The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12092
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Tease, Torture and Kill!, (ar) Pose! October 1960
- * Teasing Mamas, (ms) Hot Stories February 1930
- * Teasing Tid-Bits, (hu) La Paree Stories September 1937
- * Tea Taster Tastes Stocks, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 6 1930
- * Tea-Wagon Dinners, (ar) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * Technical, (hu) Short Stories June 1913
- * The Technical Corner, (cl) Swingers World Magazine January 1973
- * Technical Education in Germany, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1888
- * Technological Advances in Listening Devices, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1960
- * Technological History Quiz, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction May 1963
- * The Technological Imperative, (si) Anthropology Through Science Fiction ed. Carol Mason, Martin Harry Greenberg & Patricia Warrick, St. Martin's, 1974
- * Technologies and Artefacts, (ar) (by Michael A. Banks & Philip Harbottle) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * “Technologists Have Failed to Listen to Non-Technologists”, (iv) The Observer October 10 2020 [Ref. Cory Doctorow]
- * Technology: The End or the Means, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1980
- * Technolorata, (hu) (by Arlan Andrews, Sr.) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 1983
- * Technomania, (cl) Penthouse Apr, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1997, May, Jun, Jul, Oct, Nov, Dec 1998, Jan,
Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1999
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2000
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2001
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2002
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 2003
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2004
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2005
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2006
Jan, Feb, Mar 2007
- * ’Tec on the Trail, (ss) The Hotspur #1034, September 1 1956
- * ’Tec Test Murder—or Suicide?, (qz) Pearson’s Weekly #2486, March 19 1938
- * Ted and the Chicken Pox, (ss) Harper’s Young People #177, March 20 1883
- * Ted Bell, Gentleman Author, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2012 [Ref. Ted Bell]
- * Ted Bundy: The Roots of Evil, (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1989
- * Ted Chiang, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #177, Spring 2008 [Ref. Ted Chiang]
- * Ted Dust Not from Volcano, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories April 1931
- * Teddy’s Triumph, (ss) (by Mary T. Waggaman) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1871
- * Ted Kosmatka, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #188, April/May 2010 [Ref. Ted Kosmatka]
- * Ted Minton’s Inheritance, (na) Dick Turpin Library #98, 192?
- * Ted’s Hat, (ss) Manford’s New Monthly Magazine September 1874
- * Ted Strong at Raven’s Peak [Ted Strong, aka Young Rough Rider], (na) (by William Wallace Cook) The Young Rough Riders Weekly, as by Ned Taylor
- * Ted Strong’s Indian Trail [Ted Strong, aka Young Rough Rider], (na) (by William Wallace Cook) The Young Rough Riders Weekly, as by Ned Taylor
- * Ted Strong’s Terrible Test [Ted Strong, aka Young Rough Rider], (na) (by William Wallace Cook) The Young Rough Riders Weekly, as by Ned Taylor
- * Ted Strong’s Treasure Hunt [Ted Strong, aka Young Rough Rider], (na) (by William Wallace Cook) The Young Rough Riders Weekly, as by Ned Taylor
- * The Teeming World in a Drop of Water, (ar) Look and Learn #118, April 18 1964
- * The Teeming World of Insects, (ar) Look and Learn #166, March 20 1965
- * Teen-Age Crime Wave, (ar) Rumble #3, 1990
- * Teen Age Gangs in Singapore, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine December 1959
- * Teenage Rebel, (mr) Oracle #1250, January 19 1957
- * Teen-Agers Speak Out: “Give Juvenile Delinquents the Works!”, (ar) This Week November 27 1955
- * Teenagers Who Are Tops:
* ___ No. 3 — Patricia Plunkett, (ar) Modern Miss #3, April/May 1948
- * Teen-Age Widow, (ss) Real Romances September 1949
- * The Teenie, Weenie, Micro-Mini, Really Shorter Than Short Story Contest, (cn) Parsec Winter 1998/1999
- * Teen Notions, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion July 1947
- * ’Teen Scene, (cl) ’Teen August 1959
- * Teeny-Tiny, (vi) English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, David Nutt, 1890, as by Joseph Jacobs
- Ghosts, Spooks and Spectres ed. Charles Molin, Hamish Hamilton, 1967
- The Fourth Armada Ghost Book ed. Mary Danby, Armada, 1972
- Ghosts, Spooks and Spectres (var. 1) ed. Charles Molin, Puffin Books, 1981
- Fantasy and Terror #3, 1984
