The FictionMags Index
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Gilman, Charlotte (Anna) Perkins (Stetson) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Introducing the World, the Flesh and the Devil, (vi) The Forerunner November 1909
- * In Two Houses, (ss) The Forerunner July 1911
- * Is Childhood Happy?, (ar) The Forerunner May 1916
- * Is Health Worth Having?, (ar) The Forerunner August 1912
- * Is It So?, (pm) The Forerunner February 1916
- * Is It Wrong to Take Life?, (ar) The Forerunner October 1910
- * Is There a Double Standard in Filial Duty?, (ar) The Forerunner November 1912
- * Jitney, The Giant Killer, (ar) The Forerunner July 1915
- * Joan’s Defender, (ss) The Forerunner June 1916
- * The Journey, (vi) The Forerunner October 1911
- * The Jumping-Off Place, (ss) The Forerunner April 1911
- * Justice Instead of Sacrifice, (ar) The Forerunner October 1913
- * The Kingdom, (pm) The Forerunner May 1910
- * The Kitchen Fly, (ar) The Forerunner August 1910
- * Kitchen-Mindedness, (ar) The Forerunner February 1910
- * Knowing Too Much, (pm) The Forerunner July 1911
- * The Lady and the Lodger, (ss) The Forerunner September 1913
- * The Lady Oyster, (vi) The Forerunner May 1912
- * The Larger Country, (pm) The Forerunner March 1915
- * The Larger Love, (pm) The Forerunner December 1914
- * Leaders, (pm) The Forerunner August 1911
- * Lessons. I, (vi) The Forerunner October 1912
- * Let Sleeping Forefathers Lie, (ar) The Forerunner October 1915
- * Letters from Subscribers, (ms) The Forerunner December 1910
- * Let Us Go Free, (pm) The Forerunner March 1913
- * Life and Death, (pm) The Forerunner February 1911
- * Life Everlasting, (pm) The Forerunner June 1914
- * Limiting Life, (pm) The Forerunner August 1914
- * A Little Garden in the Sea, (pm) The Forerunner August 1913
- * Little Gods, (pm) The Forerunner May 1913
- * Little Leafy Brothers, (pm) The Conservator August 1908
- * The Little White Animals, (pm) The Conservator
- * Living and the Social Leader, (ar) The Forerunner February 1911
- * Locked Inside, (pm) The Forerunner January 1910
- * Looking Across, (pm) The Forerunner December 1915
- * Looking and Seeing, (ms) The Forerunner December 1911
- * Lost Women, (ss) The Forerunner November 1912
- * Love, (pm) The Forerunner December 1909
- * Lovely Pie, (vi) The Forerunner May 1911
- * The Love of Human Kind, (pm) The Forerunner December 1913
- * Love’s Highest, (pm) The Forerunner December 1910
- * Lowney’s, (ms) The Forerunner November 1909
- * Mag—Majorie, (n.) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1912
- * Maidstone Comfort, (ss) The Forerunner September 1912
- * Making a Change, (ss) The Forerunner December 1911
- The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings, Bantam, 1989
- Herland and Selected Stories, Penguin/Signet, 1992
- The Yellow Wall-paper and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, 1995
- Herland, The Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings, Penguin US, 1999
- * Making a Living, (ss) The Forerunner June 1910
- * The Malingerer, (pm) The Forerunner June 1910
- * The Man-Made World: Our Androcentric Culture, (ex) 1911
- * Manners on a Vacation, (ar) The Forerunner August 1916
- * Many Windows, (pm) The Forerunner November 1910
- * A March for Women, (pm) The Forerunner October 1913
- * Martha’s Mother, (ss) The Forerunner April 1910
- * Mary Button’s Principles, (ss) The Forerunner July 1912
- * Masculism at Its Worst, (ar) The Forerunner October 1914
- * The Master of the Sunset, (ss) The Forerunner October 1915
- * Maternity Benefits and Reformers, (ar) The Forerunner March 1916
- * Matriatism, (pm) The Forerunner November 1914
- * May Leaves, (pm) The Forerunner June 1910
- * The Melancholy Rabbit, (pm) The Forerunner January 1910
- * A Middle-Aged Charmer, (ss) The Forerunner November 1915
- * A Middle-Sized Artist, (ss) The Forerunner March 1910
- * The Milkman and the Public, (ar) The Forerunner November 1916
- * Milk, Motherhood and Morality, (ar) The Forerunner April 1913
- * Mind Cleaning, (ar) The Forerunner January 1912
- * Minimum Wage and Maximum Price, (ar) The Forerunner October 1913
- * A Minimum Wage and Other Things, (ar) The Forerunner May 1913
