The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1161
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Secret of the Monk’s Staff, (ms) Argosy April 1943
- * The @Secret of the Spleen, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 7 1923
- * The Secret of the White Elephant, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd October 1929
- * Secrets of the Cathode Ray Tube, (ar) Short Stories (UK) mid May 1936
- * Secret Vice, (ms) (by Angelica Gibbs) The New Yorker June 2 1951
- * Section Foreman’s Dream, (pm)
- * The Section Foreman’s Value to His Company, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- * The Seeds We Scatter, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 20 1888
- * Seeing the Game Gratis, (pm) Louisville Courier-Journal
- * Seeing the Wind, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1909
- * Seeing with the Fingers, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 7 1923
- * Seek and Find, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 3 1885
- * Seized Engine for School Taxes, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- * Self-Destruction on the Increase, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1924
- * A Self-Made Authoress, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 1 1910
- * Self-Made Heroes to Pay for Their Glory, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1923
- * Self Reliance, (ar) The Argosy #583, February 3 1894
- * Selinda, (pm)
- * Seminole Indian Hunters, (ar) Short Stories January 1954
- * Semiprecious Stones in Canada, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 7 1927
- * The Senate’s Aquatic Stars, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd March 1929
- * Senator Harrison’s Mistake, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 20 1922
- * A Senatorial Compliment, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 15 1912
- * The Senator’s Offer, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * The Senator Throws a Harpoon, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st February 1930
- * Senorita from Hollywood, (pi) Adventure August 1970
- * Sensation in a Balloon, (ar) The Golden Argosy September 27 1884
- * Sensation in Court, (ar) The Daily Telegraph December 8 1908
- * A Sense of Security, (pm) Washington Star
- * The Sentence of Life, (ss) The Argonaut; translated by Fanny Steinitz
- * The Sententious Mr. Davis, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 1 1914
- * September, (pm) Our Dumb Animals
- * September in Rail History, (cl) Railroad Stories September 1935
- * September Readers Contest Winners, (ms) Prize Story Magazine December 1928
- * Serious Truth in Few Words, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1912
- * A Sermon by Telegraph, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 15 1912
- * A Sermon in Rhyme, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 20 1884
- * A Sermon That Gripped, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1908
- * Servant Problem, (qz) Argosy (UK) November 1940
- * Servants’ Hall, (qz) Argosy (UK) November 1942
- * Servants of the King, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1910
- * The Service of Beauty, (pm)
- * Settlement of Savannah, (ar) The Golden Argosy March 8 1884
- * Set Your Faces to the Sun, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 3 1887
- * The Seven Angles, (ms) How-7 Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1928
- * The 7 Angles, (ms) How-7 Jan, Feb 1928
- * £700,000,000? Well, J. Paul Getty’s Got It!, (iv) Lilliput August/September 1959 [Ref. J. Paul Getty]
- * The Seven Lies of Man, (pm) The Popular Magazine April 1 1910
- * Seven Men, (pm)
- * A Seven-Mile Steam Railroad, (ar) Railroad Stories July 1936
- * Seven Records in One Day, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 20 1926
- * The Seven Slumbering Sun Flowers, (pl) Clack Book April 1896
- * Seven Super-Pens, (ar) Everybody’s Magazine March 1916 [Ref. William Allen White, Clark Howell, Frank Irving Cobb, Arthur Brisbane, Robert F. Paine, Fremont Older & Frank P. Glass]
- * Seven Years of Continuous Rails, (pi) Railroad Magazine December 1941
- * Seven Years Old, (ed) The Argosy November 30 1889
- * Seward, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 10 1888
- * Sex and Suicide, (ms) Strange Suicides February 1933
- * Shackleton’s Emphatic Style, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 1 1910
- * Shadowing the Authors, (cl) The Golden Book Magazine #111 Mar, #112 Apr 1934
- * The Shadow of a Doubt, (ss)
- * Shakespeare Gets the Hook, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 15 1913
- * Shakespeare Prize Crossword: Special Crossword No. 3, (pz) Argosy (UK) May 1964
- * Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1943
- * Shall Women Smoke?, (pm) Punch
- * Shannahan’s Old Shebeen, (pm) The Washington Post
- * Shared, (pm) The Argosy #480, February 13 1892
- * The Sharers, (hu) The Popular Magazine May 1907
- * The Sharkbusters, (pi) Argosy March 1970
- * Shark Companies, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st April 1929
- * Sharks, (ss) Blackwood’s Magazine 19??