- The Green Ghost and Other Stories ed. Mary Danby, Armada, 1989
- * Teeth, (ar) Chambers’s Journal
- * Teeth and the Toothache, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 5 1870
- * Teeth as Clews, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1919
- * Teeth Cause Capture of Sing Sing Fugitive, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1923
- * Teeth Clew Is Discarded, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1918
- * Teeth for the Merchant Service, (ia) Modern Wonders February 3 1940
- * Teeth Give Clue to Torch Murder, (ms) The Dragnet Magazine December 1929
- * The Teeth of the Army, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #62, May 1917
- * “Teeth Set on Edge”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1877
- * Teeth That Will Never Ache, (ms) The Rexall Magazine January 1927
- * A Teetotaler’s Story, (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal May 7 1853
- * A Teetotal Whaler, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper October 11 1879
- * Tegang, the young Kyan Chief, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1901
- * Teig O’Kane and the Corpse, (ss) Legends of Saints and Sinners ed. Douglas Hyde, Talbot Press, 1915
- The Haunters and the Haunted ed. Ernest Rhys & M. Larigot, O'Connor, D., 1921translated by Douglas Hyde
- Irish Fairy Tales ed. H. M. Tichenor, Haldeman-Julius, 1923translated by Douglas Hyde
- Great Ghost Stories ed. Harrison Dale, Herbert Jenkins, 1930translated by Douglas Hyde
- The Evening Standard April 4 1933translated by Douglas Hyde
- The Wild Night Company ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1970translated by Douglas Hyde
- Spine-Chillers ed. Roger Elwood & Howard Goldsmith, Doubleday, 1978translated by Douglas Hyde
- Great Irish Stories of the Supernatural ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1992translated by Douglas Hyde
- The Book of Irish Weirdness, Sterling, 1997translated by Douglas Hyde
- * Teigue of the Lee, (ss) (by T. Crofton Croker) Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland: Part II by T. Crofton Croker, John Murray, 1828, uncredited.
- * The Telautograph and Its Inventor, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1893
- * Telefilms Now!, (ar) Modern Wonder October 15 1938
- * The Telegram, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1876
- * The Telegrams, (pm) (by Julia Ward Howe) The Atlantic Monthly May 1862
- * The Telegraph, (pm) (by John Greenleaf Whittier) The Atlantic Monthly October 1858
- * Telegraph Hill, (ms) West July 20 1927
- * Telegraphic and Telephonic, (qa) Railroad Man’s Magazine Mar, Jun 1916, Jan, Mar 1917, Nov, Nov 23, Dec 7, Dec 21 1918, Jan 4 1919
- * Telegraphing Photos by Code, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * The Telegraph of the Future, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine June 1909
- * Telegraph Operator to Millionaire, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st May 1929
- * Telegraph Poles Destroyed by Birds, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * Telegraph Systems of the World: The Story of the Nerves of Our Commercial Life, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1896
- * Telegraphy as It Is and Was, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 19 1885
- * The “Telelux”, (ms) Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1931
- * Telemachus versus Mentor, (pm) (by Bret Harte) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1878
- * Teleny, (ss)
- * Telepathy Prevents a Burglary, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1927
- * Telepathy, Psionics and ESP, (ar) (by Mike Ashley) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * The Telephone, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1939
- * The Telephone, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * The Telephone and How to Make It, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 5 1879
- * The Telephone as a Salesman, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine September 1910
- * The Telephone Call Mystery, (pz) The Thriller #181, July 23 1932
- * Telephone Call Prevents Suicide, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * A Telephone Conversation, (ms) The Captain #24, March 1901
- * Telephone Manners and Methods, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 19 1919
- * Telephone Operator Ends Flight of Four Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * The Telephone: Past and Future, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine February 1912
- * Telephone Ringing Relay, (ms) Science and Invention December 1920
- * A Telephone Scrap (etc.), (hu) Yes or No December 5 1908
- * Telephone the Arctic!, (ms) North•West Stories 1st January 1926
