The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1160
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Ripples, (pm)
- * The Rip-Track Album:
* ___ B&O Mogul 600, (ms) Railroad Magazine June 1943
* ___ Central Pacific Mastodon, (ms) Railroad Magazine May 1943
* ___ Lehigh Valley Bee, (ms) Railroad Magazine July 1943
* ___ Philadelphia & Reading Swallow-Tail, (ms) Railroad Magazine February 1944
* ___ PRR Class K, (ms) Railroad Magazine April 1943
- * The Rise and Fall of Ben Holladay, (ar) Railroad Magazine August 1944
- * Rise of a Fairy Queen, (ar) Lilliput November/December 1953
- * The Rise of Georgia, (ar) Redbook Magazine January 1938
- * Risks Life to Save Child, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Rival Monarchs of the African Wilds, (il) The Golden Argosy January 28 1888
- * A Rival of Mammoth Cave, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1909
- * The Rival of the Irish Bull, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * The River, (pm) Chambers’s Journal
- * The River That Lies Between, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 20 1885
- * Rivington and Ethan Allen, (ar) The Golden Argosy September 27 1884
- * The Road Agents’ Terror: A True Sketch, (te) The Golden Argosy August 23 1884
- * The Roadmakers, (pm) The Popular Magazine January 7 1919
- * Road-Racing on the Screen—and Off, (pi) Argosy February 1955
- * The Roads of the Indians, (ar) The New York Times
- * The Road to Yesterday, (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1907 [Ref. Beulah M. Dix & Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland]; from the play by Beulah M. Dix & Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland.
- * Robbers, (pm) Chicago Times-Herald
- * Robert Fulkerson Hoffman, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912 [Ref. Robert Fulkerson Hoffman]
- * Robert J. Burdette: American Humorist, (bg) The Argosy #483, March 5 1892
- * Robert J. Casey, (bg) The Blue Book Magazine September 1925 [Ref. Robert J. Casey]
- * Robert Mantell—A Sketch, (ar) Gunter’s Magazine September 1906 [Ref. Robert Mantell]
- * Robert, Raoul, and the Fair Jehane, (ex) from Aucassin & Nicolette, J.M. Dent, 1931
- * Robert Rudd Whiting, (ob) Ainslee’s January 1919
- * Robert T. Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln’s Son; Minister to England, (bg) The Argosy #482, February 27 1892
- * Robert W. Chambers writes a new novel of pioneer American days, (ms) Everybody’s October 1925
- * The Robin, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 30 1886
- * Robin Hood ’Round the World, (ar) Redbook November 1955
- * The Robinson Crusoe Island Up to Date, (ar) Melbourne Argus
- * Rockefeller and His Rocks, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1912
- * Rockefeller and the Goat, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 1 1910
- * The Rockets, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1938
- * Rock Merges with the Big Band Sound, (ar) Argosy September 1978
- * Rod Packings, (ar) Railroad Magazine September 1947
- * Rogers Locomotive Works, (pi) Railroad Magazine February 1946
- * Rogues’ Gallery, (qz) Argosy (UK) May 1952
- * The Roll-Call of the Damned, (cl) Strange Suicides Jan, Feb 1933
- * Roll-Call of Veterans, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine Oct 1908, Nov 1909, Jan 1910
- * The Roller Test, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 1 1913
- * Roman Army Just Like Ours, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1909
- * Romance, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine (UK) February 1928
- * The Romance of a Glove, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine April 1898
- * Romance of the Quaker Poet (John G. Whittier), (ar) [Ref. John Greenleaf Whittier]
- * Romance vs. Reality, (pm) The All-Story Magazine March 1905
- * Roman Gladiators, (ms) Pioneer Tales April 1928
- * Romes Found All Over the World, (ms) The Scrap Book February 1911
- * Ronald Coleman, (bg) Complete Movie Novel Magazine August 1931 [Ref. Ronald Coleman]
- * Room Enough for All, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 16 1883
- * Room for Speculation, (pm) The Argosy August 1903
- * Roosevelt and the North Pole, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 1 1910
- * Rooster Derby, (ms) Argosy January 1945
- * Rose Gavarre, (ss) The Green Book Magazine October 1920
- * Roster of Locomotives of the Toledo, Peoria & Western, (ia) Railroad Magazine August 1954
- * Rosy Morn, (pm) The Outing Magazine
- * The Rothschilds, (bg) The Golden Argosy December 16 1882
- * The Rough Guy, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 20 1924
- * Rough Railroading to Heaven, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 1 1912
- * The Roundhouse Foreman, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * A Row of Books, (ms) Everybody’s Magazine December 1905
- * Royal Authors, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine (UK) March 1928
