The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Hypnosis and Sex, (ar) Candida v2 #1, 1960
- * Hypnosis and Space Travel, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #41, January 15 1954 [Ref. Bruce Copen]
- * Hypnosis—Its Meaning and Practice, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #67, March 15 1956 [Ref. Eric Cuddon]
- * The Hypnotic Dance of the Child Priestesses, (ar) Modern Wonder July 22 1939
- * Hypnotism and Ads vs. Me and Thee, (hu) Science Fiction Digest v1 #2, 1954
- * Hypnotism and Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1922
- * Hypnotism as an Aid to the Surgeon, (ms) Mystery Magazine #90, August 1 1921
- * Hypnotism Fails to End the Evil Spell, (ms) Mystery Magazine #82, April 1 1921
- * Hypnotism Has Changed Since Trilby’s Time, (ms) The Live Wire August 1908
- * Hypnotism in Ancient Greece, (ms)
- * Hypnotism Relieves Pain, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1928
- * Hypnotist and Medium Draw Confession from Murderer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * Hypo as Aid to Robbery in France, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 19 1925
- * Hypocrisy Detected, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * The Hypocrite, (pm) Atalanta November 1887
- * Hysteric Histories, (vi) Man Junior October 1948
- * I Admit I Murdered My Husband, (tc) Crime Confessions (UK) ca. 1944
- * I Admit It, (ts) New York Lights #3, 1937
- * “I Agree! Do the Housekeeping Yourself!”, (vi) The Woman’s Weekly #1, November 4 1911
- * Iain Sinclair: Selected Bibliography, (bi) Secret City ed. Jo Fletcher & Stephen Jones, Titan, 1997 [Ref. Iain Sinclair]
- * I Almost Died Trying to Get Rich, (??) South Sea Stories March 1962
- * I Also Accuse, (ar) The American Magazine December 1910
- * “I Am a Camera”, (pi) Ace August 1959
- * I Am a Cripple, (ts) Smart Set May 1925
- * I Am Afraid, (ts) Smart Set January 1925
- * I Am a Graduate of Two Universities, (ar) Prison Life Stories October 1935as told to Lewis E. Lawes
- * I Am a Lady Lobbyist, (ar) Liberty April 1 1939as told to Clara Belle Thompson & Margaret Lukes Wise
- * I Am a Male Nurse, (ts) Esquire October 1934
- * I Am a Masculine Mother, (ts) Esquire September 1934
- * I Am a Munitions Bootlegger, (ar) Liberty August 13 1938
- * I Am a Murderer, (ar) Liberty June 5 1937
- * I Am an Interne, (ar) Liberty March 25 1939
- * I Am an Unknown Writer, (ts) Esquire February 1934
- * I Am a Supermarket Detective, (ar) Collier’s March 29 1952as told to William Cullen Fay
- * I Am a Thief, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #796, March 16 1935; adapted from the movie (Ricardo Cortez).
