The FictionMags Index
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[]Stephens, William M. (fl. 1950s-1980s) (chron.)
- * A Disappearing Act, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1985
- * Doctor Odo’s Power, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1985
- * The Face of America: Watery Jungle, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post November 19 1960
- * Holidays at Sea, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1962
- * The Lady and the Sharks, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 4 1959
- * The Man Who Flim-Flammed Hiwassee County, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 27 1981
- * Queen of Anglers (Dorothea Dean), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 2 1962
- * Reef Diver, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1983
- * Secrets of the Master Angler (Roy Martin), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 17 1959
- * The State Against Sam Tucker, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1960
- * Stony Creek’s Big Murder, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 1959
- * The Trial of Elmer Pickens, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1961
- * Water Witch, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1960
- * Where There’s a Will…, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1982
[]Stephensen-Payne, Phil(ip Andrew) (1952- ); previously known as Philip Payne (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Articles on Wilson/Bob Tucker, (bi) SF Commentary #80, August 2010
- * Bibliography of Anne McCaffrey, (bi) Contrivance Programme Book ed. Steve Davies, Peter Wareham & Steve Bull, Contrivance, 1989 [Ref. Anne McCaffrey]
- * Bibliography of Ian McDonald, (bi) Novacon 32 Programme Book ed. Dave Hicks, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 2002 [Ref. Ian McDonald]
- * Bob Shaw: A Bibliography, (bi) Novacon 25 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1995 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- * Brian Wilson Aldiss: A Bibliography, (bi) Novacon 25 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1995 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- * A Brunner Checklist, (bi) Novacon 7 Programme Book ed. Dave Langford, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1977 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * David Gemmell: A Bibliography, (bi) Novacon 26 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1996 [Ref. David Gemmell]
- * A Dream of Wessex, (br) Paperback Parlour December 1978 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Editorial Notes, (ms) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Fugue for a Darkening Island, (br) Paperback Parlour December 1978 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Geoff Ryman—A Bibliography (with Geoff Ryman), (bi) Novacon 19 Programme Book ed. Pam Wells, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1989
- * Gwyneth Jones: A Bibliography, (bi) Novacon 31 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 2001 [Ref. Gwyneth Jones]
- * Harry Maxwell Harrison: A Bibliography, (bi) Novacon 25 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1995 [Ref. Harry Harrison]
- * A Hogfoot (Puts to) Right, (bi) Spiral Words #4, 1999
- * Iain Menzies Banks: A Bibliography, (bi) Novacon 25 Programme Book ed. Martin Tudor, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1995 [Ref. Iain Banks]
- * Index to The Proofreaders’ Page, (ix) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Indoctrinaire, (br) Paperback Parlour February 1979 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Introduction, (in) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Jack Higgins: An Annotated Checklist, (bi) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #4, July/August 1991 [Ref. Jack Higgins]
- * A John Wyndham Checklist, (bi) The Science-Fiction Collector #8, December 1979 [Ref. John Wyndham]
- * Kid’s Stuff, (si) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Let Colonel Cluck Answer Your Questions, (si) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Love Thine Enemies, (vi) Sfinx #3, 1970, as by Philip Payne
- * Miscellaneous Fiction, (si) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Miscellaneous Non-Fiction, (si) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Miscellaneous Poetry, (si) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * More of a Turkey Than a Triffid, (rc) Interzone #170, August 2001
- * The Night of the Triffids, (br) Interzone #170, August 2001 [Ref. Simon Clark]
- * Original Appearances, (bi) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * Solutions to Puzzles, (ms) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * A Song for Lya and Other Stories, (br) Drilkjis #2, October 1976 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * The Space Machine, (br) Paperback Parlour April 1977 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * The Space Machine, (br) SF Commentary #52, June 1977
- * Story Notes for Eternity Lost and Other Stories, (bi) Eternity Lost by Clifford D. Simak, Darkside Press, 2005
- * Story Notes for Physician to the Universe and Other Stories, (bi) Physician to the Universe by Clifford D. Simak, Darkside Press, 2006
- * What Is a First Edition?, (ar) PBO #4, Spring 1997
- * What’s Still Missing?, (ar) The Proofreaders’ Page and Other Uncollected Items by Fredric Brown, Galactic Central Publications, 2011
- * White Bibliography, (bi) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996 [Ref. James White]
- * The Works of Wilson Tucker: Bibliography (with Dennis Lien), (bi) SF Commentary #79, February 2004
- * [letter], (lt) Zimri #3 Jun 1972, #4 Jan 1973, as by Philip Payne
- * [letter], (lt) Cypher #8 Sep 1972, #9 Mar, #10 Oct 1973, as by Philip Payne
- * [letter], (lt) Maya #8 Jul 1975, #11 Jul 1976
- * [letter], (lt) SF Commentary #44/45 Dec 1975, #47 Aug, #48/49/50 Oct/Nov/Dec 1976, #54 Nov 1978, #59 Apr 1980, #62/63/64/65/66 Jun 1981, #80 Aug 2010
- * [letter], (lt) Drilkjis #2 Oct 1976, #6 Apr 1982
- * [letter], (lt) Arena SF #7 Mar 1978, #11 Nov 1980
- * [letter], (lt) Inca #1, 1979, as by Philip Payne
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #16 Sum 1986, #86 Aug 1994, #106 Apr 1996, #161 Nov 2000, #189 May/Jun 2003
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #50 Aut 1990, #68 Aut 1996
- * [letter], (lt) The Time Centre Times v2 #2, v2 #3 1993
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #126, February 1999
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Bob Shaw: Artist at Ground Zero (with Gordon Benson, Jr. & Bob Shaw) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * Frederik Pohl: A Working Bibliography (with Gordon Benson, Jr. & Frederik Pohl) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * James Blish: Author Mirabilis: A Working Bibliography by David Ketterer, (br) Foundation #69, Spring 1997
- * Philip K. Dick: A Working Bibliography (with Gordon Benson, Jr. & Philip K. Dick) by Stefan Lewicki, (br) Foundation #46, Autumn 1989
- * Poul Anderson: Myth-Master and Wonder-Weaver (with Poul Anderson & Gordon Benson, Jr.) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * Theodore Sturgeon: A Working Bibliography (with Gordon Benson, Jr. & Theodore Sturgeon) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
[]Stephenson, Andrew M(ichael) (1946- ); used pseudonym Ames (about) (chron.)