- * Royal Family, (qz) Argosy (UK) March 1943
- * A Royal Golden Wedding, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine October 1907
- * Royal Gorge, Colorado, as It Looked in 1880, (il) Railroad Stories August 1935
- * A Royal Rule Broken for a Woman, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1907
- * A Royal Saleswoman, (ms) The Popular Stories September 24 1927
- * Royal Train Sets World Record, (pi) Railroad Magazine September 1939
- * Royalty at the Dinner-Table, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1908
- * Royalty in Fancy Dress, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine January 1898
- * Royalty on Wheels, (ar) The Argosy September 1896
- * Royal Visitors in America, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1906 (abbrev)
- * A Royal Whim, (ss)
- * Roy Bean, (pm) Railroad Magazine November 1949
- * Rubber Boots, (ar) The Golden Argosy December 9 1882
- * Rubber-Neck Train at Panama Canal, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
- * Rube’s Obituary, (vi) Detroit Free Press
- * The Rule of Three, (sa) The Green Book Magazine June 1914 [Ref. Guy Bolton]; novelization of the play by Guy Bolton.
- * Rules for a Happy Life, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 15 1884
- * Rules for Visitors to Art Exhibitions, (hu) Live Stories September 1915
- * A Rumor in Wall Street, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 11 1928
- * A Run for Life, (ss) The Golden Argosy November 8 1884
- * Running-Gear Failures, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1943
- * Running No Risks, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * Running on No Particular Schedule, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1913
- * Running Rings Around Nimrod, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1913
- * Running the Schools, (ms) Women’s Stories January 1 1914
- * Runs Backward to Go Forward, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * A Rural Art Critic, (hu) The Popular Magazine August 1905
- * A Russian Ruse, (ss) The Argosy June 1898
- * Russia’s Secret Air Power, (ms) Argosy August 1948
- * The Rustic and the Lackeys, (ms)
- * A Rustic Convert, (pm) The Outing Magazine
- * A Rustic Hostelry, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 29 1886
- * Ryan’s Report, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1911
- * The Ryan Woman’s Suicide, (ss) New York Sunday Sun
- * Rye, Sussex, (il) The Black Cat (UK) Christmas 1898
- * The Sabbath Bells, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 5 1886
- * Sabrina, (mr) Redbook October 1954
- * The Saccharine Mr. Hitchcock, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 1 1912
- * Sacred Singing in the Country, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 15 1914
- * The Saddest Fate, (pm) The All-Story Magazine November 1909
- * The Sad Fate of a Policeman, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 16 1886
- * A Sad Week, (pm) The Popular Magazine December 1 1909
- * Safe-Guarding Open Coal-Cars, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1910
- * Safeguarding the Home, (cl) Smith’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1905
- * Safe Transoceanic Flights, (ms) The Popular Stories October 29 1927
- * Safety First, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 20 1928
- * Safety First in the Air, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1922
- * Safety Valves, (ar) Railroad Magazine June 1948
- * Safe Ways to Brace Up Nerves, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1910
- * The Saffron Fly: A Basque Legend, (vi) Short Stories July 1890; translated by Alice Ballard-Macdonald
- * Sagebrush Trail, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories February 1934
- * Said Railroads Were Wicked, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- * Sail Ho!, (pi) Argosy April 1950
- * Sailing on Country Roads, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1910
- * Sailing on Skates, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 7 1923
- * Sailing the Bounding Main, (vi) Complete Stories July 1928
- * The Sailor’s Grave, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 11 1888
- * The Sailors’ Vocabulary and Sea Terms, (ar) Short Stories June 25 1923
- * St. John’s Eve, (ms)
- * The St. Mary’s School Ship: How Sailor Boys Live in the New York Training Vessel, (ar) The Golden Argosy June 2 1888
- * St. Pauli—City of the Night, (pi) Adventure April 1955
- * St. Peter and the Baskets, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 7 1885
- * Saints Wot They Used T’Be, (qz) Argosy (UK) April 1961
- * St. Valentine’s Day Long Ago, (ms)
- * St. Valentine’s Day of Old, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1910
- * Salmon Killing, (ar) The Argosy #547, May 27 1893
- * Saloon Tycoon, (pi) Argosy September 1960
- * Salutation, (pm) How-7 April 1928; translated from the Sanscrit.
