The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 795
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Preston, George Hyde (1857-1937) (about) (chron.)
- * Barbara’s Name Is Up, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 14 1916
- * The Black Castle, (ss) The Red Book September 1903
- * The Conscience of McCann, (ss) Short Stories January 1916
- * Dick Gets Into the Game, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1910
- * The Face in the Miniature, (ss) The Red Book November 1904
- * The House Next Door, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1908
- * I Am Sure of It, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1917
- * Inside the Cabin, (ss) Short Stories April 1916
- * In the Drift, (ss) Short Stories June 1916
- * A Judge of Diamonds, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1904
- * The Kenmore Proxy, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1912
- * The Lantern Creek Claim, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine September 1905
- * Love and Labels, (ss) The Argosy December 1901
- * A Man of Dishonor, (ss) The All-Story June 1912
- * The Pinching Vein, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1911
- * The Prisoner of Fear, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1917
- * The Prospect Hole, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1912
- * The Snow Blind Man, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1911
- * The Stampede, (ss) Short Stories July 1916
- * Two Men, (ss) Short Stories April 1917
- * The Way It Worked Out, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1910
Prévost, Marcel (1862-1941) (about) (chron.)
- * The Beggar, (ss) The Scrap Book February 1910; translated from the French. (translated)
- * The Beggar Child, (ss) The Scrap Book June 1907; translated by Elizabeth H. Du Bois, Ph.D.
- * Desire, (ss) The Scrap Book September 1907; translated from the French. (translated)
- * The Gloves, a Mystery of Married Life, (ss) The Scrap Book November 1909; translated from the French. (translated)
- * Little Dolores, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1903; translated from the French.
- * The Noble Haert, (ss) Lilliput February 1943
- * A Presentiment, (ss)
- * The Understanding Mistress, (ss) Lilliput May 1943
- * The Wolf-Wife, (ss) The Scrap Book July 1909; translated from the French by R. E. H. DuBois.
- * The Woman and the Cat, (ss) The Scrap Book August 1906; from Our Countryside.; translated by Harry Thurston Peck
- * A Young Girl’s Diary, (ss)
- * A Young Girl’s Diary, (ss) Short Stories February 1899; translated by Mrs. Clay C. Macdonald
Prezio, Victor A. (1924-1976) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Adventure Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1961, Feb, Jun, Oct 1962, Feb 1963, Dec 1965, Feb, Dec 1966, Feb 1967
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories June 10 1946
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure Feb 1957, Apr, Aug 1961, Feb, Aug 1962, Apr, Aug, Dec 1963, Apr, Jun, Aug, Dec 1964
Apr 1965, Feb, Dec 1966, Feb, Jun 1967
Price, E(dgar) Hoffmann (“Trooper”) (1898-1988); used pseudonyms Hamlin Daly, Martin McCall & Robert Wallace (about) (chron.)
