The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Yo-Yo Joe-the Circus Coon, (cs) The Skipper #141 May 13, #162 Oct 7 1933, #185 Mar 17 1934
- * The Yo-Yo Men, (ar) Mayfair v23 #6, 1988
- * Yreka Jim at the Hencoop Hotel [Yrecka Jim], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #201, 189?
- * Yreka Jim’s Prize; or,The Wolves of Wake Up [Yrecka Jim], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #190, 189?
- * Yreka Jim, The Gold Gatherer [Yrecka Jim], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #189, 189?
- * Ysabeau Wilce, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #177, Spring 2008 [Ref. Ysabeau Wilce]
- * Yukon Dances to Radio, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 2 1924
- * The Yukon Has Its Advocates, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 16 1929
- * Yukon May Have Pacific Port, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * Yukon Pioneer Passes, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd March 1927
- * Yukon’s “Blind Spot” Filled In, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 10 1935
- * Yule Drool, (ar) Escapade December 1955
- * Yule Log and Mistletoe, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1897
- * The Yule School, (ms) Penthouse December 1969
- * Yule-Tide, (ia) Chums December 1933
- * Yuletide Crackers, (hu) Chums December 1934
- * Yuletide Decorations, (ms) The Girls’ Favourite #152, December 27 1924
- * Yuletide Laughs, (hu) Chums January 1935
- * Yum!, (vi) Scary Book ed. Stephanie Calmenson & Joanna Cole, Morrow, 1991
- * Yuru Ngawarla: Interview with Murray Wilton, (iv) Australian Short Stories #32, 1990 [Ref. Murray Wilton]
- * Yves Guyot, (bg) The Universal Magazine #1, February 1900
- * Yvette, (pi) Mayfair v7 #4, 1972
- * Yvette Guilbert, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine February 1896
- * Yvette Leclerc—Patriot or Whore?, (ex) from Sex Blitz, All Star Books, 1961
- * Yvette’s Secret Vice, (ss)
- * Yvonne, (pi) Mayfair v3 #6 1968, v13 #1 1978
- * Yvonne de Carlo, (pi) Lost Continent Library Magazine v1 #10, 2008
- * Yvonne Paul, (ar) Mayfair v24 #7, 1989
- * Yvonne—The Sexiest Post Clerk, (pi) Mayfair v5 #9, 1970
- * Y Y Y Cracks, (hu) Stolen Sweets June 1935
- * YYYY Cracks, (hu) Real Story Book Jan, Apr, Oct, Nov, Dec 1929
- * Z.1.—Red Flyer, (ss) (by D. G. Turner) Scoops February 17 1934
- * Zaida, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1887
- * Zane Grey Heroes, (qz) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine February 1949
- * Zane Grey Western Awards, (cn) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine September 1948
- * Zangwill on the American Reporter, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1899 [Ref. Israel Zangwill]
- * Zangwill’s Epigrams, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1899 [Ref. Israel Zangwill]
- * Zarak, (mr) Oracle #1248, January 5 1957
- * The Zargon Menace, (ss) Strange World of Science Fiction, NEL, 1975
- * Zarpa de Acero, (cs) Valiant Annual 1965, 1964 1964, Valiant Annual 1966, 1965 1965, Valiant Annual 1967, 1966 1966
- * The Zealous Sentinel, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1894; translated from the French.