- * The Minor Birds, (pm) The Forerunner March 1910
- * A Mischievous Rudiment, (ss) The Forerunner January 1912
- * The Misleading of Pendleton Oaks, (ss) Impress October 6 1894
- * Miss Tarbell’s “The Homeless Daughter”, (ar) The Forerunner May 1912 [Ref. Ida M. Tarbell]
- * Miss Tarbell’s Third Paper, (ar) The Forerunner April 1912 [Ref. Ida M. Tarbell]
- * Miss Tarbell’s “Uneasy Woman”, (ar) The Forerunner February 1912 [Ref. Ida M. Tarbell]
- * Mr. Peeble’s Heart, (ss) The Forerunner September 1914
- * Mr. Robert Grey Sr., (ss) The Forerunner September 1910
- * The Model Home, (ar) The Forerunner December 1913
- * Monarchy and Democracy, (ms) The Forerunner August 1912
- * A Moonrise, (pm) 1893
- * Moore’s Fountain Pen, (ms) The Forerunner November 1909
- * Morals and Politics, (ms) The Forerunner January 1913
- * More Females of the Species, (pm) The Forerunner December 1911
- * More Social Use of Schoolhouses, (ms) The Forerunner May 1913
- * More than Peace, (pm) The Forerunner February 1915
- * Morning Devotions, (ms) The Forerunner September 1912
- * Mothers and Mothers, (ar) The Forerunner January 1916
- * Mother’s Coming, (vi) The Forerunner November 1911
- * The Mother’s Prayer, (ss) The Forerunner June 1913
- * Mother to Child, (pm) The Forerunner June 1913
- * Mourning and Who Wears It, (ar) The Forerunner March 1914
- * The Movies and the Audience, (ar) The Forerunner July 1916
- * Moving, (pm) The Forerunner September 1912
- * A Moving Faith, (ar) The Forerunner October 1912
- * Moving the Mountain, (n.) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1911
- * Mrs. Beazley’s Deeds, (ss) Woman’s World (UK) March 27 1911
- The Forerunner September 1916
- Herland and Selected Stories, Penguin/Signet, 1992
- Rediscoveries: American Short Stories by Women: 1800-1916 ed. Barbara H. Solomon, Mentor, 1994
- Herland, The Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings, Penguin US, 1999
- The Haves and Have-Nots ed. Barbara H. Solomon, Signet, 1999
- * Mrs. Dwight’s Future, (ss) The Forerunner January 1915
- * Mrs. Elder’s Idea, (ss) The Forerunner February 1912
- * Mrs. Hines’ Money, (ss) The Forerunner April 1913
- * Mrs. Mann’s Clothes, (ss) The Forerunner May 1914
- * Mrs. Merrill’s Duties, (ss) The Forerunner March 1915
- * Mrs. Noah, (pm) The Forerunner October 1911
- * Mrs. Potter and the Clay Club, (ss) The Forerunner February 1911
- * Mrs. Powers’ Duty, (ss) The Forerunner October 1913
- * Murder on Wheels, (ar) The Forerunner June 1916
- * My Ancestors, (ss) The Forerunner March 1913
- * My Astonishing Dodo, (ss) The Forerunner November 1910
- * My Mother, Right or Wrong, (ar) The Forerunner February 1915
- * My Poor Aunt, (ss) Kate Field’s Washington January 7 1891
- * Names—Especially Women’s, (ar) The Forerunner October 1911
- * The Nation, (pm) The Cosmopolitan November 1892, as by Charlotte Perkins Stetson
- * The National Woman’s Party, (ar) The Forerunner August 1916
- * Naughty, (vi) The Forerunner March 1910
- * The Need of Prayer, (ar) The Forerunner August 1912
- * The “Nervous Breakdown” of Women, (ar) The Forerunner August 1916
- * Neutrality and Interference, (ms) The Forerunner December 1914
- * A New Association, (ar) The Forerunner November 1915
- * The New Faith, (ar) The Forerunner April 1912
- * The New Immortality, (ar) The Forerunner March 1912
- * A New Impulse in the Women’s Movement, (ar) The Forerunner December 1914
- * The New Motherhood, (ar) The Forerunner December 1910
- * The New Mothers of a New World, (ar) The Forerunner June 1913
- * The New Party, (ms) The Forerunner September 1912
- * The New Sovereignty, (pm) The Forerunner June 1915
- * Newspaper “Pogroms”, (ar) The Forerunner February 1915
- * Newspapers and Democracy, (ar) The Forerunner Nov, Dec 1916
- * The New Vision, (ar) The Forerunner November 1912
- * “N.G.”, (ms) The Forerunner June 1911
- * The “Noble” Animals, (ar) The Forerunner May 1914
- * Noise as an Offense, (ms) The Forerunner February 1913
- * The Normal Social Group To-day, (ar) The Forerunner July 1913
- * Now Comes Mary, (pm) The Forerunner March 1914
- * The Nun in the Kitchen, (ar) The Forerunner December 1910
- * Nursery-Mindedness, (ar) The Forerunner April 1910
