The FictionMags Index
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Pollock, Frank Lillie (chron.) (continued)
- * Slater’s Raid, (ss) Washington Evening Star August 15 1896
- * The Smoky Track, (ss) The Youth’s Companion May 18 1916
- * A Song from Exile, (pm) The Youth’s Companion January 5 1902
- * A South Breeze, (pm) The Youth’s Companion June 1 1899
- * A Stirrup Cup, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1898
- * Stolen Gold, (ss) Secret Service Stories November 1927
- * The Stolen Sky-Scraper, (ss) The Black Cat April 1899
- * Strange Allies, (ss) The Youth’s Companion June 17 1897
- * A Strange Peril, (ss) The Youth’s Companion October 29 1908
- * A Stronghold of Bees, (ss) The Youth’s Companion November 2 1905
- * Strong Medicine, (ss) The Youth’s Companion December 30 1909
- * Subchlor’or Bichlor’?, (ss) The Youth’s Companion May 22 1902
- * A Sundown Lyric, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1903
- * Through Limestone Falls, (ss) The Youth’s Companion December 25 1902
- * Through the Desert of Bitter Waters, (ss) The Blue Jay March 1905
- * Through the Rapids: A Canadian Story, (ss) Young England 1904/05
- * The Timber Treasure, (sl) The Youth’s Companion November 9 1913
- * A Torpedoed Tornado, (ss) The Youth’s Companion October 20 1904
- * To the Gold-Seekers of ’49, (pm) The Youth’s Companion March 3 1904
- * To William Wilfred Campbell, (pm) Massey’s Magazine February 1896
- * Trapped by the Tong, (ss) The Argosy January 1903
- * Trapped in the Battle, (ss) The Youth’s Companion December 25 1913
- * Trapped in the Cañon, (ss) Leslie’s Weekly June 18 1903
- * Treasure Island, (pm) The Youth’s Companion April 10 1902
- * The Treasure Ship, (pm) The Youth’s Companion October 20 1904
- * Treasure Swamp, (sl) The Youth’s Companion Aug 28, Sep 25 1924
- * The Treasure Trail, (na) Short Stories July 1917
- * The Troop That Was Not, (ss) Harper’s Round Table June 1898
- * Two on Trinity, (ss) Adventure February 1911
- * Under the Lost Ocean, (ss) Leslie’s Weekly February 5 1903
- * Under the Trees, (pm) Acta Victoriana July 1897
- * An Unexpected Capture, (ss) The Youth’s Companion October 27 1904
- * The Unpublished Scoop, (ss) The Scranton Tribune October 8 1898
- * Vigilia Media, (pm) Acta Victoriana March 1904
- * The Vulture’s Daughter, (sl) The Cavalier Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1911
- * What the Little Rifle Did, (ss) The Argosy July 1901
- * When the Green Sun Went Down, (ss) The Argosy August 1901
- * When the Luck Turned, (ss) The Argosy May 1903
- * When the Revolution Came to San Sebastian, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1904
- * Where Death Was Made, (ss) The Argosy August 1902
- * Where the Trail Broke, (ss) The Argosy June 1902
- * White Dawn, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1903
- * White Nights, (pm) Acta Victoriana March 1902
- * “Who Robbed the Traps? A Canadian Holiday Episode”, (ss) Young England 1898/99
- * The Wildcat Mine, (ss) The Argosy May 1901
- * Wilderness Honey, (sl) The Youth’s Companion January 27 1916
- * Wind of Dawn, (pm) The Youth’s Companion July 3 1902
- * The Winter Night’s Camp: An Adventure on the Shores of Lake Huron, (ss) Young England 1911/12
- * Wolf’s Clothing, (ss) The Youth’s Companion June 18 1916
- * The Woods-Rider, (sl) The Youth’s Companion January 24 1918
- * World-Wreckers, (na) The Cavalier November 1908
- * Yellow Blood, (sl) The All-Story Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1910
- * The Yellow God, (ss) Weekly Times January 1914
- * The Zuni Crystal, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1908
- * [letter from Shedden, Ontario], (lt) Weird Tales September 1930
[]Pollock, [Sir] Frederick, 3rd Baronet (1845-1937) (about) (chron.)