- * Zeb Hardacre’s Christmas Eve, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1882
- * The Zebra, (ar) St. Nicholas November 1873
- * The Zebra, (ia) Daktari Annual 1968, World Distributors, 1968
- * The Zebra Dun, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * Zebulon B. Vance, (bg) The Argosy September 21 1889
- * Zebulon Pike, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine October 1928
- * “Zeke” Candler and His Watches, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 7 1915
- * Zelda’s Fortune:
* ___ Introduction—At Sea, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter I. The Portrait of a Lady, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter II. Patient and Physician, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter III. Gaano, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter IV. A Self-Made Man, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine February 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter V. Confession, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine February 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter VI. A Voice—and Something More, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine February 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter VII. Doctor Quixote, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine February 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter VIII. Hide and Seek, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873
* ___ Book I—On Shore: Chapter IX. They That Hide Can Find, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter I. “Sinbad the Sailor”, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter II. Town Mice and a Country Mouse, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine April 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter III. A Legend of the Rhine, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine April 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter IV. La Prova d’un’ Opera Seria, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine April 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter V. Mademoiselle Leczinska, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine April 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter VI. A Leap and a Fall, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine April 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter VII. Sicut Erat in Principio, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine May 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter VIII. Dulce est Desipere Loco, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine May 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter IX. A Man Without a Will, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine June 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter X. After the Play, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine June 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter XI. The Rights of the Matter, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine June 1873
* ___ Book II—Sylvia’s Bracelet: Chapter XII. Where the Carcase Is—, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine June 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter I. The Critic, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine July 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter II. The Curtain, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine July 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter III. The Pasteboard Castle, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine July 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter IV. The Green-Room, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine August 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter V. The Knight of the Silk Purse, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine August 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter VI. The Third Boudoir, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine August 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter VII. Claudia’s First Patron, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine August 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter VIII. King Cophetua, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine September 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter IX. An Episode, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine September 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter X. Miserrima, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine September 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter XI. The Old Woman and the Water, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine October 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter XII. What the Sun Saw, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine October 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter XIII. Fools and Their Money, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine October 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter XIV. Nunc Dimittis, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine October 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter XV. Claudia at Home, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
* ___ Book III—Off the Stage: Chapter XVI. Cup and Lip, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter I. For the Prosecution, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter II. “Sceptre and Crown I’ld Lay Them Down”, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter III. The Knight of the Sow’s Ear, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine December 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter IV. The Hôtel à la Belle Étoile, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine December 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter V. The Gates of Home, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine December 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter VI. Claudia’s New Studio, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine December 1873
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter VII. Zelda Wins, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter VIII. The Pilgrims, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter IX. Aaron’s Mother’s Legacy, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter X. “Pæte, non Dolet”, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Book the Last—Palmam Quae Meruit, Ferat: Chapter the Last. The Fifty-Third Card, (sl) (by R. E. Francillon) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
- * Zella—Star of the Circus:
* ___ No. 2 The Love She Threw Away, (ss) The Violet Magazine #2, August 1922
* ___ No. 4—The Girl Who Pleased Herself, (ss) The Violet Magazine #4, October 1922
- * Zelma’s Vow, (nv) (by Grace Greenwood) The Atlantic Monthly Jul, Sep 1859
- * Zenobia of Palmyra, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1889
- * Zephyta, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1878
- * The “Zeplane”, (ar) Modern Wonder October 1 1938
- * Zeppelin, (ms) War Birds #69, December 1933
- * Zeppelin, (ts) War Birds #47, October 1931; translated from the German by Samuel Taylor Moore.
