The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10094
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[]Sutton, Mark (1975?- ) (chron.)
- * Abracadabra Is Just a Word, (ss) GateWay S-F Magazine Spring 2002
- * Brother’s Keeper, (ss) Plot #2, Spring 1995
- * Fit for Survival, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #18, Spring 2000
- * Magpie, (ss) Weird Stories #16, January 1998
- * Roses, (ss) Weird Stories #15, December 1997
- * Serve Revenge Hot, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #20, 2000
- * Shoosh, It’s a Secret, (vi) The Ultimate Unknown #22, 2001
- * Snipe Hunt, (ss) Crossroads #18, June 1997
- * Wisdom Divine, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #18, Spring 2000
[]Sutton, Peggy; [i.e., Emma Miles Sutton] [née Kitchin] (1885-1923)
_____, [ref.]
[]Sutton, Peter (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Ash and Darkness, (ss) Between the Tracks ed. Steve Dillon, Oz Horror Con, 2017
- * The Detective’s Tale [Refuge], (nv) Other Tales from Refuge ed. Steve Dillon, Oz Horror Con, 2016
- * Editorial, (ed) BFS Horizons #17, 2024
- * Masks, (ss) The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors ed. Peter Coleborn & Jan Edwards, Alchemy Press, 2018
- * Stone of Sorrow, (ss) A Tiding of Magpies (Second Edition) by Pete W. Sutton, Grimbold Press, 2021
- * The Teller and the Starborn, (ss) Once Upon a Parsec ed. David Gullen, NewCon Press, 2019
- * We Do Like to Be Beside, (ss) The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors 2 ed. Peter Coleborn & Jan Edwards, Alchemy Press, 2020
- * You Have Reached Your Destination, (ss) BFS Monthly Story #9, 2017
_____, ed.
[]Sutton, Ronn J. (fl. 1970s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Axe Me No Questions, (cs) Bakka Magazine March 1975
- * Bakka: A Space Opera, (cs) Bakka Magazine #4, Summer 1976
- * Becalmed, (cs) Bakka Magazine #6, Fall 1977
- * Bedlam at Bakka, (cs) Bakka Magazine #3, Fall 1975
- * Billy Bunny, (cs) Bakka Magazine #6, Fall 1977
- * Bones, (cs) Bakka Magazine #3 Fll 1975, #4 Sum 1976
- * Continuing Adventures of Chuck the Duck & Co., (cs) Bakka Magazine #5, Spring/Summer 1977
- * An Edgar Rice Burroughs Portfolio (with Clyde Caldwell & Gary Kato), (pi) Always Comes Twilight #1, 1976
- * Fantasy Artwork, (pi) The Journal of Canadian Content in Speculative Literature Fall/Winter 1993
- * Frontispiece: , (il) On Spec Summer 2000
- * Just Another Comic Strip, (cs) Bakka Magazine #6, Fall 1977
- * Trees, (pm) Bakka Magazine #5, Spring/Summer 1977
- * The Wizard and Od, (cs) Bakka Magazine #4, Summer 1976
- * The Wizard n’ Odd, (cs) Bakka Magazine #5, Spring/Summer 1977
- * [front cover], (cv) The Journal of Canadian Content in Speculative Literature Fall/Winter 1993
- * [front cover] (with Geof Isherwood), (cv) Pulp Reality #5, Winter 2025
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dark Fantasy #24/25, 1984
- * [illustration(s)] (with Dan Day), (il) Horror February 1990
[]Sutton, Tom (1937-2002) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Heroes ed. Byron Preiss, Pyramid, 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Illustrated Harlan Ellison by Harlan Ellison, Baronet, 1978
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Illustrated Harlan Ellison (var. 1) by Harlan Ellison, Ace Books, 1980
- * [illustration(s)] (with Sean Konot & Rachelle Menashe), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor #2, April 1995
- * [illustration(s)] (with Sean Konot & Rachelle Menashe), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Volume One by Harlan Ellison, Dark Horse Comics, 1996
[]Sutton-Mattocks, V. E. (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * The Dew Ponds of England, (ms) Complete Novel Magazine #19, November 1926
- * Lincoln’s Mystery Trip to Kansas, (ar) Complete Novel Magazine #17, September 1926
- * Lost and Found, (ar) Complete Novel Magazine #28, August 1927