- * “I Am a War Nurse—”, (ts) Secrets and Flame #549, October 14 1944
- * I Am a Youngster at Seventy, (ar) Physical Culture June 1924
- * I Am Clever, but I Am Behind Bars, (ts) True Adventures May 1925
- * I Am Coming, (??) Cassell’s Magazine October 29 1870
- * I Am Legend, (br) Shroud Magazine #1, January 2008 [Ref. Richard Matheson]
- * I Am Lonely Tonight, (pm) Grit Story Section #1890, April 12 1931
- * I Am Never Alone, (pm) Ballou’s Pictorial September 29 1855
- * I Am Not Ashamed, (rc) Knight April 1964
- * I Am Not Ashamed, by Barbara Payton, (br) Knight April 1964
- * “I Am Not Guilty”, (ar) Look and Learn #52, January 12 1963
- * I Am Permanently Cured Sixteen Years Afterwards, (ar) Physical Culture January 1923
- * I Am Rich, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 31 1888
- * I Am Sharing My American Heritage with My Alien Husband, (ts) Smart Set December 1924
- * I Am the Ghost of Old Tom Barrett!, (pm)
- * I Am the Mother-in-Law in the House, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1937
- * I Am Through with Love, (ar) Pictorial Review April 1930
- * I Am Thy Father’s Spirit, (ar) Medical Horrors January 1932
- * I Am Your Madelon, (ts) Smart Set May 1925
- * I Am Your Son, (ar) Man December 1944
- * Ian MacLaren: An Impression, (ar) Clack Book December 1896/January 1897
- * Ian Rankin, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #5, March 2005 [Ref. Ian Rankin]
- * Ian Rankin: It’s the Write Time to Get Out There, (ms) Crime Time #24, 2001 [Ref. Ian Rankin]
- * Ian R(oderick) MacLeod (1956- ): Chronological Fiction Bibliography, (bi) Interzone #169, July 2001
- * I Asked Him to Marry Me, (ts) Lovers Confessions December 1933
- * I, A Woman, (mr) Adam Film Quarterly #3, November 1967
- * I Balanced My Books, (ts) Smart Set May 1925
- * I Became a Scoundrel for Her, (ts) True Western Stories March 1926
- * “I Believe Anyone Can Do Anything”, (iv) Harlequin’s Woman v2 #7, 1974 [Ref. Margaret Powell]
- * I Bet My Soul Against $10,000, (ts) Smart Set September 1926
- * Ibexes Reported in Arizona, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 18 1935
- * IBM Man Wins Computer Contest, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #9, November 1966
- * I Bought a Car, (ar) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction June 1925
- * I Broke the Sixgun Curfew, (ss) Western Romances May 1957
- * Ibsen’s “Rosmerholm” at the Vaudeville, (th) Black & White #4, February 28 1891
- * I Bucked the Syndicate, (ar) Male July 1952
- * I Buried My Love, (ms) Western Love October 1946
- * “I Can Always Find Solace in Middle-Earth and Tolkien’s Imagination”, (iv) The Guardian October 23 2020 [Ref. Jeffery Deaver]
- * “I Can Hear His Screams”, (ms) The Washington Post May 5 1976
- * I Can Pick Winners, But—, (ar) Collier’s December 15 1928
- * “I can say things other people are afraid to”: Margaret Atwood on Censorship, Literary Feuds and Trump, (iv) The Guardian May 4 2024 [Ref. Margaret Atwood]
- * I Can Take It—A Football Coach’s Wife, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 22 1934
- * I Can’t Find a Dress to Fit Me, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion March 1948
- * I Can’t Grow to Be a Good Girl unless I Eat Good Things, (il) St. Nicholas May 1882
- * I Can’t Help Feeling, (pm) My Magazine February 1925
- * Icarus, (pi) Rogue September 1959
- * Icarus, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly October 1860
- * Icarus Above…, (ss) (by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.) Nemonymous #10, 2010
- * I Cautiously Approached Him, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1883
- * I. C. Boys on One of Their Pets, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1912
- * Ice Age, (ss) (by Iain Rowan) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * Ice-Age Lake Bed Discovered, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 25 1939
- * The Iceberg Castaways [Tin Fish Tramps], (ss) The Buzzer #12, January 1 1938
- * An Iceberg Refuge, (ss) The Argosy May 1898
- * Icebergs, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1935
- * Icebergs Ahoy!, (ar) Modern Wonders January 27 1940
- * An Ice-Boat, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 10 1880
