The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 23
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Heron, Isaac
- William J. Makin:
- Who Killed Cock Robin?, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1935
- The Card of Death, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- The Corpse in the Stocks, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- The Death Barge, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- Duelists in the Dark, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- Gypsy Blood, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1935
- The Houseboat of Vanished Men, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- Murder on the Merry-Go-Round, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- The Painted Grin, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- The Tattooed Man, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
- The Windmill Mystery, (ss) Gipsy in Evening Dress by William J. Makin, Eldon, 1935
Hill Division
- Frank L. Packard:
- The Night Dispatcher, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 15 1910
- The Man Who Didn’t Count, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 15 1910
- Shanley’s Luck, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 15 1910
- The Guardian of the Devil’s Slide, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 1 1911
- Spitzer, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 15 1911
- The Blood of Kings, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1 1911
- Marley, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 1 1911
- The Specter at Serpent’s Cut, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 1 1911
- The Devil and All His Works, (ss) The Popular Magazine October 15 1913
- On the Night Wire, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1 1913
- The Squealer, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- Owsley and the 1601, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 1 1914
- The Rat River Special, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1 1914
- The Stuff They’re Made Of, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 15 1914
- The “Come-Back”, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 15 1914
- Opportunity, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 23 1914
- The Age Limit, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1914
- The Hobo, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1915
Hoe Handle, Charley
- Jim Kjelgaard:
- The Ambush of Hoe-Handle Charlie, (ss) Adventure September 1945
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Reluctant Muskie, (ss) Adventure December 1945
- The Buck-Baiting of Charley Hoe Handle, (ss) Adventure March 1946
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Loony Trout, (ss) Adventure September 1946
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Great Big Bass, (ss) Adventure December 1946
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Fifty-Buck Beaver, (nv) Adventure February 1947
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Spirit Wolf, (ss) Adventure May 1947
- Charley Hoe Handle vs. Man’s Best Friend, (ss) Adventure August 1947
- Charley Hoe Handle’s Chicken Party, (ss) Adventure May 1948
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Witches’ Fire, (ss) Adventure August 1948
- Mechanization of Charley Hoe Handle, (ss) Adventure October 1948
- Charley Hoe Handle and the Weasel’s Chance, (ss) Adventure December 1948
- Thanksgiving at Charley Hoe Handle’s, (ss) Adventure November 1949
- Charley Hoe Handle Gets Caught, (ss) Adventure January 1950
- Charley Hoe Handle Goes Native, (ss) Adventure June 1950
- Charley Hoe Handle’s Bear Hunt, (ss) Adventure October 1950
Holmes, Sherlock
- By Date:
- A Scandal in Bohemia, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine July 1891
- The Red-Headed League, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine August 1891
- The Boscombe Valley Mystery, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine October 1891
- The Adventure of the Speckled Band, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine February 1892
- The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine April 1892
- The Adventure of Silver Blaze, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine December 1892
- The Adventure of the “Gloria Scott”, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine April 1893
- The Adventure of the Dying Detective, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) Collier’s November 22 1913
- “Watson!”, by A. E. Dingle (ss) Short Stories October 10 1921
- Sherlock Holmes Solves the Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Harry B. Smith (nv) Munsey’s Magazine December 1924
- But Our Hero Was Not Dead, by Manly Wade Wellman (ss) Argosy August 9 1941
- The Adventure of the Surgeon’s Kit, by Ellery Queen (n.) Lancer, 1966 [Ellery Queen]
Holmes, Sherlock
- By Title:
- The Adventure of Silver Blaze, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine December 1892
- The Adventure of the Dying Detective, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) Collier’s November 22 1913
- The Adventure of the “Gloria Scott”, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine April 1893
- The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine April 1892
- The Adventure of the Speckled Band, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine February 1892
- The Adventure of the Surgeon’s Kit, by Ellery Queen (n.) Lancer, 1966 [Ellery Queen]
- The Boscombe Valley Mystery, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine October 1891
- But Our Hero Was Not Dead, by Manly Wade Wellman (ss) Argosy August 9 1941
- The Red-Headed League, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine August 1891
- A Scandal in Bohemia, by Arthur Conan Doyle (nv) The Strand Magazine July 1891
- Sherlock Holmes Solves the Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Harry B. Smith (nv) Munsey’s Magazine December 1924
- “Watson!”, by A. E. Dingle (ss) Short Stories October 10 1921
Honest John
- Courtney Ryley Cooper:
- The Word of Honest John, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- Working the Combination, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- The Other Fellow’s Game, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- Framing It for Grassville, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- A Bit O’ Benevolence, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- One Every Minute, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- The Pink Pachyderm, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1919, as by William O. Grenolds
- “Come Seven!”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1920, as by William O. Grenolds
- Jinxville Runs to Form, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1920, as by William O. Grenolds
- The Best Act of All, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1920, as by William O. Grenolds
- The Official Persuader, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1920, as by William O. Grenolds
- Jen for Joe, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1920, as by William O. Grenolds
Honey, Hobart
- Bertram Atkey:
- Back to Babylon, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1916
- The Pirate’s Choice, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1916
- Roughing It in Rome, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1916
- Wild Work with William the Conqueror, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1916
- The Private Assassin, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1916
- “The Fifth of November”, (ss) The Red Magazine October 2 1916
- The Misunderstanding with Louis XIV, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1916
- Say It with Clubs, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1930
- The Escape of Mr. Honey, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1942
- The King’s Archer, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1942
- A Parrot in Paradise, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1942
- Friar Tuck Tells All, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1942
- Mammoths Make Nice Pets, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1942
- Mr. Honey Gets His Hun, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1943
- Mr. Honey Takes a Flyer in Chivalry, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1943
- The Room of the Last Chance, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1947
- The Secret of Lo Fat, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1947
- Honevitch the Bear-Snarer, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1947
- Stowaway Aboard Noah’s Ark, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1947
- The Message on the Hearth, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1947
- Return, O Captain!, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1947
Honk and Horace
- Emmet F. Harte:
- Honk Simpson’s Affinity, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1909
- Valhalla in the Hills, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- Taming Bad Bill Goode, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- Sister, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1910
- B. B., the Weather Wizard, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1910
- Hero of the Hairbreadth, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1910
- Butch Poteet’s Bride, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1910
- A Pillage for Pie, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1910
- Getting Easy Money, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1911
- In the Social Whirl, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1911
- Honk and Horace, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1911, etc.
- Dark Are the Plots to Officialdom, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1930
- Fine Revenue & Fine Feathers, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1930
- The Railroad Widow, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1931
- Side-Door Pullman, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1931
- Rattletrap Transit, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1931
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