- * The American Copyright Act, (ar) Black & White #7, March 21 1891
- * Arabiniana, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1911
- * At the Sign of the Plough:
* ___ Paper XII. Shakespeare: The Falstaff Cycle, (cn) The Cornhill Magazine December 1911 [Ref. William Shakespeare]
- * Clovelly, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1884
- * Dartmoor and the Walkham, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1884
- * The Etchingham Letters (with Ella Fuller Maitland), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1898, Jan, Feb 1899, uncredited.
- * The Etchingham Letters (with Ella Fuller Maitland), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1899
- * For My Grandson, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1932
- * For My Grandson. Cambridge and the ‘Apostles’: Oxford Scholars and Historians. University Memories, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1933
- * French Dramatic Art in London (with Walter Herries Pollock), (ar) The Dark Blue #7, September 1871
- * Hints for Cyclists, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 11 1897
- * King Solomon’s Vigil, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine December 1909
- * Shakespeare: The Falstaff Cycle, (cn) The Cornhill Magazine December 1911 [Ref. William Shakespeare]
- * The Victory of Samothrace, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine December 1918
- * War and Diplomacy in Shakespeare, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1916 [Ref. William Shakespeare]
_____, [ref.]
[]Pollock, Ian (1950- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Drawings, (il) Ambit #72 1977, #88 1982
- * [front cover], (cv) Brothers of the Head by Brian W. Aldiss, Pierrot Publishing, 1977
- * [front cover], (cv) Granta #5, Spring 1982
- * [front cover], (cv) The Profession of Science Fiction ed. Maxim Jakubowski & Edward James, Macmillan Press, 1992
[]Pollock, Ida (Julia) [née Crowe] (1908-2013); used pseudonyms Susan Barrie, Averil Ives, Pamela Kent & Barbara Rowan (about) (chron.)
- * Her Desert Lover, (sl) Home Notes November 21 1957, as by Pamela Kent
- * Hotel at Treloan, (n.) Mills & Boon, 1955, as Hotel Stardust, by Susan Barrie
- * The House of the Laird, (n.) Mills & Boon, 1956, as by Susan Barrie
- * In Care of the Doctor, (n.) Mills & Boon, 1962, as by Barbara Rowan
- * Love Is Forever, (n.) Harlequin, 1964, as by Barbara Rowan
- * The Uncertain Glory, (n.) Ward Lock, 1957, as by Averil Ives
[]Pollock, Walter Herries (1850-1926) (about) (chron.)
- * Adieu!, (pm) Longman’s Magazine February 1893
- * Agnes, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1877, uncredited.
- * Aix-en-Provence, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1895
- * ’Amour Qui Sourit Caché’, (pm) The Dark Blue #5, July 1871
- * Anthony Trollope, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1883 [Ref. Anthony Trollope]
- * The Birds’ Bath, (pm) Longman’s Magazine September 1901
- * The Birds’ Evensong (Faithfully Reported Into English), (pm) Longman’s Magazine July 1898
- * The Birds’ Good-bye, (pm) Longman’s Magazine May 1901
- * The Birds’ Matins—May, (pm) Longman’s Magazine June 1899
- * The Charm (with Walter Besant), (pl) Pearson’s Magazine February 1896
- * The Chateau D’If, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1895
- * A Conquest, (pm) The Dark Blue #9, November 1871
- * The Devil’s Pool, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1904
- * Edged Tools (with Brander Matthews), (ss) Longman’s Magazine December 1886
- * An Eton “Vale”, (pm) Longman’s Magazine January 1894
- * Un Facheur, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1878
- * The Flight of a Soul, (pm) Longman’s Magazine January 1898