- * Zeppelins of the World War, (ar) Flying Aces August 1934
- * The Zero Johnny Didn’t Get, (ms) Flying Aces October 1944
- * The Zero of Importance, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 2 1928
- * Zero on the Railway, (ms) The Modern Boy January 4 1930
- * Zero Population Growth: A Statement, (ms) Voyages ed. Rob Sauer, Ballantine, 1971
- * Ze Star-Spanngold Baneur, (hu) Everybody’s Magazine February 1919
- * Zeus Is Dead by Michael G. Munz, (br) Abyss & Apex #52, 4th Quarter 2014
- * Zhburtz’ming of Gawain, (hu) Analog Science Fiction and Fact mid December 1993
- * “Zig-Zag”, (th) The London Magazine November 1917
- * Zigzag Lines, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1859
- * Zigzags at the Zoo, (cl) The Strand Magazine March 1919
- * Zillah, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1875
- * Zilliboy Shinbag—and His Creator, (ar) Everybody’s February 25 1950 [Ref. Michael Cummings]
- * Zinc of Me, (ss) Consensual: The Second Coming ed. Stephen Dedman, Cathy Cupitt & Elaine Kemp, Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation, Inc., 2003
- * Zinescene, (fr) Grotesque #1, April 1993
- * Zingard the Man from the Wilds [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #162, 1925
- * The Zingari, Their Origin—The Great Bowling Question—A Few Words About Single-Wicket Matches, (ar) London Society March 1863
- * Zingha, the African Queen, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #147, May 3 1851
- * Zingrave’s Last Card [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #53, June 10 1916
- * Zingua—African Queen of Cruelty, (ar) Men’s Digest January 1966
- * Zinkusi Slayer of Monsters [African Adventure], (ss) The Buzzer #22, March 12 1938
- * Zion Park More Accessible, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 10 1925
- * Zip and Co., (sl) The Champion #663 Oct 13, #664 Oct 20, #670 Dec 1, #671 Dec 8 1934
- * Ziska: The Problem of a Wicked Soul, (br) The Anti-Philistine #1, June 15 1897 [Ref. Marie Corelli]
- * Zlobane, (pm) (by Zadel Barnes Gustafson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1880
- * Zoar and the Zoarites, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1890
- * Zodiac Director David Fincher, Reviews, and Our Own Damn Movie Awards, (ar) Penthouse March 2007
- * Zodiac Magic, (cl) Gay Parisienne May/June 1931
- * Zodomirsky’s Duel, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1892, as by Alexandre Dumas
- * Zola and the Humbert Case, (ar) The Idler November 1902
- * Zola as in a Looking-Glass, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 16 1898
- * Zola—Dream Girl!, (pi) Man’s Story August 1968
- * Zombie Safe Zone, (ms) Genesis Science Fiction Magazine #11, Spring 2020
- * A Zoological Christmas Outing, (pz) Cassell’s Magazine January 1931
- * Zooming Into Action!, (pi) Look and Learn #33, September 1 1962
- * The Zoo Ship! [Cookey Scrubbs], (nv) (by Harold J. Garrish) The Boys’ Friend #1352, May 14 1927; revised from Jester, (ex-Cookey Stubbs by Harry Belbin).
- * Zoo-Ship Adventures, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * A Zoo That Stands on the Table, (ms) My Magazine May 1915
- * Zorn of the Hundred Faces [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #541, 1940
- * The Zouaves, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 12 1870
- * Z to A, (pi) The Dude March 1960
- * Zuleika’s Wooing, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1896
- * Zulma, (pm) Colour December 1921; Baluchi, translated into French by Adolphe Thalasso, then re-translated into English by Griffyth Fairfax.; translated by Griffyth Fairfax & Adolphe Thalasso
- * A Zulu War-Dance, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1877
- * Zumalacarreguy, (ts) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine January 1871
- * Zuni Indian Houses, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 12 1934
- * [“? %%2”] [Gordon Fox], (ss) (by William Murray Graydon) The Boys’ Friend
- * [“? %%3”] [Gordon Fox], (ss) (by William Murray Graydon) The Boys’ Friend
- * [about the cover artist], (bg) Yellow Medicine Review v2, 2007
- * [About the Giant’s Causeway], (ms) Cricket September 2016
