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Pugmire, Wilum H(opfrog) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Midnight Mushrumps, (ss) Fungi ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Orrin Grey, Innsmouth Free Press, 2012
- * The Million-Shadowed One, (ss) Tales of Sesqua Valley, Necropolitan Press, 1997
- * Ye Nameless Thing, (vi) The World of H.P. Lovecraft #2, Fall/Winter 1994
- * Necronomicon, (vi) Cthulhu Codex #6, 1994
- * Never Steal from a Whateley, (ss) The Diversifier May 1976
- * Night Gauntlet (with Walter C. DeBill, Jr., Richard Gavin, Robert M. Price, Jeffrey Thomas & Don Webb), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2011
- * Obscurity, (ss) Nightgaunt #1, 2015
- * O Christmas Tree (with Jessica Amanda Salmonson), (ss) Space and Time #50, January 1979
- * Oh, Baleful Theophany, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * Old Time Entombed, (ss) That Is Not Dead ed. Darrell Schweitzer, Drugstore Indian Press, 2015
- * One Card Unturned, (nv) Bohemians of Sesqua Valley, Arcane Wisdom Press, 2013
- * One Last Theft, (ss) Weird Inhabitants of Sesqua Valley by W. H. Pugmire, Terradan Works, 2009
- * “The Outsider”, (pm) Spectral Realms #2, Winter 2015
- * “Pale, Trembling Youth” (with Jessica Amanda Salmonson), (ss) Cutting Edge ed. Dennis Etchison, Doubleday, 1986
- * Past the Gate of Deepest Slumber, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * The Phantom of Beguilement [Cthulhu], (ss) Tales of Love and Death by W. H. Pugmire, Delirium Books, 2001
- * A Piece of Stone, (ss) Fungi Christmas Supplement #1, 1985
- * The Pornography of Puppets (with Chad Hensley), (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine Summer 2009
- * A Presence of the Past [Sesqua Valley], (nv) Fungi #21, Summer 2013
- * The Psychopomp of Irem [Cthulhu], (ss) New Mythos Legends ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Marietta Publishing, 1999
- * Pugmire Preview (with Rengor), (ms) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999
- * A Quest of Dream, (nv) Bohemians of Sesqua Valley, Arcane Wisdom Press, 2013
- * Ritual of Adoration [Punktown], (ss) Transmissions from Punktown ed. Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2018
- * The Sacred Rage, (vi) The End #1, 1993
- * Samuel, (pm) The Weird Fiction Review #2, Fall 2011
- * The Saprophytic Fungi, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * The Seashell, (ss) Cyäegha #15, Spring 2016
- * The Shadow of Obscenity, (vi) Al-Azif #4, 1998
- * A Shadow of Thine Own Design [Cthulhu], (ss) The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu ed. Paula Guran, Robinson, 2016
- * The Sign That Sets the Darkness Free, (ss) A Clicking in the Shadows and Other Tales by Chad Hensley & W. H. Pugmire, Undaunted Press, 2002
- * S K U L L, (pm) Cyber-Psychos AOD #5, 1994
- * Some Bacchante of Irem, (ss) Dark Discoveries #15, Fall 2009
- * Some Buried Memory, (ss) The Tangled Muse, Centipede Press, 2010
- * Some Darker Star, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * Some Distant Baying Sound, (ss) Weird Inhabitants of Sesqua Valley by W. H. Pugmire, Terradan Works, 2009
- * A Song of Ghastly Joy, (pm) Deathrealm #12, Summer 1990
- * Songs of Sesqua Valley, (pm) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #11, 1999
- * Sonnets of an Eldritch Bent, (pm) Weirdbook #31, 2015
- * The Spectre of Romance, (vi) Lore Spring 1996
- * The Stone of Ancient Sorcery, (ss) Imelod #11, Autumn/October 1998
- * The Strange Dark Folk, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * The Strange Dark One, (nv) Bohemians of Sesqua Valley, Arcane Wisdom Press, 2013
- * Stupor Mundi, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * The Succubus Kiss, (pm) Weirdbook Encores #14, 1993
- * Swamp Rising, (ss) Grue #4, 1987
- * Tales of Love and Death, (co) Delirium Books, May 2001
- * Tales of Sesqua Valley, (co) Necropolitan Press, August 1997
- * The Tangled Muse, (co) Centipede Press, October 2010
- * The Tangled Muse, (ss) The Tangled Muse, Centipede Press, 2010
- * These Harpies of Carcosa, (ss) In the Court of the Yellow King ed. Glynn Owen Barrass, Celaeno Press, 2014
- * They Smell of Thunder, (ss) New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird ed. Paula Guran, Prime Books, 2015
- * The Thing in the Glen: The Final Manuscript of Desmond Peters, (ss) Space and Time #44, September 1977
- * This Splendor of the Goat, (nv) Bohemians of Sesqua Valley, Arcane Wisdom Press, 2013
- * The Time of Twilight, (vi) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * To Hold Ye White Husk, (ss) World War Cthulhu ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2014
- * The Tomb of Oscar Wilde, (ss) Horror for the Holidays ed. Scott David Aniolowski, Miskatonic River Press, 2011
- * To Move Beneath Autumnal Oaks [Cthulhu], (ss) Black Wings VI ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2017
- * The Tooth, (ss) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #2, 1986
- * Totem Pole, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #7, 1985
- * The Tree-House (with Robert M. Price), (ss) The Dunwich Cycle ed. Robert M. Price, Chaosium, 1996
- * Tree-House [Sesqua Valley], (ss) Cyäegha #19, Spring 2017; originally published in a somewhat different version in The Dunwich Cycle ed. Robert M. Price (Chaosium 1995).
