The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4137
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[]Graham, Rosa (chron.)
- * Babel, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1881
- * A Bit of Logic, (pm) Wide Awake December 1879
- * A Christmas Story, (pm) Wide Awake January 1877
- * The Legend of the Salt Sea, (ss) Wide Awake September 1879
- * Patches, (vi) St. Nicholas October 1876
- * Peggy’s Doubt, (pm) Wide Awake January 1880
- * Peggy’s Valentine, (pm) Wide Awake February 1877
- * Ruffles and Puffs, (ss) Wide Awake April 1879
- * Sow, Sew and So, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1880
- * Three, (pm) Wide Awake August 1881
- * Tom Wee, (pm) Wide Awake November 1882
_____, trans.
[]Graham, Roy (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Ava Gardner: Bullfighters’ Delight, (ar) Exposed #10, November 1956 [Ref. Ava Gardner]
- * Brigitte Bardot: French “Sex Kitten”, (ar) Exposed #14, April 1957 [Ref. Brigitte Bardot]
- * Pistol-Packin’ Anna Magnani, (ar) Exposed #9, September 1956
- * The Prince Bet on Grace Kelly, (ar) Exposed #5, April 1956 [Ref. Grace Kelly]
- * The Reason Why Rita Hayworth Needs a Man, (ar) Exposed #15, June 1957
- * Rubirosa’s New Teen-Age Conquest, (ar) Exposed #13, March 1957
- * What’s Behind Bergman’s “Suicide” Try, (ar) Exposed #7, June 1956
- * When Ava Gardner Played Footsie with Chiari, (ar) Exposed #18, October 1957 [Ref. Ava Gardner]
- * When Tony Steel Became “Mr. Ekberg”, (ar) Exposed #11, December 1956
- * Why Audrey Hepburn Is Wasting Away!, (ar) Exposed #8, August 1956 [Ref. Audrey Hepburn]
[]Graham, Scott; probably a pseudonym of Ellen Mary Hazelton Black (c1860-1954) (chron.)
- * Addington’s Father: A School Story, (ss) The Captain #59, February 1904
- * The Adventure of Godfrey Hallett and the French Prisoner of War [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1906
- * The Adventure of Godfrey Hallett and William the Deserter [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine August 1905
- * The Adventure of Godfrey Hallett in the Lonely Inn [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1904
- * The Adventure of Godfrey Hallett with the Ambitious Miller [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1905
- * A Brave Man’s Son, (ss) Sunday October 1914
- * Brown, (ss) The Quiver October 1909
- * The Chivalry of Arnold Willoughby, (ss) The Quiver November 1909
- * The Curate’s Sister, (ss) The Sunday Strand March 1906
- * How Godfrey Hallett Fell Among Thieves [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Momentous Journey [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine March 1903
- * The Reciter, (ss) The Quiver January 1909
- * The Strange History of My Lady Buckenden [Godfrey Hallett], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1903
- * Tales of Elmwood School: Dixon’s Umbrella [Elmwood School], (ss) Sunday March 1914
- * Tales of Elmwood School: The Bravest Boy in the School [Elmwood School], (ss) Sunday January 1914
- * The Temptation of Barrington, R.A., (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1907
- * The Tiger in the Wood, (ss) Sunday October 1914
[]Graham, Sidney M. (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * At Nine Sharp!, (nv) People’s Favorite Magazine December 25 1918
- * The Bursting of the Bubble, (ss) People’s January 1917
- * Consequences, (ss) People’s May 1917
- * A Cure for Cowardice, (ss) People’s April 1917
- * The Game and the Goods, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine March 25 1919
- * The House of the Icy Plunge, (vi) People’s Favorite Magazine November 10 1917
- * The Lizard’s Revenge, (ss) People’s November 1916
- * The Lump of Felt, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine April 10 1919
- * The Man Queller, (ss) People’s February 1917
- * The Stranger, (ss) People’s March 1917
- * Under Given Conditions, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 25 1918
- * Under the Rose, (ss) The Blue Magazine #82, April 1926
- * U.S. Gold and Treachery, (ss) People’s December 1916
- * Vulture Bait, (ss) People’s October 1916
[]Graham, Stephen (1884-1975) (chron.)
- * Aha, (ss) Full Score ed. T. I. Fytton Armstrong, Rich & Cowan, 1933
- * An Ancient Genius, (ex) from Part of the Wonderful Scene, Collins, 1964
- * The Decline of Women, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1937
- * A Document: from the Russian, (ss)
- * Effect and Cause, (ss)
- * 5,000 Enemy Planes Over London, (ss) The Daily Express 1935
- * Howlers in Revision, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly June 22 1935
- * Ilya Vilka, (ss) Strange Assembly ed. John Gawsworth, Unicorn Press, 1932
- * Introduction, (in) The Republic of the Southern Cross and Other Stories by Valery Brussof, Constable, 1918
- * Kitchener at Archangel, (ss) Full Score ed. T. I. Fytton Armstrong, Rich & Cowan, 1933
- * Life of Russian Fugitives, (ar) Land & Water November 27 1915
- * The Light of New York, (ss) The Story-teller January 1917
- * People’s Theatres, (ar) Pan January 1921
- * Russia and Constantinople, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #60, March 1917
- * The Shows of Paris, (ar) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1926
- * Unknown Beauties of London, (ar) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1927
[]Graham, Virginia (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * An Alphabet of Birds and Beasts (with Derrick Sayer), (ar) Collins’ Magazine April 1950
- * The Coney-Catcher, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1937
- * Edward Dearest, (pm) Lilliput August 1940
- * The Homing Swan, (ss) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #4, April 1948
- * A House Divided, (vi) The Windsor Magazine August 1937
- * The Jumblers, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1934
- * untitled (“Dreamer, sleep on, for in your dream there lies”), (pm) The Strand Magazine May/June 1947
[]Graham, W(illiam) S(ydney) (1918-1986) (about) (chron.)
