The FictionMags Index
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[]Thomas-Knight, Michael (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Motel Impression, (ss) Miseria’s Chorale ed. David Nell, Forgotten Tomb Press, 2013
- * The Obsidian Box, (ss) Ghosts: Revenge ed. James Ward Kirk, James Ward Kirk Publishing, 2015
- * Urban Legend #9, (vi) The Sirens Call #27, June 2016
- * Vector 7, (ss) The Sirens Call #20, April 2015
[]Thomason, Hugh (fl. 1910s-1940s); used pseudonym Rjinn Van Veldt (chron.)
- * Adventurers All:
* ___ Treed by a Tusker, (ts) Short Stories June 10 1941
* ___ Under Death’s Horns, (ts) Short Stories February 25 1940
* ___ Under Death’s Jaws, (ts) Short Stories May 10 1939
- * Apacheland’s Half-Breed Hero, (ar) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #20, January 1926
- * The Best Song of All, (pm) Short Stories December 25 1926
- * Black-Nose, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1924
- * The Black Pearls of Sydney, (ss) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * A Brush with Bandits, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #26, July 1926
- * Bwana, Beware the Devil’s Belly, (ss) Jungle Stories Winter 1941
- * Circumstantial Music, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 14 1924
- * Examples of Chinese Responsibility, (ar) Adventure 1st April 1919
- * A Fight with Illanum Pirates, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine November 20 1923
- * The Five-Color Sweetmeat Boxes, (ss) 10 Story Book February 1932
- * Forest Rivals, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 14 1924
- * Galvin’s Own Spanish War, (bg) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #29, October 1926
- * How Gonzales Played a “Safety”, (ar) Adventure 1st March 1919
- * How I Became a Pirate, (ts) True Adventures February 1925
- * The Invisible Terror, (ss) Weird Tales June 1923
- * I Played Possum to Escape Death, (ts) Personal Adventure February 1938
- * Just a Park Bore, (vi) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * Kimotho, (ss) Action Stories February 1942
- * The Last Gift, (ss) Golden Fleece January 1939
- * The Last Match, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 21 1924
- * The Left-Handed One, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1924
- * The Love of Silver Plume, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd November 1926
- * The Man in the Room Above, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1924
- * Man-Killer, (ss) Jungle Stories Spring 1941
- * Mutiny on the Niobe, (ts) International Detective Cases December 1937
- * Mystic Experiences:
* ___ The Phantom Horse, (ms) Argosy May 1947
- * Napolean at Eylau, (ar) Golden Fleece June 1939
- * The Nulaki Snake, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #12, May 1925
- * The Phantom Horse, (ms) Argosy May 1947
- * Printed in Oil, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 3 1924
- * Saved by a Mouse, (ts) Argosy May 1946
- * A Scalp the Apaches Lost, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #25, June 1926
- * A Scheme That Failed, (ss) Paris Nights August 1928
- * Shadowed, (ss) Mystery Magazine #165, October 1 1924
- * The Shots That Failed, (ms) Adventure mid November 1918
- * Speaking of Men—!:
* ___ Apacheland’s Half-Breed Hero, (cl) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #20, January 1926
- * Spotted Fury, (ss) Jungle Stories Spring 1942
- * Tembo Wanculu, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1925
- * The Tiger-Eye Emerald, (ss) Mystery Magazine #145, December 1 1923
- * The Tiger Hunted Us, (te) True #94, March 1945
- * Treachery, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1925
- * Treed by a Tusker, (ts) Short Stories June 10 1941
- * Tusker and the Vampires, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1924
- * ’Twixt Sunset and Sunrise, (ts) The Wide World Magazine (US) September 1923
- * Under Death’s Horns, (ts) Short Stories February 25 1940
- * Under Death’s Jaws, (ts) Short Stories May 10 1939
- * The Voodoo Master, (ss) Jungle Stories Winter 1938
- * When England Was Jungle, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1925
- * White Elephant, (ss) Jungle Stories Winter 1940
- * The Witch Doctor of the Yawaga, (nv) Action Stories February 1923
[]Thomason, John W(illiam), Jr. (1893-1944) (chron.)
