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[]Kafka, Franz (1883-1924) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Author’s Perspective: Kafka on Discussing “The Metamorphosis”, (ar)
- * Before the Law, (vi)
- The Book of Fantasy ed. Jorge Lu^i's Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares & Silvina Ocampo, Viking, 1988
- Legal Fictions ed. Jay Wishingrad, Overlook, 1992
- The Little Book of Horrors ed. Sebastian Wolfe, Xanadu, 1992
- The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories ed. Ilan Stavans, Oxford University Press US, 1998
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- * Before the Law, (vi) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor, (nv) Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories by Franz Kafka, Schocken, 1946
- * The Bridge, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Die Brücke”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * The Bucket Rider, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Der Kübelreiter”, Prager Presse, 1921) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * The Burrow, (nv) 1946
- * The Burrow, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Der Bau”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * “A Case of Fratricide”, (ex) 1981
- * The City Coat of Arms, (vi) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Das Stadtwappen”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * A Common Confusion, (ss) 1931
- * A Common Confusion, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Eine alltägliche Verwirrung”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * A Country Doctor, (ss)
- * A Country Doctor, (ss)
- * A Country Doctor, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * A Crossbreed, (vi) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Eine Kreuzung”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * A Fasting-Artist, (ss) Franz Kafka: Stories 1904-1924 by Franz Kafka, tr. J. A. Underwood, Macdonald, 1981
- * Franz Kafka on Writing, Discussing “The Metamorphosis”, (ar)
- * A Fratricide, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * A Fratricide, (vi) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * A Fratricide, (ex) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * from The Trial, (ex) 1937
- * The Giant Mole, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Der Riesenmaulwurf”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * Give It Up!, (vi)
- * Gracchus the Huntsman, (ss) The Dedalus/Ariadne Book of Austrian Fantasy: The Meyrink Years 1890-1930 ed. Mike Mitchell, Dedalus, 1993; translated from the German (“Der Jäger Gracchus”, Beschreibung Eines Kampfes, 1936) by Mike Mitchell.
- * The Great Wall of China, (co) Penguin, May 2005
- * The Great Wall of China, (co) Martin Secker, 1933 ; edited by Max Brod & Hans Joachim Schoeps; translated by Edwin Mui & /A>, Willa Muir
- * The Great Wall of China, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer”, Der Morgen, 1930) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * “He”, (ms) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir
- * The Helmsman, (vi)
- * A Hunger Artist, (ss)
- * A Hunger Artist, (ss) 2003
- * A Hunger Artist, (ss) Kafkaesque ed. John Kessel & James Patrick Kelly, Tachyon, 2011; translated by John Kessel
- * A Hunger Artist, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * The Hunter Gracchus, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Der Jäger Gracchus”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * In the Penal Colony, (nv)
- Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow ed. Ray Bradbury, Bantam, 1952; translated from the German (“In der Strafkolonie”, Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1919).
- The Cracked Looking Glass ed. L. M. Schulman, Macmillan, 1971
- Black Water ed. Alberto Manguel, Picador, 1983
- The Penguin Book of Horror Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- Strange Dreams ed. Stephen R. Donaldson, Bantam Spectra, 1993
- You’ve Got to Read This ed. Ron Hansen & Jim Shepard, HarperPerennial, 1994
- Classic Tales of Horror, Canterbury Classics, 2015
- Murder Mayhem Short Stories ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, 2016
- * In the Penal Colony, (nv) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- Selected Stories of Franz Kafka, Modern Library, 1952; translated from the German (“In der Strafkolonie”, Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1919) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- More Stories in the Modern Manner, Avon Books, 1954
- Metamorphosis and Other Stories, Penguin, 1968
- European Tales of Terror ed. J. J. Strating, Fontana, 1968
- The Monster-Maker and Other Science Fiction Classics ed. Michael Kelahan, Fall River, 2012
- * Investigations of a Dog, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Forschungen eines Hundes”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * Jackals and Arabs, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk, (ss)
- * Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk, (ss) Partisan Review May/June 1942; translated by Clement Greenberg
- * Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * The Judgment, (ss) 1913
- * The Judgment, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * Knife Play, (vi) Harper’s Magazine August 2020; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann.
