The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11941
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * “The Joker’s Journal!”, (nv)
- * “The Joker’s Millions!”, (nv)
- * Jokers of the Sea, (pi) Look and Learn #29, August 4 1962
- * Jokers Outwitted, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1889
- * “The Joker’s Winning Team!”, (nv)
- * Jokes, (hu) The Captain #294, September 1923
- * Jokes, (hu) Chums Annual 1940, 1939
- * Jokes, (hu) Mayfair v26 #12, v26 #13 1991
- * Jokes for Jokers, (hu) Chums December 19 1914
- * Jokes of Old masters, (ar) Mine June 1936
- * Jokes of the Week, (hu) Tit-Bits #2827 Jan 4, #2830 Jan 25, #2831 Feb 1, #2832 Feb 8, #2834 Feb 22, #2836 Mar 7, #2837 Mar 14, #2838 Mar 21, #2839 Mar 28,
#2842 Apr 18, #2843 Apr 25, #2844 May 2, #2845 May 9, #2848 May 30, #2852 Jun 27, #2853 Jul 4, #2854 Jul 11, #2855 Jul 18, #2856 Jul 25,
#2857 Aug 1, #2858 Aug 8, #2859 Aug 15, #2860 Aug 22, #2863 Sep 12, #2866 Oct 3, #2867 Oct 10, #2868 Oct 17, #2877 Dec 19 1936
#2879 Jan 2, #2884 Feb 6 1937
- * Jokes on the Grocer, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction June 25 1927
- * The Joke’s on You!, (hu) The Royal Pictorial Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov 1934
- * Jokes U-Autono, (hu) Real Stolen Sweets v1 #23, 193?
- * A Joke That Missed Fire, (vi) Chicago Ledger November 14 1908
- * A Joke Worth Millions, (vi) Action Stories September 1925
- * The Jolly Beggars, (ar) Black & White #17, May 30 1891
- * Jolly Days of Outdoor Girls, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1910
- * Jolly Good Fellowes, (pi) Penthouse (UK) October 1969
- * A Jolly Good Sort, (ms) The Novel Magazine June 1915
- * Jolly Jack in Mexico, (n.) Aldine Wild West Yarns #58, June 1933
- * Jolly Jeremiah; or, Warbling William’s Home Run, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #217, 189?
- * The Jolly Juniors, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion January 1931
- * The Jolly Juniors, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion June 1927
- * The Jolly Mariner, (pm) (by John Godfrey Saxe) The Atlantic Monthly December 1858
- * The Jolly Old Mudhook, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1931, 1930
- * The Jolly Pedagogue, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 9 1883
- * The “Jolly Roger”! [“Bulldog” Holdfast], (ss) (by John William Bobin) The Boys’ Friend #1116, October 28 1922
- * Jolly Roger’s Log, (cl) Pirate Stories Nov 1934, Mar, May 1935
- * The Jolly Young Waterman, (pm) The London Magazine April 1904
- * A Jolt on the Jaw for Santa Claus [Bloodhound Brant], (ss) The Skipper #273, November 23 1935
- * Jolts on the Funnybone, (hu) Fight Stories Jan, Apr 1930
- * Jonah, (ex) from The Bible,
- * Jonah Judson’s Luck, (ss) Chums October 16 1915
- * Jonah’s Whale Not a Whale, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Jonah Was a Jinx! [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Henry Kuttner) Green Lantern (comic) April/May 1946
- * Jonas Hanway, the Philanthropist, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1884
- * Jonas Toplandy: Extract from “The Literary Crank”—“The End” Poem by Jonas Toplandy. Pamphlet 1d, (hu) Pan #35, July 3 1920
- * Jonathan Lethem, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #134, Summer 1997 [Ref. Jonathan Lethem]
- * Jonathan Lethem, James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #150, Summer 2001 [Ref. Jonathan Lethem, James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel]
- * Jonathan Maberry in the Fast Lane, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2013 [Ref. Jonathan Maberry]
- * Jonathan Ruggles, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1877
- * Jonathan’s Vertue, (iv) The Spook #1, July 2001 [Ref. Jonathan Carroll]
- * Jonathan Swift, (bg) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #809, March 1883
- * Jonathon Hendee & Barb Hendee Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1990 [Ref. Jonathon & Barb Hendee]
- * The Jones Girl!, (pi) Swank January 1970
- * Jones’s Impudence, (ss) (by W. H. Davenport) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1866
- * Jones’s Metempsychoses, (ss) (by John H. Pell) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1866
