The FictionMags Index
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Gluck, Harold (chron.) (continued)
* ___ An Indian Chief Speaks, (cl) Double Action Western July 1952
- * Recollections of a Police Chief, (ar)
- * The Red-Hot Corner, (ms) Super Sports September 1953
- * The Road Agents Try the Iron Horse, (ar) Famous Western December 1949
- * The Rustlers Meet Their Match, (ss) Famous Western June 1951
- * The Saga of Jack Williams, (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1952
- * Samuel Takes a Trip, (ar) Real Western Stories October 1954
- * Search and Seizure (from the notebook of our criminologist), (cl) Crack Detective Stories November 1948
- * Security for Boxers?, (ar) All Sports December 1950
- * She Cooked Her Victim!, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1951
- * Sheriff Baldy Figures It Out, (ss) Famous Western April 1950
- * Sir Galahad Wins!, (ss) All Sports April 1951
- * Siringo Shoots!, (ar) Famous Western January 1958
- * Space Law, (ar) Future Science Fiction #45, October 1959
- * Sports Shift, (cl) Ten Story Sports January 1954
- * Spotlight on Crime, (cl) Famous Detective Stories May, Nov 1952, May 1953
- * Spotlight on Crime, (cl) Smashing Detective Stories Jun, Sep, Dec 1952, Mar 1953, Dec 1954
- * Spotlight on Crime, (cl) Crime Story Magazine January 1953
* ___ Can You Spare a Coin—Sucker?, (cl) Famous Detective Stories June 1954
* ___ Crime Without Intent, (cl)
* ___ Detective Facts and Foibles, (cl) Famous Detective Stories August 1953
* ___ The Extra Corpse, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951
* ___ He Cured His Friend with Poison!, (cl) Famous Detective Stories December 1954
* ___ The Inefficient Pirates, (cl) Famous Detective Stories November 1953
* ___ The Modern Science of Thief-Taking-A Century Ago, (cl) Smashing Detective Stories March 1955
* ___ Purely Poison, (cl) Famous Detective Stories August 1954
* ___ Recollections of a Police Chief, (cl)
* ___ “What Was Ben’s Crime?”, (cl) Famous Detective Stories August 1952
* ___ When the Terror Struck London, (cl) Famous Detective Stories February 1953
- * The Stagecoach Shooting, (pz) Famous Western December 1956
- * Stay Away from Poison—and Married Men, (ar) Today’s Love Stories August 1955
- * Stolen Silks, (qz) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #8, Fall 1957
- * Strike at the Ophir!, (ar) Ace-High Western Stories September 1949
- * The Talking Horse, (ss) Real Western Stories December 1955
- * The Taming of a Western Bully, (ar) Western Action February 1953
- * Tell-Tales Marks, (ms) Smashing Detective Stories December 1951
- * The Tennis Coach Talks, (ar) Super Sports June 1953
- * Tennis Tips, (ar) All Sports September 1951
- * Texana, (ss) Double Action Western February 1957
- * The Thief Plays Chess, (ar) Double Action Western January 1952
- * Thoughts on American Indian Day, (ar) Western Action October 1953
- * Thoughts on the Indian Problem, (ar) Real Western Stories February 1955
- * Tight Place for a Trapper, (ss) Double Action Western November 1953
- * Tire Tracks, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #9, Winter 1957/1958
- * Tough Texas Lawman, (ar) Texas Western July 1953
- * The Trader Beats the Gambler, (ts) Giant Western December 1951
- * The Trading Post, (cl) Western Action Nov 1955, Mar, May, Nov 1956
* ___ Bear Buscoe, Strong Man, (cl) Western Action January 1956
* ___ California or Bust!, (cl) Western Action April 1955
* ___ Dial 601 for Vigilantes, (cl) Western Action April 1953
* ___ Meet Bear Bruscoe, (cl) Western Action June 1955
* ___ Meet Big Boy Blackbird, (cl) Western Action June 1953
* ___ Only One Man of the West, (cl) Western Action November 1957
* ___ Range War, (cl) Western Action August 1954
* ___ The Taming of a Western Bully, (cl) Western Action February 1953
* ___ Wild Bill Wins—Without a Fight, (cl) Western Action August 1952
- * Trail and Saddle, (cl) Action-Packed Western Jul, Nov 1954, Jul, Nov 1955, Jan 1956
* ___ How “Daniel Boone Escapes”, (cl) Action-Packed Western September 1954
* ___ Kit Carson Remembers, (cl) Action-Packed Western January 1955
- * Trap the Man Down, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1949
- * Underwater Spear-Fishing, (ar) Sports Winners April 1952
- * Want a Gun?, (ar) Western Action February 1955
- * The War Against the Rustlers, (ar) Western Action January 1960
- * Warrior Woman, (ar) Real Western Romances July 1953
- * The West As It Was, (cl) Real Western Romances Apr 1953, Jan, Sep, Nov 1954
* ___ The Gal Saw the West, (cl) Real Western Romances March 1954
* ___ A Little Pawnee, (cl) Real Western Romances January 1953
* ___ Warrior Woman, (cl) Real Western Romances July 1953
- * Western Justice, (ar) Western Action October 1952
- * A Western Love Duel, (ar) Real Western Romances May 1956
