The FictionMags Index
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[]Linn, Merritt (fl. 1940s-1950s); also as Merritt Lynn (chron.)
- * Air Can Cut, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1952
- * Baby—It’s Cold!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1952
- * Confederate Cattleman, (ms) Mammoth Western January 1950
- * Crazy Doodlebugs, (ms) Mammoth Western November 1949
- * The Dope Lights Up, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1952
- * Drumbeat!, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1950
- * A Duke Sees America, (ar) Mammoth Western August 1950
- * Fireproof Silver, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1951
- * Fishing with Electrons, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1952
- * Flap Your Wings, Brother, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1951
- * “Follow Me, Men”, (ms) Mammoth Western August 1949
- * From Out of the Past…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1951
- * The Glass Age, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1952
- * Gold—If You Recognize It, (ms) Mammoth Western September 1950
- * The Great Stallion of Legend, (ar) Mammoth Western April 1950
- * How Deep Is the Ocean…?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1951
- * How to Brand the Cattle, (ar) Mammoth Western May 1950
- * Imitation of Life, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1951
- * Indian Warfare, (ar) Mammoth Western November 1950
- * The Last Herd, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1950
- * Lethal Synthesis, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1953
- * The Long Cold Winters, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1950
- * Make-Believe Life, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1952
- * Malthus Wasn’t Mad, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1952
- * The Man Who Uncovered a World, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1951
- * The Neurotic Shrimp, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1952
- * The Origin of Words, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1951
- * Out of Control, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1952
- * Pike’s Peak—or Bust, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1949
- * The Planet That Wanted to Die, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1952
- * The Robot with the Spying Eyes, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1952
- * Silver Dollar Blunder, (ms) Mammoth Western January 1951
- * The Skypilot of Tombstone, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1950
- * Societies of Indians, (ar) Mammoth Western July 1950
- * Some Stars Don’t Shine, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1952
- * Space Medicine, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1953
- * Space Suits for Seals, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1952
- * The Specter of the Hordes, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1952
- * Television and the Diaphote, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1952
- * They All Love Science Fiction!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1952
- * Those Ghostly Blobs…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1951
- * Were the Saucers Real?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1952
- * Who Needs Muscles?, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1952
- * You Can’t Learn Everything, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1952
- * You Can Watch Those Atoms Split!, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1952
- * You’ve Got to Wrap It Up, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1952
[]Linn, Rachel (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Glow in the Dark, (nv) The Future Fire #37, 2016
- * Salvager, (ss) Mythic #7, Summer 2018
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Future Fire #38 2016, #40, #42, #43 2017, #45 2018, #48, #50, #51 2019, #52, #55 2020
[]Linna, Miriam (1955- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Beacon Books: Sin Street Slag, (ar) Bad Seed #5, 1988
- * Black Vintage Paperbacks, (bi) Paperback Parade #61, May 2004
- * Hal Ellson, (ar) Bad Seed #1, 1984 [Ref. Hal Ellson]
- * Harlem Underground: Black Paperbacks Are My Beat, (ar) Paperback Parade #61, May 2004
- * Orrie Hitt, (ar) Bad Seed #5, 1988 [Ref. Orrie Hitt]
- * Paperbacks: The French Connection, (ar) Paperback Parade #34, June 1993
- * Selected JD Titles for Reading (with Gary Lovisi), (bi) Paperback Parade #28, March 1992
- * A Word from the Publisher, (fw) Pulling a Train by Harlan Ellison, Kicks Books, 2012
- * A Word from the Publisher, (fw) Getting in the Wind by Harlan Ellison, Kicks Books, 2012
[]Linnaea, Grá (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Heart on Green Paper, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 25 2011
- * Holy Diver, (vi) Daily Science Fiction June 18 2013
- * The Last God-Killer (with Dave Raines), (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #30, September 2012
- * Messages from Valerie Polichar (with Sarah Dunn), (ss) Shock Totem #2, 2010
- * Namasté Prime, (ss) Apex Magazine #28, September 2011
- * Today’s Reading from the Loneliness Deck, (pm) Mirror Dance #24, Winter 2013
- * 20th Anniversary Caveman, (ss) Shimmer v3 #1, 2008
- * Two Will Walk with You, (ss) Thirteen: Stories of Transformation ed. Mark Teppo, Underland Press, 2015
_____, [ref.]
[]Linnaea, Jennifer (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Blue and Blue, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 7 2012
- * The Burr, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 6 2018
- * Diplomacy in Springtime, (ss) Perihelion April 12 2013
- * Fire-Marrow, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #25, May 2010
- * The Girl Door, (ss) Electric Spec February 28 2009
- * He Reminds Us, (ss) Strange Horizons November 12 2012
- * It Will Be Under the Next Stone, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 6 2018
- * Morphological Understanding, (ss) Perihelion December 12 2014
- * The Night Before an Interstellar Journey, (pm) Liminality #5, Autumn 2015
- * Pseudo Tokyo, (ss) Interzone #214, February 2008
- * Sea Link, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #102, March 2022
- * Second-Hand Information, (ss) Strange Horizons June 15 2009
- * She Whose Name Is a Tumbling Brook, (vi) Spirit’s Tincture #1, August 2016
- * Smash!, (vi) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #29, September 2013
[]Linnell, Harry A. (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine March 1901
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Gunter’s Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov 1906, Jan 1907
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cosmopolitan Magazine Dec 1906, Apr 1907, Jan, Mar 1908
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Home Companion Dec 1906, Sep 1909, Aug 1910, Mar, Jul, Aug, Oct 1912, Jan, Mar, Apr,
Nov 1913
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Sep 1907, Jul 1908, Apr, Aug 1913
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine (US) April 1908
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pictorial Review May 1912
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s Magazine Nov 1914, Jan 1915
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Illustrated Sunday Magazine February 27 1916
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jay Hambidge), (il) St. Nicholas Mar, Apr 1909
[]Linnett, Peter (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * The Airs of Earth, (br) Zimri #3, June 1972 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- * And When I Die…, (ss) New Writings in SF 24 ed. Kenneth Bulmer, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1974
- * Best SF Stories from New Worlds 7, (br) Zimri #3, June 1972 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Christopher Evans Talks with Peter Linnett, (iv) Wordworks #6, 1975 [Ref. Christopher Evans]
- * Concrete Island, (br) Cypher #12, November 1974 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * High Tide, (ss) Words International—The Book ed. Jean Shelley & Phillip Vine, The Words Publishing Company Limited, 1987
- * An Interview with D.G. Compton, (iv) Science Fiction Monthly v3 #4, 1976 [Ref. D. G. Compton]
- * The Invincible, (br) Zimri #6, May 1974 [Ref. Stanislaw Lem]
- * J.G. Ballard Interview, (iv) Corridor #5, 1974 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * John Brunner Talks (with Lisa Conesa), (iv) Zimri #7, January 1975 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * Keeping the Faith, (br) Words International April/May 1988 [Ref. Carol Clewlow]
- * Novel of the Month:
* ___ Keeping the Faith, (br) Words International April/May 1988 [Ref. Carol Clewlow]
- * The S.F. Novels of D.G. Compton, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v3 #4, 1976
- * The Unimaginable Future: An Interview with Dr. Christopher Evans, (iv) S.F. Digest #1, 1976 [Ref. Dr. Christopher Evans]
- * Zone, (ss) New Writings in SF 27 ed. Kenneth Bulmer, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1976
- * [letter], (lt) Zimri #3 Jun 1972, #7 Jan 1975
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