- * Salutations!, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- * Salving the “Senator”, (ss) Chambers’s Journal 19??
- * Sam Bass, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * Sam Blythe Gives an Interview, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 15 1914
- * The Same Old “Secret”, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 20 1925
- * Sam Houston, (bg) The Golden Argosy May 29 1886
- * Sam Houston, the “Red Man Elegant”, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1909
- * Sam Jones and the Boy, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 7 1924
- * A Sample of Brutal Frankness, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912
- * Samples of Chinese Humor, (ms) The Scrap Book November 1908
- * Samson Cracks Movie Depression, (pi) Argosy November 1949
- * Samuel F.B. Morse, (bg) The Argosy #470, December 5 1891
- * The Sanctity of the White Elephant, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1907
- * Sand, (pm)
- * The Sand-Eaters, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 1907
- * Sanders of the River, (is) The Argosy (UK) April 1939 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Sand for a Senator, (ms) Bluebook March 1953
- * San Diego’s Palm-Tree Special, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * Sandow, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1916
- * S. Andrew Wood, (bg) The Blue Book Magazine February 1932 [Ref. S. Andrew Wood]
- * Sand Will Do It, (pm)
- * San Francisco, (pm) Schenectady Gazette
- * San Francisco, (pm) New York Globe
- * San Francisco a Priceless Junk-Mine, (ar) People’s Magazine November 1906
- * San Francisco Ushers in the Year of Fairs, (ar) Redbook Magazine March 1939
- * Sanscritics, (ms)
- * A Santa Fe Giant, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * Sante Fe Mallet Hauls 4,280 Tons, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- * Santiago, (mr) Argosy July 1956
- * Satank’s Precious Paper, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd February 1927
- * A Satisfactory Conclusion, (ss) Laughter December 1926
- * Savage Blue Laws of Old Vermont, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1909
- * Savages Beat Drums to Telegraph, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * The “Save a Dog” League, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 7 1925
- * Saved by a Bell Button, (vi)
- * Saved by a Stocking: A True Story, (ss) The Golden Argosy September 15 1883
- * Saves Thrushes Under Car, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1911
- * Saving Our Water Supply, (vi) Complete Stories August 1927
- * Sayings in Every-day Use, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1906
- * Sayin’ Howdy, (pm) Milwaukee Sentinel
- * Say It with Fragrance, (ms) Redbook December 1963
- * Says Sun Spots Mean an Early, Cold Winter, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * Says the Boston Mother, (pm) Catholic Standard and Times
- * “Say Well” and “Do Well”, (pm) Selected
- * A Scalpman’s Courtship, (ms) Novelets March 1925
- * A Scapegrace, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 27 1885
- * The Scarlet Letter, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine October 1907
- * Scars, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 30 1888
- * The Scars of Slumber, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * Scattered Seeds, (pm) The Golden Argosy April 11 1885
- * Scenes from the Latest Plays, (cl) People’s October 1908
- * Scenes on a Wyoming Ranch, (il) The Golden Argosy November 19 1887
- * The Scent of a Flower, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 16 1885
- * The Schemer Undone, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1908
- * Schenectady Centennial, (ar) Railroad Magazine October 1948
- * The School, (vi) The Atlantic Monthly
- * School and College Directory, (ms) Redbook Aug 1949, Sep 1950, Nov 1954, Aug, Nov, Dec 1955, Nov 1956, Jan, Dec 1957, Jul 1958, Aug,
Oct, Dec 1963
- * Schoolboy Answers, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine December 1929
