The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10567
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[]Turnshek, Diane (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Asteroid Zoup, (pm) Liquid Imagination #17, May 2013
- * Dancing in the Light, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 1999
- * Gliding Into Writing, (ed) Abyss & Apex #21, 1st Quarter 2007
- * Hullabaloo, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2000
- * Introduction, (in) Triangulation: Dark Skies ed. Chloe Nightingale & Diane Turnshek, PARSEC Ink, 2019
- * Moms Rule, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2014
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Moms Rule, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2014
- * The Queen of Self-Help, (ss) Challenging Destiny #11, December 2000
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Turow, Scott (Frederick) (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Carp Fish, (ss) Transatlantic Review #36, Summer 1970
- * A Classic Case, (ss) Transatlantic Review #40, Summer 1971
- * The Detective, (ss) Playboy December 2002
- * In His Own Woods, (ss) Playboy January 2009
- * Introduction, (in) The Best American Mystery Stories 2006 ed. Scott Turow, Houghton Mifflin, 2006
- * The Laws of Our Fathers [Sonia Klonsky], (ex) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1996
- * Loyalty, (nv) Playboy January 2004
- * Missing Bellow, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly December 2005 [Ref. Saul Bellow]
- * My Father’s War, (ss) Playboy December 2005
- * Personal Injuries, (ex) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999
- * Yonnondio, (br) Ploughshares Fall 1974 [Ref. Tillie Olsen]
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Turowski, Eric (fl. 1990s-2020s); used pseudonym Lamont Wentworth (about) (chron.)
- * The Bugboys, (ss) The Zone and Premonitions #5, Spring 1997
- * The Case of the Missing Children, (nv) Weird Stories #1, October 1996, as by Lamont Wentworth
- * The Eye of Mijei, (ss) Double Danger Tales #4, May 1997
- * The Face of Chu-Jung, (nv) Double Danger Tales #7, August 1997
- * Peril of the Prophet [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #11, December 1997, as by Lamont Wentworth
- * Sand Sickness, (ss) Spellbound #1, Summer 1993
- * Subversion, (cl) Aberrations #16 Jan, #17 Feb, #18 Mar, #19 Apr, #20 Jun, #21 Jul, #22 Aug, #23 Sep, #24 Oct, #25 1994, #26 Feb,
#27 Mar, #28 Apr, #29 May, #30 Jun, #31 Jul, #32 Aug, #33 Oct, #34 Nov, #35 Dec 1995
#36 Apr, #37 May, #38 Jul, #39 Sep 1996, #40 Aug 1997
- * Suspension in Silver [Irons], (ss) Neither Beg nor Yield ed. Jason M. Waltz, Rogue Blades, 2024
- * Thingies in the Hills, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #18, April/May 2005
- * Working on Christmas Eve, (vi) SPWAO Showcase #8^12, 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Midnight Zoo v3 #5, 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Aberrations #20 Jun, #21 Jul, #22 Aug, #23 Sep 1994, #26 Feb 1995
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Eulogy Spring 1993
[]Turpin, Darren (fl. 1990s-2010s); used pseudonym Ariel (about) (chron.)
- * Editor:
* ___ The Alien Has Landed, as by Ariel
- * Editor: The Alien Has Landed #5 Jan, #6 1998, #7 Win, #8 Sum 1999, as by Ariel
- * Editor (with Paul Wake): The Alien Has Landed #3 Win 1996, #4 Spr 1997, as by Ariel & Paul Wake
- * Cracks, (ss) Beyond the Cosmic Veil ed. George Wilhite, Barbwire Butterfly Books, 2015
- * Raymond E. Feist Interview, (iv) The Alien Has Landed #7, Winter 1999 [Ref. Raymond E. Feist], as by Ariel
- * The Sixth Sense (1999), (ar) Cinema Macabre ed. Mark Morris, PS Publishing, 2006, as by Ariel
[]Turpin, Olive (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Birds of a Feather, (ss) The Blue Magazine #41, November 1922
- * The Case of John Gorley, (ss) The Blue Magazine #48, June 1923
- * Cure, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #133, July 1933
- * Flower o’ the Peach, (ss) The Blue Magazine #22, April 1921
- * Green Brocade, (ss) The Blue Magazine #26, August 1921
- * Her Adventure, (ss) The Blue Magazine #15, September 1920
- * The Hoax, (ss) The Blue Magazine #84, June 1926
- * Honi Soit, (ss) The Blue Magazine #37, July 1922
- * Reality, (ss) The Blue Magazine #66, December 1924
[]Turrell, Roger (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Abreast of the Times, (pi) Sir Knight v1 #3, 1958
- * Backside Preferred, (pi) Adam April 1960
- * Call House Madam, (br) Adam February 1961 [Ref. Serge G. Wolsey]
- * The Chapman Report, (br) Adam October 1960 [Ref. Irving Wallace]
- * Crane Eden, (br) Adam July 1962 [Ref. Earl Conrad]
- * Double Feature, (mr) Adam June 1962
- * The Egghead and I, (rc) Adam March 1961
- * A Forward Look at the Back, (pi) Adam December 1958
- * Have Talents—Will Travel, (pi) Adam May 1959
- * His Mistress’ Voice, (rv) Adam December 1962
- * If You Knew Susie…, (pi) Adam October 1958
- * Kid with Cold Feet, (pi) Adam September 1958
- * Kipling’s Women, (mr) Adam June 1961
- * Lady from Lisbon, (pi) Adam September 1960
- * Love and the French, (br) Adam June 1960
- * A Man’s Pants Are His Castle, (hu) Adam December 1957
- * Most Dangerous Blonde in Texas, (pi) Adam July 1959
- * Off Limits, (rc) Adam July 1961
- * Organization Girls, (pi) Adam October 1959
- * Paris Virgin, (pi) Adam November 1958
- * Premarital Behavior, (br) Adam April 1961
- * Problem Child, (pi) Adam March 1959
- * Profile of a Burlesque Producer, (pi) Adam January 1959
- * Saturday Nite Riot, (rc) Adam May 1961
- * The Search for Mr. X, (rc) Adam July 1960
- * The Split Personality of Paul Gilbert, (rc) Adam August 1961
- * Streetwalker, (br) Adam September 1960
- * Tennis, Anyone?, (ar) Adam August 1958
- * Wheat-Germ Honey, (pi) Adam Annual 1958
- * Whores and Pleasure, (br) Adam September 1961
- * [interview with Ann Vila], (iv) Adam August 1960
- * [interview with Dawn Wilder], (iv) Adam January 1961
- * [interview with Hope Hathaway], (iv) Adam October 1960
- * [interview with Jean Jani], (iv) Adam May 1960
[]Turska, Krystyna (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Authors’ Choice 2, Hamish Hamilton, 1973
- * [front cover], (cv) A Book of Sea Legends ed. Michael Brown, Puffin, 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
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