- * Jon Hall, (pi) Screen Romances #106, March 1938 [Ref. Jon Hall]
- * Jon Landau, Producer of Titanic and Avatar Films, (ob) The Times July 8 2024 [Ref. Jon Landau]
- * Jon Landau, Producer Who Won an Oscar for Titanic and Was Nominated for the Avatar Films, (ob) The Daily Telegraph July 8 2024 [Ref. Jon Landau]
- * Jon Land Brings “A Strong Rain Falling”, (iv) Suspense Magazine August 2013 [Ref. Jon Land]
- * Jonnie Jones’ Diary, (vi) Dime Novel Round-Up Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1931
- * Jonny Is and Does Nicely, (pi) Adam August 1957
- * Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey, (br) The Irish Times November 23 1940 [Ref. Lord Dunsany]
- * Josef Hofmann. Sketch of the Talented Young Pianist, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1898 [Ref. Josef Hofmann]
- * Josef Tiso, (ar) Collier’s January 8 1944
- * José Maria, (ss)
- * Joseph A. Citro Bibliography, (bi) Tekeli-li! #3, Fall 1991 [Ref. Joseph A. Citro]
- * Joseph and His Friend, (n.) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1870
- * The Joseph Arch Song, (sg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1873
- * Joseph Bail: The Man and His Art, (ar) The Lady’s Realm October 1906
- * Joseph Bonaparte. His Life in This Country—Curioisities of Bonaparte Park, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880
- * Joseph Buercek, (ar) Collier’s March 4 1944
- * Joseph C.S. Blackburn, (bg) The Argosy June 29 1889
- * Joseph Darnand, (ar) Collier’s April 29 1944
- * Joseph Ernest Renan, (bg) McClure’s Magazine March 1894 [Ref. Joseph Ernest Renan]
- * Joseph Golding’s Last Christmas, (ss) The Argosy (UK) December 1869
- * Joseph Haworth, (bg) The Bostonian February 1895
- * Joseph H. Delaney, 1932-2000, (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2000 [Ref. Joseph H. Delaney]
- * Joseph Howard, Jr. at Work, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine November 1895
- * Joseph II, (ss) The Soldier’s Companion 1824
- * Josephine, (pi) Mayfair v12 #3, 1977
- * Josephine, (ss) (by Katherine F. Williams) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1867
- * Josephine Herbert, (ss) (by J. T. Trowbridge) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1863
- * Josephine’s Dream, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1882
- * Joseph Paul Di Maggio, Jr., (pi) Redbook Magazine October 1936
- * Joseph Rodman Drake, (bg) (by James Grant Wilson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1874 [Ref. Joseph Rodman Drake]
- * Joseph’s 2:37 Horse, (ss) The Wave December 10 1898
- * Joseph Simon, Oregon’s Junior Senator, (ar) The Pacific Monthly February 1899
- * Joseph, the Nez Percé, (pm) (by William H. Babcock) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1878
- * Joseph, The Provider, (ex) from The Bible,
- * Joseph Thorne—His Calling, (ss) (by Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1857
- * Joseph T. Shaw Hiring Announcement, (ms) The Author & Journalist February 1927
- * Joseph W. Harper (Head-piece), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * Josh Billings on the Duk, (ar) (by Alfred S. Burrage) The Young Englishman June 9 1877
- * Joshua, (cs) The Bible Story #23, August 8 1964
- * Joshua Granton’s Pupil, (nv) (by William Murray Graydon) The Boys’ Friend #132, December 19 1903
- * Joshua Reynolds Interview, (iv) Dark Worlds #3, Winter 2008 [Ref. Joshua Reynolds]
- * Joshua Slocum: A Bibliography (Sort of), (bi) Presenting Moonshine #20, December 1971 [Ref. Joshua Slocum]
- * Joshua’s Surrender, (ss) Belgravia September 1898, as "The Surrender of Joshua", by A. L. Harris
- * Josy Joyeuse, (pi) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine October 1916 [Ref. Josy Demeuse]
- * Jottings for Stamp Collectors, (ar) Chums August 2 1893
- * Jottings from the Cockpit, (ms) War Aces #1, July 1940
- * Jottings from the Note-Book of an Undeveloped Collector, (ar) (by Henry H. Wood) The Cornhill Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1867
- * The Jottings of a Subaltern:
* ___ II. Betty, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1917
* ___ III. Mauricette, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1917