- * Uncommon Places, (ss) The Tangled Muse, Centipede Press, 2010
- * Underneath an Arkham Moon [Cthulhu] (with Jessica Amanda Salmonson), (ss) Black Wings III ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2014
- * Unhallowed Places, (nv) Bohemians of Sesqua Valley, Arcane Wisdom Press, 2013
- * The Value of Pulp Fiction, (ar) Astral Dimensions #4, 1976
- * A Vestige of Mirth, (ss) Sesqua Valley & Other Haunts by W. H. Pugmire, Delirium, 2003
- * Visions of William Davis Manly, (ss) Weird Inhabitants of Sesqua Valley by W. H. Pugmire, Terradan Works, 2009
- * Wail, (pm) The End #2, 1994
- * Water Over Stone, (pm) A Darke Phantastique ed. Jason V. Brock, Cycatrix Press, 2014
- * Whispering Wires, (vi) Space and Time #20, September 1973
- * The Winds of Yith, (ss) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #3, 1987
- * Within One Ruined Realm, (ss) Shadow’s Edge ed. Simon Strantzas, Gray Friar Press, 2013
- * The Woman of the Wood, (ss) Fungi #15, Spring 1997
- * Wormhead’s Kiss, (vi) Deathrealm #15, Fall/Winter 1991
- * The Woven Offspring [Sesqua Valley], (ss) Lore v1 #9, 1998
- * Your Ivory Hollow, (ss) Dead but Dreaming 2 ed. Kevin Ross, Miskatonic River Press, 2011
- * Your Metamorphic Moan, (nv) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- * Your Seventh Eikon (with Maryanne K. Snyder), (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #3, Fall 2012
- * The Zanies of Sorrow, (ss) Tales of Love and Death by W. H. Pugmire, Delirium Books, 2001
- * Zombie Danse, (vi) Black Lotus v1 #1, 1992
- * [letter], (lt) Space and Time #40 Jan, #45 Nov 1977
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Sep/Oct 2003, Jul 2005
- * [letter], (lt) The New York Review of Science Fiction #193, September 2004
- * [letter] (with Gent), (lt) Weird Tales Winter 2002/2003
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Pugsley, Edmund E. (fl. 1920s-1970s) (chron.)
- * Avalanche [Canadian Pacific], (ss) Railroad Magazine March 1952
- * The Big Hill [Canadian Pacific], (ss) Railroad Stories Mar, Apr 1936
- * The Big Hole, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1954
- * Billy Goat Railway Strike, (ss) Maclean’s December 1 1931
- * ’Boes Are ’Boes, (ss) Railroad Stories February 1936
- * Brass Buttons, (ss) Railroad Stories August 1936
- * Bull Trouble, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1947
- * Corn in Egypt, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1951
- * Danger! Railway Crossing!, (ss) Maclean’s March 15 1932
- * Easing Him Down the Hill, (ar) Railroad Stories August 1932
- * First Railway Troop Movements, (ar) Railroad Magazine February 1941
- * Foul-Up, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1953
- * Free Rides for 2000 “Passengers”, (ar) Railroad Stories December 1935
- * God’s Lake Voice, (ss) Star Weekly February 2 1952
- * Halibutosis, (ss)
- * The Hog’s Back, (ss) Railroad Stories October 1934
- * Horseshoes, (ss) Railroad Stories August 1935
- * Jacob’s Ladder, (ss) Railroad Stories June 1936
- * Keep Your Retainers Up, (ss) Railroad Magazine September 1971
- * Lace for Lena, (ss) Railroad Stories January 1936
- * Ninety Days to Sober Up, (ss) Railroad Stories December 1936
- * No More Whiskers, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1952
- * Old Timer Listens In, (ss) The Canadian Magazine December 1927
- * Open Knuckle, (ss) Railroad Magazine January 1951
- * Open Season for Bulls, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1931
- * Retainers Up, (ss) Railroad Magazine March 1950
- * The Running Test, (ss) National Home Monthly June 1945
- * Some Had Luck, (ts) Railroad Magazine February 1949
- * Too Old, (ss) The Western Home Monthly June 1930
- * With His Boots On, (ss) The Canadian Magazine February 1932
[]Pugsley, Gordon C.; [i.e., Gordon Clarence Pugsley] (1888-1917) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Gunter’s Magazine December 1907
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Smith’s Magazine Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1911, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Nov,
Dec 1912
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct 1913, Jan, Apr, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1914
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov 1915, Oct, Nov, Dec 1916, Sep 1917
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #26 May 1914, #34 Jan 1915
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