The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 839
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Lewis, D(es) F. (items) (continued)
- A Mixed Message, (pp) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1997
- An Uneasy Death, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #4, June 1997
- Bald Steel and Fish-Bone Alloys, (ss) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- Dark Comets, (ss) Outer Darkness #12, Summer 1997
- Static Attaxia (with Paul E. Pinn), (vi) Peeping Tom #27, July 1997
- The Long-Titted Tale, (ss) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #6, 1997
- Blubby, (ss) Red Eft Fall 1997
- The Round-Headed Club, (ss) Stygian Articles #11, 1997
- Round Tour, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #16, Fall 1997
- Sordid Limbs (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #5, September 1997
- Tugging the Heartstrings, (vi) Albedo One #14, 1997
- The Shape of Shame, (ss) Misanthrope #1, December 1997
- The Wrong Side of the Bomb, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #6, December 1997
- Epilogue, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Two ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1997
- No Circumstances, (ss) The Darklands Project #1, 1997
- The War Wake, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #7, 1997
- Backseat Dreamer, (ss) The Fractal #8, Winter 1998
- (He Believes) (with Craig Sernotti), (vi) Mindmares #1, Winter 1998
- The Ulterior’s Motive, (ss) Imelod #8, Winter/January 1998
- The Last Story in the Book, (ss) Dark Horizons #37, Spring 1998
- The Striking of Camp, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1998
- Wings within Wings, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Four ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1998
- The Boy Who Had a Man’s Dreams, (ss) Imelod #9, Spring/April 1998
- Early Closing Day, (vi) Cthulhu Codex #13, Eastertide 1998
- The Clinging of the Cold, (ss) Dark Matter #1, 1998
- Remission (with Anthea Holland), (vi) Roadworks #1, Summer 1998
- The Swing, (vi) Dread #4, Summer 1998
- Bottom Line, (ss) Zest #4, Autumn 1998
- Les Mains Sales, (vi) TransVersions #8/9, Spring/Summer 1998
- No Answer, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #14, Lammas 1998
- All Lean and No Fat, (vi) Sackcloth & Ashes #1, September 1998
- Switch-Sell (with Paul E. Pinn), (ss) Roadworks #2, Autumn 1998
- Versa Vice, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #18, Fall 1998
- Cold Air, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #51, October 1998
- Gargling with Swordfish, (ss) Imelod #11, Autumn/October 1998
- A Little Girl Forever, (vi) Cyber-Psychos AOD #8, 1998
- No Such Thing, (vi) Sierra Heaven #4^12, 1998
- Prickint the Conscience, (vi) Sierra Heaven #4^12, 1998
- Ship in a Bottle, (vi) Sierra Heaven #4^12, 1998
- Simply a Stranger, (ss) Psychotrope #6, 1998
- When I Was an Old Man, (vi) Zest #5, Winter 1998
- The Coming of the Cord, (ss) Peeping Tom #32, November 1998
- Blocks of Language, (ss) Burning Sky #1, 1998
- Wasted Meals (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) Dread #6, Winter 1998
- A Core Unto Itself, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #11, 1998
- Passiflora, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #9, 1998
- A Trick of Dusk (with Gordon Lewis), (nv) Only Connect by D. F. & Gordon Lewis, Cartref, 1998
- Alternate Worlds, (ss) The Dream Zone #1, January 1999
- The Brainwright, (pp) Dreams and Nightmares #52, January 1999
- Culling no Fungus, (ss) Mindmares #5, Winter 1999
- A Titanic Breed (with Mike Philbin), (ss) Fantasque January 1999, as by Hertzan Chimera & D. F. Lewis
- Caretaker, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #11, March 1999
- Critters and Innards, (ss) Sackcloth & Ashes #3, March 1999
- Beyond the Comfort Zone (with Stuart J. Hughes), (ss) Roadworks #4, Spring 1999
- A Map of Memories, (ss) Palace Corbie #8, 1999
- Not So Far Away, (ss) Sci-Fright #2, April/May 1999
- Spiteful Tables (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) Imelod #13, Spring/April 1999
- A Tale About Thomas, (ss) Psychotrope #7, April 1999
- Breakfast at Noon, (ss) Albedo One #19, 1999
- The Last Indulgence, (vi) Unhinged #2, 1999
- Absent Without Leave (with Anthea Holland), (vi) Roadworks #5, Summer 1999
- After Tea, (ss) Dead Things Magazine #1, July/September 1999
- The Dead Hand, (vi) Penny Dreadful #10, 1999
- Maps of Time (with Scott H. Urban), (ss) Fantasque July 1999
- Night Visits (with Mike Philbin), (ss) Roadworks #5, Summer 1999, as by Hertzan Chimera & D. F. Lewis
- Watter Hammer, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #16, Summer 1999
- Dirty Pipes (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) Peeping Tom #34, August 1999
- Dark Footnotes (with Craig Sernotti), (ss) Dread #9, Fall 1999
- Beyond Death, (ar) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- The Birthday Present, (vi) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #5, 1999
- Dark House Lane, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #3, October 1999
- Done to a Turn, (vi) Dark Matter #2.1, 1999
- Gentleman George, (ss) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- Know Thy Enemy (with Scott H. Urban), (ss) Black Petals Autumn 1999
- Knuckledraggers, Inc. (with John Travis), (ss) The Zone and Premonitions #8, Autumn 1999