- * Official Insect Murderers and Family Builders, (ar) Complete Novel Magazine #20, December 1926
- * Tracking by Smell, (ms) Complete Novel Magazine #32, December 1927
[]Suvin, Darko (Ronald) (1930- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Against Common Sense: Levels of SF Criticism, (ri) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1972
- * Artifice as Refuge and World View: Philip K. Dick’s Foci, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1975 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Books, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1972
- * Cloning: On Cognition in the Discourses of SF and Technoscience, (cr) FemSpec v3 #2, 2001
- * Cognition and Estrangement: An Approach to SF Poetics, (ar) Foundation #2, June 1972
- * Darwinism, left and right: and two S-F probes, (ar) Foundation #109, Summer 2010
- * Eightie-Foure Is Icummen in: Lhude Sing Goddam!; or: 1948-1984-2048, (pm) Foundation #32, November 1984
- * Estrangement and Cognition, (ar) Strange Horizons November 24 2014
- * Goodbye to Extrapolation, (lt) Science-Fiction Studies July 1995
- * Growing Old Without Yugoslavia, (pm) Science-Fiction Studies March 1994
- * Imagine a Fish, (pm) FemSpec v1 #1, 1999
- * Is the Publisher Always Right?, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #51/52, Summer 1974
- * Must Collectivism Be Against People What Remains of Zamyatin’s We after the Change of Leviathans: Reflections from Feminist and Other Standpoints, (ar) FemSpec v1 #1, 1999
- * A Note for the “Quirks & Quarks” (Moods and Facts?) Dept., (lt) Science-Fiction Studies March 1995
- * Novum Is As Novum Does, (ar) Foundation #69, Spring 1997
- * On Gibson and Cyberpunk SF, (ar) Foundation #46, Autumn 1989 [Ref. William Gibson & Bruce Sterling]
- * Preface, (pr) Other Worlds, Other Seas ed. Darko Suvin, Random House, 1970
- * The Profession of Science Fiction:
* ___ 49: Travels of a Shintoist Cybermarxist (with Liao Chao-Yang & Tami Hager), (ar) Foundation #67, Summer 1996
- * Reflections on What Remains of Zamyatin’s We After the Change of Leviathans: Must Collectivism Be Against People?, (ar)
- * A Response to Professor Fekete’s “Five Theses” (with Marc Angenot), (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1988 [Ref. John Fekete]
- * The SF Novel in 1969, (ar) Nebula Award Stories 5 ed. James Blish, Gollancz, 1970
- * Strugatsky Bibliography (with Robert Jackson), (bi) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987 [Ref. Arkady & Boris Strugatsky]
- * The Strugatskys and their ’Snail on the Slope’, (ar) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Arkady & Boris Strugatsky]
- * The Sunflower of Sense, (pm) Velocities #2, Spring 1983
- * The Taboo, (pm) FemSpec v1 #1, 1999
- * Three World Paradigms for SF: Asimov, Yefremov, Lem, (nf) Pacific Quarterly Moana July 1979
- * Travels of a Shintoist Cybermarxist (with Liao Chao-Yang & Tami Hager), (ar) Foundation #67, Summer 1996
- * [letter], (lt) SFWA Bulletin #53A, Fall 1974
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #70, Summer 1997
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- * Metamorphoses of Science Fiction by Anthony Wolk, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980
- * On Darko Suvin’s Good-Natured Critique by Carol McGuirk, (lt) Science-Fiction Studies March 1995
- * Other Worlds, Other Seas, ed. by Darko Suvin by James Blish, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1971
- * The Philip K. Dick Issue of “Science Fiction Studies” by Joseph Milicia, (lr) The New York Review of Science Fiction #7, March 1989
- * Russian Science Fiction 1956-1974: A Bibliography by Alan Myers, (br) Foundation #13, May 1978
- * Science Fiction Studies (with R. D. Mullen) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #22, August 1977
- * SF and Theatre: An Interview with Darko Suvin by Kazuko Yamada, (iv) Foundation #44, Winter 1988/1989
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