- * The Knock at the Manor Gate, (vi) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Der Schlag ans Hoftor”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * A Little Fable, (vi) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Kleine Fabel”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * The Married Couple, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Das Ehepaar”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * Metamorphosis, (cs) Esquire July 1994; adapted by R. Crumb
- * The Metamorphosis [Gregor Samsa], (na) Martino Fine Books, 2009
- * The Metamorphosis, (na) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * The Metamorphosis [Gregor Samsa], (nv) Parton Press, 1937
- Man Into Beast ed. A. C. Spectorsky, Doubleday, 1947; translated from the German (“Die Verwandlung”, Weisse Blätter Oct ’15).
- World of Wonder ed. Fletcher Pratt, Twayne, 1951
- Famous Fantastic Mysteries June 1953
- The Harper Anthology of Fiction ed. Sylvan Barnet, HarperCollins, 1991
- Stories ed. Eric S. Rabkin, Longman US, 1994
- Short Fiction ed. Charles H. Bohner & Dean Dougherty, Prentice Hall, 1999
- An Introduction to Fiction ed. X. J. Kennedy & Dana Gioia, Longman US, 1999
- Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Sixth Edition ed. R. V. Cassill & Richard Bausch, W.W. Norton & Company, 2000
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- Classic Tales of Horror, Canterbury Classics, 2015
- Bug Awful ed. Jeffrey A. Linscott, Kathy Sweet Waugh & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
- * The Metamorphosis [Gregor Samsa], (nv) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * The Metamorphosis [Gregor Samsa], (ex) Parton Press, 1937
- * Metamorphosis and Other Stories, (co) Penguin, 1968
- * My Neighbor, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Der Nachbar”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * My Neighbor, (vi)
- * The Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, (nv)
- * The New Advocate, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * The Next Village, (vi) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * An Old Manuscript, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * On Parables, (uw) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Von den Gleichnissen”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * Outside the Law, (vi)
- * The Problem of Our Laws, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Zur Frage der Gesetze”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * Prometheus, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Prometheus”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope, and the True Way, (ms) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir
- * The Refusal, (ss) The London Magazine May 1957; translated by James Stern & Tania Stern
- * A Report to an Academy, (ss)
- * A Report to an Academy, (ss) The Penal Colony by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Schocken, 1948
- * The Rescue Will Begin in Its Own Time, (gp) The New Yorker June 29 2020; translated by Michael Hofmann
- * Selected Stories of Franz Kafka, (co) Modern Library, 1952
- * The Silence of the Sirens, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Das Schweigen der Sirenen”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * The Sirens, (ss)
- * The Truth about Sancho Panza, (ss) The Great Wall of China by Franz Kafka, tr. Willa & Edwin Muir, Martin Secker, 1933; translated from the German (“Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa”, Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1931) by Edwin Muir & Willa Muir.
- * untitled (“A farmer stopped me on the highway and begged me to come back to his house with him.”), (vi) The New Yorker June 29 2020; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann.
- * untitled (“A large loaf of bread lay on the table.”), (vi) The New Yorker June 29 2020; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann.
- * untitled (“A legend is an attempt to explain the inexplicable”), (vi) The New Yorker June 29 2020; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann.
- * untitled (“To be perfectly honest, I am not very interested in the whole matter.”), (vi) The New Yorker June 29 2020; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann.
- * The Vulture, (vi) Description of a Struggle by Franz Kafka, Schocken, 1958
- * The Vulture, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Der Geier”, 1920) by Malcolm Green.
