The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8173
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[]Pesice, Duane (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Amphibians, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #17, 2000
- * Black Hummingbirds, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Black on Black, (pm) Cthulhu Cultus #18, 2001
- * Bobble, (ss) Mannequin: Tales of Wood Made Flesh ed. Justin A. Burnett, Silent Motorist Media, 2019
- * Cat and Mouse, (ss) The Weirdbook Annual #1 ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2017
- * Deerheart, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- * Dirty Pool, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Summer 2023
- * 8X10 (with Don Webb), (ss) Nox Pareidolia ed. Robert S. Wilson, Nightscape Press, 2019
- * The Gift, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Winter 2022
- * The Inner Dark, (ss) Nightscapes #14, August 2001
- * Malone, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #18, 2001
- * Parchment, (ss) Dark Legacy Winter 2000/2001
- * Tam Duchem, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- * Unmasked, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- * Warehouse, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * The Wrong Tree, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * ZOT!, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Spring 2023
[]Peskett, S(idney) John (1906-1991) (about) (chron.)
- * Empire Hero, (vi) Lilliput August 1941
- * The Four Horsemen and the Lyons Mail, (ar) London Mystery Selection #44, March 1960
- * From Chartres to Cayenne, (ar) The London Mystery Magazine #31, December 1956
- * Mass Murder, (ar) The London Mystery Magazine #21, 1954
- * Murder and Mutilation, (ar) The London Mystery Magazine #18, 1953
- * Murder or Suicide?, (ar) London Mystery Selection #51, November 1961
- * The Mystery of the “Meduse”, (ar) London Mystery Selection #73, May 1967
- * La Pommerais, (ar) London Mystery Selection #54, 1962
- * Rogues Gallery, (ss) London Mystery Selection #125, June 1980
- * The Sailor’s Find, (vi) Lilliput March 1942
- * Sentence of Death, (ss) Lilliput February 1943
- * Smoke in the Rue Lesueur, (ar) London Mystery Selection #42, September 1959
- * The Strange Drama of Cyrus A. Clamm, (vi) London Opinion November 1940
- * Voyage au Pays de Simenon, (ar) London Mystery Selection #38, September 1958
_____, trans.
_____, [ref.]
[]Peskin, David (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Jul 27, Oct 12, Nov 30 1946, Jan 4, Jan 11, Feb 1, Feb 8, Mar 29, May 10, May 17,
Aug 16, Sep 6, Sep 20, Oct 18, Oct 25 1947
Jan 10, Mar 6, Mar 20, May 22, Nov 6, Dec 11 1948, Feb 26, Apr 2, Apr 23, Jul 23 1949,
Jan 7, Jan 28 1950
- * [front cover] (with Hy Peskin), (cv) Collier’s July 19 1947
[]Peskin, Hy (1915-2005) (chron.)
- * The Abbe Lane TV Never Sees, (pi) Argosy August 1957
- * Ace Cameraman Catches the Rodeo, (pi) Argosy April 1950
- * Argosy’s Tips from Photographers:
* ___ Focus on Action, (ar) Argosy June 1954
- * Best Horse of All?, (pi) Argosy August 1954
- * Bring ’Em Up Alive, (pi) Argosy September 1953
- * Calypso, (pi) Argosy September 1957
- * Champ Loggers, (pi) Argosy August 1953
- * Focus on Action, (ar) Argosy June 1954
- * Frank Merriwell, ’49, (ar) Argosy November 1949
- * Gator-Baitin’—Freakiest Fly Casting of All, (pi) Cavalier #61, July 1958
- * How to Earn a Fast $350, (pi) Argosy October 1952
- * The Man Who Invented Florida (with Norton Wood), (pi) Argosy June 1950
- * Miss Sporting Look, (pi) Argosy January 1958
- * My Best Sports Pictures, (pi) Argosy February 1950
- * New York’s Most Lavish Night Spot, (pi) Argosy April 1957
- * Pictures Tell the Story:
* ___ Best Horse of All?, (pi) Argosy August 1954
* ___ Champ Loggers, (pi) Argosy August 1953
* ___ The Man Who Invented Florida (with Norton Wood), (pi) Argosy June 1950
- * Rodeo Hot Seat, (pi) Argosy January 1956
- * Rodeo Queen, (pi) This Week October 12 1952
- * Rough Ride at Calgary, (pi) Cavalier #55, January 1958
- * Sled-Dog Derby, (pi) Adventure February 1954
- * Song in Her Heart, (pi) Argosy June 1958
- * So You Think You Can Pick a Winner?, (pi) Argosy December 1957
- * The Suicide Run, (pi) Argosy March 1956
- * This Is a Man Dying, (pi) Argosy September 1953
- * Tropicana, (pi) Argosy July 1957
- * Watch the Clock, (pi) Argosy June 1954
- * Wild West Wing-Ding, (pi) Argosy August 1951
- * [front cover], (cv) This Week Aug 8, Oct 3 1948, Oct 12, Nov 9 1952, Sep 20 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Jan 15 1949, Sep 15 1951
- * [front cover], (cv) Argosy Oct, Nov 1951, Apr 1960
- * [front cover] (with David Peskin), (cv) Collier’s July 19 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Sep 1950, May 1951, May, Nov 1952, Feb 1954, Oct 1957, Feb, May, Aug 1958, Apr 1960
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Saga October 1951
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week Oct 19 1952, Jan 4 1953
- * [photography], (pt) Sports Illustrated March 19 1962
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
[]Pessina, Hector Raul (1930-2016) (chron.)