- * Sharp Practice, (qz) Argosy (UK) July 1958
- * She Can’t Marry Him!, (ss) Redbook October 1947
- * The Sheep Herder, (pm) Denver Republican
- * She Is Her Sister’s Keeper, (ar) The Green Book Magazine July 1921
- * She Is on the Job in Washington, (ar) The Green Book Magazine December 1920
- * Sherlock Holmes in the Feminine, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912
- * She’s on Deck, (pm) Atlanta Constitution
- * She Talked the Roof Off, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 1908
- * “Shine, Sahib?”, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1927
- * The Shining Mark, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 19 1885
- * Shining Star, (pm)
- * Ship Ahoy, (qz) Argosy (UK) December 1957
- * The Ship of Dreams, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 16 1887
- * The Ship That Could Sail Over Land and Sea, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1895; translated from the German.
- * A Shipwreck and a Storiette, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine May 1904
- * A Shocking Proceeding, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 23 1915
- * Shockproof Shipping, (ar) Railroad Magazine February 1948
- * Shocks from Fish, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine July 1929
- * Shoes for the Argosy Man, (pi) Argosy September 1951
- * The Shoes of a Millionaire, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 1 1912
- * Shooters! Can You Name These Cartridges?, (pz) Argosy Jan, Mar 1960
- * Shooting Stars, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 2nd March 1929
- * Shooting Stars, (pm) Godey’s Lady’s Book
- * Shopkeeping as a Career, (ar) The Green Book Magazine July 1921
- * Shopping List, (qz) Argosy (UK) May 1953
- * A Shortage in Hearts, (pm) The All-Story Magazine June 1907
- * A Short Cut for Ships, (ar) Railroad Stories July 1936
- * Short Cuts to Favor, (ms) Ainslee’s November 1925
- * The Shortening Trips of a Cannon Ball, (ar) The Chicago Tribune
- * The Shortest Way Home [The Belles of Beauty Row], (ss) The Green Book Magazine May 1914
- * Short Lengths, (ms) Novelets November 1924
- * Short Mystery, (vi) Five-Novels Magazine January/March 1948
- * A Short Sermon, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 21 1885
- * The Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine January 1908
- * Short Talks on Great Subjects. No. 1. Yourself, (ed) Gunter’s Magazine November 1905
- * “The Shot I Had to Make”, (pi) Adventure April 1953
- * Should Women Permit Paris to Dictate Style?, (ar) Miss 1930 January 1930
- * Should Your Boy Go to College?, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine August 1895
- * Show a Leg, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1960
- * Shun Delays, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 25 1885
- * Sic Vita, (ss) Short Stories October 1899; translated by Rosa G. Abbott
- * The Side-Step Brigade, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 20 1923
- * A Sigh, (pm) (by Harriet Prescott Spofford) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1870, uncredited.