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- * After Twists and Turns, Kafka’s Next Chapter by Ruth Eglash & James McAuley, (ar) The Washington Post August 12 2019
- * The Basic Kafka by Bruce R. Gillespie, (br) SF Commentary #60/61, October 1980
- * The Castle by Idris Parry, (br) The London Magazine May 1954
- * The Enduring Influence of Kafka on Speculative Fiction by Lachlan Walter, (ar) Aurealis #98, March 2017
- * The Influence of Literature by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction Volume 6 ed. James Gunn, White Wolf, 1998
- * Kafka’s Short Stories by John Updike, (ar) The New Yorker May 9 1983
- * The Missing Person: Kafka the Tourist by Kate Zambreno, (ar) The Virginia Quarterly Review Winter 2019
- * Moonage Metamorphoses: Bowie and Kafka by Jason V. Brock, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #7, Fall 2016
- * The Pregnant Sky by Andrew Hook, (ss) Beyond Each Blue Horizon by Andrew Hook, Crowswing Books, 2005
- * The Trial by Steve Rasnic Tem, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * The Trial by Awesome Scott Card, (ar) Pulphaüs: The Universal Magazine #0, 1992
- * Wedding Preparations by Idris Parry, (br) The London Magazine December 1954
- * [reviews] by William Rose, (rv) The London Magazine April 1961
[]Kaftan, Vylar (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Break the Vessel, (ss) Helix #9, Summer 2008
- * Christmas Wedding, (nv) Warrior Wisewoman ed. Roby James, Norilana Books, 2008
- * Civilization, (ss) Glorifying Terrorism ed. Farah Mendlesohn, Rackstraw Press, 2007
- * Death Follows Us to Restaurants, (ss) Lone Star Stories #27, June 2008
- * Disarm, (ss) Abyss & Apex #26, 2nd Quarter 2008
- * FeastWar, (ss) Chasing Shadows ed. David Brin & Stephen W. Potts, Tor, 2017
- * Fulgurite, (ss) Sybil’s Garage #6, May 2009
- * The Girl Next Door, (ss) Sybil’s Garage #5, February 2008
- * Her Monster, Whom She Loved, (ss) Lightspeed #100, September 2018
- * Hero-Mother, (nv) GigaNotoSaurus March 1 2011
- * Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water, (ex), May 21 2019
- * I’m Alive, I Love You, I’ll See You in Reno, (ss) Lightspeed #1, June 2010
- * Ink of My Bones, Blood of My Hands, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #149, June 12 2014
- * Keybones, (ss) ChiZine #29, July/September 2006
- * Kill Me, (ss) Helix #6, Fall 2007
- * Last Hunt, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2015
- * Lion Dance, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2012
- * The Luckiest Street in Georgia, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2008
- * Lydia’s Body, (ss) Clarkesworld #2, November 2006
- * Mind-Diver, (ss) Abyss & Apex #37, 1st Quarter 2011
- * Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Four Days, (ss) Abyss & Apex #19, 3rd Quarter 2006
- * The Orange-Tree Sacrifice, (ss) Way of the Wizard ed. John Joseph Adams, Prime Books, 2010
- * Ordinary Things, (nv) Kaleidoscope ed. Alisa Krasnostein & Julia Rios, Twelfth Planet Press, 2014
- * Pointing at the Moon, (ss) Cosmos #18, December 2007/January 2008
- * Prashkina’s Fire, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #48, July 29 2010
- * Seeking Captain Random, (ss) Interzone #240, May/June 2012
- * She Called Me Baby, (ss) Strange Horizons May 30 2005
- * The Sighted Watchmaker, (ss) Lightspeed #19, December 2011
- * Skin Deep, (ss) Redstone Science Fiction #26, July 2012
- * Spellsketching, (ss) Daily Science Fiction January 24 2014
- * The Suicide Witch, (ss) Daily Science Fiction July 13 2012
- * Three-Legged Bird, (ss) Black Static #17, June/July 2010
- * Two-Minute Warning, (ss) Glitter & Mayhem ed. John Klima, Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, Apex Publications, 2013
- * Updates (with Shannon Prickett), (ss) Help Fund My Robot Army!!! ed. John Joseph Adams, John Joseph Adams, 2014
- * Vylar Kaftan, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #194, Summer 2011
- * The Weight of the Sunrise, (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2013
- * Witness, (ss) Redstone Science Fiction #5, October 2010
- * You’re Not Supposed to Write That: Taboos in Speculative Fiction, (ar) Apex Magazine #43, December 2012
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