The FictionMags Index
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[]LaSalle, Peter (1947- ) (chron.)
- * Dolphin Dreaming, (ss) Wind v17, 1987
- * The End of Narrative (1-29; or 29-1), (nv) The Southern Review Summer 2006
- * A Foil Girl, (ss) Writers’ Forum #17, 1991
- * A Guide to Some Small Border Airports, (ss)
- * Saturday, (pm) Esquire May 1977
- * Saturday Is the Word for Longing, (ss) Boulevard Fall 2005
- * Some Manhattan in New England, (ss) Georgia Review 1978
- * Topolobampo, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1981
- * Tunis and Time, (nv) The Antioch Review Winter 2007
[]LaSart, C. W. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Boy with the Golden Arm, (ss) Shadows Over Main Street: Volume 2 ed. Doug Murano & D. Alexander Ward, Cutting Block, 2017
- * Creepy Town, (ss) Dark Moon Digest—Young Adult Issue #1, June 2013
- * Dr. Johnson’s Patient, (ss) Bad Dreams, New Screams, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2012
- * The House Call, (vi) Frightmares ed. Stan Swanson, Dark Moon Books, 2011
- * Jack and Jill, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #1, October 2010
- * The Scariest Holiday, (ar) Shock Totem #8.5, February 2014
- * Sirens, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #4, July 2011
[]Lascelles, T(homas) W. (fl. 1880s-1890s) (chron.)
- * The Haunted House, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 29 1888
- * Life at the Zoo.—1. The Lion, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 17 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—2. Eagle, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 24 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—3. Polar Bear, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 31 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—4. The Sea Lion, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 5 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—5. The Rhino, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper August 18 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—6. The Hypo, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper August 25 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—7. A Fine Snake, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 22 1900
- * Life at the Zoo.—8. Tiger, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 29 1900
- * A Quiet Pool, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 11 1899
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1 1886, Jul 4 1891
- * [illustration(s)] (with Warne Browne), (il) The Boy’s Own Paper August 4 1888
[]Lasdun, James (1958- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Above Laggan, (pm) The Gregory Awards Anthology 1981 and 1982 ed. Howard Sergeant & Anthony Thwaite, Carcanet, 1982
- * Buying a Dress, (pm) Fiction 1985
- * The Cat, (ss) Short Story Monthly #7, May 1982
- * Crabs, (pm) Firebird 3 ed. Robin Robertson, Penguin, 1984
- * Delirium Eclipse, (ss)
- * The Hollow, (ss) The Paris Review #188, Spring 2009
- * “The Inheritors” by Kristen Iskandrian, (ar) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2014 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2014 [Ref. Kristen Iskandrian]
- * Lime Pickle, (ss) The Yale Review April 1997
- * The Muse in the Cellar, (ex) W.W. Norton, 2005
- * Oh, Death, (ss) The Paris Review #188, Spring 2009, as "The Hollow"
- * On the Road to Chenonceaux, (pm) Giles and Jonathan Leaman, 1982
- * Peter Kahn’s Third Wife, (ss) NW14: The Anthology of New Writing, Volume 14 ed. Lavinia Greenlaw & Helon Habila, Granta, 2006
- * Picture of a Girl, (pm) Firebird 3 ed. Robin Robertson, Penguin, 1984
- * The Siege, (ss) Zoetrope: All-Story Fall 2001
- * Snake Burning, (pm) Firebird 3 ed. Robin Robertson, Penguin, 1984
- * The Spoiling, (nv) Firebird 1 ed. T. J. Binding, Allen Lane, 1982
- * Trumpet Voluntary, (ss) The Guardian February 10 1989
- * United States, (ar) Granta #91, Autumn 2005
- * Vindice at the Oyster Bar, (pm) Firebird 3 ed. Robin Robertson, Penguin, 1984
- * [unknown story], (ss)
_____, [ref.]
[]Lask, I. M. (fl. 1960s)
_____, trans.
- * Into the Deeps the Sun Descends by Benzion Benshalom, (pm) Israel Argosy #8, 1962
- * A Messy Leave by Amos Mossenson, (ss) Israel Magazine; originally in Hebrew in Al Hamishnar, December 1949.
- * The Return of the Pioneer by Amos Mossenson, (ss) Transatlantic Review #5, December 1960
- * Suddenly the Sun Lets the Peaks Go and Leaps by Benzion Benshalom, (pm) Israel Argosy #8, 1962
- * Upon the Mountaintop a Golden Fount Leaps High by Benzion Benshalom, (pm) Israel Argosy #8, 1962
- * With all His Might the Sun Clings to the Peak by Benzion Benshalom, (pm) Israel Argosy #8, 1962
[]Lasker-Schüler, Else (1869-1945) (chron.)
- * At Night, (pm) Transatlantic Review #58/59, February 1977; translated by Felix de Villiers
- * A Ballad from the Hills of Westphalia, (pm) Styx by Else Lasker-Schüler, tr. Mildred Faintly, Ben Yehuda Press, 2024
- * Georg Trakl, (pm) Transatlantic Review #58/59, February 1977; translated by Felix de Villiers
- * Homesickness, (pm) Transatlantic Review #58/59, February 1977; translated by Felix de Villiers
- * If My Heart Were Healthy, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Wenn mein Herz gesund wäre”, Gesammelte Werke in drei Banden, Kösel-Verlag, 1962) by Malcolm Green.
- * My People, (pm) Transatlantic Review #58/59, February 1977; translated by Felix de Villiers
- * Styx, (pm) Transatlantic Review #58/59, February 1977; translated by Felix de Villiers
[]Laski, Harold J(oseph) (1893-1950) (about) (chron.)
- * Can America Spend Its Way Into Recovery: No!, (ar) Redbook Magazine December 1934
- * Churchill: A Considered Verdict, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1944 [Ref. Winston S. Churchill]
- * A Formula for Conservatives, (ar) Harper’s Magazine September 1937
- * More Political Portraits-MacDonald, Lloyd George, Churchill, Lord Irwin, (ar) The Daily Herald
- * Socialism, British Brand, (??) Collier’s September 22 1945
- * What They Did for England:
* ___ Churchill: A Considered Verdict, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1944 [Ref. Winston S. Churchill]
[]Laski, Marghanita (1915-1988) (about) (chron.)
- * Cheap Clothes for Fat Old Women, (hu)
- * Down the Dark Lane, (vi) Harper’s Magazine December 1946
- * Holiday in Paris, (ss) The Bystander #1796, May 18 1938
- * The Perfect Match, (ss) This Week December 25 1955
- * Return, (ss) Lilliput December 1938
- * She Is So Cynical!, (ss) Lilliput September 1940
- * Slumming, (ss) Eve’s Journal January 1938
- * The Tower, (ss) The Third Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith, James Barrie, 1955
- Presenting Moonshine #12, November 22 1970
- Fantasy Tales ed. Barbara Ireson, Faber and Faber, 1977
- Fantasy Tales (var. 1) ed. Barbara Ireson, Beaver Books, 1981
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- Short Sharp Shocks ed. Julian Lloyd Webber, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990
- The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories ed. Michael Cox, Oxford University Press, 1996
- Great Ghost Stories, Reader's Digest, 1997
- * Weekend Leave, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1946
_____, [ref.]
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