- * The Love War, (ar) Perry Rhodan #53, 1974
- * Scientifilm World:
* ___ The Love War, (cl) Perry Rhodan #53, 1974
* ___ Silent Running, (cl) Perry Rhodan #55, 1974
* ___ Space Films, (cl) Perry Rhodan #35, #36 1973, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48,
#49 1974
* ___ The 12-Handed Men of Mars, (cl) Perry Rhodan #52, 1974
* ___ War of the Satellites, (cl) Perry Rhodan #56, 1974
- * Silent Running, (ar) Perry Rhodan #55, 1974
- * Space Films, (ar) Perry Rhodan #35, #36 1973, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48,
#49 1974
- * The 12-Handed Men of Mars, (ar) Perry Rhodan #52, 1974
- * War of the Satellites, (ar) Perry Rhodan #56, 1974
[]Petaja, Emil (Theodore) (1915-2000); used pseudonyms Theodore Pine & H. J. Swanza (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Alone on a Hill, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Alpha Yes, Terra No!, (n.) Ace Double, June 1965
- * The Ancestral Thread, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1947
- * And Having Seen, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * The Answer, (ss) Imagination September 1951
- * Artist, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * As Dream and Shadow, (oc) SISU, 1972
- * Asphodel, (pm) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940, as by Theodore Pine
- * Badlands Varmint, (vi) Western Trails July 1946
- * The Barker’s Carcass, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1945
- * Beautiful Rings, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Beyond Belief, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Boothill Banker [Cinco], (ss) Western Action February 1952
- * Boy on the Hill, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Bullets on the Downbeat, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1944
- * Bushwhack Bonanza, (ss) Western Trails April 1946
- * Candle’s End, (pm) And Flights of Angels: The Life and Legend of Hannes Bok ed. Emil Petaja, The Bokanalia Memorial Foundation, 1968
- * City, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Close-Up of a Killer, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1946
- * Cold-Deck Showdown, (ss) Western Trails September 1946
- * The Corpse Wants Company, (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1945
- * Cthulhu Done It, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Cube in a Dodecagon Garden, (ss) Spaceway May/June 1970
- * Cure-All for Coyotes, (ss) Western Aces March 1946
- * Cyanide and Old Lace, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine April 1945
- * The Dark Balcony, (ss) Fantastic Adventures February 1951
- * Dark Hollow, (ss) Magazine of Horror Winter 1966/1967
- * Darts, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * David, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * The Dead Are Quick, (ss) Crack Detective Stories October 1947
- * Death House Brood, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1945, as by Theodore Pine
- * Death Mask, (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1946
- * Dinosaur Goes Hollywood, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1942
- * Don’t Come to Mars! (with Henry Hasse), (ss) Fantastic Adventures April 1950, as by Henry Hasse
- * The Dream Bandit Says Goodnight, (ss) Adam (Australia) December 1957
- * Dream Within a Dream Within, (pm) The Californian Summer 1937
- * Echo from the Ebon Isles, (pm) Weird Tales January 1939 [Ref. Robert E. Howard], as "The Warrior"
- * Edge of Sleep, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Elemental, (pm) The Californian Summer 1937
- * Emil Petaja, (bg) Amazing Stories June 1943
- * Empty Nepenthe, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * The Enchanting, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Enigma, (pm) The Acolyte Winter 1942
- * Famous Fantasy Fiction, (ar) The Fantasy Fan July 1934
- * Fear of Sleep, (pm) Stirring Science Stories March 1942
- * Fire, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Flann, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * The Flying Corpse, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1945
- * Found Objects, (ss) Stardrift and Other Fantastic Flotsam by Emil Petaja, Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc., 1971
- * Gola’s Hell, (ss) Witchcraft & Sorcery #8, 1972
- * Good Night, Dream Bandit, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine June 1945
- * Gunpowder Frolic, (ss) Western Action April 1946
- * Hannes Bok on Creative Art, (ar) Trumpet #9, 1969 [Ref. Hannes Bok]
- * Hawk and Hen, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Heavenly Host, (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1966
- * Hilltop, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Hold Your Pose, Killer!, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1946, as by Theodore Pine
- * Hook, Line and Sucker, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1945
- * Hot-Lead Headlines, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1944
- * Humble Happy, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Hunger, (ss) Weird Tales March 1950, as "The Hungry Ghost"
- * The Hungry Ghost, (ss) Weird Tales March 1950
- * In Memoriam—Frank Owen, (ob) Nebula Award Stories 4 ed. Poul Anderson, Gollancz, 1969 [Ref. Frank Owen]
- * The Insistent Ghost, (ss) Weird Tales September 1950
- * Introduction, (in) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * The Intruder, (ss) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940
- * The Jonah, (ss) Weird Tales March 1946
- * King of Killers, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1947
- * Little Brown Juggernaut, (ss) Western Trails February 1946
- * Live Evil, (ss) Weird Tales July 1952
- * Lost Dream, (pm) Weird Tales January 1938
- * The Man Who Hated War, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1944
- * Marmok, (pm) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940
- * Meet the Authors:
* ___ Emil Petaja, (bg) Amazing Stories June 1943
- * Mellesande Madonna, (pm) As Dream and Shadow, SISU, 1972
- * Me—The People, (nv) Amazing Stories June 1943
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