- * An Obstacle, (pm) 1890
- * Obstacles to Suffrage by States, (ar) The Forerunner August 1916
- * An Obvious Blessing, (ar) The Forerunner December 1909
- * Ode to a Fool, (pm) The Forerunner February 1910
- * Ode to the Cook, (pm) The Forerunner August 1915
- * O Faithful Clay!, (pm) The Forerunner July 1910
- * Of All Large Lies, (pm) The Forerunner January 1913
- * An Offender, (ss) The Forerunner February 1910
- * O Heavenly World!, (pm) The Forerunner June 1913
- * Oh, This Christmas!, (pm) The Forerunner December 1912
- * “The Oldest Profession in the World”, (ar) The Forerunner March 1913
- * Old Mrs. Crosley, (ss) The Forerunner November 1911
- * Old Religions and New Hopes, (ar) The Forerunner February 1915
- * Old Water, (ss) The Forerunner October 1911
- * The Old Woman and the New Year, (vi) The Forerunner January 1911
- * On a Branch, (vi) The Forerunner February 1913
- * On Dogs, (ar) The Forerunner Jul, Aug 1911
- * One Effect of the War, (ms) The Forerunner March 1915
- * One Girl of Many, (pm) Alpha February 1 1884
- * On Ellen Key and the Woman Movement, (ar) The Forerunner February 1913 [Ref. Ellen Key]
- * One Way Out, (ss) Impress December 29 1894
- * Only an Hour, (vi) The Forerunner July 1910
- * The Only Hero, (vi) The Forerunner August 1911
- * Only Mine, (pm) The Forerunner October 1910
- * On the Pawtuxit, (pm) 1886
- * The Order of Duties, (ar) The Forerunner July 1912
- * O ’Tis Love, ’Tis Love, ’Tis Love That Makes the World Go Round, (pm) Woman’s Journal April 30 1904
- * Our Androcentric Culture; or, The Man-Made World, (nb) The Forerunner Nov, Dec 1909, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1910
- * Our Bound Volume as a Christmas Present, (ms) The Forerunner Oct, Nov 1910
- * Our Brains and What Ails Them, (nb) The Forerunner Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1912
- * Our Changing Virtues, (ar) The Forerunner February 1913
- * Our Coal, (ar) The Forerunner July 1914
- * Our First Necessity, (ar) The Forerunner September 1913
- * Our Hurrying Heretics, (ar) The Forerunner May 1913
- * Our Life, (pm) The Forerunner August 1911
- * Our Overworked Instincts, (ar) The Forerunner December 1910
- * Our Pain, (pm) The Forerunner February 1911
- * Our Sleeping Cars, (ar) The Forerunner September 1913
- * Our Trespasses, (pm) The Forerunner December 1911
- * Our Ugliness, (ar) The Forerunner July 1913
- * Our World, (pm) The Forerunner May 1915
- * “The Outer Reef!”, (pm) The Forerunner August 1910
- * Outlines Before Us, (ar) The Forerunner June 1915
- * Pacifists, Militarists and Money, (ar) The Forerunner September 1916
- * Pain and Sympathy, (ar) The Forerunner December 1914
- * Pain Measure, (ms) The Forerunner September 1913
- * Painting Via Literature, (ar) The Forerunner July 1916
- * “Pardoned”, (ms) The Forerunner August 1914
- * Parlor-Mindedness, (ar) The Forerunner March 1910
- * A Partnership, (ss) The Forerunner June 1914
- * The Passing of the Home in Great American Cities, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1904
- * Past, Present and Future, (ar) The Forerunner January 1911
- * Patriotism and Humanism, (ar) The Forerunner February 1916
- * Paws and Hoofs, (ms) The Forerunner July 1913
- * Peace in Three Pieces, (ar) The Forerunner October 1916
- * Peace to the World, (pm) The Forerunner March 1913
- * Pensions for “Mothers” and “Widows”, (ar) The Forerunner January 1914
- * The People, (pm) The Forerunner September 1916
- * Perhaps, (pm) The Forerunner March 1913
- * The Permanent Child, (vi) The Forerunner December 1910
- * “The Perpetuation of the Race”, (ar) The Forerunner July 1914
- * Personality and God, (ar) The Forerunner August 1911
- * A Personal Motive, (ss) The Forerunner May 1913
- * Personal Problems, (qa) The Forerunner Nov, Dec 1909, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1910
- * Perspective, (vi) The Forerunner January 1914
- * The Pet of an Angel, (vi) The Forerunner December 1911
- * The Pig of Gold, (ss) The Forerunner September 1915
- * Pigs, (pm) The Forerunner January 1912
- * The Pillory, (ar) The Forerunner December 1912
- * The Pious Engine, (vi) The Forerunner February 1912
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