The FictionMags Index
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[]Turner, W(alter) J(ames Redfern) (1889-1946) (about) (chron.)
- * At a Music Hall, (th) Land & Water September 12 1918
- * Charley’s Aunt, (th) Land & Water January 23 1919
- * Drama, (rv) The London Mercury #33, July 1922
- * Each of Us, (pm) The Windmill v1 #3, 1946
- * The Female Hun, (th) Land & Water October 17 1918
- * George Robey, C.B.E., (th) Land & Water January 30 1919
- * The Grave of Love, (pm) To-Day September 1921
- * In the Night Watch, (th) Land & Water January 9 1919
- * Jolly Jack Tar, (th) Land & Water December 12 1918
- * Macbeth, (th) Land & Water October 31 1918
- * Marriage, (pm) To-Day May 1918
- * The Mask of Michichiyo, (ss) The Winter Owl 1923
- * New Theatre: The Chinese Puzzle, (th) Land & Water August 29 1918
- * The Officers’ Mess, (th) Land & Water November 21 1918
- * The Purple Mask, (th) Land & Water December 5 1918
- * The Purse Strings, (th) Land & Water February 6 1919
- * Pursuit of Psyche, (pm) This Quarter July/August/September 1931
- * Reflection, (pm) The Evening Standard July 24 1948
- * Roxana, (th) Land & Water October 24 1918
- * The Royalty: The Title, (th) Land & Water September 5 1918
- * St. Martins: The Live Wire; Strand: The Hidden Hand, (th) Land & Water September 19 1918
- * Sea Music, (pm) Fossils of a Future Time by W. J. Turner, Oxford University Press, 1946
- * Song of the Leaderless, (ss)
- * The Theatre, (th) Land & Water Oct 3, Oct 10, Nov 7, Nov 28, Dec 19, Dec 26 1918, Jan 2, Jan 16 1919
* ___ At a Music Hall, (th) Land & Water September 12 1918
* ___ Charley’s Aunt, (th) Land & Water January 23 1919
* ___ The Female Hun, (th) Land & Water October 17 1918
* ___ George Robey, C.B.E., (th) Land & Water January 30 1919
* ___ In the Night Watch, (th) Land & Water January 9 1919
* ___ Jolly Jack Tar, (th) Land & Water December 12 1918
* ___ Macbeth, (th) Land & Water October 31 1918
* ___ New Theatre: The Chinese Puzzle, (th) Land & Water August 29 1918
* ___ The Officers’ Mess, (th) Land & Water November 21 1918
* ___ The Purple Mask, (th) Land & Water December 5 1918
* ___ The Purse Strings, (th) Land & Water February 6 1919
* ___ Roxana, (th) Land & Water October 24 1918
* ___ The Royalty: The Title, (th) Land & Water September 5 1918
* ___ St. Martins: The Live Wire; Strand: The Hidden Hand, (th) Land & Water September 19 1918
* ___ Twelfth Night, (th) Land & Water November 14 1918
* ___ Wyndham’s: The Law Divine, (th) Land & Water September 26 1918
- * Twelfth Night, (th) Land & Water November 14 1918
- * Wyndham’s: The Law Divine, (th) Land & Water September 26 1918
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Happy Mag. Oct, Nov 1936, Jan, May, Aug, Sep 1937, Sum 1938
- * [front cover], (cv) The Royal Magazine August 1929
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Passing Show Dec 8 1934, Feb 1, Feb 29, May 23, Jul 4, Aug 1 1936, Jun 19, Oct 2 1937, Feb 19,
Jun 11, Aug 6, Sep 3, Oct 8, Nov 26 1938
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Happy Mag. Sep, Oct 1935, Jul, Sep, Nov 1936, Feb, May, Aug 1937, Mar, May, Jun,
Jul, Sum, Oct, Nov 1938
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Nov 1939, Mar 1940
[]Turner, Wes (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Amateurs’ Fever, (ms) Mammoth Western April 1950
- * Chuck Line Rider, (ms) Mammoth Western January 1950
- * The Cowboy Boot, (ar) Mammoth Western October 1949
- * Curly Bill—Churchgoer, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1950
- * Eat Dirt!, (ms) Mammoth Western February 1950
- * Forest Ranger Catches Criminal, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1950
- * Lady of the Lode, (ar) Mammoth Western May 1950
- * Leaving His Mark, (ts) Mammoth Western July 1950
- * Murder Maverick, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1950
- * Practical Joker, (ar) Mammoth Western November 1949
- * A Waste of Longhorns, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1950
- * Wily Geronimo, (ar) Mammoth Western November 1950
[]Turner, William Septimus (1865-1944); used pseudonym Arthur Rigby (chron.)
- * An Experiment in the Snow, (ss) Chums December 21 1898, as by Arthur Rigby
- * A Little Pluck at a Perilous Moment, (ss) Chums May 3 1899, as by Arthur Rigby
- * On the Track of the Smugglers, (ss) Chums September 7 1898, as by Arthur Rigby
- * Those Eyes from the Image, (ss) Chums September 4 1907, as by Arthur Rigby
- * “Tiger! Cave!”, (ss) Chums March 29 1899, as by Arthur Rigby
- * Witnessed by One, (sl) Chums May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28, Jul 5, Jul 12,
Jul 19, Jul 26, Aug 2, Aug 9, Aug 16 1899
, as by Arthur Rigby
[]Turney, C(laude) Dell (1943- ) (chron.)
- * Celebrations, (vi) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- * Faster than Light, (vi) Beyond #18, 1990
- * Murder Annie, (ss) Beyond #11, 1988
- * Music to Soothe, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1986
- * The Naked Rebel, (ss) Pandora #17, 1987
- * On Tallie’s Beach, (ss) Orion’s Child July/August 1984
- * Portraits of a Young Artist, (ss) Space & Time #72, Summer 1987
- * The Rainman, (ss) Beyond #19, 1991
- * Ten Duel, (ss) Space and Time #66, Summer 1984
- * Where There’s No Smoke, (vi) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
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