- * Signalling and Electronics, (ar) Railroad Magazine October 1947
- * Signing the Firm’s Name, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1915
- * Signs of Appreciation, (pm) The Argosy #459, September 19 1891
- * Signs of Summer by Omar, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine August 1905
- * Silenced Her, (hu) The Popular Magazine October 1905
- * Silence Is Golden, (pm) The All-Story Magazine October 1906
- * Silencing the Court, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1922
- * The Silent Searchers, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 6 1883
- * Silent Soprano, (ar) Lilliput October/November 1953
- * The Silent Voice by Jules Eckert Goodman, (ms) The Green Book Magazine March 1915
- * The Silent Way, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 31 1886
- * Silk Stockings, (mr) Argosy June 1957
- * Silver-Lined, (ss) The Golden Argosy August 2 1884
- * The Silver Meteor, (ar) Railroad Magazine May 1939
- * The Silvern Side, (pm) The Cottage Hearth
- * The Silver-Tongued at Work, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1907
- * Simba, (pi) Adventure January 1956
- * A Simile, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 7 1887
- * The Simple Life, (ms) The Popular Stories October 29 1927
- * A Simple Sign, (pm)
- * A Simple Song, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 18 1886
- * The Simplest Method, (hu) Short Stories June 1913
- * The Simplest of Remedies, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1912
- * The Simplified Poet, (pm) The Evening Sun
- * Simplify Railroad Language, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * Simpson of Bussora, (ss) (by James Payn) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1876, uncredited.
- * Sinbad, the Skating Golfer, (ar) Lilliput December 1953/January 1954
- * Sing and Like It, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories April 1934
- * Sing a Song of Sixpence, (qz) Argosy (UK) March 1955
- * Singing Wires, (pm) Railroad Magazine July 1943
- * Singular Names of Modern Aborigines, (hu) The Scrap Book December 1910
- * “Sinners”, (sa) The Green Book Magazine April 1915 [Ref. Owen Davis]; novelization of the play by Owen Davis.
- * Sir Anthony Van Dyck [Famous Portrait Painters No. 12], (ia) Munsey’s Magazine March 1898
- * Sir Dominick’s Bargain, (ss) (by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) All the Year Round July 6 1872, uncredited.
- * A Siren, (pm)
- * Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, (ss)
- * Sir Rabindranth Tagore, (il) Munsey’s Magazine December 1916
- * Sir Toby’s Disappearance, (ss) London Truth
- * Sis Hopkins (How Rose Melville Has Made a Fortune out of a Play That Like Topsy Just Grew), (ar) The Green Book Magazine March 1915
- * Sitting Bull and the Outbreak of 1876, (ar) The Golden Argosy May 23 1885
- * Sitting Pretty, (ar) Argosy October 1955 [Ref. Marilyn Monroe]
- * Six Brothers, Engineers on Same Road, (ar) Railroad Magazine June 1943
- * Six Favorite Christmas Sweets, (ms) Redbook December 1954
- * Six Portraits in Free Verse, (pm) The American Autopsy January 1932
- * The Six Queens of Henry VIII, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine April 1898
- * Six Redbook Covers Take a Holiday, (ms) Redbook Magazine November 1938
- * Sixteen Fathoms Deep, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories February 1934
- * 60 Pages of Humor, (hu) Wayside Tales and Cartoons Magazine December 1921
- * 60+ Gift Ideas for Men, (ms) Argosy December 1954
- * Sixty Thousand Bibles for Traveling Men, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * Skates and Sleds Up to Date, (ar) Boston Herald
- * Skating, (ar) The Argosy #522, December 3 1892
- * Skepticism, (pm) Omaha World Herald
- * Sketches of Western Cowboy Life, (il) The Golden Argosy July 9 1887
- * Sketches on the Lawn Tennis Court, (il) The Golden Argosy May 28 1887
- * Skim-m-m-m-m-ming Along, (pi) Argosy September 1966
- * Skipper Ireson’s Ride, (pm) (by John Greenleaf Whittier) The Atlantic Monthly December 1857, uncredited.
