The General Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 422

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    The Argosy (UK) [Vol. VII No. 48, May 1930] (Amalgamated Press, 1/-, 152pp, pulp)
    • viii · Her Anxiety and His Confidence · W. B. Yeats · pm (r)
    • 1 · The Mystery of J.H. Farrer · E. Temple Thurston · ss The Strand Magazine October 1910 (+1)
    • 20 · Space · G. F. Bradby · pm (r)
    • 22 · The Professor’s Foundling · I. A. R. Wylie · ss Cassell’s Magazine December 1911
    • 31 · Bird Song at Morning · Various · ms
    • 33 · The Boy Penrod [Penrod Schofield] · Booth Tarkington · ss from Penrod, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914
    • 44 · Last Love · Arnold Bennett · nv Hearst’s International March 1923
    • 53 · Those Who Smiled · Perceval Gibbon · ss The Story-teller September 1919; #4 in the “Great Stories of the War” series.
    • 62 · Voices by a River · Edmund Blunden · pm
    • 63 · The Bandit Quastana · Alphonse Daudet; translated by Margaret I. Baumann · ss (r)
      translated from the French.
    • 67 · The Game of Liberty · E. Phillips Oppenheim · na Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction December 1913; #5 in the “World’s Best Short Novels” series.
    • 83 · Silk · J. J. Bell · pm (r)
    • 104 · My Ladies’ Vanities · Various · ms
    • 107 · The New Earth · Mrs. Wilson Woodrow · ss Hampton’s Magazine March 1911
    • 116 · May Song · [uncredited] · pm (r)
    • 117 · The Superstitious Man’s Story · Thomas Hardy · ss Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1891
    • 119 · Two Schoolfellows · Paul Bourget · ss (r)
    • 124 · Zachary Goes to America · Warwick Deeping · ss Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction January 1924
    • 130 · Concerning Conversation · Various · ms
    • 131 · The Great Beckleswaithe Mystery [Part 1 of 3] · Henry Herman · sl (r)

    The Argosy (UK) [Vol. VIII No. 52, September 1930] (Amalgamated Press, 1/-, 152pp, pulp)
    • viii · All That’s Past · Walter de la Mare · pm The Listeners and Other Poems by Walter de la Mare, Constable, 1912
    • 1 · A Day of Omens · Perceval Gibbon · ss The Story-teller April 1914
    • 9 · The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras · Mark Twain · ss The Californian December 16 1865
      revised from “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog” (The New York Saturday Press, November 18, 1865).
    • 12 · The Pilgrim · Alfred Buhrer · pm
    • 13 · The Things That Matter · Warwick Deeping · nv The New Magazine (UK) November 1922
    • 32 · The Best Thoughts on Golf · Various · ms
    • 33 · The Cage Bird · Francis Brett Young · ss The Story-teller September 1924
    • 42 · Shells · L. du Garde Peach · pl (r)
    • 47 · Sonnet · P. Calver · pm
    • 48 · Humours of the Sea-Side · Various · ms
    • 51 · The Master of the Day of Judgment [Part 1 of 3] · Leo Perutz; translated by Hedwig Singer · sl (r)
    • 67 · Chinese Picture · Edmund Blunden · pm
    • 68 · The Love Philtre of Ikey · O. Henry · ss The (New York) Sunday World October 2 1904, as “The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein”
    • 71 · A Point of Honour · Violet A. Simpson · ss The Atlantic Monthly May 1927
    • 78 · David and His Incredible Jonathan [Foreign Legion] · P. C. Wren · ss Good Gestes by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1929
    • 85 · The Mystery of the Rue Soly [Part 2 of 3] · Honoré de Balzac; translated by Lady Knutsford · sl (r)
    • 99 · The Sorrows of Tweetyman · John Galsworthy · ss
    • 103 · Trade · Alan Sullivan · ss The Windsor Magazine September 1924
    • 109 · Mesopotamia · Owen Oliver · ss The Story-teller November 1907
    • 114 · Break-Neck Hill · Esther Forbes · ss Grinnell Review September 1920
    • 119 · Modern Novelists on Home Life · Various · ms
    • 121 · The Old Men of the Sea [Part 3 of 3] · Compton Mackenzie · na The New Magazine (UK) October 1924

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