- * At Her Beck and Miracle, (pm) Focus One ed. B. Rajan & Andrew Pearse, Dennis Dobson, Ltd., 1945
- * The Common and Private River, (pm) The Windmill v2 #7, 1947
- * Three Poems, (pm) Circle #7/8, 1946
- * Two Poems, (pm) The Windmill v2 #5, 1946
_____, [ref.]
[]Graham, Winifred; [i.e., Matilda Winifred Muriel Graham Cory] (1873-1950); also known as Winifred Cory (about) (chron.)
- * The August Man, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1910
- * Baby-Girl, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1901
- * The Bachelor, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1911
- * The Ballunatics, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1918
- * Beautiful Mamma, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1901
- * Benjamin’s Latest, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1913
- * Betty in Search of Trouble, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1916
- * “Black Charlotta”, (ss) The Sunday Strand September 1901
- * “Blarney”, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1901
- * Boaz Tucker’s Miracle, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1911
- * The Boy in Blue, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1913
- * The Boy Who Bought the Sea, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1912
- * A Caged Lark, (ss) Gloucester Journal February 27 1937
- * The Caitiff Choir, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine April 1897
- * Can a Man Be True?, (sl) Adventure Nov, Dec 1910, Jan, Feb, Mar 1911
- * The Chances, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1912
- * The Child-Hater, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1912
- * “The Child of the Sun”, (ss) The Story-teller January 1909
- * A Christmas Eve Elopement, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1908
- * Christmas for Three, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1902
- * Come-Back to Home Farm, (ss) The Passing Show March 23 1935
- * “Come Home!”, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1910
- * Cupid’s Outrage, (ss) The Green Book Magazine June 1918
- * A Devil’s Deal, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1913
- * Diamond Darling, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1904
- * Doris, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1901
- * “Do You Remember…?”, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine March 1921
- * The Dukes of Albion Road, (ss) The London Magazine February 1905
- * The Fairy with the Grey Beard, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1900
- * “Fallen Amongst Thieves”, (ss) The Sunday Strand August 1901
- * Five Minutes for Love, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1909
- * The Flutes of Spring, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1910
- * For the Love of a Lady, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1903
- * Four Crosses, (pm) The Novel Magazine November 1916
- * The Funny Man of the Parish, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) February 1914
- * A Game of Make-Believe, (ss) The Story-teller December 1913
- * Gemma, (ss) The Sunday Strand September 1902
- * Geneviève, (ss) The Story-teller January 1908
- * The Giant of Heron’s Hill, (ss) The Sunday Strand October 1901
- * The Girl Next Door, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1912
- * “God Hates a Coward”, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1915
- * The Grey Brother, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1907
- * The Haunted Yews, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1901
- * Her Grace of Mystery, (ss) The Premier Magazine #118, July 15 1921
- * Her Husband’s Secret, (sl) The Novel Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1911
- * A Heroine in Bib and Tucker, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1896
- * Hidden in China, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1900
- * The Hooligans of Chestnut Avenue, (ss) The London Magazine April 1905
- * The Houseboat Man, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1913
- * Human Vultures, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1919
- * Idylls of Suburbia:
* ___ I.—Social Functions, (ss) The London Magazine January 1905
- * The Idyls of Suburbia:
* ___ II.—The Dukes of Albion Road, (ss) The London Magazine February 1905
* ___ III.—The Moth Terror, (ss) The London Magazine March 1905
* ___ IV.—The Hooligans of Chestnut Avenue, (ss) The London Magazine April 1905
* ___ V.—Mrs. Splitter’s Manuvres, (ss) The London Magazine June 1905
* ___ VI.—Mr. Denny, Dentist, (ss) The London Magazine July 1905
- * In Painted Muslin, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1900
- * In the Meshes of the Mormons:
* ___ 1: The Girl Next Door, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1912
* ___ 2: Snatched from the Burning, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1912
* ___ 3: Benjamin’s Latest, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1913
* ___ 4: A Ravening Wolf, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1913
* ___ 5: Mormon Gold, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1913
* ___ 6: A Devil’s Deal, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1913
- * Is Religion Worth While, (ar) Hutchinson’s Magazine December 1928
- * King Chiffon, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1916
- * “King of the Castle”, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1909
- * A Labour of Love, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1901
- * Lady Lucy’s Masquerade, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1906
- * “Let Them Say”, (ss) The London Magazine August 1904
- * The Little Girl in the Lace Frock, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1902
- * The Little House Next Door, (ss) The Sunday Strand February 1903
- * Long Stories of Real Life (with Gertrude Baillie Reynolds, M. E. Braddon, Tom Gallon, Mrs. Coulson Kernahan, Gabrielle M. V. Long, Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith, Katharine Tynan & Alice M. Williamson), (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) August 1910, as by Gertrude Baillie Reynolds, Marjorie Bowen, M. E. Braddon, Tom Gallon, Winifred Graham, Mrs. Coulson Kernahan, L. T. Meade, Katharine Tynan & Alice M. Williamson
- * The Lovable Miss Lingfield, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1902
- * Love in a Snowstorm, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1913
- * “Love is All”, (ss) The Premier Magazine #5, September 1914
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