- * The Western Story That Happened, (ar) Double Action Western May 1954
- * Western Test, (qz) Double Action Western June 1957
- * Western Trader, (ar) Real Western Stories June 1956
- * Western Washings, (ar) West March 1952
- * Western Wives Wanted, (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1952
- * Westward Bound, (ar) Western Action December 1953
- * What a Clue Can Do, (ar) Crack Detective Stories January 1949
- * What Makes a Crime?, (ar) The Shadow October 1943
- * What’s Your Verdict?, (ms) Ten Detective Aces November 1948
- * “What Was Ben’s Crime?”, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1952
- * When the Spectator Gets Socked, (ar) Sports Fiction June 1950
- * When the Terror Struck London, (ar) Famous Detective Stories February 1953
- * Who Shot Jack Robbins?, (ar) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #16, May 1959
- * Wild and Wooley—Will Hale!, (ar) Famous Western December 1959
- * Wild Bill Hickok, (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1953
- * Wild Bill Wins—Without a Fight, (ar) Western Action August 1952
- * Will Television Eat Up Sports?, (ar) Ten Story Sports April 1956
- * The Wooden Indian Gets Shot, (ms) Real Western Romances May 1954
- * XIT, (ar) Double Action Western September 1955
- * “X” Marked His Name, (ts) Real Western Stories February 1952
- * Yellowstone Kelly, (ar) Ranch Romances 1st November 1951
- * You Be the Judge, (ar) The Shadow May 1943
[]Gluck, Sinclair; [born Jasper Sinclair Gluck] (1887-1956) (about) (chron.)
- * Aboard the Millicent, (ss) Mystery Magazine March 1927
- * Before Sailing Time, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1933
- * The Blind Fury, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly May 31, Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28 1930
- * Burma Bridgehead, (nv) Short Stories October 25 1941
- * The Chinese Navy, (nv) Short Stories June 10 1942
- * The Deeper Scar, (na) Dodd, Mead, 1927
- * Double for Danger, (nv) Black Mask September 1935
- * The Dragon in Harness [Jack Clayton], (n.) Complete Novel Magazine December 1925
- * The Dreaming Death [Dan Brice], (nv) Argosy October 2 1937
- * Fire Trap, (nv) Clues Detective Stories December 1937
- * For Services Rendered, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1914
- * Freedom Island, (na) The Grand Magazine February 1934
- * The Green Blot, (sl) Short Stories Jan 10, Jan 25 1925
- Grit Story Section #1617 Jan 10, #1619 Jan 24, #1620 Jan 31, #1621 Feb 7, #1622 Feb 14, #1623 Feb 21, #1624 Feb 28, #1625 Mar 7 1926
- The Pathfinder Jan 1, Jan 15, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 26, Mar 5 1927
- * He Knew the Country, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1930
- * Help Yourself, (ss) Romance October 1923
- * Her Conquest, (ss) The London Magazine March 1915
- * Honorable Mr. Death, (nv) Argosy February 15 1941
- * The House of the Missing [Jack Clayton], (sl) Saucy Stories Jul 15, Aug 1, Aug 15, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1, Oct 15 1922
- * Initial Steps [Leading the Blind], (ss) Ainslee’s August 1914
- * In Loco Parentis [Leading the Blind], (ss) Ainslee’s July 1914
- * Leading the Blind [Leading the Blind], (ss) Ainslee’s May 1914
- * Little Clay Feet and the Idolater, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1915
- * Little Green Buddha, (nv) Argosy July 10 1937
- * The Man in the Paris Cafe, (ss) Mystery May 1934
- * The Man Who Never Blundered, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17 1928
- * The Mask of Minus X, (n.) Mills & Boon, 1933, as "Minus X"
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy April 30 1932
- * Minus X, (n.) Mills & Boon, 1933
- * Mirage, (nv) Pictorial Review February 1926
- * No Ticket to Nippon, (na) Argosy August 23 1941
- * Pearls [Dan Brice], (nv) Argosy November 6 1937
- * “Please, Mr. Buskin!”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 28 1942
- * The Purring Cat, (nv) Argosy January 20 1940
- * Red Emeralds, (sl) Argosy Apr 2, Apr 9, Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7 1932
- * Redouble-Cross in Hollywood, (nv) Mystery Stories #9, 1937
- * Red Sky Over China, (nv) Argosy July 16 1938
- * Secrecy, (nv) Argosy June 16 1934
- * The Silver Spoon, (ss) Romance April 1923
- * Skies on Fire, (n.) Argosy June 14 1941
- * Somewhat Drastic Measures [Leading the Blind], (ss) Ainslee’s June 1914
- * Thieves’ Honor, (sl) Flynn’s Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15, Nov 22, Nov 29, Dec 6 1924
- * To Kill a Snake, (nv) Argosy July 16 1938, as "Red Sky Over China"
- * Try Your Luck, (nv) Mystery Magazine January 1927
- * The White Flower, (nv) Argosy May 29 1937
- * The Wildcat, (sl) Short Stories Jan 10, Jan 25, Feb 10, Feb 25 1932
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