- A Mouseful of Pins, (ss) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- Treading the Boards, (ss) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- Wordless Waffles (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) The Dream Zone #4, October 1999
- Todger’s Town, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #15, 1999
- From the Spirit-Hole, (vi) Penny Dreadful #12, 2000
- The Stranger’s Tale, (pp) Dreams and Nightmares #55, January 2000
- Empty Breakfasts (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) Fantasque Spring 2000
- Goose and Gander, (ss) Redsine #1, February 2000
- Disaffected Blood (with David Price), (ss) Unhinged #5, 2000
- Sea-Sickness, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #17, Spring 2000
- Daughter of a Dream, (vi) Earwig Flesh Factory Spring 2000
- Fruit of the Flotsam (with Keith N. Brooke & Lawrence Dyer), (ss) Psychotrope #8, April 2000
- Murky’s Tales, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #5, April 2000
- Dear Rubberjock, (vi) The Dream Zone #6, May 2000
- The Proscenium of Dispossession, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #56, May 2000
- Write About the Countryside, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #56, May 2000
- Harvest Time (with Gordon Lewis), (ss) Enigmatic Tales #9, Summer 2000
- The Sound of the Children (with Anthea Holland), (ss) Fantasque June 2000
- Jack Jumberlack, (ss) Glyph #2, Summer 2000
- The Mudparks, (ss) Redsine (online) #1, August 2000
- Scarlet Bread, (ss) EOTU Ezine August 2000
- Dognahnyi, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory #3/4, Fall/Winter 2000
- Even Dogs Could Talk (with David Price), (ss) Roadworks #9, Summer 2000
- Soapbox: The Hermaphrodite Brig Interview (with Rhys H. Hughes, M. R. Scofidio & Jeff VanderMeer), (ar) Roadworks #9, Summer 2000, as by Marni Scofidio Griffin, Rhys H. Hughes, D. F. Lewis & Jeff VanderMeer
- Delicious, (vi) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #2, 2000
- The Hungerers, (ss) Imelod #17, Autumn/October 2000
- Visitors (with Keith Brook & Lawrence Dyer), (ss) Aphelion #42, December 2000
- Sonnet, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #58, January 2001
- Nipping the Bud, (ss) Flesh & Blood v2 #7, 2001
- Serious Measure, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #21, Spring 2001
- Ancient Ponds, (vi) Dark Horizons #39, Spring 2001
- The Broom-cupboard of Crossed Destinies (with Rhys H. Hughes), (ss) Psychotrope #9, April 2001
- What Dreams May Come (with David Price), (ss) Redsine (online) #5, April 2001
- Gates, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #23, 2001
- Soul of the Party, (ss) Black Satellite Fall 2001
- Wild Honey, (ss) Fables Autumn 2001
- Inky Stories (with Tim Lebbon), (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Eleven ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2001
- The Purgatory and the Polish (with Anthea Holland), (vi) Songs of Innocence #4, 2001
- The Fountain Well, (ss) Fantasque Spring 2002
- Don’t Drown the Man Who Taught You to Swim (with David Mathew), (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002
- The Cut of Words, (ss) Bare Bone #3, 2002
- In Camera (with Simon Woodward), (vi) Roadworks #16, Summer/Autumn 2003
- Tiny Hooks and Dainty Door Keys (with Mark McLaughlin), (ss) Flesh & Blood #13, 2003
- What Was It All About?, (ar) Roadworks #16, Summer/Autumn 2003
- Queuing Behind Crazy People, (ss) infinity plus December 2003
- The Piano, (ss) Irregular Quarterly March 2004
- Variations on the Vile (with Richard Gavin), (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #3, Spring 2004
- Pay the Taxi Driver, (ss) Pantechnicon #1, September 2006
- The Web Across the Door, (ss) Pantechnicon #7, 2008
- A Knight at the Opera, (ss) Filthy Creations #5, October 2009
- The Fat Shrike, (ss) Filthy Creations #6, Summer 2010
- Rage, (ss) Filthy Creations #6, Summer 2010
- The Perfect Pitch of Reality, (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #4, Fall 2010
- All Endings Are Happy, (ss) Filthy Creations #7, June 2013
- The Only Climax, (ss) Filthy Creations #7, June 2013
- Benoko, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Eight ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2000
- Dark Sweat (with Jeff Holland), (nv) Sci-Fright #6, 2000
- Tentacles Across the Atlantic, (cl) Deathrealm, etc.
Lewis, Dana (fl. 1970s-1990s); previously known as David Lewis (items)
- Common Denominator, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1972, as by David Lewis
- Shausta, (ss) Worlds of If November/December 1972, as by David Lewis
- The Epoxy Goat, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1973, as by David Lewis
- Fit to Print, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1980, as by David Lewis
- Karnev’s World, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact December 7 1981, as by David Lewis
Lewis, Eric (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- The Heron King, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2016
- Past Imperfect, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2017
- Justice Enough, (ss) Electric Spec May 31 2017
- Illicit Alchemy, (ss) Devilfish Review July 2017
- Decoy, (vi) Nature #7692, February 15 2018
- In the Blood, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms November/December 2019
- A Hard Peace, (ss) Hybrid Fiction February 2020
- What We’re Looking For, (ss) Etherea Magazine #5, December 2021
- First Ship, (ss) Assemble Artifacts #2, Summer 2022
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