- * Telephone Transmitter and Receiver, (ar) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #14, February 1949
- * Telephone Traps Murderer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 29 1920
- * Telephone Vultures, (ar) Stag (Canada) Fall 1941
- * Telephoning a Film, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine July 1929
- * A Telephoto Arrest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * The Telescope of a Famous Western Astronomer, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 9 1933
- * Teletyping Criminals, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1937
- * Television, (cl) Redbook Jun 1951, Dec 1955, Dec 1957
- * Television, (cl) King (UK) March 1965
- * Television!, (ia) The Silver Jacket #13, 1954
- * Television Goes on Tour, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1940, 1939
- * Television Markets, (ms) Writer’s Year Book 1948
- * The Television Murder [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #461, 1937
- * Television Soon, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1931
- * Television Up-to-Date, (ar) Modern Wonder September 4 1937
- * Television:
* ___ Disk Jockey—Puppet Style, (cl) Redbook July 1954
* ___ He’s My Favorite Husband, but…, (cl) Redbook January 1954
* ___ Look Who’s a Star!, (ms) This Week October 12 1952
* ___ Robin Hood ’Round the World, (cl) Redbook November 1955
* ___ Stars in Her Eyes, (cl) Redbook April 1954
* ___ Will Water Run Uphill?, (cl) Redbook August 1955
- * Telgrams by Wireless, (ia) Modern Wonder November 19 1938
- * Tell Him, O Night (“from the Arabian”), (pm)
- * Telling a Story, (ms) The Sphere #3006A, November 8 1957
- * Telling Ava’s Fortune, (pi) This Week November 16 1958 [Ref. Ava Gardner]
- * The Telling of the Tale, (ar)
- * Telling on Thearle, (vi) Chicago Ledger June 12 1909
- * Telling Tales: The Clarion West 30th Anniversary Anthology (Hydra House) edited by Ellen Datlow, (br) Abyss & Apex #47, 3rd Quarter 2013
- * Telling the Age of an Egg, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1916
- * Telling the Bees, (pm) (by John Greenleaf Whittier) The Atlantic Monthly April 1858
- * Telling the Tale, (ms) Lloyd’s Story Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1921, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Aug, Sep, Oct 1922
- * Telling Time at Night, (ar) Boys’ Life February 1928
- * The Telling Treasure, (ss) (by Thomas Dunn English) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1863
- * Tell It to the Judge, (ms) Collier’s May 19 1928
- * Tell It to the Sea, (ss) Fireside Confessions #1, 1952
- * Tell Me!, (pm) (by Carl Spencer) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1870
- * Tell Me, Daisy, Ere I Go, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1877
- * Tell Me, Gentle Sir…, (pz) Argosy (UK) April 1946
- * “Tell Me More”, (pi) Romance August 1925
- * “Tell Me More”, (th) The Sovereign and Regent Magazine August 1925
- * “Tell Me More”, (th) The London Magazine October 1925
- * Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon, (sl) Parade #1632 Apr 3, #1633 Apr 10, #1634 Apr 17, #1635 Apr 24 1971
- * Tellos Returns High Adventure to Comics, (ar) Parsec Winter 2001
- * Tells of Spirit Going, (ms) Mystery Magazine #128, March 15 1923
- * Tells Police Mother Aided Escape, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * The Tell-Tale Bullet, (ar) Detective Weekly #40, November 25 1933
- * The Tell-tale Confessional [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth November 24 1881
- * A Tell-Tale Ink Mark, (ss)
- * The Tell-Tale Key; or A Woman as a Detective, (ss)
- * The Telltale Lens, (ms) Women’s Stories November 1 1913
- * The Tell-Tale Locket, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1878
- * The Tell-tale Mark, (ss) Red Letter December 20 1969
- * Tell-Tale Marks, (ms) Nifty Stories January/February 1931
- * A Tell-Tale That Is Popular, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * Tell-Tale Till, (ar) Look and Learn #77, July 6 1963
- * Telltale Trees, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 24 1930
- * Tell the Bees, (ar) Tit-Bits #2853, July 4 1936
- * Tell the Colonel, (pm) The American Magazine October 1913
- * Tell These to Your Chums!, (hu) Chums Annual 1936, 1935
- * Tell These to Your Friends, (ar) Chums May 11 1912
- * Tell Us Another, (hu) Chums October 25 1925
- * Tell Your Fortune, (ms) The Happy Mag. July 1934
- * Telpherage, or Electric Expresses, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1886
- * Telvising the Derby, (ia) Modern Wonder June 4 1938
- * Tema, (ar) Black & White #22, July 4 1891
- * Tembi, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #532, February 22 1930; adapted from the movie (explorer Cherry Kearton), with many photos from the film).
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