- * Ice-Borg, (pi) Harlequin November 1963
- * The Icebox Burglar [Hector], (cs) Tex Granger #22, May 1949
- * An Ice Box for a Cash Till, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 15 1922
- * An Ice-Box on Wheels, (ar) Modern Wonder August 13 1938
- * An Icebox Prison, (ms) Clues March 1927
- * Icebox Test of Arctic Suit, (ms) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 1 1932
- * Ice Cakes and Tough Cookies, (pi) Cavalier #45, March 1957
- * The Ice-Cave of Vergy, in Savoy, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1876
- * Ice-Caves in Maine, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1889
- * The Ice-Cold Courage of Cecil Rhodes, (ar) Look and Learn #70, May 18 1963
- * Ice Cream on the Flying Scotsman, (ar) The Modern Boy May 25 1929
- * Ice Cream or the Third Degree?, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 23 1932
- * The Ice-Cream Social, (pi) Rogue May 1963
- * Iced Water on the Diamond, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 15 1913
- * Ice Falls, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2017
- * An Ice Fighter, (ar) The Sun
- * Ice from a Colorado Oil Well, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 5 1929
- * Icelandic Legends, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine July 1864
- * Icelandic Lore and Scenery, (ar) (by James Anderson Scott) Dublin University Magazine October 1863
- * Icelandic Pride, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2011 [Ref. Olof Erla]
- * Iceland Women, (ms) Women’s Stories December 15 1913
- * Icelend and Its Inhabitants, (ar) The Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1864
- * Ice Meters, (ms) Sky Riders #15, January 1930
- * Ice Metropolis, (ss) Scoops April 14 1934
- * Ice Patrol, (ia) Modern Wonder January 14 1939
- * The Ice Revue at the Fair, (ar) Five-Novels Monthly September 1940
- * The Ice-Sea, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1879
- * Ice: The Airman’s Grimmest Foe, (ia) The Illustrated London News 1937
- * Ice - the Enemy of the Airman, (ia) Modern Wonders January 20 1940
- * Ice to Order, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1942
- * The Ice Trust’s Coming Activities, (ar) (by Frank Harris ,[?]) Pearson’s Magazine (US) August 1918
- * Ice Valley, (ss) Chums September 15 1917
- * Ice with Sharp Teeth, (ar) Look and Learn #46, December 1 1962
- * Ice Yachting, (ar) The Argosy #524, December 17 1892
- * I Chose a Bad Man’s Love, (na) All-Star Love Magazine April 1942
- * Ichthyologist, Helen Morgan, (ar) The American Magazine April 1934 [Ref. Helen Morgan]
- * Ickes—and No Fooling, (ms) Collier’s September 30 1933
- * I Confess, (mr) Manhunt May 1953
- * I Confess, (ss)
- * Iconographiam Artist Directory, (ms) NecronomiCon Providence 2017 Memento Book ed. S. J. Bagley, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council Press, 2017
- * I Conquer the Sea, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #855, May 2 1936; adapted from the movie (Stanley Morner, Douglas Walton).
- * I Could Always Get a Job, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1935
- * I Couldn’t Forget Him, (nv) Intimate Confessions #2, April 1963
- * I Couldn’t Forgive My Brother-in-Law, (ts) True Confessions March 1959
- * I Couldn’t Trust Him, (ts) Home Notes December 27 1956
- * I Cover the Radio War, (ar) The Pathfinder ed. C. S. Segal, Junior Press Ltd., 1944
- * I Craved Luxury!, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd April 1930
- * I.C.S.C. Awards, (ms) International Observer November 1935
- * Icy but Incendiary, (pi) Eye March 1954
- * An Icy Flame, (ss) (by Edward Howard House) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1860
- * Ida Fane, a Heart-History, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #147, May 3 1851
- * The Idaho Code, (ms) Women’s Stories January 15 1914
- * Idaho: “Good Morning-It Is Sunup!”, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine September 1948
- * Idaho Holds First Place for Sheep, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * The Idaho Indian Tribes, (ms) Wild West Weekly May 12 1928
- * Idaho Jack, (pm)
- * Idaho Red, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #566, October 18 1930; adapted from the movie (Tom Tyler and Frankie Darro).