- * The Schoolboy’s Turn, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 26 1884
- * School, College and Camp Directory, (ms) Redbook Apr 1966, Jun 1968
- * School, College Directory, (ms) Redbook Jul, Oct 1954
- * School for Apprentices, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1911
- * A School for Stokers, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Schoolmaster’s Sleep, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 10 1883
- * School of the Silent Kill, (pi) Adventure February 1954
- * Schopenhauer on Suicide, (ms) Strange Suicides January 1933
- * Science and Criminals, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st April 1929
- * The Scientific Mind, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 11 1928
- * A Scientist Turned Soldier, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine November 1915
- * Score Board and Ant Hill, (ms) Live Stories June 1915
- * Scorn Not, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 11 1888
- * The Scot as a Railroader, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * Scouting the High Country, (ar) Argosy August 1971
- * The Scrap Book, (ms) Novelets February 1924
- * Scrapbook, (ms)
- * Scraps from All Sources, (ms) The Scrap Book November 1910
- * Scraps of Movie History, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 20 1925
- * Scraps of Wisdom, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine September 1929
- * The Scrub Lady Also, (ms) Women’s Stories January 15 1914
- * A Sea Battle Among the Cotton Bolls, (vi) Complete Stories November 1927
- * Sea Breeze, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 6 1886
- * Seafarers, (pm)
- * Seafaring Siren, (pi) Adventure September 1955
- * A Seafaring Song, (pm) The Argosy #456, August 29 1891
- * “Sea Fever”, (pi) The Argosy (UK) June 1936
- * The Sea Fight at Hampton Roads, (ar) The Argosy October 1895
- * The Sea-Gull Monument, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 28 1928
- * A Sea Idyll, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1906
- * The Sealed Door, (vi) from The Apocrypha,
- * The Seal of Satan, (sl) (by Fred MacIsaac) Argosy Allstory Weekly Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 6 1926
- * Sea-Mews in Winter Time, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 6 1884
- * Sea Peril, (ms)
- * Sea Pests, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st May 1929
- * Seaports of the World, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine February 1920
- * Sea-Power and the Dreadnought, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1909
- * The Search for the Northwest Passage, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine January 1951
- * A Seasonable Song, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 14 1885
- * A Sea Song, (pm) The Outing Magazine
- * The Season of Good-Will, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 1907
- * Seasons’ Greetings, (qz) Argosy (UK) August 1942
- * Season’s Joys—Small-Fry Finery You Can Sew, (ms) Redbook December 1980
- * The Season’s Modes, (cl) Smith’s Magazine May, Jun 1905
- * Sea Sprite, (pi) Argosy March 1948
- * The Seat of Inspiration, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 7 1925
- * Sea Traditions, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1927
- * The Seats of the Mighty, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd August 1929
- * Seaward, (pm) The Argosy October 1905
- * Seawards, (pm)
- * The Second Greatest Sex, (mr) Argosy December 1955
- * Second Thoughts, (qz) Argosy (UK) December 1942
- * Secret Chapters:
* ___ An Episode of Abraham Lincoln That Edwin McMasters Stanton Never Told, (ts) Gunter’s Magazine February 1905as told to A. R. Cazauran
- * Secret of Electric Lamps, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 2nd April 1929
- * The Secret of Happiness, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 17 1888
- * The Secret of Life, (ss)
- * The Secret of Longevity, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1918
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