- * French Dramatic Art in London (with Frederick Pollock), (ar) The Dark Blue #7, September 1871
- * A Game at Écarté, (vi) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1905
- * Garrick’s Acting as Seen in His Own Time, (ar) Longman’s Magazine August 1885
- * The Glove (with Walter Besant), (pl) Pearson’s Magazine June 1896
- * The Green Lady [Mr. Peregrine], (ss) Longman’s Magazine November 1887
- * Hay Fever (with Guy C. Pollock), (sl) Longman’s Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1905
- * He (with Andrew Lang), (n.) Longmans, Green, 1887
- * The Heart of Memory, (pm) Longman’s Magazine March 1898
- * Henry Irving’s Stage Management, (??) The Century Magazine October 1883
- * The Idol, (pm) Longman’s Magazine January 1890
- * Illud Triste Vale, (pm) Longman’s Magazine December 1895
- * King Olaf’s Sword, (pm) Longman’s Magazine April 1900
- * A Kiss, (pm) The Dark Blue #11, January 1872
- * The Last Act, (ss) Unwin’s Annual 1886, 1885
- * Life and Love, (pm) Longman’s Magazine January 1899
- * Lilith, (ss) Temple Bar Dec 1874, Jan, Feb 1875
- * Loved I Not Honour More (with Walter Besant), (pl) Pearson’s Magazine April 1896
- * Love’s Conquest, (pm) Longman’s Magazine March 1896
- * Love’s Life, (pm) Longman’s Magazine March 1898
- * Love’s Silence, (pm) Longman’s Magazine March 1891
- * Love’s Trance, (pm) Longman’s Magazine July 1903
- * Marseilles, (ar) Longman’s Magazine Aug, Oct 1895
- * Marseilles, Old and New, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1895
- * Mated by Magic: A Story with a Postscript (with Brander Matthews), (ss) Longman’s Magazine November 1888
- * Mephistopheles at the Lyceum, (rv) Longman’s Magazine July 1887 [Ref. Henry Irving]
- * Miss Ellen Terry’s Gretchen, (pm) Longman’s Magazine December 1886
- * Miss Mary Anderson in London, (??) The Century Magazine June 1884
- * My Lady, (pm) Longman’s Magazine February 1901
- * My Only Ghost, (ar) Longman’s Magazine July 1901
- * My Saint, (pm) Longman’s Magazine August 1892
- * My Starlings—April, (pm) Longman’s Magazine June 1900
- * Napoleon’s Weird, (ar) Longman’s Magazine November 1902 [Ref. Napoleon Bonaparte]
- * Peer and Heiress (with Walter Besant), (pl) Pearson’s Magazine March 1896
- * The Phantasmatograph [Mr. Peregrine], (ss) Longman’s Magazine May 1899
- * Un Propos Mal a Propos, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1877
- * Raindrops, (pm) The Dark Blue #7, September 1871
- * Reflection and Presage, (pm) Longman’s Magazine August 1893
- * Rizzio to Mary Stuart, (pm) Longman’s Magazine March 1890
- * Sealed Orders, (pm) Longman’s Magazine July 1899
- * The Shrinking Shoe (with Walter Besant), (pl) Pearson’s Magazine May 1896; adapted from the short story of the same name by Besant (The Pall Mall Magazine, November 1893).
- * Sir Jocelyn’s Cap (with Walter Besant), (nv) Longman’s Magazine Dec 1884, Jan 1885, uncredited.
- * Some Drawings by Thackeray, (??) The Century Magazine July 1884
- * A Song of Battle, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1885
- * Stay!, (pm) Longman’s Magazine October 1899
- * Sunset, (pm) Longman’s Magazine January 1902
- * The Swordsman and the Count, (nv) Longman’s Magazine June 1904
- * The Swordsman’s Adversary, (ss) Longman’s Magazine April 1903
- * The Swordsman’s Victory, (ss) Longman’s Magazine December 1904
- * Théophile Gautier, (ar) Longman’s Magazine August 1890 [Ref. Théophile Gautier]
- * The Torchrunners: To Francis Coutts, (pm) Longman’s Magazine August 1905
- * An Under-Studied Part, (ss) Temple Bar March 1880
- * The Voice of Love (with Walter Besant), (pl) Pearson’s Magazine January 1896
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