- * Ida M. Tarbell, (pi) McClure’s Magazine March 1898
- * I Danced Away My Happiness, (ts) Candid Confessions February 1938
- * Ida’s Vision [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth January 1 1880
- * “I Date Her Again When…”, (ms) Calling All Girls November 1947
- * The Idea, (pm) The Argosy (UK) December 1891
- * An Ideal, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1877
- * The Ideal and the Unreal, (pm) The Grand Magazine March 1905
- * The Ideal Dickens, (br) The London Magazine July 1910 [Ref. J. A. Hammerton]
- * The Ideal Domestic, (ss) The Daily Mail
- * An Ideal Friendly Society, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine February 1906
- * The Ideal Holiday, (ms) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1927
- * Ideal Houses, (ar) (by John Hollingshead) The Cornhill Magazine April 1860
- * The Ideal Museum, (ms) Chambers’s Journal October 31 1908
- * The Ideal of Child-Beauty of Different Nations, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1908
- * Ideals, (ss) (by Edward Everett Hale) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1877
- * Ideal Sleeping-Room, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1887
- * Ideals of Pemberton, (vi) Chicago Ledger December 25 1909
- * Ideas, (ms) Star*Line May/June 1991
- * Ideas About Heaven, (ms) Associated Sunday Magazine October 7 1906
- * Ideas at a Premium, (es) The Saturday Evening Post August 8 1925
- * Ideas for Seaside Fun, (pi) Pearson’s Magazine August 1929
- * Ideas for the Garden, (ar) Chums April 5 1924
- * The Idea That Grew and Grew, (ms) If September 1960
- * Identification by Palm and Foot Impressions, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1918
- * Identification Classics, (cl) International Detective Cases Mar, May 1937
- * Identified by Gums, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1921
- * Identified by Pin, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 21 1920
- * Identifies Car by Tobacco Stains, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921
- * Identifies Robber Without Seeing Him, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 6 1920
- * Identifying an Unknown Man, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1919
- * Identifying Criminals, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1894
- * Identifying the Stranger, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 20 1919
- * Identify “Unknowns”, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1936
- * Identity, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly July 1877
- * Identity, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1875, as by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- * Identity of Irish and Highland Fictions, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine November 1868
- * Identity of the Famous German Woman War Spy, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #27, November 1929
- * I’d Have You, Quoth He, (pm) 1670
- * I Did, (ar) Smart Set November 1926
- * “I Did Mine”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * I Didn’t, (ar) Smart Set November 1926
- * “I Didn’t Crack That Safe”, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 10 1933
- * I Didn’t Have a Teacher’s License, (ar) Harper’s Magazine February 1938
- * I Didn’t Know!, (ts) Modern Story Magazine April 1927
- * I Didn’t Mean What He Thought, (ts) Smart Set April 1927
- * I Didn’t Want Friends, (ts) Red Star Secret Confessions November 1940
- * I Died an Outlaw, (ts) True Western Stories February 1926
- * I Died with the Corpses, (ar) Man’s Way October 1956
- * The Idiot Whistled Dead, (ss) (by Simon Clark) Nemonymous #1, November 2001
- * I Dived Into a Flaming Hell, (te) Real Men May 1956as told to Al James
- * The Idle Apprentice, (sl) The Boys’ Friend #197, March 18 1905
- * The Idle Fellow, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1915; translated from the Russian.