- * [ad for new pulp, “The White Book”], (ms) Western Novel and Short Stories December 1934
- * [advert], (ms) New Tesseract Dec 1937, Mar 1938
- * [advert for Amra], (ms) Anduril #3, November 1972
- * [advert for books for sale], (ms) Necromancer July 1947
- * [advert for Fandom Speaks], (ms) Necromancer Supplement No. 1 1947
- * [advert for first issue of True Detective Mysteries], (ms) Physical Culture May 1924
- * [advert for Jane Calendars 1947], (ms) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * [advert for Pulp Vault #1], (ms) The Pulp Collector Winter 1988
- * [advert for SFAA library], (ms) Tesseract Apr, May, Jun, Nov, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1937
- * [advert for SFAA retail library], (ms) New Tesseract Dec 1937, Feb, Mar 1938
- * [advert for “Sister Carrie” (Dreiser)], (ms) The Quill June 30 1917
- * [advert for The British Fantasy Society], (ms) Anduril #4, July 1974
- * [advert for The Nor’West Science Fantasy Club], (ms) Astroneer Summer 1953
- * [advert for “The Singing Flame” (Hersey)], (ms) The Quill June 30 1917
- * [advert for The Supermancon], (ms) Astroneer Summer 1953
- * [advertisement for back issues of Wormwood], (ms) Wormwood #9, 2007
- * [advertisements], (ms) The English Review December 1908
- * [advertisements], (ms) Unique Tales Jun 1937, Jan, Apr 1938
- * [adverts], (ms) Tesseract April 1936
- * [adverts], (ms) Different May 29 1938
- * [adverts], (ms) Weird Trails, April 1933 ed. Abner Gibber, Wildside Press, 2004
- * [adverts and fillers], (ms) Tesseract Dec 1936, Jan 1937
- * [Announcement of upcoming “Extra Summer Number”], (ms) The Argosy (UK) June 1890
- * [article], (ar) Star*Line Dec 1978, Jul/Aug 1990, May/Jun 2002
- * [Association of American Soap and Glycerine Producers advert], (ms) Photoplay Mar, May 1928
- * [Australian Science Fiction Achievement Awards], (ar) SFWA Bulletin #34, July 1971
- * [Baby Ruth advert], (ms) Photoplay September 1926
- * [Baldwin Piano advert], (ms) Photoplay November 1926
- * [Ballantine Books announcement of Adult Fantasy Series], (ms) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * [bibliography of Nigel Kneale], (bi) Presenting Moonshine #34, September 1973 [Ref. Nigel Kneale]
- * [biographical sketch], (bg) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 10 1931, Mar 5 1932, Jan 28, Mar 11, Jun 24, Apr 1 1933, Mar 26, Mar 12, Nov 19 1932,
Jul 22 1933, Sep 26 1931, Feb 13 1932
Nov 18 1933, Feb 10 1934, May 13 1933, Apr 26 1930, May 6, Oct 28 1933, Mar 28 1931, Dec 3,
Mar 19 1932, Oct 3 1931, Dec 24 1932
Mar 14 1931, Sep 3 1932, Jun 10, Aug 19 1933, Aug 29 1931, Jan 2 1932, Apr 29, Jun 3, Mar 25 1933,
Mar 16 1929, May 5 1934
Nov 4 1933, Jan 23 1932, Mar 2 1929, Apr 15 1933, Jul 5 1930, Jun 17, Feb 11, Mar 4 1933, May 12 1934,
Jul 15 1933, Mar 8 1930
Jun 4 1932, Mar 24 1934, May 27 1933, Oct 24 1931, Mar 18, Jul 29, Sep 9 1933, Mar 21 1931, May 17 1930,
Mar 9 1929, Jul 4 1931
Dec 17 1932, Jan 18, May 24 1930, Jan 14 1933, Jun 11 1932 [Ref. Jack Stanford Allman]
- Hazzard: The Complete Series by Frederick C. Davis, Altus Press, 2016, as "About the Author"
- The Scrap of Lace by Hulbert Footner, Steeger Books, 2019, as "About the Author"
- The Viper (var. 1) by Hulbert Footner, Steeger Books, 2020, as "About the Author"
- The Fetish Fighters and Other Adventures by F. V. W. Mason, Steeger Books, 2020, as "About the Author"
- The Complete Cases of the Mongoose by Johnston McCulley, Steeger Books, 2019, as "About the Author"
- The King of Chaos and Other Adventures by Johnston McCulley, Steeger Books, 2019, as "About the Author"
- The Curse of Capistrano and Other Adventures by Johnston McCulley, Steeger Books, 2020, as "About the Author"
- * [biography of Ellison], (bg)
- * [Biography of Jaime Kim], (bg) Cricket September 2016 [Ref. Jaime Kim]
- * [biography of Jonathan Bean], (bg) Cricket March 2016 [Ref. Jonathan Bean]
- * [biography of Joseph Simpson], (bg) The London Magazine October 1907 [Ref. Joseph Simpson]
- * [biography of Micha Archer], (bg) Cricket January 2016 [Ref. Micha Archer]
- * [biography of Troy Howell], (bg) Cricket February 2016 [Ref. Troy Howell]
- * [blurb], (ms) Weird Trails, April 1933 ed. Abner Gibber, Wildside Press, 2004
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