* ___ IV. Baby, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1917
* ___ V. Theodora, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1917
* ___ VI. Marjorie, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1917
- * Jottings of Eve, (cl) Eve #326, June 9 1926
- * Jottings on Stamps: New Postage Stamps for New South Wales, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 5 1888
- * The Jottlings of a Subaltern:
* ___ I. Doreen, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1916
- * Le Jour des Morts: A Catholic Custom, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine January 1873
- * Journal-American Contest Winners, (ms) Flying Aces July 1941
- * Journal Fashions, (ms) Canadian Home Journal June 1910
- * Journalism, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine July 1862
- * Journalism Among the Eskimos, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 12 1929
- * Journalism up to Date, (ss) The Wave December 8 1894
- * Journalist in the Pillory, (ar) (by Michael Moorcock ,[?]) Look and Learn #19, May 26 1962
- * Journalist Turned Bestselling Author, (iv) Suspense Magazine October 2012 [Ref. John Sandford]
- * Journalities, (bg) Ladies’ Home Journal Oct, Nov 1957
- * The Journal of Elizabeth George: 1840-1847, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Summer 1974
- * The Journal of Mrs. Abigail Stone: A Character Sketch, (ss) The Minnesota Quarterly Fall 1924
- * The Journal of the Arthur Machen Society: Patron Julian Llyod Webber, (ed) Avallaunius Spring/Summer 1987
- * The Journal of Zac Robillard, (pi) Isaac Asimov’s History of I-Botics ed. James Chambers, HarperPrism, 1997
- * Journal Reference Library, (ms) Ladies’ Home Journal Jun 1933, Jan, Feb, Mar, Jul 1934, Jun 1935
- * The Journal’s Little Readers, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1898
- * The Journal’s Prize Songs for Children, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1898
- * JournalStone Publishing’s DoubleDown Series: The Revival of the Ace Doubles, (ar) Dark Discoveries #28, Summer 2014
- * A Journey from the Arctic Pole to the Antarctic Pole via the Center of the World, (ss) The New Moon ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2015; translated from the French (“Relation d’un voyage du pôle arctique au pôle antarctique par le centre du monde avec la description de ce périlleux passage et des choses merveilleuses et étonnantes qu’on a découvertes sous le pôle antarctique”, 1721) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * Journeying on the Volga, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1882
- * Journey Into Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54, February 15 1955 [Ref. Charles Chilton]
- * A Journey Into the Future, (ar) Look and Learn #167, March 27 1965
- * A Journeyman of Letters: Professor Churton Collins and the Murder Club, (ar) Everybody’s Weekly October 14 1911
- * A Journey of Azibah: an Eastern Tale, (ss)
- * The Journey of the Butterflies, (ss) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #315, January 27 1968
- * A Journey on the Metropolitan Railway, (hu) Cassell’s Saturday Journal February 4 1888
- * Journey’s End, (ms) The Happy Mag. Summer 1938
- * Journey’s End (with Geoffrey A. Landis & Mary A. Turzillo), (pm) Star*Line May/June 2002
- * Journey’s End for My Heart, (sl) True Experiences February 1947
- * Journeys to Advertising Land [Robert and Ruth], (vi) Child Life Jan, Apr 1928, Jun 1932
- * Journey That Lasted Twenty Four Years, (ar) Look and Learn #32, August 25 1962
- * The Journey to “Slumbertown”, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1888
- * Journey to the Center of the Earth, (mr) Argosy November 1959
- * A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, (sl) (by Jules Verne) Boys’ Journal January 1870
- * Journey to the Moon, (ar) Boys’ World April 6 1963
- * A Journey to the Moon, (ms) American Homes February 1874
- * Jousting—Cypress Gardens Style, (pi) Argosy July 1966
- * Jo Walton, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #173, Spring 2007 [Ref. Jo Walton]
- * Joy, (pi) Penthouse (UK) April 1984
- * Joy and Pain, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 20 1887
- * Joy Bells, (ms) Gay French Stories v1 #7, 193?