- * Idleness Not Happiness, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine July 1906
- * Idleness Which Breeds Trouble, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 25 1930
- * Idler Acrostics, (pz) The Idler Apr, May 1906
- * The Idler Among His Books, (rc) The Idler Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep 1898
- * An Idler’s Idyl, (pm) (by Hiram Rich) The Atlantic Monthly June 1870
- * The Idle Songs, (pm) The Puritan April 1900
- * Idle Thoughts, (hu) Blue Pencil Magazine December 1900
- * Idle Time Not Idly Spent, (ar) The Argosy (UK) May 1890
- * Idlewild—$71,000,000 Airport, (ms) Flying Aces February 1945
- * I’d Like to See, (pm) The New Yorker October 9 1926
- * Idlings with Nature, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * I Dodged Bounty Hunters, (nv) Real Western Romances March 1958
- * The Idol Fish from the Chinese Seas, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1876
- * The Idol from Nowhere [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #204, 1927
- * The Idol of Isis, (ss) (by Gwyn Evans) Jack’s Paper #17, February 20 1923
- * The Idol of Little Britain: A Legend of West-Smithfield, (nv) (by Richard Thomson) Tales of an Antiquary: Vol. III, Henry Colburn, 1828
- * Idol of Paris, (ss) Screen Romances #1, 1948
- * The Idol’s Eye [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Harry Gregory Hill) The Sexton Blake Library #198, 1921
- * The Idol’s Eyes, (nv) (by Stephen Bond) The Boys’ Friend #65, September 6 1902
- * Idols, I., (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1896
- * Idols, II., (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1896
- * Idols Indicate Ancient Race, (ms) Western Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * “I done Had to frame Rastus”, a frank talk to the newly married, (ar) Pictorial Review June 1912
- * I Do Not Call It Love, (pm) (by Ann M. Hoyt) Beadle’s Monthly #8, August 1866
- * “I Do Not Love You”, (ss) (by Emily Jolly) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868
- * I Don’t Care, (ts) Smart Set April 1925
- * I Don’t Need Him, (nv) Intimate Confessions #3, May 1963
- * “I Don’t Write Science Fiction”: An Interview with Ben Bova, (iv) The Leading Edge #27, June 1993 [Ref. Ben Bova]
- * I Double-Crossed the Badge, (nv) Western Romances September 1957
- * I Dressed to Thrill, (ts) Modern Girl Book March 1939
- * I Drive ’em Hot, (tc) Crime Confessions (UK) ca. 1944
- * I Drove Him to It, (ss) Ideal Love Stories October 1959
- * I dunno!, (pm) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1937, 1936
- * I Dunno Why, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #108, March 1921
- * Idyl, (pi) Caper November 1959
- * An Idyl, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 9 1884
- * An Idyl for Christmas In-Doors, (pm) (by Edmund Ollier) Household Words Christmas 1851
- * An Idyll, (pm)
- * An Idyll—and a Moral, (pm) The Grand Magazine April 1907
- * An Idyll from Froissart, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26 1893
- * An Idyll of the Rhine, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1873
- * An Idyl of the Strike, (ss) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine February 1903
- * The Idyl of the Violet, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1879
- * If, (pm)
- * If a Bride Forgets, (ss) Confession! June/July 1949
- * “I Faced a Firing Squad!”, (ts) Real Action for Men August 1957
- * I Faced Apache Arrows, (ss) Western Romances July 1957
- * I Faced Them All Alone, (ts) Smart Set June 1925
- * “If a Garage Estimated Repairs Would Cost You £80 and the Bill Came to £3,000—How Would You Feel?”, (ar) Mayfair v2 #12, 1967
- * If a Girl Takes Long Chances, (ts) “I Confess” September 1928
- * I Failed in the Hour of Need, (ts) True Western Stories March 1926
- * I Failed My Husband, (ts) Home Notes August 2 1956
- * If an Air Raid Took Place, (ia) Modern Wonder March 26 1938
- * If Anything Should Happen—, (ms) All-Story Love August 1942
- * If a Pretty Fairy Should Come to Me, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1876
- * If a Real Earthquake Struck New York, (ar) Sensation November 1939
- * If Britain Bombs Berlin, (ar) Flying Aces November 1939
- * If Britain Disarmed, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1912
- * “If Candlemass Day be fair and bright”, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1901
- * If Dick Whittington Came to London to-day?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 8 1910
- * If Dreams Were Only True, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #73, April 1938
- * If Dr. Freud Saw Our Beaches!, (pi) Ace September 1963
- * If Enemies Ambushed the P-38, (ar) Flying Aces June 1939
- * If Ever There Was One…, (ar) Lilliput May/June 1952
- * If Ever You Have Plenty, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * If Everything Lived: Oysters Could Swallow the Earth, (ar) Tit-Bits #2827, January 4 1936
- * If Fathers Knew…, (pm)
- * If Germany Attacked Czechoslovakia, (ar) Flying Aces June 1938
- * If Germany Wins, (ed) Maclean’s April 15 1940
- * If He Doesn’t Propose—, (ms) Love Fiction Monthly October 1942
- * If He Had Been Famous Then, (ms) The Strand Magazine August 1945 [Ref. C. E. M. Joad]
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