- * Cinema Altere, (ss) Zenith ed. David S. Garnett, Sphere, 1989
- * Dreams of Empire, (ar) Seacon ’79 Programme Book ed. Graham Charnock, Seacon, 1979
- * The Giant Killers, (nv) Andromeda 1 ed. Peter Weston, Futura, 1976
- * Great Hunter, (ss) Macrocosm Spring 1972
- * Holding Action, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1971
- * Macrocosm and Other Fanzines, (lr) Zimri #3, June 1972
- * The Macrocosm Interview, (lt) Macrocosm #3, Summer 1972
- * The Pact, (nv) New Worlds ed. David Garnett, White Wolf, 1997
- * A Place Prepared, (ed) Zimri #3, June 1972
- * The Romiley Quartet (with Lisa Conesa), (iv) Zimri #4, January 1973 [Ref. Harry Turner]
- * Searching for the Lost Chord, (ar) Focus #1, Autumn 1979
- * Showcase, (pi) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1975, as by Ames
- * [front cover], (cv) Macrocosm #1, December 1971, as by Ames
- * [front cover], (cv) Macrocosm Spring 1972
- * [front cover], (cv) Zimri #3, June 1972
- * [front cover], (cv) Speculation #33, 1973
- * [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction Aug 1975, Feb 1976, as by Ames
- * [front cover], (cv) Focus #1, Autumn 1979
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Macrocosm #1, December 1971, as by Ames
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Macrocosm Spr, #3 Sum 1972
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Sfinx #6, 1972
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Speculation #33, Mar 1973
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Zimri #4, January 1973
- * [letter], (lt) Zimri #2 Jan/Feb 1972, #4^12, #5 Aug 1973, #6 May 1974
- * [letter], (lt) Macrocosm Spring 1972
- * [letter], (lt) Arena SF #6, August 1977
- * [letter from Maidenhead, Berkshire, England], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Sep 1970, Nov 1971
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Stephenson, Carl (1893-1983) (about) (chron.)
- * Leiningen Versus the Ants, (nv) Esquire December 1938; translated from the German (“Leiningens Kampf mit den Ameisen”, 1937).
- The Bedside Esquire ed. Arnold Gingrich, Tudor, 1940
- Great Tales of Terror & the Supernatural ed. Herbert A. Wise & Phyllis Fraser, Random House, 1944
- Suspense Stories ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1945
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Fireside Book of Suspense ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Simon & Schuster, 1947
- The Most Dangerous Game and Other Stories of Adventure, Berkley, 1957
- The Second Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1960
- Suspense (Australia) January 1960
- Suspense (UK) January 1960
- 30 Stories to Remember ed. Thomas B. Costain & John Beecroft, Doubleday, 1962
- Striking Terror! ed. Herbert van Thal, Arthur Barker, 1963
- The Most Dangerous Game, Berkley Highland, 1967
- 21 Great Stories ed. Abraham H. Lass & Norma L. Tasman, Mentor, 1969
- Great Adventure Stories ed. Louis Mirris, Lion Books, 1973
- Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror, Readers Digest, 1982
- The Arbor House Celebrity Book of the Greatest Stories Ever Told ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Arbor House, 1983
- Ghastly, Ghoulish, Gripping Tales ed. Helen Hoke, Franklin Watts, 1983
- The Penguin Book of Horror Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- The Big Book of Adventure Stories ed. Otto Penzler, Vintage, 2011
- 21 Essential American Short Stories ed. Leslie M. Pockell, St. Martin's Press, 2011
- Survive, or Die! ed. T. M. Gray & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2013
- Black Infinity Magazine #6, Summer 2020
- Crawling Horror ed. Daisy Butcher & Janette Leaf, The British Library, 2021
- * Leiningen Versus the Ants, (nv)
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