- * “Joy Bells”, (th) The London Magazine July 1919
- * Joyce and the Men, (sl) Weekly Welcome #1889, June 4 1932
- * Joyce, Inga and Lyn, (pi) Mayfair v12 #9, 1977
- * Joyful Jody, (pi) Cavalier #54, December 1957
- * Joy Givers’ Club, (cl) Child Life Jul 1930, Nov 1933
- * Joy in the Morning, (sl) Parade #1373 Apr 2, #1374 Apr 9 1966
- * “Joy is a Butterfly”, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1893
- * Joy-Month, (pm) (by David A. Wasson) The Atlantic Monthly June 1859
- * The Joy of Duty, (pm) Selected
- * The Joy of Life, (ms) A Word from the Outer Dark by Robert E. Howard, Project Pride, 2009
- * The Joy of Living, (pm) The Idler October 1903
- * The Joy of Physical Culture Life, (ms) Physical Culture June 1923
- * The Joy of the Anonymous, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine June 1901
- * A Joyous Frenchman in Virginia, (ss) (by John Esten Cooke) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1861
- * Joyous Joyce, (ms) Rex October 1957
- * Joyous Juicy Jinks, (hu) Broadway Nights Feb, Mar 1932
- * The Joyous Physical Culture Life, (cl) Physical Culture Jan, Jun, Dec 1939
- * A Joyous Singer, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 5 1887
- * Joy Ride, (pi) Caper January 1959
- * Joyride Killings on Johnnycake Road, (pi) National Detective Cases Magazine May 1942
- * Joyriding with Bandits, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 22 1929
- * The Joys of Barbarism, (ms) Live Stories April 1915
- * The Joys of Jogging, (pi) Stag January 1978
- * The Joys of Single Blessedness, (ar) The American Magazine May 1920
- * Joystick, (cl) Penthouse (US) Oct, Nov, Dec 2001, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 2002
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 2003
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2004
Jan, Feb, Mar, Sep 2005, Aug 2006, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Nov 2007
* ___ Adult Arcade: The Ultimate Guide to Sex Video Games, (cl) Penthouse (US) February 2006
* ___ Bad Day L.A., Lara Croft, the Legend of Zelda, and More, (cl) Penthouse (US) May 2006
* ___ Best in Show: Madden NFL 2007, (cl) Penthouse (US) September 2006
* ___ The Best New Video Games, (cl) Penthouse (US) June 2005
* ___ The Best New Video Games Lego Star Wars Feels Like South Park Meets Luke Skywalker, (cl) Penthouse (US) May 2005
* ___ The Future of Handheld Action, (cl) Penthouse (US) March 2006
* ___ Games Galore, (cl) Penthouse (US) April 2006
* ___ How to Get It on with a Gamer Girl, Girl-Friendly Games, and Reviews, (cl) Penthouse (US) February 2007
* ___ Juiced, Killer 7 and Other Hot Video Games to Kick Off Your Summer, (cl) Penthouse (US) July 2005
* ___ Life-Size Lara Croft and More, (cl) Penthouse (US) November 2006
* ___ New Grand Theft Auto, (cl) Penthouse (US) December 2006
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