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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5257

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    Harper’s New Monthly Magazine [v12, #72, May 1856] (Harper & Brothers, 25¢, 144pp+, standard) []
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 763 · Martha Wyatt’s Life · Rose Terry, uncredited · ss
    • 779 · Two College Friends · James White, uncredited · nv Household Words February 9 1856 (+1)
    • 813 · Little Dorrit [Part 5 of 19] · Charles Dickens · n. Bradbury & Evans, December 1855 (+18); illustrated (after H. K. Browne)
    • 854 · Editor’s Drawer · The Editor · cl
    • _860 · The Child’s Prayer · [uncredited] · pm Mason & Greene’s Church Psalmody, 1831, as “Our Father in Heaven” by Sarah J. Hale

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