keith Laumer]
- The Omni Future Almanac, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Robert Weil]
- Science Observed, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Keremy Bernstein]
- Synergetics, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. R. Buckminster Fuller]
- The Unfolding Universe, (br) Omni December 1982 [Ref. Patrick Moore]
- Larry Niven: A Profile, (bg) Science Fiction Review #46, Spring 1983
- Joanna Russ, (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1983 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
- James Tiptree, Jr., (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1983 [Ref. James Tiptree, Jr.]
- Janet Morris: A Profile, (bg) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983 [Ref. Janet Morris]
- Reply to Peter Nicholls’s “Philip K. Dick: A Cowardly Memoir”, (lt) Science Fiction Review #48, Fall 1983
- In Defense of the Real World, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1983
- Notes from Baltimore, (ar) Science Fiction Review #49, November 1983
- Cartoon Guide to Computer Science, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Larry Gonick]
- Cartoon Guide to Genetics, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Larry Gonick]
- Cities of Tomorrow, (pi) Omni December 1983
- Computer Images: State of the Art, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Hildegard Kron, Edward Rosenfeld & Joseph Deken]
- Creations, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Isaac Asimov, George Zebrowski & Martin H. Greenberg]
- Humphrey Robot, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. John Boswell, Patty Brown & Will Elder]
- The Jet-Lag Book, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Don Kowet]
- The Journal of Irreproducible Results, (lr) Omni December 1983
- Make Your Own Working Paper Clock, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. James Smith Rudolph]
- Powers of Ten, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Philip & Phylis Morrison]
- The Real Future, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. T. A. Heppenheimer]
- Spaceship Titanic, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Richard Duprey & Brian O’Leary]
- State of the Art, (br) Omni December 1983 [Ref. Stan Augartan]
- Piers Anthony: A Profile, (bg) Dream Makers: Volume II by Charles Platt, Berkley, 1983
- Captain Courageous vs. the Disco-Future, (iv) Something Else #3, Spring 1984 [Ref. Don Van Vliet]
- The Fiction They Deserve, (ar) Science Fiction Review #50, Spring 1984
- The Decline of Fiction, (ar) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984
- In Search of Surprises, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1984
- Profile of Rudy Rucker, (bg) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1984 [Ref. Rudy Rucker]
- The Other Frank Herbert, (iv) Stardate October 1985 [Ref. Frank Herbert]
- Science Fiction Cinema, (cl) Stardate November/December 1985, etc.
- A Hard Look at Hardcovers, (ar) Thrust #25, Fall/Winter 1986
- The Insanity Offense, (ar) Thrust #26, Spring 1987
- A Special Unnecessarily-Detailed Report on the 1987 Worldcon, (ar) Thrust #29, Winter 1988
- Alfred Bester, 1913-1987, (ob) Interzone #23, Spring 1988 [Ref. Alfred Bester]
- Ackermania, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1988
- Destination: Gloom, (ar) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- Two Kinds of Censorship, (ar) Interzone #25, September/October 1988
- Inscrutable Science Fiction, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1988
- The War Bores, (ar) Interzone #26, November/December 1988
- The Triumph of Whimsy, (ar) Interzone #27, January/February 1989
- Taking Liberties, (ar) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- How to Live Forever, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1989
- The Vanishing Midlist, (ar) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- The “Missing Middle” of Science Fiction, (ar) Thrust #34, Summer 1989
- In Purely Commercial Terms, (ar) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- The Rape of Science Fiction, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- The Teflon Fantasist, (ar) Science Fiction Guide July 1989 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- Down Among the Dead, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1989
- Homage to Narcissus, (ar) Interzone #31, September/October 1989
- Popular Literature?, (ar) Interzone #32, November/December 1989
- Report from Utopia, (ar) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- The Special Case of Bantam Spectra, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #6, February 1990
- Participative Fiction, (ar) Interzone #34, March/April 1990
- Fairly Rich, Fairly Quick, (ar) Interzone #36, June 1990
- Too Many Books, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1990
- The Island Mentality, (ar) Interzone #39, September 1990
- Beyond Science Fiction, (ar) Interzone #40, October 1990
- Stone Cold Sober, (cl) Edge Detector #3, Summer 1991
- Alfred Bester’s Tender Loving Rage, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #9, November 1991 [Ref. Alfred Bester]
- Who Needs Privacy?, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #10, June 1992
- Dark Desires, (nv) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine July 1992
- Freeze!, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #11, December 1992
- Upstream, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #12, Summer 1993
- Life & Death in SF, (ar) Non-Stop #1, 1993/94
- Taking the N Out of Entropy, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #13, Spring 1994
- Trading Data with Dead and Digital, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1994
- Wrist Voodoo, (ar) Interzone #83, May 1994
- In Search of Science Fiction, (ar) Interzone #85, July 1994
- The Carnival of Angst, (ar) Interzone #87, September 1994
- The Selling of Science Fiction, (ar) Interzone #89, November 1994
- The Tenacity of Fiction, (ar) Interzone #91, January 1995
- Guest Editorial, (ed) Interzone #94, April 1995
- [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #94, April 1995
- [response to Craig Turner], (ms) Interzone #96, June 1995
- The Soviet Space Auction, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #14, Spring 1996
- The Ides of Lust, (ss) NonStop Science Fiction Magazine #3, 1997
- The Gnirut Test, (ss) Flurb #6, Fall/Winter 2008
- The Milford Claque, (ar) Unreal Magazine v4, 2020
- Now Playing, (mr) Science Fiction Digest
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