- * The Sky Above—the Mud Below, (pi) Argosy August 1962
- * Slander, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 25 1883
- * Slang of To-day, (pm) The Boston Transcript
- * A Slant at Government Control, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1918
- * Slaughter at Tenth Avenue, (mr) Argosy November 1957
- * Slaughter of the Buffalo, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * The Slave’s Champion, (pm) The Argosy #481, February 20 1892
- * Slaves of Fashion, (ms) Live Stories March 1915
- * Sleep, (pm)
- * Sleepers East, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories March 1934
- * Sleepy Evenings, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 7 1928
- * A Sleighing Romance, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 25 1886
- * A Sleighing Song, (pm) The Argosy March 1895
- * Slings and Arrows, (qz) Argosy (UK) March 1960
- * Sludge Removal, (ar) Railroad Magazine June 1947
- * A Slur on a Great Name, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- * Small and Great, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 26 1887
- * Small Beginnings of Big New York, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1909
- * Small Boat Directory, (ms) Argosy Feb 1957, Feb 1958, Feb 1959
- * The Smallest Bird Lives in Cuba, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * The Smallest Engine, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * The Small Girl’s View of It, (pm) The All-Story Magazine November 1907
- * Small Talk of an Interesting World, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1911
- * Small Things, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 20 1884
- * Small Things Are Best, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 17 1883
- * The Smartest Dog in the World, (ar) Bluebook November 1953
- * A Smile, (pm)
- * The Smiler with the Knife, (qz) Argosy (UK) December 1947
- * Smiles and Tears, (pm)
- * Smile Whenever You Can, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 19 1884
- * Smithy Song, (pm) The Argosy #478, January 30 1892
- * Smoke, Sparks and Stacks, (ar) Railroad Magazine February 1945
- * Smoking Up, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1924
- * “Smoky”, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories February 1934
- * The Smooth Diamond, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 7 1923
- * A Snail for Your Coat-of-Arms, (ar) Lilliput June 1946
- * Snake in the Grass, (qz) Argosy July 1958
- * Snakes and Their Venom, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd January 1929
- * The Snake That Dahlen Saw, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 15 1913
- * Snatched from the Mail-Crane, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1918
- * The Snob in Baseball, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 15 1913
- * Snow, (ia) Railroad Magazine February 1948
- * Snow, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 19 1884
- * Snowcountry Speed, (ms) North•West Stories November 1925
- * Snowland Travel, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd June 1926
- * Soccer Quiz, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1966
- * The Social Side of Boston, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1904
- * The Social Side of Chicago, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1905
- * The Social Side of New Orleans, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1904
- * The Social Side of New York, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1904
- * The Social Side of Philadelphia, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1904
- * The Social Side of San Francisco, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1904
- * The Social Side of St. Louis, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1904
- * The Social Side of Washington, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1904
- * Society and Racing, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1905
- * So Doth the Busy Elephant, (pi) Everybody’s Magazine October 1918
- * A Soft Answer, (pm) Harvard Lampoon
- * The Soft Answer, (ms) Lilliput December 1951/January 1952
- * Softening Feed-Water, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- * The Soldier Among the Flowers, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1912
- * The Soldier’s Compendium, (ar)
- * The Soldier’s Scrapbook:
* ___ II—Wanted, a President, (cl) The Blue Book Magazine September 1933
* ___ IV—The Keys of Jerusalem, (cl) The Blue Book Magazine April 1934
- * Soldiers’ Service Bureau, (cl) Short Stories Jan, Feb 1919
- * Soldiers’ Service Department, (cl) Short Stories Nov, Dec 1918, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct 1919
- * Soldiers Who Guard the Alps, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * The Solemnity of Zappone, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912
- * The Solid Gold Cadillac, (mr) Argosy October 1956
- * Solitaire in Columbus, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1913
- * Solomon’s Court—1944 Style, (ms) Argosy January 1945
- * Solution, (pm) Essex (Mass.) Register
- * The Solution of a Mystery, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1912
- * A Solution of the Servant Problem, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1927
- * Solutions to the Fifth Mystery Contest, (pz) Five-Novels Monthly November 1938
- * Solution to Crossword Puzzle, (pz) Five-Novels Monthly February 1941
- * Solves Problem of Coal Supply, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
- * Solving the Car Shortage, (pz) Railroad Magazine May 1949
- * Solving the Dining Car Problem, (ar) Railroad Magazine August 1947
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