The FictionMags Index
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[]Hamill, Virginia (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Be Original: Design Your Own Fabrics, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion April 1940
- * The Christmas Spirit in Your Home, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion December 1943
- * Copenhagen Style; A Pair of Gay Twin Bedrooms, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1938
- * For Growing Children, (ar) Pictorial Review October 1931
- * I Saw Lovely Things in Scandinavia, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1938
- * Living with Antiques, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion May 1943
- * Modern and Modernized 18th Century, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1938
- * Of Course You’ll Entertain, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1941
- * Shift the Scene for Spring, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion April 1943
- * A Small House on a Small Budget, (ia) Woman’s Home Companion July 1936
- * Springtime Bedroom, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion February 1944
- * Wrong Into Right, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion April 1940
[]Hamilton, Alex (John) (1930-2016) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Art of Fiction:
* ___ VII: Joyce Cary (with John Burrows), (iv) The Paris Review #7, Fall 1954/Winter 1955 [Ref. Joyce Cary]
- * The Attic Express, (nv) The Fourth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1963
- Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- Best Horror Stories 3 ed. Alex Hamilton, Faber and Faber, 1972
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Supernatural Tales of Terror and Suspense ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1973
- Far Out ed. Arthur Arkley, NEL, 1974
- Demons Within & Other Disturbing Tales ed. Helen Hoke, Taplinger, 1978
- The Phantom Coach ed. Peter C. Smith, William Kimber, 1979
- Macabre Railway Stories ed. Ronald Holmes, W.H. Allen, 1982
- The Attic Express and Other Macabre Stories, Ash-Tree Press, 2007
- * The Attic Express and Other Macabre Stories, (co) Ash-Tree Press, July 2007
- * The Baby Sitters, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Beaker Solstice, (ss) The Christmas Pudding That Shook the World by Alex Hamilton, Hamish Hamilton, 1988
- * Beam of Malice, (co) Hutchinson, 1966
- * Below the Shadow, (nv) Mind in Chains ed. Dr. Christopher Evans, Panther, 1970
- * Breakaway, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Canis Lupus Sapiens, (ss) Way of the Werewolf ed. Douglas Hill, Panther, 1966
- * Dead Men Walk, (nv) The Clans of Darkness ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1971
- * The Death Equation (with Erik Henriksen), (fa) Tin House Fall 2007
- * Dodensraum, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * End of the Road, (ss) Tales of Unease ed. John Burke, Pan, 1966
- * The Flies on the Wall, (ss) More Tales of Unease ed. John Burke, Pan, 1969
- * Foreword, (fw) The Cold Embrace and Other Stories ed. Alex Hamilton, Corgi, 1966
- * A Glutton for Punishment, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * A Good Guy, (ss) The Christmas Pudding That Shook the World by Alex Hamilton, Hamish Hamilton, 1988
- * The Hat, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
- * A Helping Hand, (ss) The Twilight Book ed. James Hale, Gollancz, 1981
- * Henry and Joyce and the 33-Year-Old Woman, (ss) Scottish Short Stories 1986, Collins, 1986
- * The Image of the Damned, (ss) The Tenth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1969
- * Introduction, (in) Splinters ed. Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1968
- * Introduction, (in) Best Horror Stories 3 ed. Alex Hamilton, Faber and Faber, 1972
- * Introduction, (in) The Attic Express and Other Macabre Stories, Ash-Tree Press, 2007
- * The Jinx, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Joyce Cary (with John Burrows), (iv) The Paris Review #7, Fall 1954/Winter 1955 [Ref. Joyce Cary]
- * Kiss of Death, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Last Resource, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * The Loadstar, (ss) The Midnight Ghost Book ed. James Hale, Barrie & Jenkins, 1978
- * Many a Slip, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * A Name to Conjure With, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
- * Night Mare, (ss) The Attic Express and Other Macabre Stories, Ash-Tree Press, 2007
- * Not Enough Poison, (ss) My Blood Ran Cold ed. Donald Speed, Corgi, 1966
- * Only a Game, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Quittance, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
- * Recall, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Round the Swings, (ss) Transatlantic Review #60, June 1977
- * Searchlight, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * A Shoal of Time, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
- * Smithson’s Second Sight, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
- * A Sook Fur Freedom, (ex) Firebird 3 ed. Robin Robertson, Penguin, 1984; from unpublished novel Stretch Marks.
- * Special Number, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
- * To Start a Hare, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Under the Eildon Tree, (nv) Splinters ed. Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1968
- * What’s Your Problem?, (ss) Beam of Malice, Hutchinson, 1966
- * Where Is Uncle Phillip?, (ss) The Burning Circus ed. Johnny Mains, British Fantasy Society, 2013
- * The Words of the Dumb, (ss) The Fifth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1964
- * Words of Warning, (ss) Flies on the Wall by Alex Hamilton, Hutchinson, 1972
_____, adapt.
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Hamilton, Alyce (chron.)
- * Busy Tonight!, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 16 1938
- * Delayed Peek Into Gift Horse’s Mouth, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1939
- * File on Romance, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 5 1938
- * Fortune, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 5 1937
- * Humpty Dumpty Got All the Breaks, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1938
- * Let’s Don’t Be Informal, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 27 1939
- * A Million Dollars’ Baby, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 10 1934
- * Night Howl, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1938
- * Pop Goes the Question, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1935
- * So Let’s Go to the Movies, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1939
- * Song to Be Sung While Waiting for Tomorrow, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1937
- * Sunday Morning, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 23 1938
- * Tip for a Salesgirl, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1939
- * Welcome, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 30 1938
- * What’s in a Name?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 15 1934
- * What’s the Use?, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1938
- * The Worm Will Take Turns, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1937
[]Hamilton, Arthur; pseudonym of Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899) (chron.)
- * Alexander Henriques, (bg) The Golden Argosy April 25 1885
- * A Child of Fortune, (sl) The Golden Argosy Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19, Dec 26 1885, Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16,
Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20 1886
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