- * According to Plan, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1943
- * All Aboard for Baghdad, (nv) Short Stories February 1950
- * Allah Made Then As They Are, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1944
- * Allah Sends a Reaper, (na) Argosy December 30 1939
- * Allah’s Infidel, (ss) Argosy June 24 1939
- * Another Road to Destiny, (ss) Argosy September 28 1940
- * Border Incident, (ss) Adventure November 1947
- * By Land and Sea, (sl) Argosy Mar, Apr, May 1943
- * China Caravan, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1943
- * China Clipper, (sl) Short Stories May 10, May 25, Jun 10, Jun 25 1946
- * Chinese Gamble, (na) Short Stories June 25 1944
- * Chinese Run-Around, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1944
- * A Clipper Is a Lady, (nv) Short Stories June 25 1941
- * Datu’s Dividend [Jim Kane], (nv) Adventure January 1947
- * A Deal with Allah, (na) Short Stories November 1950
- * Desert Detail, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1940
- * Detour to Kandahar, (na) Short Stories February 25 1945
- * The Dragoman’s Jest [Hamed the Attar] (with Otis Adelbert Kline), (nv) Oriental Stories Winter 1932
- * Drums of Khartoum, (sl) Argosy Apr 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31 1941
- * Escape to Kabul, (na) Five-Novels Magazine March/April 1947
- * Escape to Palembang, (nv) Adventure April 1947
- * Faraway Loot, (sl) Argosy Sep 6, Sep 13 1941
- * First Command, (nv) Argosy January 1943
- * Fool’s Epitaph, (na) Short Stories February 10 1947
- * The Girl from Home, (nv) Complete Stories March 1937
- * Golden Barrier, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1941
- * Gold Standard, (nv) Adventure September 1942
- * Graven Image, (ss) Adventure September 1944
- * Guerilla Furlough [Jim Kane], (nv) Adventure November 1944
- * Guest of Allah, (sl) Short Stories May 10, May 25, Jun 10, Jul 10 1947
- * Guns for Ethiopia, (nv) Argosy September 2 1939
- * Guns for Pakistan, (na) Short Stories August 25 1942
- * Heart of a Thief, (ss) Argosy January 13 1940
- * He Lived to Conquer!, (nv) Argosy August 1943, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Hindu Holiday, (nv) Argosy February 8 1941
- * Inspected and Condemned, (ss) Short Stories June 1949
- * A Jeep for Hakamoto, (nv) Adventure June 1946
- * Jungle Poker, (ss) Complete Stories April 1937
- * King of Knaves, (ss) Argosy May 11 1940
- * Last Boat from Zamboanga, (sl) Adventure Apr, May 1943
- * Last Gamble in Malaya, (ss) Argosy June 1942
- * Loot from Badakhshan, (nv) Short Stories October 1949
- * Master of Dragons, (na) Short Stories May 25 1942
- * Message for McTavish, (ss) Argosy February 3 1940
- * Murder Walks the Tightrope, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly March 1935
- * Mutiny at Ten [Jim Kane], (nv) Adventure June 1945
- * Navigation Simplified, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1943
- * New Broom, (nv) Short Stories September 10 1948
- * Nine Minutes’ Screen Time, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1942
- * Nuts for This Talking Business!, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1941
- * One Step from Hell, (nv) Argosy August 5 1939
- * Opium Clipper, (nv) Argosy June 1943
- * Passage to Mekka, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1945
- * Peril in the Pacific, (ar) Argosy December 13 1941
- * Pigeon Blood, (ss) Adventure December 1945
- * Quisling for Breakfast [Jim Kane], (nv) Adventure July 1944
- * Rainbow’s End, (ss) Argosy March 12 1938
- * Red Sea Jonah, (ss) Argosy February 17 1940
- * The Road to Mandalay, (sl) Short Stories Oct 10, Oct 25, Nov 10 1948
- * The Rug Racket, (ar) Easy Money July 1936
- * Sanctuary, (ss) Argosy March 1944
- * Satan’s Garden [Pierre d’Artois], (na) Weird Tales April 1934 (+1)
- * Satans on Saturn (with Otis Adelbert Kline), (n.) Argosy Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30 1940
- * Scorched Earth [Jim Kane], (nv) Speed Adventure Stories July 1944
- * Seven Isn’t Lucky, (nv) Argosy March 8 1941
- * Sign of Fire [Jim Kane], (sl) Adventure Apr, May 1944
- * Somali Contraband, (sl) Argosy Aug, Sep, Oct 1943
- * Tailormade Beachcomber, (nv) Short Stories April 25 1942
- * Temporary Stars [Jim Kane], (nv) Adventure August 1943
- * Unfit for Command, (nv) Short Stories September 25 1941
- * Vengeance in Samarra, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1940
- * Well of the Moon, (nv) Argosy December 21 1940
- * Who Killed Gilbert Foster? (with Roger Sherman Hoar), (nv) Five-Novels Monthly January 1936, as by Ralph Milne Farley & E. Hoffmann Price
- * Yaqui Gold, (sl) Argosy Jul 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 24 1940
- * You Can’t Eat Glory, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1941
- * [letter], (lt) Short Stories June 25 1944
_____, [ref.]
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