- * Advance Guard, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1930
- * And So He Went Along, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 2 1943
- * As He Thinketh in His Heart [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 25 1940
- * The Bois de Belleau, (ex) from Fix Bayonets!, Scribner’s, 1926
- * Born on an Iceberg, (ss) Liberty March 29 1930
- * The Collaborator, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1944
- * Dog Eat Dog, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 30 1942
- * A Dog Worth Fighting For, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1926
- * The Drama of a Poor Dub, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1926
- * Gone to Texas, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 14 1936
- * Greater Than Hate, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1929
- * Hanneken of the Marines, (ar) Liberty June 29 1929
- * He Lost His Pig, But He Saved His Bacon [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 9 1940
- * Honkers of the Dawn, (ar) Liberty December 25 1926
- * J.E.B. Stuart VI. The Wilderness - And Yellow Tavern, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine October 1930; The end of a fine biography.
- * Jungle War, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1927
- * The Killer, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1927
- * Luck, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1926
- * A Man’s Bound to Fight [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1940
- * The Marines Have the Situation in Hand, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1926
- * Marriage of a Marine, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1929
- * Micky of the Marines, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #49, September 1931
- * Monkey-Meat, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine November 1925
- * Mutiny, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1931
- * A Name and a Flag [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 21 1940
- * No Luck in Texas, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1937
- * Note on Justice, (ss) The New Yorker February 24 1934
- * The Odyssey of a Little Dog, (ss) Grit Story Section #1745, July 1 1928
- * One Razor-Strop-Sixty-Five Cents, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine January 1927
- * Our Disappearing Ducks, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1935
- * The Preacher Calls the Dance [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 3 1941
- * A Preacher Goes to Texas [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 23 1938
- * A Preacher Goes to War [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1938
- * The Preacher Learns to Pray [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 21 1939
- * Red Pants, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1926
- * Return to Texas, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 27 1939
- * The River Road, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 21 1937
- * The Saddle of Jenghiz Khan, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 1 1936
- * The Sargeant and the Bandits, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 14 1935
- * Scow-Gun Marriage, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 4 1937
- * The Sergeant and the Ship, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 5 1941
- * The Sergeant and the Siren, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 13 1936
- * The Sergeant and the Spy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 23 1935
- * Sergeant Bridoon of the Horse Marines, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1939
- * The Sergeant Runs Away, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 15 1936
- * Service with a Smile, (ss) The New Yorker September 28 1935
- * Shanghai Racket, (ss) The New Yorker July 27 1935
- * A Simple Soul, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1927
- * A Soldier of Lincoln’s, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1928
- * Special Cases, (ss) Liberty October 18 1930
- * The Stars in Their Courses [Praxiteles Swan], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 14 1940
- * Tell It to the Marines, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1927
- * Texas Journey, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Mar 20, Mar 27 1937
- * War Dog, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1928
- * Washington Racket, (ss) The New Yorker April 11 1936
- * The Way to Promotion and Pay, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1936
- * The Wicked Do Not Always Prosper, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 8 1939
- * With a Dust Storm Blowing, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1932
- * Woman’s Reason, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1930
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cosmopolitan May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Nov 1926, Jan, Jun, Aug 1927, Oct 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s Magazine May 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Red Book Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1932
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post May 11, Nov 23, Dec 14 1935, Jun 13, Aug 15, Nov 14 1936, Mar 20, Mar 27, Jun 19,
Aug 21, Nov 13, Dec 4 1937
Apr 23, Dec 3 1938, May 27, Jul 8, Oct 21, Dec 23 1939, Mar 9 1940, May 3 1941
_____, [ref.]
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